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Chapter 1062 each has its own careful thoughts

 The arms that the black-haired girls were trying to wave stiffened, and then they slowly let them go.

They looked back at the undead commander with an extremely ugly face.

"If you don't have anything else to do, then we can go directly to Xueluo Island?

Finish the fight early and finish things early! The longer the time goes on, the more people will want to grab things from you, right?

Or do you just want to fight with the Amn behind the Vampire Duchess?


Fighting a national war is not a big deal to us.

That’s right, the price has to be calculated separately!

In particular, there must be a price list to determine how far the fight will go, whether to fight back or to destroy the country.

We can guarantee that with our planning power recognized by Shar and our verbal ability recognized by Ransander:

We will never let the responsibility for starting a war be thrown on you or us!

But if the war is caused to help you, we will not fight in the name of Aglaia!

What does mercenary mean? Those of you from aristocratic backgrounds don’t understand, right?

We are just auxiliaries... If Amn has to have someone to blame, it should be Quesen Tower!

Who started it, who is responsible, or are you planning to give the treasure to us Trasil elves?

If not...then...could you please give me a definite answer?

If it's just Xueluo Island, then we'll set off directly and go back as soon as possible.

If it were Amn..."

He turned around and snapped his fingers, and someone quickly handed him a piece of beautifully crafted parchment behind him, "This is the employment price related to our national war. Please pay the difference!"

'Xueyunfeng' didn't think these girls wanted to walk so slowly and complicatedly at first. In fact, they thought they wanted to confuse Manx, who was definitely following behind.

But if it's to find followers...then there's no need to go through such trouble.

Why does he have to wait until tomorrow when the journey can be reached in half a day?

Even if he could get to Xueluo Island in the middle of the night, he would definitely not just land on the island and fight... When did he, the old snow dog, become so brave when he went to find trouble with vampires in the middle of the night?

After hugging his chest and shooting quickly in the most unkind tone, looking at the livid faces of those women, Xue Laogou felt a little relieved.

'Xue Yunfeng' felt that he was too polite to these female mages of Quesen Tower... and made them regard his politeness as a blessing!

It's time for them to see how the undead cooperate with outsiders... Damn, he missed Eunuch Lu a little!

This kind of woman who is looking for trouble when she has nothing to do should see what it is like to be a big eunuch!

When he found out that he had to immerse himself in planning how fast he should arrive at Xueluo Island after circling the island, and how to prevent being attacked if he had to arrive in the middle of the night. Should he try to arrive before midnight to take advantage of it?

After the long series of big troubles such as the CD time of oil paintings turned out to be such trivial and bullshit reasons, 'Xue Yunfeng' became completely angry!

Alas! He was so happy working with Edna that he had forgotten that Toril people, especially those from noble backgrounds, were not all Edna's easy-going and highly cooperative type.


No, it should be said that people like Edna are rare types.

Most people are probably like this... Although they are not bad people, they have too many small thoughts. While relying on them, they also do some little tricks that are useless except for self-comfort... It will really make people feel irritated when they cooperate.

Is it possible that they think they have a sharp eye and can clearly see the good and bad of human nature?

Who do they think they are when they can't do things even gods can do?

Mystra still trusts Kelben! Savras is still her adviser!

These days, who can dare to say that they have bright eyes and are neither short-sighted nor dull?

Or do they think that those half-giants suppressed by the undead will learn to work honestly when the undead mission is over and they leave?

Cyric once asked Midnight and Kelemvor to suppress him! What was the final result?

The result of the total annihilation of both male and female has not yet dawned on these Toril people... Once character is gone, it is impossible to cultivate it!


The fool really has no cure.

‘Xueyunfeng’ looked at the slightly panicked women on the bow of the ship gathering together to discuss with cold eyes... The next time Selune issues such a mission, he will not accept it unless the price is doubled!

He was really dazzled by the money... He should have thought earlier that the price of a task that was more satisfying than Hill's money must be huge.

The female mages of Quesen Tower did not give up. They gathered together to discuss for a while, then took off the gold armbands from their hands, then put on blue hats of different styles, and even took off their robes directly.

, revealing the red gauze skirt underneath.

Rouge seems to have achieved a certain status during this time.

At the beginning, they had to argue for a long time before they could decide the winner and let someone speak on their behalf, but now, Yan Zhihen has become their spokesperson after the outcome of the discussion.

