Chapter 1253: Selna, the leader who deeply understands the essence of Bane

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 The eight sects of the Seer School fought back and forth, and in the end only one school of necromancy was left that was victorious.

Halua, who was even more divided than them, didn't know what would be left in the end.

But this is not something Hill needs to worry about.

Edna Mystra doesn't care either. The last thing the goddess of magic cares about is her followers.

Even if she returns to the Magic Network, she probably learned how Black Eyes dispersed her divine power to set up various Magic Network anchor points...Obviously it was to make the Magic Network safer, but in fact everyone knows what it is for.

Except for Mystril, none of the goddesses of magic have the great spirit to regard Toril as more important than their own lives.

The most important thing for Hill now is to find other movements between the deep and light green and the different concentrations of red on the giant screen.

"The last one to arrive must be the team from the Amn Navy." Shar gently reminded the three spectators who were staring at the giant screen, "They are used to group activities and are very good at using bombs. So they must have come all the way from the sea to the mountains.

Come crashing down on the ground.

Although the security level is relatively high, after all, Chult currently does not have any particularly strong combat power to cause trouble for them.

Utao is probably still hesitating. Unless these guys can really open those two doors, he will not easily tear apart the space and come in.

He doesn't have any divine power network that he can use to create incarnations. Once he uses the divine power he left in Chult, the movement will be the same as demolishing a house.

Therefore, he can only come in at the last moment."

The other one, who will create a crisis for this group of intruders, is currently looking for differences with his camera.

"There seem to be a few people in the lower left corner of the volcano." Hill whispered. Looking at Selune and Lansander who looked confused, he simply pointed with his finger.

Although they were wearing dark red clothes, they were still moving, so Hill still saw them.

"There was once a rumor that Corellon could directly see what Rose was doing in the Abyss from his own Kingdom of God... Now I suddenly feel that this may not be a legend..." Lansander was particularly surprised.

Said with emotion.

"Please just compliment me on my good eyesight." Hill couldn't bear it anymore. "This is not a legend, but a horror novel."

Why is Corellon looking at Rose? To see her soak all the non-human demons in her spider body, and then turn into a human and soak the demon lord in human form?

Is it possible that the person who spread this message is not Talos impersonated by Gruumsh?

Too immoral.

Ransander spread his wings and flapped his wings: "Oh, that's the only bad thing about smart people, they see everything too clearly."

So you know how vicious the content of this legend is, but you still use it as an adjective?

So if you want to fight Corellon, you can go directly to the Wilderness to find him!

Hill believed that the Elffather would be willing to satisfy Laxander's ambitions.

Shar stared at the giant screen for a while, and couldn't help but also glanced at Hill: "This is Cyric's person.

Maybe it was to guard against, so I gave up the power of shadow and used illusion.

If you hadn't pointed it out, I wouldn't have noticed it either.

I remember, Hill, you won't be confused by illusions, will you?"

Hill nodded and shook his head: "Only someone weaker than the Silver Moon Goddess Trasil can see through the illusion magic released by me.

I can't see Selune's moonlight illusion clearly."

Shar said calmly: "Ah, that's good.

It’s better than being blind.”

Selune didn't care that her dear sister was cursing her, but said seriously: "The cloaks they wear will change color~ I won't be able to see them if I don't pay attention."

Hill couldn't understand... After all, even Lansander's beady eyes could accurately identify the positions of those people after Hill pointed them out.

Shar saw Hill's confusion and whispered softly: "My dear sister, it's easy to get distracted by anything.

It's not that she couldn't see it, but she was looking at something else.

Then I am impatient. If I miss something, I will get impatient if I look for her again.

If she was the only one, she might just give up and not look for it."

Selune said unconvinced: "As long as we see the results, that's all."

Ransander made a rare rebuttal to Selune: "When you watch the game, is it possible that you only look at the end point and not the process?

The most exciting thing is in the middle!”

"It's exciting, but in the end you're the loser. What's the point?" Selune said casually.

"Tsk~" Ransander turned around disdainfully.

It seems that although they are both fun-loving people, their excitement points are not on the same level.

No wonder their abilities to cause trouble are not much different, but the relationship between Selune and Ranthander has never gone beyond friendship.

"The people from the Twin Towers of Amn haven't arrived yet, can they come out?" Hill decided to change the topic to a safer direction... He was always worried that Lansander would not be able to control his rebellious psychology when he found out that the excitement was about to end, and directly

Fight against Shar or Selune.

The Lord of the Dawn doesn't care about going up to the house to remove the tiles or going downstairs to tear down the house, but Hill cares very much... Even if he leaves Toril, such a solid floating castle must be left to Linn!

"With Abelt's ability, it is impossible to completely seal it." Shar said calmly, "I knew from the beginning that she chose to go it alone, gave up the help of the undead, and only relied on the power of the Shadow Cloak to face the Twin Towers.

