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Chapter 673 Can you help Hill?

 As the true goddess of darkness, Shar is very aware of Aisling's biggest weakness: "Using those two powers at the same time, although it is possible, will cause the body to be destroyed very quickly.

Just the power of the moon, that body probably can't bear it, plus the power of the sun...


That's why you plan to bring the Styx in.

Things like physique are meaningless to Styx.

But in that case...are you planning to erase all those three messy souls and then turn this body into a living tool?

This is indeed what Styx is good at.”

Hill blinked.

Lansander nodded and shook his head: "Erase the soul consciousness of Gracia and Silver Moon, and send the formed human soul to the River Styx.

Although the condensed soul is a bit strange, she is already a serious soul connected to the law after all.

The laws have recognized her existence, and I will not erase such a soul at will."

Shar gave a polite but obviously cursed smile.

Of course Lansander knew that Shar was scolding him, but he didn't say it out loud anyway, so he could have just laughed at it as she was bored.

He's not Shar, that sensitive, right?

So he directly spoke more clearly: "Selene, Aislin, are you very panicked now?

In urgent need of a life-saving straw?"

Selûne nodded in a daze... So, Lansander plans to become the hero who saves people in distress?

Is there any use in playing hero to that kind of woman?

Although Aislin is not as incredible as Gracia, she is obviously not a single-minded lover either!

As soon as Ransander left, she probably changed her target.

Selune's expression was a bit too bright, and Shar let out another laugh...a laugh that was three parts sarcastic, three parts vicious, and one part sincerely happy.

Lansander took a breath silently... It was really difficult to communicate with Selune.

How could he say something so clearly?

He also wants to be proud, okay?

Then, he whispered softly: "It is impossible for Aislin to stay in the world.

She belongs to this world, and it is impossible for her to go to my kingdom of God... Therefore, staying in the Styx as our eyes to monitor this neutralizer is the best ending for her.

We can't afford to pay so much, and in the end, all the benefits will be taken away by Styx, and then there is no way to ensure that there will never be a dual-core sun and moon that is our enemy in this world!

Even the Styx cannot stop us from leaving a pair of our own eyes in this world!"

Shar's laughter was even more arrogant this time.

Lansander could only choose to ignore it expressionlessly... Fortunately, Selune had no doubts about his reason.

Of course, for her, this reason is enough.

Selune has always put self-preservation first and doesn't care about other people's business.

As for the ridicule of the Night Girl, Lansander could only choose to accept it with a broad mind.

No way, Shar already understood what he was up to, why he was suddenly so majestic and upright, and made it sound like Tyr was coming.

But Selûne was still confused and didn't understand why Aislin's soul had to exist... It was because of their good intentions that Aislin could become a complete soul. But while she belonged to this world, the source of her soul was unknown.

It is a tool made by foreign invaders using the divine crystal of the Silver Moon Goddess who brought disaster to this world. Even if she stays in the Styx, she will be rejected by other souls, so she will definitely stand on the side of showing kindness to her.

This side of Lansendre.

Of course, if this Aislin is the kind of being who stands on her own side with a strong will and strong will, then Lansander's calculations can only be in vain. However... a person who can make the Silver Moon Goddess do that

When she was the main soul, a weak soul that was no more than garbage could grow and develop to the point where it could fight Gracia's soul. What kind of willpower would such a person have?

When Gracia's soul is half asleep and half awake, Silver Moon doesn't have the ability to show her face!

Lansander and Shar have always been very good at using people like Aisling, but Selûne...who doesn't have strong willpower, how can she deal with her.

Even if you don't have any willpower, that's not how you die.

There was another person who probably didn't understand Ransander's plan. He was probably the expressionless Hill who was in a daze.

Although this kid is very smart, he is still a bit poor at scheming. Moreover, he saves people just to save people. He probably never thought that helping others can kill two birds with one stone.

But Lansendre has never been the kind of being who is so kind that he gets nothing in return for paying the price.

Let him take action personally, even if the main purpose is for his own world, then he will have to recover some interest.

If Aislin's body is made into this tool, even if Aislin's soul is completely separated from her body, she can still slightly affect that thing... Even if it is a divine tool, it will still be restricted by her origin.

