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Chapter 43 The long river of time and space shatters the starry sky

"Mr. Hill!" Xueyunfeng's voice came from downstairs.

Hill stood up, holding on to the window sill and looking down.

"Mr. Hill, we have to go." Xueyunfeng said with a smile, "I accepted the mission to protect Charles and Lumsden and build their own camp."

"Where is the capital?"

"Ah! Those destructive maniacs in the last days have gone to the capital. William asked everyone in the Craftsman Church to get out. And they must pass the camp test and kill all the evil camp." Xueyunfeng said lightly, "After all, dozens of people died, and the explosion

Tens of thousands of people's livelihoods have been lost, and all participating camps have shifted.

In the last days, people are quite capable of killing people."

"Any news at sea?"

Xueyunfeng rarely showed an embarrassed expression: "It's very safe over there. Although you can't get out of the isolation barrier, the level of the demons is not high. Although there are many, the Mosaic demigods are very close to them now, so it's easy to deal with them."

Hill remembered that the young man who could fight on the back of the mosaic demigod, ah, the embroidered spine was as familiar as a crab, still didn't seem to answer Xueyunfeng's call.

Maybe it’s the crazy, brainless, hot-blooded young man who has the courage? That crab is one of the famous eight poisons!

Bex probably wouldn't dare stand next to them, but the young master actually dared to sit on his back.

"Why do you need to protect those two idiots?" Fran asked calmly from the side.

"It's a reward for not being stupid enough to cooperate with the Noble Temple to deal with William." Xueyunfeng said simply, "The ones who took action this time were the members of the Salar royal family who stayed in the country. It is said that several princesses abroad helped to contact them.


"Those princesses in Salar are very reluctant to be neutral and evil." Fran glanced at Hill, "There is a princess alliance, and princesses from many countries are in it. It is very chaotic and they dare to do anything."

Hill blinked: "I will not sympathize with people from the evil camp. They deserve to die."

Fran curled his lips and Hill saw it!

What does it mean?

But Fran didn't want to explain Hill's doubts. He just told Xueyunfeng downstairs: "Don't forget to track those archmages who just left."

"Their information has been handed over to Obastian's resident undead." Xueyunfeng blinked and said, "There are always our people watching on the road, and there are people taking over over there."

Fran nodded: "Then you go. I will stay here in Hill until the demon invasion is over. If you need anything, just come to me."

Hill looked over and nodded to the players downstairs who were waving goodbye to him.

"Grandpa, will you come back to the Magic Tower with me?" Hill said sincerely, "There are no outsiders here anymore. Let Martha rearrange the floors downstairs."

"No." Fran shook his head, "I plan to use the floors below you to build a new alchemy factory assembly line."

He said expressionlessly, "The king has made many ideas before, but considering that the workers did not know much about literacy, it was impossible to realize them.

Now, those workers should learn some knowledge honestly in order to make a living."

Fran is still very angry!

"Then if my grandfather needs any materials, just call Liszt." Hill said sincerely, "I know a lot about civil engineering materials and a lot of water materials. I have also sold a lot of the things my grandfather put in the Siri store, so I can give them to him directly.

If Sri acquires some specific materials, the undead will definitely be willing to resell them."

The things that Flan put into the store were sold in the name of Hill, so Sirui straightforwardly put them into his own warehouse.

Although Hill knew that this was Fran's expression of apology for causing trouble to him, the original initiator of this trouble was himself!

Hill felt that when helping him solve the problem, Hill himself should bear the consequences of some subsequent forks.

It's just that Frank is always too protective of him.

Fran understood what Hill meant, patted his shoulder gently, and nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Hill!" shouted another voice from downstairs.

Hill helplessly stretched his head to see, it was the man from Black Rose.

"Mr. Hill, can we come to your place for purification every day?" The perfect bald head with squinting eyes and a cute smile always makes Hill have the urge to curse.

"Use your native pronunciation, don't be so scary." Hill couldn't help complaining, "Whatever you want, don't you have a priest?"

"There are currently 200,000 people in Black Rose, and there are only more than 20,000 priests." The bald man tugged on his ponytail and restored his macho voice, "We now go to the dungeon of Black and White Road every day, and help them fight the demons and priests.

Most of them have stayed there. No new priests are willing to go to their underground city."