She will definitely not be able to seal it."

"Why is she so confident?"

"Iltmara did not rely on the undead in Calishan.

Abelt probably didn’t want to lose.”

"Huh?" Hill couldn't help but tilted his head and asked, "But the believers of Amaunata don't dare to go to Calim Port to cause trouble in the Temple of Ancient Night!

It’s not like Iltmara has to deal with a large number of enemies.”

"Just get used to it." Shar smiled, "It's not a bad thing. For me, it's quite worry-free.

After all, these two gossip about each other every day.

As long as I compare it with what I see, I will know what corners they have poached from each other."

Although it's a bit unbelievable... but Hill thinks about it, considering that the style of Dark Night Temple is more cunning than his previous company, and it makes sense.

The vice-presidents who were in charge of different branches looked down on each other, but they happened to belong to neighboring provinces. It was originally a case of intrigue and deception. Add two cups of Erguotou and a spark would explode.

Dusk came suddenly, and little orange lights glowed on the flame peaks.

"Uta'ao...has reacted!" Lansander said as he poked his head, "He is so courageous. The Flame Peaks dare to release so many fragments of divinity!"

"There's nothing surprising." Shar suddenly sneered, "He is an alien god, but he chose to cooperate with Toril and deceived the idiots who attacked Toril with him."

Selune doesn't like Ubtao very much either.

For the twin goddesses, even if Utaou turned away from evil and turned to good, he was still a nuisance who fought with their sisters to death... If they hadn't killed each other later, there wouldn't be such things as the wild gods.

So she snorted coldly and said disdainfully: "Only by connecting himself with the land of Toril can the world recognize that he also belongs to Toril.

For that guy, even if Chult was destroyed, it didn't matter that he had to fall into a deep sleep or even be on the verge of death. He wouldn't really die completely.

Just wait until you wake up later. As long as Toril still exists, he will be a rooted god.

For the Aragami who had no planet to garrison in the past... they may have had their own world before, but it must have been destroyed long ago, so they could only wander in the star realm between the crystal walls, hoping to find a new world.

But their nature is to be greedy and plundering, and there are basically no people like Utao who just want a place to live.

So no world will let them in.

Shar and I teamed up and fought for who knows how many years before we drove all these guys away.


Sal looked at her steadily, and the malice in his eyes seemed to begin to flow again.

How deep the sisterly love was before the victory, how much Selune's actions hurt her after the victory.

Sometimes, Hill could almost admit that Shar's cruel and cold-blooded actions were normal. Fortunately, he still had sense and understood that it was absolutely abnormal to vent his anger and hatred on innocent people.

But for Shar, all the life on Toril proves that the so-called sisterhood is just her fantasy.

If it weren't for the fact that William now gave her another place to place her feelings, she would definitely still be fighting to the death with Selûne.

Selune has to endure love and hatred alike.

"Who told them that the Flame Peaks can choose a real Mystra?" Lansander looked at the giant screen very seriously, "Manx is here too! And she came by herself, there is no one around her

That Dark Night Believer, eh? Bane’s subordinate is not here at all.”

"Didn't Ben declare to give up the path of destiny? In the end, it's normal for his men to not be allowed to come to this place." Hill also answered his words very carefully, "The undead seem to have seen Jason go to Imbutu.

It is estimated that Ben asked him to contact the main goblin god at the bottom of the Imbutu Cliff to attack the magic towers in the giant valley from both sides."

"By the way, for what reason did Sazastan set out to conquer the Giant Valley?" Ransander tilted his head, "There was no movement at all from the surrounding countries, and he obviously believed that they would not attack him casually.

It’s normal for Yinbutu to be so sure, there are undead bases there…where are the others?”

Hill said in a stiff tone: "Colluded with the Ser Alchemy School to create killing tools for Toril's real enemy Gruumsh, used cubs and embryos to conduct inhumane experiments, and wanted to completely exterminate humans and giants.


"Ah...are these words spoken by a great undead lich?" Lansander sighed, "No wonder my believers didn't tell me about the slogan that Sel shouted.

Being so shameless is indeed the type that Ben admires."

The time when Shar and Selûne fought over the sun was called the Prehistoric Dawn War.

The two of them have protected Toril for countless epochs, and have expelled countless wild gods. Naturally, some losers will take the opportunity to make a comeback.

In the dawn war across the crystal wall system between prehistoric people and the Aragami, the gods finally won. The betrayal of the Aragami, the "liar" Utaou, was one of the final blows of this war.

Amaunata's sun was swallowed once by Dendel during that period, but was finally rescued, but was seriously injured.

So he was the first to go to Toril to find a god of Toril, and he was very successful.

Recommended book: "Unscientific Love"

A harem story that arouses people to death, a master at describing beauties in detail, and has been rated as having a very good start. It is updated steadily, and you are welcome to watch it.

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