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Chapter 480 Gilbert’s intelligence

 Root was floating in the sky above the Tower of Black Mystery, with an indifferent expression, but also a little firmness.

"Are you ready to die in the Tower of Siya?" A sharp voice sounded behind him.

"I am about to leave my home and never look back. Why are you still sarcastic about me?" Root shook his head, "Besides, even though I have set up a barrier, they know that we will definitely be dissatisfied... But here we are.

Why would you say such troublesome words at this time?

It’s not like you don’t have to go, Nicholson.”

"Haha~ It doesn't matter to you, anyway, the inheritance of the soul system is not cut off in your hands.

But what should I do?

What is the future of the Tower of Darkness?

Nicholson said angrily, "The main tower of soul has been finished a long time ago. Now, isn't our prophecy tower the only main pillar of the Tower of Black Mystery?"

Although we don't have any inheritance to speak of, the prophecy spells of the public can also activate the prophecy talent, and the Hazy Moon can still come in handy.

After I leave... without the true prophetic mage, the glory of the Hazy Moon will dim!

Damn Camanteta, why wasn’t he the one who died?”

"Isn't this something you already knew?" Root comforted him softly, "The reason why you are angry now is because you couldn't take the opportunity to attack Kamanteta, right?"

"Of course!" Nicholson sneered, "You're not going to tell me that you can be forgiven a little if you abandon evil and do good!

I’ve been vomiting recently to the point where I can’t even smell food!”

"Who?" Root asked in surprise, "Who dares to speak to you like this?

And, what is this?

Abandoning evil and doing good…what the hell?”

"Camanteta said it himself." Even now when he thinks about it, Nicholson's chest is still shaking with anger. "He said that he has changed his mind and is a new person. He hopes that I can give up the grudges of the past and cooperate with him fully."

...If you are more tolerant in your life and work, you will definitely see that the sea and the sky are brighter."

Root's teeth suddenly became sore, and he couldn't help but hiss.

"It's a good thing to forgive others, but it's even better if you can completely forget other people's mistakes." Nicholson was still repeating Camanteta's words without changing his face. "He said this is a wise saying.


I don't even want to ask him where in the world he learned this from an idiot.

Anyway, the mage doesn’t say this.

To take revenge a hundredfold is the magician's way of life."

Root shook his head helplessly: "That person should just teach him how to use nonsense to divert your hatred, not really think so."

Nicholson couldn't help but snorted twice before calming down: "I know, but I..."

This is hard to even think about.

Originally, Nicholson was still struggling with the deaths of his students' relatives... and even didn't want to talk to Camanteta at all because of this, which made the relationship between them somewhat stagnant.

But anger can make awkwardness disappear instantly, which is good.

As long as the two of them talk, some things actually don't count.

Nicholson would want to understand that what matters is the future, and the most important thing is only himself.

Those shallow emotions, although it does make people feel depressed when they are lost, but... they will always go away with the wind.

Cherishing the present and future, especially your own, is life.

Furthermore, Root has always felt that Camanteta is indeed not a good person, but his fault in this matter only accounts for six points, and the rest is due to Nicholson who has some sense.

It's just a student who has to verify it himself.

What a creature like a prophecy mage is most afraid of is a guy who knows a little bit, but actually knows nothing at all.

If they really saw those terrible results, maybe they wouldn't be stupid enough to take action themselves.

Moreover, Root also had some doubts that those who were all mysterious were doing it because the danger they saw was not as great as the temptation.

Over at the Tower of Sea, I really like to pile up mountains of gold and silver to make people fall into the sea of ​​desire.

The Tower of Black Mystery, or in other words, a long time ago, or even the Tower of Black Mystery in the previous era... According to the words of some mages with a slightly longer heritage, it was all annihilated for the so-called secret treasure.

Even the inheritance is only a little bit left.

But this little bit also allows the Black Mystery Tower to rely on its remaining energy, summoned soul mages and prophecy mages, and continue to stand on top of the world by relying solely on self-study.

It's a pity that the remaining foundation of the Tower of Black Mystery is too weak and cannot support several times of consumption.

When Lute grows up to...heh, the prophecy mage will only have half a sword like Nicholson.

Although, Root didn't know that he was watching his descendants in his destiny... Bloodline doesn't matter, just call him father, grandpa and grandpa... The prophecy is whether Nicholson combined daydreams with

The prophecies are mixed up.

