Chapter 1323 The Poor and Noble Young Master—Hill

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 Because technology develops fast enough, the number of humans in Oasis is also increasing.

The human kingdom, which originally had little contact with the territories of the alien races... the dwarves and gnomes, has expanded to areas adjacent to them.

There are no elves in Oaises now. Thousands of years ago, the last elven tribe also chose to leave this world... Even if the consumption of crystals is not as harmful to the environment as oil, but trees are cut down everywhere, mining and farming are done.

Humans make them feel that this world is no longer suitable for elves to survive.

As for humans, green waters and green mountains are always put after survival and development.

Elves who have never had a survival crisis and can easily obtain the necessities of life in nature can never understand the sense of crisis of short-lived species.

And this low-demon world is too restrictive for the elves who have always been free, so they will leave without looking back, which Hill can understand.

On the other hand, the dwarves who are good at mining and the dwarves who are good at manufacturing have developed well. Although their numbers are not as large as humans, they still have a population of several million.

The difference in innate levels allows millions of dwarves to easily fight against tens of millions of humans... and humans with sufficient energy have no intention of fighting a life-and-death battle with aliens.

Compared with the alien races that can find underground water and prefer to live in mines, the human kingdoms that rely on rivers and oceans are more likely to have wars.

Therefore, countries, whether in a state of war or not, attach great importance to the military and pay great attention to national defense.

In addition, everyone's strength is actually about the same...weak countries have long been annexed...the espionage industry in this world is booming.

Not only are commercial spies and state spies emerging one after another, but the assassination industry is also booming.

It is also because of this that even an ordinary city will have a large number of garrison troops.

Hill leaned against the ore hill and lowered his head in thought for a while, and then said slowly: "I~ was originally thinking of giving up the spellcasting profession and going out pretending to be a level 12 knight.

But it doesn’t seem to work.”

"Why?" Purvi, who was lying on the window and watching with great interest, turned around in surprise, "Is the power too great?

But I remember that you control it very well~ You have never broken anyone’s hand when shaking hands!”

Hill twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly: "I'll just think you are complimenting me..."

Purvi stepped back suddenly: "Ah... I was just praising you!"

Hill raised his hand and patted the small ball of light in the air: "I am also showing friendship.

If there is a fight, it will be a very sincere friendship."

Purvi cooperated so much that she rolled over in the air and retreated a lot, then flew back: "Okay~ I will remember next time, speaking like this may have negative meanings... Why are humans so troublesome, but they can still listen to the truth?

It’s a travesty!”

“Truth is the greatest irony.” Hill said without blinking an eye, “So, the truth is only half spoken.

Just remember to talk less and do less things."

"I remember... the undead say to talk less and do more?" Purvi asked curiously.

"Yes, but for some people who are handicapped and lame but only strong-willed, their request is not to talk or do anything, and just follow." Hill smiled, "You are this kind of person, just follow what you do."

"The human world is really troublesome for giant creatures." Purvi thought for a long time before she understood what Hill meant.

However, as a standard alien whale, Purvi is very receptive to advice, so he said very simply: "I know~ After I go out, I won't talk unless I'm alone with you!"

Then he continued to ask: "So, why can't you pretend to be a warrior? I think it's very interesting when I think about it!"

"In this world, the relationship between countries is friendly on the surface, but competitive in the secret... If anyone has a loophole and exposes a weakness, the consequences will be very terrible... It is not impossible to destroy the country directly or be divided by other countries."

"Ah, isn't it the same with Toriel?"

"If Toril does not have the support of gods, it is impossible to completely eliminate a royal family with extraordinary support. Moreover, most powerful people can only change their bosses." Hill said softly, "But in this world

, destroying the country means that the royal family is uprooted from the roots, and the same goes for the nobles. Those who can escape to other countries that are not involved in the war are lucky.

Therefore, they are very wary of outsiders. Even if their own people fight openly and covertly, there will be a bottom line.

Basically, we can all be consistent with the outside world.

But correspondingly, the power of the nobility is very powerful... No nobleman can entrust his life or the future of his family to a stupid king.

Therefore, once the noble council reaches an agreement, it can really ask the king to abdicate."

"Why do you have to go to that extent?" Purvi didn't quite understand, "Bane... just kills those who disobey him!"

"The abilities are different! The most powerful professional in the world cannot destroy a country in an instant." Hill shook his head: "Kill most of them. Even if there are fish that slip through the net, it will be at most a certain person.

The nobles or generals who take action will be assassinated.

But if a large number of nobles survive, a war to restore the country is likely to occur."

Hill laughed: "So, there may be reclusive warlocks or mages, but there will definitely be no warriors without the support of forces behind them... If a warrior is a profession that wants to be promoted to level 10 or above, he will not have even participated in a battle.


In fact, the same goes for mages. In this low-magic world, it is very troublesome to rely on yourself to find various needed resources.

Only warlocks can do this.

Create another heraldry that no one knows about... Anyway, Oaises promised me that he will directly back it up in the Rune Temple for me... Then I can pretend to be the kind of reclusive warlock family with ancient heritage.

