Chapter 594 Delacruz is full of murderous intent

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 Chapter 1909 De La Cruz, full of murderous intent

Rommel moved his left hand, and a ring suddenly penetrated the outer skin and appeared on his ring finger.

After putting those things into the ring, he fell into a somewhat desolate mood... Whether any of the students left the trap area alive could only depend on other people's unexpected encounters.

On the contrary, it is the betrayer who can know the sure death letter.

Hermann Garland... suddenly put aside the persona of Rommel and revealed his true cold self. The light that flashed in his eyes was not sad nostalgia, but endless murderous intent.

He felt that he had killed less.

Hill's bear only saw the clearest message. Only Garland, who had discussed how to hide deeper secrets within secrets, could understand the message that guy secretly conveyed.

Although Garland tried his best to hide only a few words in those metal fabrics, at least he included all the traitors he could find on the list.

Perhaps in order to attract his attention, Hill opened the book introducing his identity at the top.

Therefore, de la Cruz is more angry than pain and regret.

Garland is one of his students who is very smart... Although his alchemy talent is not as good as Hill's, let alone Fran's, he is still very good.

The most important thing is that although he doesn't really want to face the doomsday with Trasil, he has never thought about turning around and dealing with his home planet.

Delacruz never paid much attention to what camp his students were in, as long as they were talented enough.

As an absolute neutral person with absolute self, he also respects the choices of others... Therefore, even if there is annoying chaos around him, he will only choose to leave by himself.

Of course, if this chaos happened to him for no good reason, he would not give him any chance to regret it.

But he still prefers children with a certain bottom line.

After all, when communicating, it is easy for this kind of children to communicate and understand their thoughts.

As for the Trashir people who have a particularly long life span... rather than saying that they are humans, they should actually be said to be some kind of elves, right?

Not an elf like the Elf God King, but an existence of the same species as the moon elf but of a different genus.

It's just that they were born out of the hope of the Earth Goddess... That one doesn't seem to like real elves, and is completely opposite to the Silver Moon Goddess.

Thank God.

But this also gave an understandable reason for another thing... He took a trip around the outside world and found that half-elves were not like Trasil.


For example, those who transform from birds to leopards to bears, most half-elves cannot directly inherit this talent so easily.

Their first step is to awaken the bloodline, not to directly change it.

Moreover, there is an explanation for the naturally powerful physique of humans in Trasil.

Real ordinary humans are not like the Trashir people who can lift huge stones even if they don't exercise much and don't have enough to eat at all.

Those hundreds of meters high city walls are indeed the work of mages, but basic buildings, such as mining and transportation, still rely on these mortals who are not even knights.

Therefore, a mage like Garland who has been able to leave his own world independently and walk in the universe will not only live for such a short time even if he makes no progress.

De la Cruz knew that Garland would write that he was seriously injured because he was worried that the person who could read his letter would be a traitor.

After all, he experienced the terrible blockade firsthand.

Even if he relied on some ingenuity to discover something was wrong, did not fall for the traitor's trick, and even took the opportunity to find out the traitor's name, he must have encountered a very crazy interception.

But Garland was one of the last children to leave him.

Although because of this, he has more high-level rare objects in his hand, including semi-artifacts, otherwise he wouldn't be able to escape so easily.

Dela Cruz always thought that those children who left at the beginning would have a chance of survival... There were no fools among his students.

How could such a shrewd mage not be prepared at all when entering a new world?

On the contrary, it is the later ones, because with the presence of some traitors, some vigilance will be lost.

This is why Delacruz hates those traitors the most.

They can live comfortably in the devil's world only because their hands are stained with the blood of their fellow disciples!

And the more people believe in them, the more likely they will die...

When he thought of this, Delacruz was still filled with murderous intent.

Very good, Garland left him a more complete list... This kid is really smart, and even in the most unsolvable situation, he found the best opportunity to send the message.

Only people like Hill would find other people's magic towers, especially the things in the magic tower made by his de la Cruz students, so easy to get... This is because he has no idea that these things are still being used by a group of people.

A low-level knight got it, otherwise he would appreciate Garland's decision-making power even more.

