Chapter 1369 A familiar little building

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 "Port?" Earl Steer said thoughtfully, "Ted, when will Joshua come out?"

"Three hours later."

"Why don't you catch him yourself?" Finch asked, not quite understanding, "Does this still require consideration of status?"

"What kind of stupid words are you talking about?" Count Steer's mouth couldn't help but twitch, "How long have we been aware of the problem with silk spiders?

Anyone with any sense would have run away long ago!

But I sealed the city at that time and didn't even allow the Scarlet royal family's ship to leave, so they must be hiding somewhere.

Joshua knows a lot about places where people can be hidden."

He turned to look at his butler: "Ted, go to Joshua's closed area to find him. When he comes out, lead the guards to search the city with him!"

Ted nodded quietly.

As the chief steward of the Earl's Palace, as long as he is with you, it means that this is the Earl's order... After all, the city of Basia belongs to Earl Ster in name. He usually does not use this power, but he understands the rules of the game.

And if a person who understands the rules suddenly does something recklessly, then as long as there is no evil in his heart, he will naturally cooperate a little bit.

Not even Finch would do anything about it.

He just frowned and turned to look at the count: "What if there is some hidden magic circle?

It just so happens that my disciples are with Joshua, let them follow him!"

Count Steer glanced at him: "Okay, but I am not responsible for their safety."

Finch curled his lips and said, "You are not needed.

This is also a matter for our Finch family. My father was already furious. Together with the great sage Ismael, they teamed up to trap the father of silk in his magic tower.

Tsk, luckily I invited the Great Sage Ismail."

"When did it happen?

Did you just get the news when you went back to deal with the spider?

Hmm...are there all mutated silk spiders on that magic tower?" Count Steer asked curiously, "President Finch...didn't he swallow something?"

"Shut up!" Little Finch looked numb, "You dare to be rude to the great sage!

When the great sage Ismail discovered that the smooth outer walls of the magic tower were full of silk spiders, he took out a spar set from his bag that was larger than the magic tower.


My father thinks that that set should be able to hold his magic tower... He would use twenty crystal cannons to blow it up all the time, and it would probably take three days and three nights to break out the cracks."

"Hmm... It seems that all the crystal cannons in the royal capital are under the control of the royal palace?" Count Steer suddenly laughed, "In other words, with your family's ability, you only secretly built twenty of them?

Sure enough, what the Great Sage Ismail said is right, so what if the blueprints are exposed? As long as the mines of core materials are in the hands of the royal family."

"The royal family...isn't it still taking out food by itself?" Finch retorted.

"The great sage Ismail said that we must give you some hope. Otherwise, if you can't buy it at all, something evil might happen!" Earl Steer said seriously, "Don't you guys?


"Why isn't Ismail your biological father?" Finch sneered.

"Ah... although I respect the Great Sage Ismail very much, forget about blood relationship." Count Steer quickly shook his head, "He is a little too fond of beauty, otherwise the blueprints of the crystal energy weapons would not be so good.

It will be lost soon.

However, it’s not a good idea for you to say this, right?

Don’t you Finch family also have...

I don’t want to be related to you, what do you think?”

"Ah..." High Priest Hamza Toth of the Earth Temple suddenly interrupted their back and forth, "Although I am glad to hear your conversation, there seems to be movement in the orchid pond.

Something is coming this way from over there."

Everyone turned to look at him.

Silver Moon High Priest said in panic: "What? You are talking about spiders!"

"They are so small that they can pass through the soil without drilling holes..." Toth squatted on the ground and frowned as he explored, "It seems that some of them went to the mountain wall."

He raised his head and asked seriously: "Count Steer, did you leave enough feed for the silk spider in the cave?"

Count Steer shook his head: "No, but even if the silk spider is not fed for half a month, it will only be a little weaker and will not starve to death."

"Critters like spiders will never be merciful to their own kind! It just depends on whether they are hungry." Toth stood up and said calmly, "Ah... the smell of the roots of the mosaic rubber tree seems to be

It makes them uncomfortable and hesitant on the periphery."

"Where?" The Sun Priest has taken out two bottles of holy water of different types: the palm-sized crystal bottle contains No. 6 holy water - although the high priest said that this kind of holy water can repel mosquitoes and flies, in fact it is

The destructive power of the thing is very high, and it is quite scary for all kinds of creatures... After all, it is equivalent to a golden miniature flame, which not only drives away evil, but also burns everything away.

