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Chapter 1465 Mr. Linde, are you interested?

"Where can't we fight?" 'Xueyunfeng' clapped his hands, "Although the island seems to be opposite the city of Brassia, in fact, walking north along the coastline, there is a bay in the mountain...

Ah, speaking of it, the structure is a bit like Hill’s territory in Trasil!

You can only walk by sea. If you want to walk by land, you have to climb a huge mountain range, which is higher and steeper than the cliff where Hill is staying now."

"Huh?" Hill asked a little confused, "But Oasis, it seems that the territory has not been opened to you, right?"

"So, Mr. Linde...are you interested in becoming a lord?" 'Xueyunfeng' turned to look at Linde.

"Me? I haven't...wait, Lord?" Linde finally understood why these undead people told the things related to Danboro's Pearl so clearly...not to the person who was closely related to them.

The great sage Belfran listened, but to tell him, who was kept in the dark, that the news obtained by their undead tribe was accurate and true.

"Count Steer has handed over the official documents to the king and the royal council for Dieter to become the new earl. You have been entrusted with the title of Lord and have been officially divided.

Ellie, on the other hand... was also assigned a noble title, and as a rare female noble, she was also completely assigned a family.

Speaking of which, Count Steer made a prompt decision. Although the document has not yet been sent back to Basia City, it has been officially filed with the King's Council, and no one can use Ellie's incident to drag your family down."

Lind clenched his fists: "Ellie, is he also a Lord?"

"That's right." 'Xueyunfeng' smiled and nodded.

"Huh... So, my baronetcy was directly divided into two, right? And then the fiefdom... Have you seen a small town called Linsel near Basia?"

"Let me look through the information." 'Xueyunfeng' glanced at him curiously, then took out his tablet and quickly searched.

"You can put so much information into this thing! It's great. I want one too. I'm dying from studying alchemy and memorizing information during this period." Linde said with a smile as if nothing had happened.

Then he slowly lowered his head in the sympathetic eyes of 'Lu Huayu' beside him.

The water ball that was still wrapped around him flew out with a thin stream of water and wrapped around his right hand... The three wounds that Linde made by himself were slowly restored to their intact appearance in the water, but the sharp

The pain lingers in my heart.

He felt like his muscles and bones were aching.

"Fingers are connected to the heart. If your hand is injured, it will hurt a little more. Just bear with it and it will be fine in a while." 'Lu Huayu' gently comforted the poor child, but in his heart he felt deeper about Lao Xue Gou's evil intentions.

He knew... No wonder he was urged to rent out all the shops that Dieter bought for Linde as soon as possible.

With Linde's cleverness, even if he was short of money, he would not offend the undead for it.

Especially now that this family has completely abandoned him.

"The town of Linsel, um... it does exist. On the day when Dieter's inheritance document was confirmed, a Baron Finch obtained this territory. He was originally the lord over the desert, but lost it due to desertification 20 years ago.

My own territory." 'Xueyunfeng' couldn't help but look up at this unlucky child.

It seems that in order to throw Ellie out of the house and pass on the title as quickly as possible, Count Ster gave away all the things he had promised to Linde as gifts.

"I...I thought that no matter how many mistakes I made, even Brother Dieter had forgiven me, and what was mine would be given to me...it turns out, wasn't it?" Linde couldn't accept the reality in the water polo.

Hug yourself into a ball.

"Isn't this normal?" "Xueyunfeng" was not surprised. "When the family needs to sacrifice the interests of certain people, it must start with the person with the lowest status in the family.

You were originally, and then you exposed yourself..."

"Old dog!" 'Lu Huayu' softly interrupted the evil words he was about to utter, "He has already paid the price for the past, don't do this.

Besides, don’t we still want to move to that new territory with him?

Don’t tell me, where can you grab an umbrella from the mountain and land directly on Poseidon’s Eye Island?”

"Is it safe in the territory?

If the Moon Clan wanted to attack, wouldn't it be easy?" The 'Old Sanda King' looked around, pondered for a few seconds, and finally chose to help the enemy.

"That's not that easy." 'Xueyunfeng' laughed twice, "The mountains outside, especially those along the coast, are all made of the hardest stone cliffs. Then we just need to think of polishing them and adding some more.

It turns out that outsiders can't climb up at all.

Not only is it easy to defend but difficult to attack, it is also easy to live in.

Although the hillside inside is steep, it is not impossible to climb the mountain at an angle of 30 degrees to 45 degrees. Although the soil is poor, it is not unbearable.