"Although the two purification circles made by Mr. Hill have been found, Mobi and the others have also found a way to move them into the territory. But with hundreds of thousands of people, it is simply not enough." He suddenly laughed.

, "I cried for help with my ink pen. It was so pitiful. The pastor of our family felt sympathy and kept it."

"We were thinking, we are all old friends. If Mr. Hill can use this place for us, when we come back to the surface, we can come here to purify it and not compete with them for space! Anyway, we always have to come over to see if there is any

Nothing good!"

Hill smiled and nodded, and after receiving the agreement, the bald head happily rushed to the store.

"Why don't they go south to fight the demons?" Fran asked Hill, who was watching coldly. "I remember that they are a very big family among the undead."

"They and the Demon Cult already have a big city, and it's still next to the capital." Hill thought for a while and said, "If we try to compete with the new families for merit, we might be worried about causing public outrage? After all, it seems that the Demon can't do anything.

Fight to the territory of Salar."

Fran nodded: "No matter what world you are in, you can't offend the vast majority of people! It seems that even the undead who came to us late have about the same status in their world as those who came first."

Hill understood the implication of Fran's words and feared that only when the power and status were almost the same, would it become an equal give-and-take.

In fact, Hill never wanted to ask about the black and white road. He was really afraid that William would do a side mission in the dungeon to rescue the little warlock Hill in trouble.

Anyway, the undead rarely discussed matters related to the dungeon with him, so he just lived a life of concealment.

But there was him, that was for sure, Hill had heard it sporadically.

Those players felt that Hill would become the facilitator of the series of dungeons, and they said that they must follow Hill when he goes out. The benefits of land reclamation are huge, and they must not be let go.

Every time at this time, Hill wished that his ears would not be so sensitive.

The old cat downstairs turned the giant screen back to the front line of facing the devil.

Between the two parties facing each other thousands of meters away is a blazing flame.

After the corpses of demons were everywhere on the ground, purified by the sacred rain, the mages set off a wall of fire.

The smell must be very bad, and the undead in the camera are all wearing masks.

The turmoil in the capital and Obastian, not to mention that it had no effect, also exposed the god of casting and craftsmanship.

The devil didn't seem to know what to do next.

"William, who has always been soft-hearted, showed his sharp fangs this time. Everyone involved in this incident, no matter who they were, was executed." The witness was rarely so solemn, "Indeed, it was a power struggle in the past. It can be let go.

A loser. But according to William's usual practice, anyone who betrays the country will be punished by death. Let alone cooperating with the devil and betraying the entire world."

"The news I received is that William did suspect someone of betrayal, but he didn't expect it to be so big. The God of Foundry and Craftsman, I have no idea what is going on."

He turned over the tablet and said: "This person has always been very hidden, not as public as the God of Nobles. If you didn't check, you wouldn't know that he became a god at about the same time as the God of Nobles.

William has issued an order to thoroughly investigate the God of Forging and Craftsmanship.

And we also need to check out the forging god of the dwarves."

Fran leaned on the chair and looked at the sky: "Why doesn't the starry sky respond? Why is the throne of the God of Craftsman still in the center?"

The light of the moon has been shining down on the world, but the starry sky remains unchanged. The God of Time and Space has not made any movement either.

"The temples of the God of Craftsmen have all been destroyed." Witnesses also said this, "The three capitals have also released evidence that they maliciously destroyed the alchemy factory, and the devout believers have also been tested. It is said that someone

My faith collapsed and I lost consciousness.

Many pan-believers are now going to the temple of the God of Time and Space to pray, hoping to wash their souls with holy water.

Logically speaking, there shouldn’t be any movement in the starry sky, right?”

He raised his head and looked at the stars above his head: "What's wrong with this world?"

"Are we still in the real world?" Fran also murmured, full of doubts about the world.

"The river of time and space is moving!" Hill exclaimed.

Across the sky, the eternal silver river started to flow, like a bright whip of light, whipping directly towards the sky.

The starry sky was shattered!

No, it wasn’t broken, but a piece of curtain was torn off from the starry sky!

The curtain, swept away by the long river of time and space, hit the middle of the starry sky like a slender patch.

After tearing it off, the dirty truth was revealed.

Beneath the thrones of nobles and kings that were tilted in the starry sky, where the stars were originally, there were five thrones.

