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Chapter 597: Some brains, but not much

 A little bit of brains, but not much.

This was Hill's final comment.

All of Gracia's brains were probably used to battle wits with her biological father and his men, which is why she made such a crazy move.

Perhaps she felt that Lansander was too lonely here, so she specially invited Selune?

This rough and primitive dance of praying to the moon can be perceived by the Silver Moon Goddess, and it is not without reason.

As the original goddess of Toril, the faith that Selune first received originally came from a beast with a little bit of intelligence.

The beasts worshiped the moon because they wanted to eat better and live longer. The gods at that time were willing to extend their hands to such heartfelt requests for help.

For example, Shantia.

The powerful beasts surrounding her were all accumulated during that period.

As Toril became more and more perfect, the beasts became more and more intelligent, and with the emergence of various major races, sacrifice became a ritual.

The gods of Toril didn't even know how to accept faith or use faith at the beginning. In the end, they all learned from foreign gods, and their nature is probably indifferent, so others may not have learned how to use the power of faith to maintain

He learned how to be strong and protect his own enjoyment very quickly.

Therefore, they only showed disdain for that kind of primitive sacrifice, but never, really couldn't hear it.

Of course, this refers to the kind of natural god.

In a sense, only Selune will always be the Silver Moon Goddess.

For the beings who are close to her, that kind of personality that never changes is the biggest trouble, but for Toriel... only the saying that the silver moon will never change is true.

Selune will be the navigator in the fog, the eternal navigator, and not just because she controls the Silver Moon.

When the silver moon is not there, there will be stars twinkling, and there will always be a special star that can serve as a symbol to prevent people from getting lost. For example, Hill, when you think of direction, you can only think of the North Star.

But in a fantasy world where there are always various situations that blind one's eyes and blind one's perception, the sun, moon and stars may become false.

People can only ask the bright moon in their hearts to help... But if they want to carve a bright moon that is firm enough in their hearts, the most basic requirement is the sentence, 'The silver moon is eternal, and she will be there when you ask.'

The bright moons in other worlds do not have the determination that never changes like Selûne.

Even though she is chaotic, her core is so strong that no one can change her.

Therefore, this sacrificial method, which is like a beast's prayer, is most likely to be passed on to Selune, who is far away in Toril... Does Gracia think that there are no regular pointing words in the crab dance?

It is true that wild beasts can only howl, but they also change the pace of their musical scales as the silver moon rises and sets?

She just copied it all... How dare Gracia claim that she loves music?

Even people like Hill, who have only a preliminary understanding of music, can feel that when certain rhythms echo back and forth, they seem to be calling for a certain existence.

Wouldn't the beast give the moon its own name?

When some musical scales are accepted by Selune, then in the multiverse, the same musical scales will naturally point to her... It is one thing for her not to see or hear, but in her Kingdom of the Moon God, she can indeed receive it.

It’s arrived!

Even if Selûne is not interested in things in other worlds, so she lets Gracia reluctantly do this, but that is Selûne!

Who knows if she might be too bored and give Gracia a slap in the face... Dare to extend her dirty evil hand to the power of Silver Moon, no matter how big Selune's reaction is, it can be justified.

This goes back to what I said before... It's one thing if she doesn't want to do it, but it's another thing if she can do it.

The gods are indeed superior, and if there is no need for faith, they will rarely eradicate evil in other worlds, but... you can't just turn a blind eye to their existence just because you think they are too lazy to meddle in their own business!

Asmodeus, how on earth did he raise a daughter?

Hill felt that her previous judgment of Gracia was not wrong... She did have selfish motives for Bissozea's resurrection, but it was not that she did not want her mother to be resurrected.

At most, she just hopes that the younger brothers and sisters who may appear in the future will not have as pure a bloodline as hers.

She didn't consider her father's blood chakra, only her mother's side had the possibility of manipulation.

She is very clear-headed in this regard, and knows that she can always cause trouble in hell and make mistakes everywhere, not because her father loves his daughter like crazy, but because she has the purest blood of the royal family of hell.

As long as there is no second child, even if her mother is resurrected and is willing to give birth to another litter of siblings out of gratitude for Asmodeus's perseverance, she will still be the most important princess of hell.

