Chapter 742 Both have problems?

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Hill, who once again focused his energy on the giant screen, was a little confused. ◆????????????Search????????????.??????◆

If these two ladies really have a problem, then their acting skills must be at the level of peerless celebrities.

But if you look closely, they do have some small moves.

However, if one looks at the male Gods of Order, anyone can see that they are not honest either.

All lights are white, but unfortunately each has its own whiteness and shine.

"According to the rules on the top of the mountain of heaven..." AO stared at it for a while, and then suddenly realized that the two girls in his family were confused by this colorful scene, each with its own little abacus, "As long as you don't count your own people, then you can get what you want.

No matter what, everyone depends on their ability.

As long as you want to stay on top of Paradise Mountain, you must abide by this rule."

Shar suddenly asked thoughtfully: "So, Asmodeus had a chance to breathe and find a way to survive for himself?

I remember that you once mentioned that although the Life Pool failed to stop you from trying to encourage others to thrive, it still managed to gain a semblance of equal status for the Battle Angels?"

"Yes." AO answered neatly, "As long as he is still willing to resist the invasion of demons for Heaven Mountain, this rule cannot exclude him and the Battle Angel.

This rule will be useful even after he reaches hell."

"This bondage is two-way, right?" Selune, as a veteran of exploiting loopholes, quickly grasped the key point. "If we only restricted Heaven Mountain, Asmodeus would not be able to join hands with the Bottomless Abyss and then hate Heaven Mountain.

Even a bunch of old guys can't do it."

"Of course, all the rules can only be used if he still wants to be a member of Heavenly Mountain." AO was obviously very patient when talking to Selune, and his answers were also very concise.

And in detail, “The former Asmodeus still needed Heavenly Mountain.

Even though he was almost seriously injured and died by a certain God of Order, he was weak at that time and still needed the rope that seemed to be about to break to hold him back to prevent him from being swallowed directly by hell.

Although he has had a lot of fun in hell these years, in essence, he has been walking very dangerously, which is no different from walking on a tightrope.

When he was at his peak, Hell naturally did not dare to do anything to him, but... His blood almost filled a blood lake. How could Hell not try to control him through that blood?

And Asmodeus... haha~ what happened back then was indeed more shameless on the part of the Gods of Order, but he was not really that innocent.

It's true that he was the victim, but when he resisted, he also used a little bit of cunning.

From that day on, the God of Order's reputation as Feng Jiyue was no longer there. The strong men who knew that matter well, when they interacted with them, were no more wary of them than the devils in hell.


The most important thing is that Asmodeus got the freedom he had longed for, and no one could tell him what to do anymore.

How could he be willing to let hell control him?

So, when you talk to me about things in this world, I know that that guy must be doing it for someone.

He doesn't really want Bissozeya to be resurrected intact.

Ha~ Asmodeus is the only faith and the only pillar of survival for the Battle Angels.

If he really respects his wife as much as he shows, no matter how disgusted those battle angels are with Bissozeya, they will try their best to save her life.

But everyone knows this.

That hell princess is not a good thing either.

I can sell Asmodeus more easily than anyone else.

The reason why their daughter was raised to be so stupid was because Bissozeya did it on purpose.


The royal family of hell was not so good at raising children before, each one was more insidious and cunning than the last, and they were even more wicked."

Hill couldn't help but glance at the big peacock sitting upright next to him, and then found that Ransander was also looking at him with concern.

The emotions in Doudou's eyes were really changing.

Then they both turned back and focused their eyes on the giant screen... What does it have to do with AO teaching his own children?

Regardless of whether AO sensed the surprise of the neighbor's child, he had no reaction at all.

There was no fluctuation in the sound.

"So, in the past, even if he had countless back-ups on the top of the mountain of heaven, he would not use them easily.

The Gods of Order may be caught off guard once, but they will never give him a second chance.

No matter what he wants to get here, he can only do it once.

Selûne, don't think that he was too careful after spending so much thought and using so many tricks, and the benefits he got in the end were just what he could get from the first half of the plan.

If you were half, no, one-tenth as cautious as Asmodeus, many things wouldn't have happened.

Of course he knew that his preparations might be redundant.

But, it’s better than finding out at the critical moment that there’s only a slight difference!