But, at least, this guy's inspiration is sometimes useful.

"It seems that you have woken up from the entanglement." Root said calmly, "What did Carmenteta say?"

"He said that the only difference between him and Rolando at that time was that he was more restricted... although it was only in certain places, but the restrictions were stronger.

But at that time, she completely felt that it was his own idea." Nicholson turned around and glanced, "What kind of magic circle are you talking about?

Even the prying eyes of the Tower of Black Mystery are blocked."

"Gilbert gave it to me." Root narrowed his eyes, "He was angry with Aislin, so he stayed in the meditation room for more than a month.

Just for this magic circle...the appearance of standard runes gave him a lot of fantastic ideas."

"Huh? Is his magic circle talent so outstanding?" Nicholson frowned, "Have you checked it?

Is he really Gilbert?

Not another Rommel?"

"He is." Root nodded, "The reason why Rommel didn't let us discover the problem at first is because he was Rommel before he entered the Tower of Black Mystery.

As you know, the Soul Detection of the Tower of Black Mystery looks very strong, but in fact, the highest level is only the strength of the Nine Rings... There is no way anyone stronger than him can be tested.

Otherwise, we would not have been kept in the dark until this moment, and we would not dare to formally confirm that there is a problem with his identity.

Haha~ Actually, it’s good that it can’t be measured, right?

This is an existence stronger than the magic tower!

Why should we fight with him? He is not here for us.

This is the best result now.

Gilbert is different."

Root lowered his head and looked at the people coming and going at his feet: "He has been in my name from the beginning and was officially registered in the Night Mist Tower.

That is the mark of the soul, and even Rommel cannot replace it... Styx's will cannot be doubted."

"I never thought that we would one day be able to openly say the word Styx." Nicholson suddenly sighed with emotion.

"What's so unexpected?" Root smiled coldly, "The people at the Tower of Siya remember it better than we do!

As soon as the dragon came out, I knew we couldn't have more time.

How could the Tower of Thea keep us, who may still have the Mark of Styx on our bodies, as helpers for that dragon?

He will first go to the Tower of the Dead..."

"It's not a surprise." Nicholson muttered, "We can still live, but they really don't dare to die."

Lute shook his head helplessly... The necromancer really didn't dare to die.

If they really can't stand it anymore, they will basically choose to self-destruct... without leaving any soul fire behind.

Therefore, the reason why the dragon from the Styx can command them to behave so recklessly, and no one dares to stretch out its claws, is because as long as the dragon is around for a day, the necromancer can happily embrace death... After death, the soul is good

Can be taken away by the dragon.

They, the Styx believers, only have so much hope.

On the contrary, although their Black Mystery Tower has some connections with the Styx due to some inheritance, they have not become followers of the Styx. Their souls still belong to this world.

Although no one wants to face death, at least after death, his soul will not be...

Root frowned, quickly shook his head, and dismissed the thoughts that were about to surface: he couldn't think, couldn't speak, couldn't move.

Although he still didn't know how the terrible goddess used to identify humans who might discover the truth and betray her, the simplest and most effective way was to control his thinking and not think about it at all.

This is the only way that the great mages have found over the years.

"Pruit, why are you still alive?" Nicholson stared at a corner below.

"How could Kamante Tower let him die in the magic tower?" Root laughed, "He is also the tower owner after all.

It would be too shameful for a tower owner who controls a main tower to let his high-level students die within the scope of the magic tower.

It has nothing to do with whether he gives up on Pruitt or not."

"So, on the road?" Nicholson thought for a moment before saying, "Isn't that also walking together?"

"Pruit, I won't follow him." Pruitt smiled, "He wouldn't even think about it.

That Rommel... is really good at creating pressure on people."

"Huh? Root." Nicholson suddenly changed the subject, "Why don't you use all standard runes in this magic circle?"

"Ah? Well..." Root suddenly smiled, "Gilbert said, our runes have been used for tens of thousands of years. Although they are indeed not that simple, how can they completely lose their value.

Therefore, during this period of time, he has been thinking about how to use the original runes.

Ha~ He used some connecting points and used those slightly deformed runes to sandwich them in the middle to form a rune string.

How interesting... Although the arrogant rune is difficult to learn and occupies too much position in the spiritual sea, it is very suitable for various standard runes on the chain.

I have also been studying these recently, and this is the result."

This chapter has been completed!
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