Warlocks... Sometimes, it is normal to suddenly wake up the family inheritance after several generations, or even in the descendants of some married women~


I didn’t even show up as a warlock in Trasil!"

Purvi tilted her head and thought for a while, then nodded in understanding: "Actually, warlocks are pretty good too.

If you mess up some things, you can just default on the debt... You're a warlock! It's not normal for your mood to change, and to be hot and cold!"

"Huh..." Hill let out a long breath, "That Zhentarim mage who tricked you into taking the bait is really very perseverant!"

The alien whale swung its tail and nodded very sincerely: "That's right!"

Hill couldn't help but hold on to the stone wall beside him, and laughed helplessly... No wonder, the rectum creature always has many friends and even more enemies.

After observing it for a few days, Purvi decided to get a bluebell tattoo on her body.

This kind of herbaceous plant, which only exists on high enough mountain tops or in colder places, does exist in this world, but it is indeed rare.

After confirming that the lily of the valley in Hill's hair was used by a small family, he thought of this blue and white wild flower that is very common in the Sword Mountains.

There is no way, thorns are a symbol of a certain royal family in this world... The image of killing vines is too easy to cause misunderstanding.

Duke Jasmine is also quite famous.

Hill touched the small gold and silver bell hidden in the light green branches and leaves on his hair... The bell shook dissatisfiedly for a while, and finally turned into a blue and white bellflower.

Fortunately, Lily of the Valley has always been gentle... Even though she prefers the rare pink and purple series of Bellflower, she still chose blue and white for Hill's feelings.

Hill was really touched.

For him, the biggest trouble in preparing for this trip to keep the properties of the carriage from being too good.

Hill never expected that he would directly touch the upper limit of this world by just using a fist-sized amount of fine gold and adding a small piece of mithril as big as a notebook.

When the carriage was marked as unusable, Hill almost told the truth... He actually didn't mind that the will of the world directly locked the upper limit of the carriage.

Oasis really doesn't need to be so conscientious, and he actually allows the results of his work to be presented perfectly.

However, Hill finally discovered that he was still not thick-skinned enough... He couldn't speak out when faced with kindness.

Therefore, Hill, who has always been lavish and generous, could only pick up Frank's past teachings this time... and rely on a lot of calculations to estimate a balance between high quality and low price.

He can't even use the best kind of steel!

Hill silently removed the black steel he learned from the dwarves from the material pile and replaced it with ordinary hundred-smelted steel.

Fortunately, there is still a little bit of Hunyuan Liquid Gold that can assist in changing forms... but it can only be used in certain key areas.

In the end, there was only as much fine gold as one finger... It was mainly used in the mezzanine of the magic tower.

There is only a thin piece of mithril, and the rest is made of mithril's substitute material - bronze-colored ocher copper alloy.

The flying function is not added at all, not even the floating magic circle!

It is possible to add a weight-reducing array at the bottom of the carriage, but the maximum can only be maintained at one-twentieth. Fortunately, space crystal powder can be used to create a small space.

The magic tower can be put into the mezzanine...but you have to put it out if you want to use it.

It is absolutely impossible to enter directly in the cabin like before.

In the end, Hill had no choice but to build a land and sea vehicle... Fortunately, the additional properties of the natural materials used in the waterproof coating did not exceed the upper limit!

When the carriage was completed, Hill began to doubt his life...had he really lived too extravagantly before?

The look on Hill's face as he looked at the carriage made Purvi, who had taken over this temporary means of transport, dare not say a word of complaint.

The alien whale looked at the carriage with only 30 square meters of internal space... which was simply divided into one bedroom, one living room and a small bathroom of 3 square meters... and gave Hill a sympathetic look... His husband, I guess

I haven't experienced such a simple life for a long time.

As things stand now, all we can do is persevere.

He had even lived in a 10-square-meter board house before!

Black steel glows silver when sharpened and appears purple when exposed to direct sunlight. The method for making this alloy was once lost and has only recently been rediscovered in dwarven literature. Making it requires the application of a variety of techniques during the forging of the steel.

Special ointment.

In the endlessly changing Sea of ​​Chaos, the Githzerai armorsmiths discovered a way to merge the chaotic material of this plane with steel. The product of this process is Hunyuan Liquid Gold. It is heavier than steel, but can be used

Make high-quality armor. A set of Hunyuan liquid gold armor actually changes shape to suit the wearer's movements when the wearer moves. Light Hunyuan liquid gold armor is considered medium-sized and is heavier than ordinary similar products.

2 pounds; medium armor is considered heavy and is 5 pounds heavier than similar products; heavy armor is still heavy and weighs an additional 10 pounds. Shields of all types are also 2 pounds heavier. When making strength-related checks (climb

When crawling and jumping), the user of the Hunyuan Liquid Gold Armor takes an additional 2 penalty, but the penalty on agility-related checks (Balance, Escape, Hide, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, and Tumble) decreases by 2. Arcane spell failure

The rate is reduced by 10% (minimum reduced to 5%), and the maximum agility bonus is increased by 2.

This chapter has been completed!
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