Chapter 1136 Sorry, Grandfather

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 Hill really wanted to move.

Although he didn't know why Talos had such a strong sense of presence in the Trasil Warcraft Rebellion...even more powerful than the orc god Gruumsh, he didn't care much about it. As long as he knew the enemy's

As long as your identity is good, why care about who you are?

Now it seems that the spell plague has been advanced ten years, so for him, it may not be a bad thing.

Although Jean had always been prepared, he was caught off guard when he left at the original time of the incident: 1385 years ago in the Faerun calendar. But at this moment, he was given the best opportunity... to take revenge with his own hands.

Hill gently closed his eyes.

His love for Trasil may have become more and more profound with the awakening of the Earth Goddess, but Hill himself did not try his best to stop that attachment.

The hometown in my heart is already an out-of-reach dream.

But in Hill's nature, he still doesn't want to be a fallen leaf that can only drift away with the wind... He still hopes that he can have roots to return to.

He felt that the God of Time and Space and William should be like him.

There are indeed many uncomfortable places in the world of Trasil, but compared to other fantasy worlds, it is truly a rare pure land.

Especially after traveling to Toril once, Hill's sense of belonging to the World Tree God System has become very, very strong.

His two fair and slender palms gently held and then opened. The winter ring and the crystal flower ring both shone with a cold light, just like his mood at the moment.

He took out a few Ioun Stones from the pendant on his chest: two bright purple Ioin Stones, one with Absorption Magic written in it... Talos was used to intimidating the enemy with violent winds, rain, and thunder and lightning, which could be used to recharge his batteries.


One has the spell of freedom written into it.

As long as these two Iron Stones are there, Hill will basically not fall into a passive situation.

Unless some god can directly break the connection between him and the Iron Stone... There is only one demigod in Toril who can do this: one is AO, and the other is Mystra.

AO will never step in to stop Hill's revenge... After all, it can be heard from the conversation between Selune and Shar that the World Tree, the ancestor of the Hill family, has been watching here.

This is a great hatred that almost led to the destruction of the descendants of World Tree. Only AO would go crazy to stand up for Talos and Gruumsh.

As for Mystra, there is no need for Hill to worry.

If Edna suddenly awakens now and returns directly to the middle of the magic network, it won't be him who breaks Hill's network.

At that time, Talos will only be worried.

Of course Edna would not cut off other people's Internet casually, but no one could blame her for suddenly harassing an enemy who dared to collude secretly with her subordinates.

As long as the network is not permanently disconnected and Mystra acts a little willfully, AO can't say anything.

As for the stones that most mages like to enhance the power of spells, increase endurance, physical strength, and even strength and agility, they are completely useless to Hill.

He just quietly placed three rod-shaped silver ioun stones... to increase lightning resistance.

After all, he is probably going to rush into the thunderous sky to beat someone up, isn't he?

Although punching to the flesh may not seem like a mage's choice, it feels great just thinking about it!

After adjusting the crystal flower robe on her body, she shrunk the magic book surrounded by silver-blue halo and hung it on her waist, putting it together with the Talisman of Perfection. Hill stood up and said goodbye to the three gods politely: "Please

Forgive me, I may have to be away from you for a while.

If you need anything, please call Martha and she will serve you wholeheartedly."

"You..." Selune said blankly, "Are you going to find Talos?"

"I will not take action easily until I see the exact results." Hill replied calmly, " long as it is confirmed that Talos is one of the masterminds behind the tens of thousands of years of chaos in Trasil, I will definitely

Let’s settle this account with him!

What a great opportunity this is!

I thought I could only cheer for the gods of Trasil!

The taste of revenge with your own hands must be wonderful."

Hill firmly suppressed the words between his lips and tongue, and did not say it out... Thanks to Cyric's flash of inspiration, he really chose a good day.

"Ciel." Shar said softly with a bit of confusion in his eyes, "I'm not... excusing Toril, but Talos...

Although Talos was irritable and unreasonable in the past, he was not what he is now.

He started out tens of thousands of years ago, when he created a desert aspect in order to gain the power of faith from the Unther and Mulhorand pantheons after they left Toril, and it slowly became what it is now.

I...Although I feel that he has changed tremendously,...the male gods of the two gods are very arrogant and disdainful of women. I thought it was just that he devoured the divine power there and became

So annoying.

But...William told me what happened to Trasil.

That's definitely not something Talos can do...whether it's him before or now.

