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Chapter 557 The turbulent devil’s heart

 ‘Aisling’ glanced at Rossello casually.

The Kamante Tower in the Black Mystery Tower is probably not a dog, but a wolf.

But what does this have to do with her?

The more chaotic this world is, the better, and the more things that catch Gracia off guard, the better.

Based on her understanding of herself, 'Aislin' has a very clear understanding: Gracia cannot be idle.

As soon as you are idle, something will happen.

When she is surrounded by a lot of chores, Gracia is the most reassuring.

Asmodeus also worked hard to create the identity of the Queen of Desire for his daughter... Otherwise, with his battle angel-like cleanliness, how would he accept his biological daughter and indulge in silky, lustful things?


You know, the Lord of Hell and the Queen of Hell are both ascetic sects, and they actually bear the fruit that everything must be turned against itself.

Huh? What is she thinking?

Isn’t this scolding herself?

This is the biggest disadvantage of the most complete enemy being oneself. 'Aislin' couldn't help but frown, and she had to be careful even when cursing in her heart.

Although it is true that she can grab the other person's sore feet, that thing is also her own.

She couldn't help but pour herself another glass of moonlight rose wine: "If there are no external interference, it will be three days."

"Who would interfere with Archmage Nicholson?" Rossello said in a strange tone, "Don't you think their style is a bit familiar and makes you want to vomit?"

"It's not that...chaotic, right?" 'Aisling' said hesitantly, "I've been watching the fights in the Nicholson family for a long time, and I can still draw some patterns.

Although they occasionally do crazy things due to emotional fluctuations, most of the time, they focus on their own interests.

Although it is chaotic, the main goal is always Nicholson's favor and resources."

Rossello looked at her in surprise: "Complete chaos, and slight chaos, aren't they still chaos?

You are..."

He was really confused this time.

Gracia isn't that crazy. Did she use some chaos mage's soul slice?

No way? No way?

However, the pure order side will never find chaos understandable!

As the crystallization of a fallen angel and a devil princess, the only attribute that Gracia will not violate is order!

Otherwise, she would not have become a symbol of the covenant between hell and fallen angels, let alone the queen of the demons, who are mainly fallen angels!

What Rossello actually didn't dare to think about was that Gracia used the soul slices of those prophecy mages... or even...

No, it won't happen. Gracia is just a little crazy, but she does a pretty good job as the Queen of Desire, and she won't suddenly become so big!

Rossello pressed his temples hard to ensure that he would not think so wildly... Then if it was true, it couldn't be accidental.

Therefore, knowing nothing is the only way to survive. He...damn it! Is he here today to confirm the final end date of his wonderful career as the Devil Duke?

'Aislin' suddenly tilted her head: "Ah, is Aislin's influence on me so great?

She is a person who likes to tell half-truths and half-truths to hide her true feelings.

Especially when the other party makes her wary or wants to deceive others."

Rossello immediately put on a smile on his face: "You can rest assured, Rossello, he never does anything unnecessary."

"Then I can't rest assured!" 'Aislin' also showed a bright smile to him, "After all, I also have my own little thoughts.

If you have too many selfish thoughts, naturally you have to be careful."

Rossello could only shake his head and smile bitterly: "Ah, please let poor Rossello go. I definitely don't want to hear such terrible words."

He tucked himself into the sofa, his long legs carefully curled up in front of his chest, his face was full of sadness, and his whole person had a clear sense of brokenness.

Although 'Aisling' knew that Rossello was pretending to be pure, she really liked this trick, and once again deeply understood why Rossello could always take advantage of Gracia's emptiness and loneliness.

Be on top again for a while.

Indeed, it suits her very well.

'Aislin' couldn't help showing a bright smile: "Don't worry, as long as you don't do anything, I won't let you do unnecessary things."

Rossello shook his fist... Fortunately, no matter how much trouble this soul has, at least its preference for men remains the same as Gracia.

That's good.

Although, if something really happened, it would be meaningless for a man to be pleasing to his eyes, but Rosero's wish was humble enough, so just throw him out and use him as cannon fodder for a trivial matter.

He stood up lightly, like a snow-white little rabbit bouncing on the ground twice: "Then, Ms. Aisling, I will leave first.

I will come again in three days."

'Aislin' watched him leave with a happy but a little regretful smile on her face... Although there are many beautiful stories in her memory, unfortunately, they cannot be used for the time being.

