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Chapter 1110 Harmonious Meeting of the Chosen of the Gods

 Hill didn't want to know at all how the god Toril planned to deal with the Mulhorandian god system.

He had made up his mind to leave this troublesome place as soon as the door to the world opened.

If he hadn't been clearer this time...if Fran hadn't been there all the time, Hill would never have wanted anything he did to affect his grandfather who dreamed of traveling around the multiverse. Several times he

They couldn't help but want to take action.

Especially the time when Rose rushed to the edge of Aglaia City... In fact, as the Lord of Aglaia City, stepping in to stop the evil forces that were affecting his city was nothing.

But Hill gradually came to understand that once you become enemies with the evil forces of Toril...even if the other party strikes first, as long as you respond, there will be no end in sight.

It stands to reason that this kind of hatred and confrontation between the two sides will have little impact.

But, what if one time, when he was fighting, he hurt a passerby who had to rush into the battlefield for no reason and took a shortcut?

Similar situations occur in Toril's epic stories.

It's obviously a battlefield for fighting dragons. There isn't even a fly in a hundred miles, but a beautiful girl will appear and be beaten to a half-crimped state with one punch.

Maybe those heroes like this kind of happy life with ambition in my chest and beauty in my arms. Hill can't accept it... I really like the kind of peerless beauty who has no thoughts at all and basically makes it according to his own preferences. Hill

Isn’t it just a matter of having hands?

He has always been good at modeling, and when he uploads it to the Internet, people come to buy the data... That's from a neighboring trading company!

The puppet he created now can basically complete all the needs, and it will definitely not cause a lot of trouble behind him!

Hill thought about it and decided to retreat first. If there was anything he wanted to know, he could come back later.

At that time, the aura of Toril slowly clinging to him should be cleared away, and he would no longer be afraid that every stranger he met had a hook... The current Edna still made him very confident.

It won't be so easy for another magic network collapse incident to occur.

Unless ao plays God's Fall again.

If he hadn't had 10,000 years, he shouldn't be able to pull off that trick.

Gods are indeed great, but they are not so great that they can do such terrible things without paying any price.

As long as the relationship between William and Shar is still close, Hill feels that Toril is safe for the time being... He even thinks that Ao thinks the same way, so he simply throws away the Mulhorand pantheon that will only come out after a long time.

When it arrived in front of Edna, it happened to be picked up by her, and even Shar, who was always cautious, didn't notice it at all!

Looking at the future of Toril, there will be less internal fighting and less excitement... Then why not quickly find some external warfare to test the status of your family?

Anyway, that old guy just doesn't want Toril to have any peaceful life... What the hell is that calm thing?

It is true that every day is magnificent!

Hill looked steadily at the image on the giant screen:

The Holy Knight of Tire, the leader of the Knights of the Silver Shield, Thorne, was holding a thick mithril volume and registering it word by word. Next to him was Gendila, the electorate of the Lord of the Dawn, who was holding a seal and looking curiously at his writing.


A little further away, holding his arms and leaning against the floor-to-ceiling window, wearing a moonstone crown and a gorgeous long gown, Silver Archbishop Naneze was looking at him with a cold face. He was dressed extremely sexy, with long jet black hair hanging loose.

Iltmara in a black velvet figure-hugging gown with a high slit.

The chosen one of the Lady of the Night sat lightly on a high stool beside the long bar, seemingly enjoying a leisurely drink, but judging from her provocative eyes that glanced at the High Priest of the Moon Maiden from time to time, she

Maybe he was the one who started trouble first.

Tempus, the leader of the Tusk Regiment who had experienced hundreds of battles and carried an enchanted two-handed sword that seemed to be burning, was originally standing in the middle of the hall, but even he did not want to be in the sight of the two ladies.

Within the area, the leader, who was wearing a white robe outside the steel armor and an exquisite spiked iron glove, hesitated for a while and quickly joined Edna who was staying in the corner and carefully hiding behind the three dragons.