Another glass bottle that is about the size of a forearm contains No. 18 holy water: this is the mid-level holy water most commonly used by human adventurers. It can expel evil forces, but it can only expel it.

Toth pointed to the left front of the hut... there was a strange gap in the mosaic rubber tree: "I estimate that when those orchids couldn't provide enough food, the gardener fed them there.

Maybe because they just woke up from their deep sleep, these spiders were a little slow to react and didn't show much excitement."

"Enter the hut!" High Priest Turgai held up a bottle of holy water and stared cautiously in the direction of the cloud orchid pond. "Because the plants here have been watered by golden holy water all year round, they are a great deterrent to this kind of spider.


Count Steer couldn't help biting his cheek to control his rage: "So, we hide and let these spiders go elsewhere?

There are others in the castle!"

The Sun Priest said hypocritically: "Then why don't you ask your butler to ask everyone to leave?

As the defender of the earth, Thoth cannot trap them under the earth. Do you think we have the ability to catch all these spiders or even kill them in an unenclosed place?"

"Lord Earl?" Ted asked softly.

They all know the consequences of letting the servant guards in the castle who are incapable of fighting leave...some people who may have problems will definitely take the opportunity to leave before Ted's next purge.

But if they still insist on locking everyone in the castle, it means that their loyal subordinates of the Stur family and their families will also be in danger.

With Finch and the priests from several major temples watching, Count Ster really couldn't say anything that wouldn't let him go... He was also a lord who treated his subordinates very well, otherwise he wouldn't be so loved.

But when he suddenly discovered that he might have been tricked by someone, or his biological mother, 20 years ago, and his face was full of blood, Count Ster was a little unwilling to let him go like this.

"Your Excellency, Earl." Ted spoke again, "Ms. Helena's body has just recovered... It's better to ask Miss Ellie to accompany her to a safer place!"

"If all these people run away, it safe?" Count Steer said coldly, "Is there no problem in the city of Basia?

Over there at the port... I wonder what else is hidden!"

"Look, we still have two vacant lots on the Wizard's Avenue that we haven't taken action on." Ted said consolingly, "Well, for the sake of Ellie, a student, as a neighbor, the Archmage Belfran, always

I won’t see anything happen to Miss Ellie’s family.”

Earl Steer pressed his forehead and said in a low voice: "Then... forget it, our own people are more important. You go!"

"I'll be back to meet Joshua soon." Ted glanced at Branch President Finch and said in a sincere tone.

Finch glanced at him lightly and didn't say anything else... Since Ted promised to do business and take his people with him, little things didn't need to be taken seriously.

As soon as Ted turned around, he looked back at the Earl: "Your Majesty, Mrs. Helena probably won't let Young Master Linde stay in the castle by himself, then..."

"You tell Helena that she can take Linde with her." Earl Steer thought for nearly a minute before he said coldly, "But after knowing these inside stories, what else will Linde do?

Then... the Ster family already has a qualified heir, so there is no need to leave any backup.

Even if something happens to Dieter, I..."

He suddenly sneered: "It's not like I can't continue to have children, right?"

But Helena will definitely not be able to have any more children.

Earl Steer is threatening this child who has gone astray with the future of the mother who loves him most... If Linde can give up completely on Helena, then no matter what the Earl will do, Helena will definitely not

Let's put Linde first like this again.

Helena is indeed one of the few aristocratic women who values ​​her children more than herself, but... she is not the kind of person who would sacrifice everything for her children.

Ted lowered his head slightly: "I will tell Mrs. Helena truthfully."

Then he turned around and left quickly.

The Steer family's decision was very sudden, so when Hill walked out of the laboratory, he was shocked to find that a large number of simple houses made of horse carriages suddenly appeared on the two large lawns on his right.

In the middle of those houses, there is a small alchemy building...a three-story white building. The building is shimmering with light of mithril. The roof made of crystal stones can be seen at a glance. It is used to supply energy to the entire cabin.

, looks a bit like a solar panel.

Hill took a second look and couldn't help but rush directly to his three-story attic... Huh? Why does the appearance of this building look familiar to him?

This chapter has been completed!
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