That guy Gracia will never allow anyone who has not left her palace to have pleasure that she has not allowed.

Obviously she likes to watch some live events, but she still has so many useless requests.


But 'Aisling' can only accept this kind of restraint from herself.


"Huh? What do you want from me?

Didn't I say, don't disturb me if there's nothing important?" Fongo, who was wearing a black uniform and browsing documents piled several meters high on the table, raised his head unhappily.

Now that he knew that Gracia might cause trouble, or was under the control of Asmodeus, Fongo naturally chose to seal himself in the magic tower and try his best not to be involved.

Moreover, even if Gracia performs another operation that will stun the Lord of Hell, Fongo will not do anything more... Anyway, Asmodeus said that everything is under his control, right?

Fongo was just willing to show his loyalty, but he was not really willing to die in pieces just for a compliment from the Lord of Hell.

So, he simply sealed himself in the magic tower to handle his work as Hell Prosecutor... Those were documents sent by the intelligence network of the multiverse and nine hells!

Although it stands to reason that Fongo only needs to handle some of the most important documents, the well-informed and experienced Grand Prosecutor knows very well that if he doesn't show it, he will conduct spot checks at any time, even if he does everything carefully, no matter how big or small it is.

With such an attitude, he will be tricked to death immediately by his subordinates.

He is not one of those battle angels. Even if he makes a big mistake, he can still start again from the demon of desire.

Especially the person who was in charge of intelligence at the beginning was just imprisoned for a thousand years, and then turned around and became the personal attendant of the Lord of Hell...but he was no longer responsible for such troublesome things.

In the eyes of the Lord of Hell, even if that guy cheated his wife to death, he just didn't have enough brains and only knew how to fight.

But if he, Fongo, only made one tenth of the mistake, he probably wouldn't even have the chance to turn into a worm.

A piece of paper floated gently above his desk. Fongo picked it up with two fingers and took a look: Rossello and Aisling seemed to want to attack Derryfus.

"Who gave you the information? Rossello himself?" Fongo asked disdainfully.

As an unlucky guy who had to wipe the butt of the Hell Princess all the year round, he knew the old man in that palace quite well.

How could a guy like Rossello, who was considered a very thoughtful person even among the Devil Dukes, let his group of men understand?

Fongo knew very well that there were indeed some smart people in his intelligence department, but most of them were idiots with no brains.

But only these people, when they get all kinds of information, their first reaction is to report it, instead of fighting for their own interests.

Hell devils, although they abide by order, they also like to find loopholes in the rules!

Therefore, the intelligence department must be composed of smart people who Feng Ge can monitor at any time, and a large number of brainless eyes under the smart people.

But even these smart people don't have the ability to dig up Rossello's secrets, unless the guy just wants them to know.

A paragraph of text quickly floated on the page:

Rossello himself probably wanted to inform him.

Then this matter is probably a bit troublesome, otherwise I wouldn't bother you.

Fongo frowned: "Rosello probably wants us to control the more sensitive mages in our faction.

What he is doing now comes from the will of the Lord of Seattle.

Tell your men that if I find out that they have done something that will arouse the wrath of Lord Seatta, I will personally send them away."

The piece of paper trembled slightly in mid-air, but still did not fall.

"No matter how great the benefit, it doesn't make sense to me.

Rossello would suddenly act so friendly, which proves how... incredible this matter is.

If you must seek death, do it in your own name.

Anyone who dares to appear in the name of the Supervision Office will be killed directly by me."

Feng Ge calmly understood what he said. He watched the piece of paper fall on the table and then gently rubbed his forehead: Ever since the Lord of Hell gave them higher autonomy, the greed of the devils has become a bit less.

Legal control.

To them, there is a difference between gold coins and gold mines.

They pursue gold coins relentlessly because the moment this thing was born, it embodies the greatest greed of mankind.

Gold coins that are traded more frequently, gold coins that last longer, and gold coins whose value is exaggerated by humans themselves are all precious existences that the devil can fight for wantonly.

But in this world, human desire for transactions is actually suppressed to a minimum.

What the devil likes is a world with a highly developed economy... Desires will only flourish after the most basic requirement of survival is met.

Therefore, Fongo can actually understand those subordinates who can only gain some benefits when they occasionally go out to clean up the rebellious magic tower... There is no way, they can't take action on those in the Tower of Siya that they like.

This chapter has been completed!
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