Of course, because her abilities are limited, this restriction must be very small.

But Lansendre himself has no intention of competing with Styx for power in this world, nor does he intend to do anything to Styx!

But leaving some backdoors for yourself is the most normal choice for smart people!

As long as Aisling's heart is open to them, the gods of Toril, it means that they have a place in the River Styx.

Not to mention anything else, it is also convenient when intercepting souls from the River Styx!

Although Styx has never cared much about gods like them bringing back the souls belonging to their believers, they still have to find them themselves.

It's easier to handle when there are less people, but sometimes when there are too many people, even Ransendall feels a little tired.

He has promised not to give up the soul of any believer!

In particular, his followers believe too much in the omnipotence of their Lord God, so they even dare to venture into the abyss of hell.

Do you really think he, Ransander, likes throwing purifying fireballs into hell and abyss so much?

Sometimes he is forced to have no choice but...it's not always him who is going crazy!

If he could have his own fixed point in the River Styx, it would be much easier to fish for people in the future... Where Aislin's soul is, is where his light is in the River Styx.

If when he was collecting the souls of his followers, someone was too quick and left the tributary where Toril was, then they would inevitably be attracted by Aisling's light.

At that time, Lansander only needs to take a look at where Aislin is every once in a while.

Shar was dissatisfied because she thought of it, but this benefit was worthless to her.

But she was just a spectator...Selene didn't get the benefits that belonged to her, so would Shar still complain about her?

As for Styx, unless he decides to completely abandon this world, he can only let Ransander take advantage of it... This is an honest conspiracy.

The River Styx is actually the fairest.

As long as Aisling squats in the River Styx honestly and doesn't engage in any nonsense about being obsessed with the beauty of the world and not being exposed to the sun, even if the River Styx doesn't like it, all she thinks about is Lansendre, then that's okay.

Won't do anything to her.

As for giving Aisling's soul to Lansander...the Lord of the Dawn himself didn't dare to think of such a good thing.

The artifact made by Styx himself, and next to it might provide a little benefit to Lansander's soul. He could still tolerate it. After all, the Lord of the Dawn also paid the price.

But Aisling must be under his supervision... If he gave the key that could unlock the control of the artifact to others, then Styx would probably rather violate his own principles and completely annihilate Aisling.

Although his principles are indeed among the strongest, they are not incapable of being shaken a little.

After finalizing the plan, Ransondel looked at Hill gently, who was holding a cup and drinking juice, obviously not understanding what he and Shar said: "So, Hill, how should we contact the Styx?

You should have something, right?"

Hill was stunned for a moment and put down the cup in his hand: "Are you planning to pay a formal visit? Lansendre."

His attitude is more solemn... If it is a formal visit that requires him to be formally introduced as a middleman, then his identity is not the little mage Hill, but a descendant of the World Tree.

Styx will not be disturbed by any little mage, he will only listen to the call of the children of the world tree.

"Yes." Lansander nodded seriously, "This is also very important to you, isn't it?

This world is too close to Trasil.

If Amaunata succeeds, Toril will not be the first to suffer."

Hill shook his head: "This reason is not valid.

Lansendre, I have never shown that I care about Amaunata's behavior, just because I am confident enough to expel them from my world.

However, I didn't take action directly because he already had some connection with the sun of this world.

Even if he leaves this world, even if the sun is directly destroyed, he may still pull the core of the sun into his kingdom of God.

But it's not Trasil who threatens him.

Lansendre, as a friend and traveling Hill, I can help you without any reason.

However, the child of World Tree, Hill of Trasil, cannot use his identity at will.

I think you can understand my last resort."

Lansendre couldn't help laughing: "So, how can I invite Hill of Trasil?"

Although Hill made a long speech, his expression clearly told him that it wasn't impossible, it just needed a little ceremony.

"Please send a greeting to World Tree." Hill replied seriously. "Although World Tree is eternal and does not care about the trivial matters of the outside world, he is not willing to see the demise of a world.

But if I need to do something in his name, I must give him a reason to interfere in this matter.

As the Lord of the Dawn, you should know how to project the light of dawn onto the branches and leaves of the World Tree."

This chapter has been completed!
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