She walked over slowly and showed a charming smile to 'Xueyunfeng'... The rouge mole above her lips was really impressive.

"I'm sorry, the leader of the Trasil elves..."

"Please call me 'Snow Cloud Peak' directly, or call me Commander. We Trasil elves do not have a privileged class...this noble lady."

"Ah... I'm sorry, our Quesen Tower is not very familiar with the elves in the outside world. So, Mr. Conductor, is this... okay?" She softly raised her voice slightly at the end, and the tail tone was also slightly longer.


The gentle voice that was originally a little hoarse was like a gentle brush at this moment, gently scratching the ears of everyone who heard it.

‘Xueyunfeng’ frowned: “Can you just talk about the business directly?

We have only one rule here: either give money or leave!

Judging from your posture, it doesn't look like you are on your way!

Didn’t you see the price list? Which one do you plan to get?"

He glared at the rouge mark that looked at him in confusion with an astonishing aura: "It is absolutely impossible to refuse to pay!"

The anger in Yan Zhihen's eyes almost burst out, and she said word by word: "Don't worry! What if! The treasures of Xueluo Island really lead the Amn Navy out! As long as! Pass! Responsibility! to them!"

We must pay according to the highest standards of national war!"

'Xue Yunfeng' stretched his hand behind his back, and the undead man who had been standing behind him quickly slapped a document into his palm: "Verbal promises are bullshit!

This is the supplementary agreement we have prepared! Each of you must sign or fingerprint it!"

Yan Zhihen snatched the document with his hands, rolled his eyes at 'Xueyunfeng', and then swayed back to his friends. Amidst a burst of inexplicable laughter, he said sternly: "What are you laughing at? Change it."

You are not the same!

Take a look quickly and sign if you have any questions!"

The girls of Quesen Tower signed their names happily while looking at the lunatic in "Xueyun Peak"... They would never give up such a good opportunity to find more guards for themselves who could stand in front of them!

There is something wrong with the camp. The Northlanders and half-giants who dare not appear in front of the undead can't do anything about it. Then aren't there the followers of the Earth Goddess, the Floks?

Although they did not want to involve the followers of Shantia, including the druids, at first, if there is no other choice, these Flock people still have their value.

At least when dealing with Snowfall Island, Queen Alicia's citizens will definitely be willing to kill the invading Amn vampires for Cowell.

If they were at the forefront, what excuse could Amm make?

Because our vampires appeared in your territory and were killed by you as enemies, so we want nationwide revenge?


If it were the divided Cowell 100 years ago, this kind of thing might still happen.

But now the Moon Shadow Islands are still a complete country on the surface, and Mother Earth has returned to the mainstream belief... No matter how greedy she is, the neighbors next door can only harass her secretly.

But in this case, their treasures must be shared with the queen... They have no doubt that the queen who had the courage to cut off the head of her fallen sister when she was a teenager and ruled the Moon Shadow Islands for 100 years,

You will be kind enough not to plug your eyes and ears with them.

But this is what they have to do.

The undead are indeed very powerful, but the girls of Quesenta know very well that these Trasil elves cannot do everything for them, especially when they start killing each other.

And they don't feel that their future path will still be so upright... Standing on the bow of the ship, they showed beautiful but well-understood smiles to their companions standing nearby... There can only be one person who is not Mystra


Even if they don't think they must be the winner, who wouldn't want to become a powerful magic goddess if given the chance?

They won't be like that midnight lady who would risk her life for so-called self-esteem!

"Ah! Did she use several of Suni's attraction-enhancing spells just now?" Selune asked, tilting her head.

"Who are you asking?" Shar asked indifferently, "I never care about such innocuous things."

Ransander's bird-like face was also a little curious: "I know she is using magic, but what she is using, I can't tell."

Hill gently pressed his forehead... At times like this, his photographic memory was a bit... Anyway, he recognized them all.

However, he had no intention of explaining it to Selune in detail. He just took out a bowl of mango cream ice cream and silently lowered his head to eat it.

"Eh?" Lansander asked curiously, "Is this different from the smoothie last time?"

"Want one?"


Hill felt the curious gazes coming from the other two sides, and he drifted three times over happily... The topic of Suni's pink book can be brought to an end.


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