The dwarf god of forging at the bottom was almost submerged in the darkness, leaving only a vague outline.

The human god of forging and craftsmanship is next to him, which is to be expected.

The other one is also a dwarf god. He seems to be the racial god of a certain dwarf clan, and should be a follower of their forging god.

What is incredible is that the throne of the Elf Hunting Goddess also appears on the territory of the evil god.

Immediately next to him is the god of moon elves. The goddess of hunting comes from this branch, and the moon elves are originally affiliated with him.

The long river of time and space that originally ran across the starry sky has now turned to flow diagonally.

But no one cares about this now. They are all staring in the direction of the Elf Hunting Goddess. The entire continent fell into silence.

But soon, the silence was broken by the anger of world consciousness.

The endless thunder of judgment was struck at these divine kingdoms, and the fiercely burning fire meteorites were carried straight down by the hurricane.

The world was frozen at this moment, and Hill could feel the huge binding power on his body. His mind was active, but his body was completely unable to move.

That curtain must have something to do with nature.

Hill felt the crazy anger of natural consciousness, and the violent wind swept across the earth.

Nature left a trace of reason in the anger, and the huge tornado bypassed Hill's territory.

But Hill could see that there were countless tornado pillars roaring outside Hill's territory, and lightning and thunder began in the sky.

On the huge screen, the strong wind was also blowing the showers, and then brought the blazing fire on the ground, straight towards the demon army.

The will that can cover the entire world, the curtain that blocks the starry sky like a dome, coupled with such a crazy natural consciousness, Hill understands why the natural consciousness is so immature and ignorant.

There must have been natural gods in this world, but they were killed and their spirits dissipated. Even their bodies were made into this curtain.

The natural consciousness now feels the pain of the death of its predecessor, and it will not stop until it is completely vented.

Hill didn't intend to care about the crumbling star kingdoms in the starry sky, and quietly fell into meditation, hoping to soothe the natural consciousness that was on the verge of collapse.

I will always love nature! He called silently in his heart, I will always be with you, don’t cry anymore.

Hill's spiritual world was already filled with painful cries.

Naturally, he heard Hill's call and cried to Hill about his sorrow and indignation.

A tear slipped down Hill's face. As the curtain was gradually disintegrated by the river of time and space, he finally felt endless sadness.

That's not just a natural divine body! There are also fragments of the earth's core, fragments of the sun and moon on it.

The bloodline of the Earth Bear fluctuates violently: it is the cry from the source of the bloodline, and it is the endless longing for Mother Earth.

Hill was completely immersed in the spiritual sea, trying not only to calm down his blood, but also to stop his natural consciousness from crying. This was the first time in this world that he didn't care about anything outside at all.

Hill, who used to feel the passage of time no matter how deeply he meditated, felt like he didn't know how long time had passed after opening his eyes for the first time.

He had the feeling that a long time had passed, but he didn't feel tired at all, even if he kept standing there.

Hill moved his body slightly, turned to look at Fran, gently caressed his chest and lowered his head: "Thank you, grandpa, for taking care of me."

Fran sat on the sofa, holding a book, with a rare relaxed look on his face: "It's been half a month! Although I don't know why, you almost gave me the feeling of turning into a natural spirit during this time. Congratulations


Hill stretched his body and felt carefully that he had indeed taken a small step forward on the road to legend.

Although there are no spells added to the spell ring, Hill's intuition indicates that almost all spells can be released according to his will, including the wind spells that he has not thoroughly studied yet.

He can now raise his hand and release a row of tornadoes.

"It's almost like a natural spirit." Hill complained, "The kind that doesn't have the fire element."

Fran shook his head helplessly.

"Those divine kingdoms have all collapsed, including the noble gods." He sneered, with disdain on his face, "In the end, I had no choice but to give up the divine body and enter the world to reincarnate. On the contrary, the noble gods who came in first lived well.

a little."

Hill blinked.

"All the demons attacking Salar are dead." Fran put down the book in his hand, stood up and said: "Those who came out of the Gate of the Abyss all went to Noah's country. The king ordered that Noah be taken in and fled to Salar.

Many of your people, the undead, have gone abroad to save people."

He came over and patted Hill on the head: "Adrian has also completed the transaction and is ready to come back. When he comes back, we will talk about the past few days. You go back to the Magic Tower to rest first!"

This chapter has been completed!
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