The black dragon brothers and the white dragon queen no longer care about each other's petty thoughts at this time. Rather than worrying about who gets more benefits, the most important thing is not to be involved in the battle between Shar and Selûne.

Currently, the only one who can still sit on the luxurious and comfortable sofa in the middle is Lynn of Aglaia.

Of course, he didn't react at all. Both Iltmara and Naneze deliberately bypassed the area where he was.

After all, they both knew that their main god was still a guest in someone else's home!

The reason why they behave so fiercely is of course to show their loyalty to their main god... But if this loyalty actually hurts the main god's face, isn't that asking for trouble?

As for Thorne and Gendilare, they don't care whether the two ladies next to them will fight. Anyway, they are not afraid of this kind of little trouble... Tempus is not actually worried about his life safety, but

According to the style of their main god, a battle in which the outcome cannot be determined must never occur.

Edna quietly looked out from the gaps between the wings of the three dragons, and occasionally looked at the strong Tempest man next to her with strange eyes.

"Hello, this beautiful lady, may I know your name?" After catching her gaze, the leader of the Fang Regiment stretched out his ungloved hand in front of her, "I am Lev Pa.

La. It’s such an honor to meet such a beautiful girl.”

"Edna." Edna thought for a while, but still only gave her single name.

"Ah, I really admire your name for a long time~ It's been such a hard journey for you." Lev said in a serious tone.

Edna laughed: "Although the luck is a bit weird, it's quite interesting. At least I think it's quite interesting."

Then she looked at the undead and teammates outside the door, and said sincerely: "It would be better if there were fewer casualties.

If I hadn’t lost my teammates from the beginning, maybe my life would have been a little happier.”

Lev blinked. Of course he could hear the carelessness in the words of the little girl in front of him... In other words, for this little girl who has attracted great attention from the major forces in Faerun, Quesenta wanted to win over her.

The idea basically failed.

She may still pay some attention to the remaining Quesenta mages, but that is due to the friendship between them, not because they are from Edna's biological father.

On the contrary, Lev smiled gently... Although he was over two meters tall and very strong, no matter how gentle he appeared, he still seemed a bit fierce... I guess in the country of Quesenta, I don't know where I am going now.

Bian left.

The multi-federal countries usually seem fine, but now they are holding them back... Even Edna's own father couldn't stop those Suni believers with Mystra's soul fragments from approaching their daughter.


He couldn't help but glance at the big ship parked far away on the cliff... and then quickly looked away.

What is wrong with the elves of Trasil? Why do they open the temple door on the edge of the cliff?

Every time he looked outside and saw the platform at the door, which was only three meters away from the cliff, Lev felt uncomfortable all over.

If someone accidentally fell, why not just roll down?

Wearing steel boots and a helmet, the tall northern man who was almost 2.8 meters tall really couldn't accept this distance.

He raised his eyes and looked at the elves outside the door who were leaning against the door and looking through the windows... They were still pushing each other!

Wouldn't an elbow send the person next to him flying directly to the bottom of the cliff?

Edna sensed his discomfort and asked briskly: "How about we go sit inside? Lynn should feel nothing."

In fact, she wasn't too worried that the two voters would hurt her when they fought... Even if Linn's treatment was better than hers, they were both members of Aglaia, so they couldn't fight together with her.

But Alvia felt that her area was too large and innocent people might be affected, so she stayed away from her friends.

Lev quickly shook his head: "Absolutely not, I'm not worried about them fighting."

He carefully lowered his voice: "I'm afraid that Gendilari will ask me who will win when the two of us fight.

You should remember from now on that the believers of the Lord of the Morning will always put a little extra pressure on you when you are in the most difficult time. Only when you can no longer survive will he be happy.

So, regardless of how friendly he usually is, it's meaningless.

When the time comes, he will never give up on you just for your usual smile."


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