No matter how much you prepare for your future...sigh..."

AO's sigh was too obvious, but Hill couldn't help it and glanced over.

Selune was eating, choosing carefully for a while, choosing a few butter biscuits, and taking a sip of milk while holding the cup.

Shar sneered: "Let's talk about business, don't say useless words, who will listen?"

Anyway, the one you want to educate won’t listen.

And the other person who doesn't need education will only think that you talk too much and are too f*cking partial.

Hill silently finished her words in his mind.

What makes people...even feel slightly sad for this god is...he didn't have much reaction to this at all, only that sigh.

AO continued talking without much pause, and his tone was quite calm: "Although I was surprised at first that there was a God of Order who chose to give up the past, but it is actually not incomprehensible.

They live too well and too plainly.

You don’t have to look at me like that, Selune."

Selune, who was holding the milk glass, looked innocent: "I didn't look at you!"

"Is that you?" Shar couldn't help herself.

"Although we are the same person, here I am just drinking my milk honestly~" Selune was very unconvinced, "Also, Shar, why are you also with the old man?

Didn’t you go find that William?”

This kind of useless quarrel... Hill quickly recalled the weird looks of Alice and Aglaia when they were around him, and deeply understood... Even if they live for millions of years, girls are not good at this.

What difference will there be.

He quickly cheered up and prepared to observe AO's response method to see if there was anything he could learn from it.

Then, he quickly became disappointed.

AO is not as good as him!

The only way is to ignore it and continue to say what he said, as if everything in front of you never happened.

Although Hill understands that what he is facing now are two Selune and two Shar...the pair beside him will not stop, but isn't this the cunning AO?

How could he have no countermeasures except avoidance?

It's really useless, it has no sense of seniority at all.

AO continued to say what he wanted to say in an unusually calm manner amidst the quarrel between the two sisters: "The reason why I can leave Paradise Mountain so simply is because I have no enemies."

Even during the quarrel, the sisters laughed loudly at the same time.

"Before I created you two, there really wasn't anything." AO's voice was still so steady, "Probably, that time, all my luck was consumed, so nothing good happened in the future."

Ah, the pun is very smooth.

But Hill is useless.

When did he have to beat around the bush when he wanted to teach Aglaia and Alice a lesson?

Forget it, this kind of control group has absolutely no learning value.

After AO finished speaking, he didn't even ask the two to be quiet. He just continued: "The longer they stay in Tiantian Mountain, the more... bad things they do.

In the past, we relied on the contract with Heaven Mountain to suppress those negative influences.

Ha~ If Zeus can do it, of course they will have no problem.

All sins, when he still belonged to Heaven Mountain, could be covered up by the positive energy floating outside.

Therefore, no matter how strong the Avengers are who want to find traces of their enemies, it will be difficult for them to pass through these obstructions.

However, if you leave Heavenly Mountain, you will inevitably appear in front of all the Avengers without any hindrance."

"Then why does he or she have to leave Heavenly Mountain?" Selune didn't understand at all.

"Shar must have thought of it, right?" AO ignored Selune, who had no intention of thinking on her own, and instead asked about the Daughter of the Night.

"It's not that she wants to, it's that she has to think." Shar still gave her old man face and answered casually, "Asmodeus probably caught the other party's handle a long time ago.

This handle will not make her fall, but it will definitely make it impossible for her to stay in Paradise Mountain anymore."

"Well..." Observing the current AO, he suddenly sighed again, "So, Shar, you also know why I asked you, right?"

Shar's expression was cold, and her voice was even colder: "Selene guessed it right, it is indeed her."

"I never thought it would be her!" AO's sigh made people very irritated.

Fortunately, there is also Selune.

"What riddle are you talking about!" Silver Moon Girl shouted, "There are two of them! Which one?"

Do you have to let me choose between two options here?

Old man, you are not really confused, are you? Guess what you are playing!"

What a good girl.

Fortunately it's not from his family.

"Shut up, I want to see for myself!" Shar stepped forward to stop Selune's pretentiousness.

Hill blinked and tried hard to observe the two female Gods of Order... He actually wanted to see if he could find any traces before the answer came out.

He really didn't notice it at all. Although there were many small moves between the two, the forms were similar.

There can't be a problem with both, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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