Chapter 422 Fortunately, I don’t follow my father

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 Although Felice didn't quite understand where she recruited the person from, the middle-aged female apprentice who was hired by Rolando and took care of her from the eldest son to the youngest son obviously listened to Nunnally's words more.

The boy next door is still young. Although he moved to Rolando's side tower, the nanny still comes to clean up his room every once in a while... She lives with Rolando's eldest son.

Tsk, my biological father, mother and even my brother live within the sphere of influence of the Tower of Black Mystery, that’s great!

Feliz didn't know that there were laundresses available to apprentices in other worlds, so he was very envious... He just didn't want to wash clothes.

The mages can also waste a little more and use spells to clean the clothing room, but it will be difficult for the apprentices.

It's not that you can't use magic, but that clothes made of cotton are too precious.

Even though the magic tower tried its best to isolate the earth's ability to purify magic energy, there was still some residue.

Moreover, not all parts of the Magic Tower maintain this kind of shielding... Felice had heard that it was to prevent the mages from suffocating when leaving the Magic Tower.

The apprentices are even required to take a walk in the so-called central garden every once in a while... What's so interesting about a place filled with stone pillars and only black taro as decoration?

The main reason is to prevent them from forgetting the physical memory outside the magic tower.

The most important thing is that it is impossible for ordinary people to enter the Magic Tower... not even the tower owner dares to open this door.

Therefore, daily tasks such as washing clothes with purified water can only be done by the apprentices themselves.

Really, after entering the magic tower, the first thing I learned was housework!

Thinking about it makes me feel miserable.

Felice sighed deeply when he thought of this, then immediately shook off the inexplicable feeling of sadness and started thinking about business again.

Although the time in the Tower of Black Mystery was not long, he still spent a little effort to figure out the secret relationship between those people. He couldn't practice anyway, and he didn't even dare to read magic books.

The reason why Felice noticed the female nanny was because when the boy sent him a message, he was not particularly wary of that woman... Occasionally, when they were communicating with each other, when the nanny walked up to her, she was completely unprepared.

Look towards him.

This is not normal... Felice, who still has maids at home, is very aware of their habits. Unless she has known that he... ha... is one of her own, she will definitely cooperate with the master's behavior and give Felice a look.


This is the usual behavior of a family servant. He will not give up his determination to show his loyalty and firm following in front of his master just because he is a mage apprentice.

Also, although the music heard outside is messy, there are actually rules in how to use these notes... If you see the performance with your own eyes, you will never feel that he is just messing around.

But he clearly felt the movement of the female nanny walking into the living room... The apprentices did not live in single rooms, but lived in one room, one living room and one bathroom... The boy would still insist on passing on the message.

This level of trust made Felice have no doubt who the nanny was.

Therefore, it was not surprising to him that Rolando was obviously much better to the two children than Felice, but they finally chose to follow their mother's footsteps.

As for his children, what Rolando needs is not respect and love, just respect... In his heart, he has given the children the best treatment, how could these children...

However, Rolando probably doesn't know why Nunnally, who originally didn't care much about her children, has a better relationship with those two children: Rolando can't even find a nanny.

This is not a secret. Rolando had many love rivals back then, so the trouble he caused because of the nanny he hired for his son... only mage apprentices can enter the inner area of ​​the Tower of Black Mystery to do some servant work... was eliminated by Na.

The story of Nali setting the fire was widely spread.

To be honest, this kind of technical servant is quite difficult to find. After all, most female magic apprentices can always marry into good families if they really have no future.

It's really difficult to find someone you can trust who doesn't do this kind of low-level work for any purpose, and who can even pass the verification of the Black Mystery Tower... He has been praised very highly since he was a child, and the Magic Tower

You can always see people of the same age who used to have the same status here. This kind of thing is really not something that everyone can do.

In particular, the mage apprentices just have no status in front of the mage. In a group of ordinary people, even people who can only cast a small ball of light can live very well.

Felice suspected that the nanny had some other relationship with Rolando at the beginning, otherwise how could she use cold violence on the child.

Rolando actually found a few more people later: Nunnally did not intervene on the surface, but was always monitoring, but unfortunately the bad things were found out.

Although it may be that the lady is deliberately picky, can I put it, she can't be considered picky.

Now Feliz also figured out why the lady did not dare to deal with this matter by herself: there must be many eyes watching her, and even the people who caused trouble for her came from two major camps: from the top of the Camanteta faction

That suspicious look, and the fact that she had no idea what was going on, and only knew the malicious provocation from the lower levels of the Nicholson faction that Nunnally chose to embrace an outsider.

As long as she doesn't want to cause trouble to her child, she can't make a wrong move. However, she needs the hostility from Nicholson to make her hiding from Rolando more understandable.

When you think about it, you know that it is indeed quite difficult.

Even though Felice could understand his mother's approach, he did not regret his mother's weakness in placing her future on men and children.

Of course, this is just an occasional little emotion from Felice. After all, without his mother's weakness, he would not exist, not to mention that his mother still truly loves him.

Just because your mother is not as strong as others, you can't just want to change her mother!

Felice felt that he was not that bad. He even felt that most of the people he had met only regretted his origin, rather than feeling disgust or hatred.

Around that time, the people from Archmage Lute helped Nunnally, so Rolando finally chose one of her own, so that the lady could take care of her child in secret.

Really... If this is the case, then the relationship between the two parties will not fall out because of a small dispute.

Feliz leaned against the window and thought a little confused: Then there should be no need to guard against the other side in his future.

Silently turning his head and glancing at the wall connected to the next door, Felice sneered: caring on the surface, and seemingly indifferent but really considerate in subtle ways, smart people know who really loves them.


Of course, this may also be related to the fact that these two children were lucky enough to inherit their mother's intelligence.

Just like Felice, he is sometimes very lucky. Although the mage's talent and IQ may come from Rolando, his personality and sensitivity are still like his mother's... His mother is just a little short-sighted, but Rolando is... not at all.

No wonder Rolando has a decent talent, but he has never been able to overcome the 12th level hurdle... What is needed is not only rigorous logic, but also the acumen and sensitivity of magic.

He stood up slowly, glanced at the wall next door, and then walked out: Nunnally should know the two female apprentices who have an ambiguous relationship with him around Rolando, and there is no need for him to say anything.


Seeing Felice suddenly going out frequently, he should have guessed that the two people next door were slandering him again.

The two of them always used their jealousy to get Roland to do more things that he couldn't think of. Although each thing was not big, they added up to a sense of control.

Feliz really suspected that after Rolando unexpectedly married Nunnally, Camanteta simply found someone to watch him.

This chapter has been completed!
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