Therefore, Gracia was just faking it, and she did not want her mother's resurrection to fail completely.

She must have really not noticed that this dance of praying to the moon was pointing to the clear silver moon.

Isn’t it said that Battle Angel can play a song by picking up a leaf?

Why is his daughter almost a tone deaf person?

Or, this is the nature of devils... So these big devils seem to appreciate art and music, but in fact they can't understand or understand them at all. They only rely on the desire condensed in these works of art to distinguish between true and false, good and bad.


No wonder there are always stories about devils being deceived by businessmen.

This was also the reason why Hill suddenly lost his fighting spirit and put all his interest in Rommel, who was about to arrive at that time... He suddenly realized that even if he didn't come, Asmodeus's plan would probably not end well.


All because he has a good daughter.

Although the Lord of Hell was mentally prepared for his daughter's destructive power, and actually knew more or less what was going on, otherwise when he was angry, his first reaction would not be to knock over the moon.

But Hill believed that he had absolutely no idea that Gracia would play with Selune!

Even Asmodeus himself didn't dare.

The original goddess of Toril can scheme secretly, but... she must not be an enemy openly.

Generally speaking, if anyone wants to mess with them, they must hide behind one of the sisters.

Shar can draw Selune's full attention away, and vice versa.

What if they dared to do something before they started fighting... Wasn't Rose's lesson profound enough?

Gracia really subverted many of his stereotypes about the devil.

Generally speaking, the devil will choose to play it safe when faced with uncertain things, especially things that are closely related to his future.

Therefore, as long as traces of the devil are found, they can basically be found according to the usual logic.

But even so, the devils, especially the big devils, will only reflect on where they failed to hide and exposed their flaws, instead of choosing to open up a new path that has not been traveled before and is full of dangers.

If a devil takes a new path, it must be that he has gone through countless temptations... Humans from the evil camp are really good helpers in some respects... Only make sure that you are at least 80% sure before taking action.

Moreover, when I have to walk, I am always ready to run away. I definitely don’t dare to let go and just walk around like that.

Gracia is as brave as Lansondel.

Really, Hill's first reaction was that hell also has their own Lansondel.

And, you see, the principles of birth between the two of them are also very similar.

Asmodeus was originally the first angel in the Heavenly Mountain, the purest life created by pure life energy.

Although he turned evil in the end, in the eyes of many beings... his corruption did not lie in Asmodeus himself, but in the fact that he was born in the most inappropriate time and environment.

If the angels could have been born before the Gods of Order took control of Heavenly Mountain, then it is possible that the myth of the multiverse would be another story.

Although Asmodeus himself didn't think so... in his opinion, if it weren't for such a time and such an environment, the angels born would definitely not be the battle angels they were.

Their appearance was originally due to the selfish motives of those gods of order.

Therefore, when the Lord of Hell was dealing with other powerful men, he mercilessly refuted such boring remarks.

But he could never deny that he was actually born pure.

As for Bissozeya, as the last member of the royal family of hell...the devil is originally a creature of body and soul. The so-called royal family is naturally the embodiment of the laws of hell, and she is darkness.

Angels are also the same entity of spirit and body.

The two of them gave birth to Gracia, and the first ray of light produced by the endless fire that was ignited in the darkness... Lansander, to a certain extent, is indeed somewhat similar.

At least in the brain, it's somewhat similar.

When Hill thought of this, all his interest turned to Rommel.

He really didn't want to think about the crappy things in this world... Especially when he thought about how scared and determined he was in the beginning, and even when he had the consciousness of death, Hill felt like he was so damn good... Nothing


The next time something like this happens to him, he will definitely be more calm.

After all, although the enemy is very powerful, the grievances within the enemy may be more helpful to him.

Selûne may not be interested in other worlds, but when she discovers that the world calling her has attracted Lansander's attention, and that the big peacock is still lost outside, she will definitely get involved.

Such an interesting thing, all you need to do is point her in the direction to see it, how could she not take action?

Fortunately, Rommel's presence made what Hill did all worthwhile.

Of course, he could also comfort himself... In the end, the one who was most upset was definitely not him, but the Lord of Hell who had planned many things and included his silly daughter in his plans.

This chapter has been completed!
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