Personality may change due to some things, but the nature given by the priesthood will never.

Talos’s behavior... is like Selune turning into me one day and planning to destroy the world!”

Hill frowned thoughtfully: Was it ten thousand years ago again?

At that time, Gruumsh, the orc god, did enter Toril in large numbers for the first time... Did they have any contact at that time?

As for Shar's hint, Hill's first reaction was the main god of Mulhorand who was killed by Gruumsh.

The desert king of Talos does look a bit like him.

Judging from Seebek's performance, the Mulhorandian pantheon does have the ability to hide deep in the souls of gods that devour them, and devour them when they are not prepared.

However, Hill still couldn't believe that Talos, who was born during the battle between Shar and Selûne, and had powerful divine power from birth, would be so easily devoured by a foreign god and then contaminated by Gruumsh.

This is a bit too incredible.

Most importantly, how could the AO allow this?

He shook his head quietly. Anyway, that was the end of the matter, or they could find the evidence directly... Although Talos was very secretive in his work, it was obvious that there must be evidence left behind by the cooperation between the magicians on Amn and him.

The mages and warlocks in Toril who like to engage in biochemical research do not respect the gods very much. As long as they have the opportunity, they will not hesitate to cut the captured gods into pieces to explore the difference between gods and humans.

Until now, there are still some unyielding archmages who go to the place where Karsus fell from the sky before transforming into a lich, hoping to find some of the flesh and blood that still exists... Although it is very embarrassing to die, at least it is a timely death.

, he is a god.

Although many archmages would laugh at his stupidity, they were very interested in his body that had just transformed from human to god.

The mages raised in such an environment are the most extreme kind, no matter how many requests Talos makes to hide his identity.

The mages must have some methods that Talos could never think of to tell the newcomers his identity.

The more Talos wants to hide, the more they will try their best to leave clues... The evil gods of Toril have always turned their backs on each other, and they have nothing to rely on to threaten them. Who dares to cooperate with them easily?

Talos would not hesitate to reveal his identity and let Velshalon rescue the hunting master, Hill thought firmly, least show that he would save the guy at all costs, lest the other party say something he shouldn't say before he died.

the words said.

He glanced lightly at the south: The reason why 'Xueyun Peak' demanded that the hunting master be killed cleanly and neatly was because he wanted Talos to take a chance and wait until the end to show up?

Then, he must know where the true residence of the hunting master is.

Who gave him the news?

Although the Dark Night Apostles are well-informed, they really don't pay much attention to the Maura believers in this stinking swamp... Anyway, this guy's mission is to cause trouble for Shantia, and Shar doesn't care who he kills.


Forget it, he decided not to think about it for the time being.

Saying goodbye to the three gods again, Hill summoned the alien whale Purvi.

Fran has left the demiplane and is waiting for him in the magic tower.

The master alchemist frowned slightly and said firmly: "I'll go with you."

Hill hesitated.

"What?" Fran stared at him, with a bit of unkindness in his tone, "Do you think your grandfather is too old and no longer has the ability to fight?

Or do you think...I am already weak enough that I need your protection?"

Hill took a deep breath, knowing that it was impossible to stop Fran from joining the war.

He could only say with a little helplessness: "My...grandfather, the person we intercepted this time was just an incarnation of powerful divine power.

His true form is still outside Toril!

Unless my grandfather returns to Trasil directly after Toril is reopened, or simply follows me...otherwise, how can I trust you to go to other universes alone?

The god this time is obviously a guy who likes to stretch his hands everywhere!"

Fran laughed softly: "Am I afraid?"

He summoned his Ten Thousand Magic Ball: "Hill, you haven't seen my Ten Thousand Magic Ball since we met again, right?

Only after I left Trasil did I realize what kind of masterpiece my magical artifact was."


Hill sensitively grasped the key point, and immediately carefully observed the Wanfa ball, which was flashing with stripes of auras of different colors under the outer white light... Then he quickly felt that this artifact was different from the past.

Although the laws of each system are also available, Fran has begun to try to combine them... The laws of mutual reinforcement form a rainbow or a black hole in adjacent grids.

This artifact already has the capital to be a powerful artifact, but it just needs time to be sorted out.

Hill breathed out lightly and showed a rare well-behaved smile to his grandfather... He really hadn't been so well-behaved since he became an adult: "It's my fault, I still hold on to the memories of the past.

I actually forgot that my grandfather never stopped moving forward.

Sorry, grandpa."

This chapter has been completed!
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