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Chapter 1067 Who was sent by the queen

 'Xueyunfeng' glanced at the halfling priest twice and took back the words that came to his lips... This guy Mobi is stupid. When he said that, did he really want to know why the alchemist didn't choose Manx?


People who have some self-awareness will not go to that person to recommend themselves, right?

He hoped to deduce from Ellie's words whether this unknown Sheik was the person sent by Queen Amelia.

The Queen will definitely send someone here... I would be nervous if there was a fight in front of my house, let alone if it was a fight in my back garden.

But when it comes is different.

Especially, if no one comes out in front, just to wait for this person who may be sent by the queen, they have to be more prepared.

That proves that she is an absolute hardliner, and she might find a way to siphon off all the money after they finish fighting the vampires.

To be able to be the ruler of such a large territory, it is impossible not to have high-level combat power behind him. Besides, what if the Mother of the Earth wants to take action?

'Xue Yunfeng' sighed silently... maybe it was because he shared the unfortunate incident of taking the ink pen with the halfling, which angered the proud young man.

The ink pen is obviously quite shrewd in these aspects, but he probably didn't think twice and just opened his mouth to criticize him.

It would be nice if Baldhead was here... Old Snow Dog sighed again, that guy had endured more beatings, was very flexible in his behavior and work, and knew how to cooperate with him.

Unfortunately, the time has passed and cannot be mentioned again.

'Xue Yunfeng' felt that if he said a few more words, this halfling priest who looked like a frightened bird would jump up and run away.

Anyway, the deposit has been paid...their reputation as an undead tribe is pretty good.

After all, their main god is a bit too rule-abiding and will not allow them to betray their faith and accept money without working.

'Xueyunfeng' tilted his head and thought for a while... If William were replaced by a god from Toril, even if it was Lansander and Tyr who had a pleasant communication with them... he couldn't help but let out a 'tsk'

, forget it, he really can’t enjoy that blessing.

So, let’s continue to follow the rules!

Ellie poked her head and looked for a while, then suddenly pointed at a huge figure on the shore and shouted in surprise: "Nick Nack!"

She suddenly turned her head and looked at 'Xueyun Peak': "Although he is a two-headed giant, Nicknack is a druid~ He is definitely not an evil giant!

He’s good friends with a lot of halflings!”

'Xueyunfeng' looked at the strange two-headed giant riding an elephant on the shore in confusion: Although he wore different headdresses and different hairstyles, his two heads looked almost exactly the same.

At about 3.5 meters tall, he should be considered a dwarf among giants, but he is still very strong.

His skin is rose pink, his nails are neatly manicured, and he wears brown druid robes.

On the right head, he wears a silver camp reversal helmet, which is shaped like a dragon's skull. On the left head, he wears an insight gem, which looks like a human fist.

of emerald, set in a golden headband.

A pair of giant scimitars were slung behind his back.

‘Xueyun Peak’ did not say a word... Unless the two-headed giant passed the camp detection on the magic ship, he would not believe the words of the halfling priest.

Although their camp detection had to become more flexible after coming to Toril, the bottom line is still much higher than what is common here in Toril.

It was absolutely impossible for him to believe that a two-headed giant was neutral just by hearing a few words from a halfling.

Even an evil giant might have a good attitude toward halflings! The more he eats, the more he likes the cook, right?

Huh? The group of female mages from Quesen Tower actually gave up their conversation with the alchemist and waved to the two-headed giant?

It seems that this chubby two-headed giant is quite famous. At least the mages at Quesen Tower know his identity.

'Xueyunfeng' turned around and looked at 'Mobi Fanchen'... This time, the space-time warlock finally reacted correctly and buried his head in the tablet and started to look up the information.

The two-headed giant standing on the shore drove his elephant mount towards the magic ship... The elephant did not look like a natural creature. There was a faint light under his feet and he ran very fast directly on the waves.

"Hello!" The two-headed giant who rushed to the magic ship waved his hand, turning a blind eye to the yellow light surrounding him, and said angrily, "Have I passed the test? Can I get on the ship?"

The black-haired female mages looked in the direction of 'Xueyun Peak', looked at each other a few more times, and finally pushed Rouge Hen out again.

Since you are in the spotlight, you naturally have to take responsibility...it is not that easy to be a spokesperson.

Rouge Hen could only grit his teeth and walk a few steps towards the 'Xueyun Peak': "Can our confirmed followers get on the ship?"

"Of course, employers give priority." 'Xue Yunfeng' said without blinking.

"Really?" Rouge Hen clapped his hands in surprise, "Then... what if there is something wrong with the camp? We... Quesen Tower, most of the followers come from the arena, it's hard to have a few...

It can be maintained above neutral!"

"That's your freedom!" 'Xueyunfeng' laughed, "Why do we meddle in so many other things!"

Yan Zhihen smiled swayingly and put a hand gently on her mouth: "In that case..."

"The camp detection on the magic ship will not be turned off! This is our home, and the guests we invite should naturally follow our wishes." 'Xueyunfeng' interrupted her crisply, "You can let yourself have some problems.

If you are a follower, you can drive your own boat, and the boat is not expensive, right?"

Yan Zhihen put down her hand stiffly. She looked at the 'Xueyun Peak' steadily, suddenly rolled her eyes at him, turned around and walked quickly back to the bow of the ship.

