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Chapter 496 The biggest weakness of the Lord of Hell

 If Hill had only suspected that the person under Aislin’s skin was Gracia before, now he can be 100% sure.

Although Bissozeya is cold and cruel and dares to attack anyone, she is not so... unscrupulous.

In other words, the former Hell Princess who was willing to choose to marry Asmodeus for the future of the Great Devil, overturned because of her unchangeable habit of seeing everyone as her slave, rather than her strategizing head.

If she were still the only princess of hell, and her biological father who could compete with the abyss of hell was still there, she would never play herself like Gracia!

Why can the dandy never figure out what is most important?

Gracia obviously also hopes that her mother who can protect and tolerate her will be resurrected, how can she still dare to act like this?

After Hill discovered this kind of uncontrolled undead, he quickly understood what Gracia was doing... How dare she play the game of raising skeletons with the power of the Styx that her father had intercepted!

She really has no brain... no, she is a spoiled young lady who plays with whatever she sees.

I guess I never thought about the consequences of taking this thing out to play with!

Moreover, this also solved one of his minor doubts: How could Styx notice this world so early.

Indeed, the Styx River tributaries in this world have been cut off. Normally, the Styx River would notice it sooner or later.

But with Styx's reaction speed, he would always be late.

The Will of the Abyss is so much more active than the River Styx. If you want it to notice you, you have to explode a huge firework!

A small thing like a tributary being cut off is really not a big deal to the River Styx, which flows through countless worlds and needs to deal with countless kinds of messes.

Generally, in a world like this, Styx can counterattack with such intensity at the current seriousness only if Styx's guardians choose to burn their souls and make a heroic sacrifice.

The prayers of the patrons will indeed be sensed by Styx, but their requests are usually answered automatically and shipped automatically... For a powerful existence like Styx, the greatest use of divine fire and godhead is

That's it.

Although the existence of the Tower of the Dead made Hill suspect that this kind of thing might have happened before, which was why Styx reacted so early.

But he still couldn't believe it: How could Asmodeus even ignore this?

Although those kind of Stygian scrollers are difficult to stop once they burn their souls, the Lord of Hell should have countless ways to prevent them from even having a chance to think about it.

It is even more likely that the so-called scrollers or even the elect will betray Styx themselves and directly become a member of the devil.

Therefore, Hill has always been a little confused as to how Styx paid attention to this world... Red Dragon and his daughter just happened to meet each other. It is impossible that Styx noticed this world because of their existence.

They are not that important yet.

However, when he saw the mess in front of him, which was like an elementary undead natural disaster, with no rules at all, but able to attack fixed targets according to the will of a certain existence, Hill immediately understood the reason.

The biggest taboo in the Styx is to use the intercepted power of the Styx to create undead creatures.

This is completely different from those so-called gods of death.

No matter how the gods of death in each world describe their existence and how lofty they promote themselves, one thing they cannot deny is that they became gods based on the laws of the Styx.

To put it bluntly, they resonated with a certain tributary of the River Styx, and then became the spokesperson of this tributary.

Styx doesn't care whether these gods of death acknowledge his existence or not... after all, facts will not become false because of their silence.

Just like the large and small river gods canonized by Heaven... Although Heaven is too lazy to care about what they are doing, it can directly deprive you of your divine status when necessary.

Styx is the one with the veto power, so he doesn't care about the intrigues of the little guys below.

Necromancers, even legendary necromancers, to put it bluntly, they only steal a little bit of the power of death...at most it is a bowl of water poured out of the rolling river of the Styx River tributary.

Styx just hates those guys, and will be happy when someone eradicates these thieves, and rewards those who are willing to take action, but he will not bother to take the initiative to deal with it... unless some unlucky guy falls into the Styx himself.

However, after intercepting his power, and then trying to use these powers to create another 'River of Styx' that is not the River of Styx, that would not work.

No matter how small and illusory this 'River of Styx' is, it is still a threat to him.

In particular, the Nine Hells and the Bottomless Abyss can truly threaten his existence.

A lazy elephant may not care about an ant passing under his feet...but what if an army of army ants comes?

The first time Gracia, who had the aura of hell, used the power of Styx, Styx probably noticed the tentacles from the first harmful ant.

Therefore, elephants with quick reactions and powerful methods naturally have to bring in large amounts of water to drown the army of ants before they form an army.

So, God regretted it after creating a creature as cunning and cunning as Asmodeus, one that even the powerful gods of order could manipulate in the palm of their hands, right?

Asmodeus, all the plans cannot be completed by himself... The aura of hell in him is too strong, coupled with his character that he doesn't like to take risks with himself, so the Lord of Hell

I will never let myself leave a safe place for so long just for a plan that I don't know what the outcome will be.

But the people he can use...really, not only have their own plans, but also have their own characteristics.

In this world, Asmodeus is already very careful in hiring people... The biggest characteristic of Fongo is that he will never give you surprises.

He will do everything within the rules and will never do anything he wants.

As the prosecutor of hell, this character is very good, but as a pioneer of the world... If Asmodeus can handle everything by himself, why does he have to let Fongo know his secret?

It's a pity that the Lord of Hell can't find a more suitable candidate than Fongo... Of course he trusts his Hell's Angels more. However, if it has something to do with Bissozeya, it is very likely that a large number of Hells Angels will appear when doing things.


Therefore, Asmodeus could only bring Gracia, who had a bad relationship with Fongo, but definitely wanted his mother to be resurrected, to be the one giving orders.

She has always been very daring to do things...but it's easy to go overboard.

Fongo's task is to do some trivial daily tasks and stop Gracia when she gets carried away.

Moreover, Fongo, as the great devil, would not object to the resurrection of Bissozea... After Asmodeus became more and more powerful and his control over hell became stronger and stronger, the great devil,

Including those devil dukes, they finally realized that they could no longer drive the Lord of Hell out of hell.

Those grand dukes who plotted rebellion back then, especially those who thought that if Bissozea hadn't led the wolf into the house, hell would still be their hell, now they would welcome Bissozea's resurrection.

They killed Bissozea just to make Asmodeus's right to rule less legitimate... Including Gracia's husband, Mammon actually had his own plans.

It's just that he is hiding behind the scenes and wants to benefit from it.

However, the power of Asmodeus and the loyal Hell's Angels legion standing behind him was something that these self-righteous demons had never expected... In the end, Mammon could only watch his wife.

Gracia, who had her only chance to gain royal power, was immediately taken away.

How much energy did he spend to make Gracia feel that Mammon loved her so much?

However, Mammon did not even dare to express regret and quickly married a second wife, fearing that Asmodeus would kill him if he was too late.

If it weren't for the fact that the control of the Lord of Hell wasn't enough at that time, or if it weren't for the fact that Mammon, who surrendered like this, never had the chance to get involved in the kingship of hell... Anyway, the long snake survived in the end.

Hill couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

Obviously, I sent two people around me who wanted Bissozeya to be resurrected the most, and who could also check and balance each other. Everything was going smoothly, but problems would arise because of the smallest things.

Even if Hill doesn't come, Asmodeus' plan for this world will probably fail.

However, there are many types of failure.

Just because he couldn't resurrect Bissozea didn't mean that he wouldn't finally take action against Trasil next door.

Styx will not consider how the children of Yggdrasil are living.

For these beings, it would be good if they could avoid those children a little when they take action. They don't care about what others will do.

If Bissozea is really one step away because of Styx's resistance... Trasil's danger will be even greater.

Hill became more and more thankful that he had the unexpected accident that happened to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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