Although these things do not have any special effects, they are all small and magical items that are based on magic and even have slightly special functions. However, only these items can be left outside after being discovered.

The best and most top-notch things can only be treasured in the treasure house of the strong, but there is no chance for him to see them.

But Garland probably didn't expect that there would be a guy like Hill... Fortunately, this bear cub is half a native and has learned some rune secrets. Otherwise, he would have been left in the warehouse without even looking at it.

Have a look.

It can only be said that although their luck was not very good... Delacruz suddenly smiled bitterly: On the contrary, those students who were willing to accompany him until the end of Trasil survived to the end.

This overly ironic result really made him a bit...

Forget it, the matter is already here, why bother thinking about it anymore, people like him will only think about the present.

There were several people on Garland's list that he did not see.

It seems that the devil is really good to them and even allows them to go to other worlds!

Otherwise, Delacruz believes that he will never find it.

He wandered around in those worlds for a long time!

Delacruz shook his head. As the energy array of the magic tower finally resonated with the other two main towers, it slowly returned to the appearance and expression that Rommel should have.

His mood dropped to the lowest level with the ring once again hidden under the skin, while Hill, who was unaware of it, was wondering how the ring was obtained.

Compared with his choice to completely give up good things, Delacruz's approach is a bit troublesome, but it is more convenient!

But he also knew that Delacruz's mood would not be very good... Although Hill himself took it out so early in order to prevent the guy from continuing to ask about Ransondel, he really didn't expect it.

It would be so cruel.

There's probably something going on here that he doesn't know about.

For example, when Garland was seriously injured, it is possible that De La Cruz knew the real reason.

Before Delacruz clearly showed his murderous intent, Hill felt that he shouldn't ask any more questions.

Therefore, he could only slowly think about the principle behind Delacruz's method of completely hiding the existence of the storage ring.

Of course, not just a layer of skin, but even a bit of flesh can hide the energy of the magic item itself.

If it were that simple, Hill wouldn't have thought of it.

After all, the worst of their enemies is the Great Devil... There is even more than one Devil Duke.

Not to mention Hell Princess and Fongo.

When Camanteta took Root and Nicholson into the energy room, they saw two people who seemed harmonious, but actually did their own thing.

Rossello, Maika and Pate, who stopped outside the energy room, also passed by in a flash, and they were not surprised by the unfamiliar sight they saw.

It would be really funny if Camanteta's most trusted student could have anything to say to Root's beloved disciple.

The reason why there was no fight was because although Gilbert sent by Root had a bad temper, he had the most indifferent personality. As long as others did not provoke him, he would generally not take the initiative to cause trouble.

Of course, they understand better why Gilbert would sacrifice his time and energy to help Kamante Tower build this main tower... Although there are also reasons why Gilbert consumed too many resources some time ago and need to add some, but the more important thing is

Yes, they must watch the Kamante Tower and not turn the main tower connected to them into the auxiliary tower of the Tower of Siya.

They may tolerate vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood if they give away the energy they have worked so hard to accumulate to others, but that is related to their own safety!

But Kamanteta, his students and subordinates are still members of the Black Mystery Tower, and they cannot give up on these people openly.

Not to mention, the composition of the Kamanteta faction is very chaotic, and there are no real black magicians in it.

Camanteta took over a mature school of disciples. Even if he eliminated some of the people who were enemies of him, he could not kill all the disciples and descendants of those people.

If he was really that stupid, Root would have found an excuse to kill him long ago.

But once the magic circle of the Black Mystery Tower is confirmed to be opened, if you want to close or modify it, the three towers must be done together. Therefore, as long as the safety of the magic circle is ensured at the beginning, there will be nothing to worry about later.

Everyone is just pretending to be confused because they understand.

"Teacher, everything is going well here." Rommel stood up straight and went to greet him first.

Hill, who followed him slowly, put his hands in front of him and imitated him: "Teacher, everything goes well here."

Root shook his head helplessly and pointed to the door: "Your mission is over, you can go back."

On Hill's hand that was specially placed outside, the purple diamonds on the two storage rings were shining brightly... The reward had been received, and he could indeed dodge it.


This chapter has been completed!
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