Behind ‘Xue Yunfeng’, ‘Mo Bi Chen Xin’ couldn’t help laughing.

Ellie looked left and right, and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Did you do it on purpose? Don't you like her speaking in that special Shuni way?"

‘Xueyunfeng’ looked at the halfling priest inexplicably: “Is there any problem with my words?

I'm already very polite!

If an undead said such boring things to me, I would just tell her to stop talking nonsense and go away.

Because we are foreign guests, I specially organized some normal language!"

Ellie's big, watery eyes that are unique to halflings suddenly widened: She couldn't understand that those words just now were actually polite?

She suddenly understood why the Hokuriku people, who were determined to fight to the death, retreated when facing the undead!

Those Hokuriku people who regard adventure and fighting as their life are definitely not afraid of death, but they certainly don’t want to be pissed to death.

Although Ellie found it very interesting and wanted to watch it for a while, as the magic ship was about to leave the area of ​​Alalon Island, she could only say goodbye quickly: Halflings have always been poor, and it would be great to have a coastal speedboat.

No matter how far they go, they won't be able to go back.

The slowest speed of this ship is also slightly faster than their fastest ship.

Anyway, with the fighting power of the undead, Ellie didn't think that the vampire from Snowfall Island could resist for long... She ran away before she even got wind of it. Ellie admired the duchess's determination.

Knowing that the artifact would definitely be able to return home, Ellie happily said goodbye to the undead and returned to her boat to go home.

At the same time, the huge two-headed giant Nicknack also climbed up the tall magic ship hard and slowly on the back of the elephant.

He patted his thick chest: "Ah! This ship is so majestic! Thank you for your help, Raj."

Then he turned his elephant mount into a statue and stuffed it into the secret pocket on his chest.

'Xueyunfeng' thought for a while and chose to wait and see for the time being... After all, the other party came for the black-haired female mages.

Observe him for a while first... If this two-headed giant is still alive after this mission is completed, then look at his recent performance before considering whether to deal with him.

'Mobi Fanchen' whispered behind him: "I gave you the information, he is quite famous."

'Xueyunfeng' lowered his head and glanced: "Tsk, tsk, the dragon-slaying giant! When he entered human society, he was already a druid. No wonder the camp is so strong and the yellow color is so brilliant."

He turned around and walked into the cabin, not intending to continue observing the adventurers who were increasing in number as the two-headed giant appeared.

He was not surprised that even though he knew how miserable the former attendants of these black-haired girls had died, there were still people like this who continued to work: there will never be fewer people who think money is more important than life, it is just a matter of high price and low price.

In their world of the undead, buying someone's life is a big price, after all, no one can survive.

But in Toril, a place where life is thinner than paper... anyone would work hard for a copper coin, let alone a treasure related to the gods?

The treasure on Snowfall Island must have been exposed... Manx probably spread the news everywhere after discovering that the female mages of Quesen Tower hired the undead, right?

But she probably didn't expect that these adventurers from Moon Shadow Island would rather choose to become followers of the Quesen Tower mages and get involved in the notorious meat grinder fate than confront the undead.

‘Xueyunfeng’ raised his neck proudly: This is the world they created! Hehe~

After settling down on the comfortable big sofa in the cabin, he asked with concern: "How is the fight on the bald side? Can Emboli still hold on?"

"No problem." An undead replied, "The seaweed was quite smart this time and didn't take the initiative to rush out~

Maybe it's because the threat we gave her isn't that high?

Obviously when she saw Hill, she couldn't restrain her desire to take the initiative!"

"Maybe it's because Hill is so beautiful?" 'Xueyunfeng' said with a smile, "Don't Kelp hate beauties the most?"

He patted the tablet in his hand, looked at the endless stream of people boarding the ship, and said with a smile: "Come on, come on, buy it off, the alchemist and the two-headed giant, who is the witness sent by the queen?"


This is very obvious!”


Sex: Male

Race:Two-headed giant

Occupation: Philosopher


Language: Two-headed Giant, Orc, Common, Dryad

Alignment: Absolutely neutral

Former Alignments: Lawful Good and Chaotic Evil

Among his abilities as a druid, Nicknak ​​frequently uses spells such as: Befriend Animals, Divination, Detect Magic, Entanglement, Magic Berry, Locate Animals and Plants, and Animal Communication.

Nicknak ​​wanders Faerûn as a lone adventurer.

In one of his adventures, Nicknak ​​killed a red dragon. In the process of searching for the dragon's treasure, he accidentally put on a reverse camp helmet, which was closely related to the two-headed giant.

The unusual symmetry, together with the Insight Stone he held at the time, caused the two heads of the two-headed giant to have opposite camp tendencies. This split between good and evil almost drove Nicknack into madness, and when

The two-headed giant was wandering around in a forest when he was discovered by a druid named Garlan.

With the help of Garland, Nick Nak was able to re-find the balance between his two heads and began to shift towards a neutral alignment. The druid, sensing Nick Nak's wisdom and perception, continued to teach Nick

Principles of what the Nak Druids believed in, and how to read and write.

As his abilities as a druid and philosopher grew, Nicknak ​​converted to the faith of Silvanus. When his mentor died, the two-headed giant once again set out to wander Faerûn.



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