Among our families who have had a lot of dealings with Hill, who doesn’t have some seeds in his bag?

Let’s plant it then!

Hill's flowers and plants are easy to take root, so you don't have to worry about soil erosion...then you can plant some fruit trees!

In that valley, it is warm in winter and cool in summer, and there are two waterfalls!

There are about 1,000 acres of land on the plain that can be planted, and there are two small veins of minerals: iron and energy crystals.

This place definitely can't support an army, but it can still make the lord's life quite comfortable.

So, young Master Linde, are you interested?"

"My lord, even in mountains or deserts, you can only have 500 acres of territory at most. You can't get more than that. Besides, I don't have any money." Linde said lifelessly.

He didn't know whether to thank Dieter for his sudden idea... If he hadn't spent all the money to buy those shops, he still hoped to use the money to buy a manor of about 100 acres as a territory.

A lord without a territory is worse than a dog in aristocratic society, unless he can become a mage as soon as possible... But if he becomes a mage, what is a lord?

But if he hadn't bought those stores so early, after the paperwork was issued, he would have become a branch of the Ster family, and it would have been impossible to give him such a low price.

No wonder Butler Ted agreed to Dieter's request without even thinking about it, without even asking the Count for instructions... He must have known that Count Ster still felt a little guilty about Linde's unlucky son.

Helena and Dieter definitely don't know.

Lind felt that he was almost on the verge of madness... He could use his last bit of reason to suppress the urge to shout because he still remembered the existence of this ally beside him.

He can't act too useless in front of his allies... Otherwise, he might not even be able to collect rent in the future.

"I remember, like that kind of wasteland, you can buy it as long as you have the title of noble, right?

What is really troublesome is the kind of urban territory that has been built, the location is relatively good, and there are water veins nearby. Places like this that no one knows about should not be expensive, right?

I can pay the rent to you in advance! It can last for 50 years.

We can't buy property anyway.

Besides, this way, it can also ensure that you won’t suddenly sell the house exclusively, which is a win-win situation~” ‘Lu Huayu’’s gentle voice reached Lin De’s ears.

He looked at his undead friends as if they were life-saving straws... The stricken Linde could no longer think about the causes and consequences, and the entangled interests.

He knew very well that if he could not settle his territory before the document arrived in Brasilia City, and his status would plummet, even if he was left to live in the castle by Dieter, his life would not be easy.

There are always people who look down on the superior and flatter the inferior everywhere... Not to mention, he has lived a really good life in the past few years.

"Even if I sell that house, I can't sell it to anyone other than the Stehr family. This was the contract I signed when I bought it at a low price.

I know you are saying this to help me...I am really, really grateful, very very grateful.

However, even if I have enough money, I can only buy a part of the territory. Even if I buy the section at the entrance of the valley, there is no point in sealing the inside... When we build it, someone will soon come to take advantage.

When the time comes, all they have to do is block the waterway. What can we do?

The undead cannot take action against those who have not directly offended you, right?"

Looking at Linde who kept saying "our", "Xueyunfeng" said calmly: "If you are willing to sign an exclusive agreement with us, we can find a way to help you become a baron."

"What...mean?" Linde suddenly raised his head...The excellent treatment made him instantly alert, "What...is there something about me...that deserves you to do this?"

"It's very simple, we need a place that no undead people except our Aotian Alliance, Lu Huayu's Doomsday, and several affiliated families of both of us can enter.

To do this, we can even help create the territory.

You know, we undead people all worked as construction workers back then.

High-rise buildings cannot be built, but small buildings with several floors or ordinary castles are not a problem at all.

Didn't you also see the long embankment we built?" 'Xueyunfeng' said lightly, "Originally, we planned to ask a few knights with no money and power to divide the valley, and we even bought it for them.

He became the lowest virtual noble.

However, this is not without consequences. Whether they can live in peace, or whether the valley will be torn apart because of their intrigues is still unknown.

Our goal is to find a suitable place and establish a territory that is safe enough for family members to cultivate in peace and have no interest in managing those messy things that you are not right for them.

Therefore, you are more suitable.

Of course, one thing you have to understand is that any contract signed with us undead must be witnessed by Oasis, so as long as you and your bloodline still exist, and the title of this valley has not disappeared, it cannot be torn up."

Lind lowered his head and grabbed his hair to ravage it. He needed to think carefully: once he accepted the invitation of the undead, he would really be completely separated from the family.

This chapter has been completed!
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