Chapter 751 One ending and another beginning

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The same goes for the tall guy on the other side. His entire body and even his outer clothes turned gray.

But the dagger on his body was obviously black and red.

It seems that the damage method of this thing is still based on order, but it also supports good and evil.

So that Aikbal may not be a good person, but he's not bad either, and is obviously different from this one.

"So, why Aikbal?" Selune naturally understood, and she asked her doubts again.

However, Shar was too lazy to pay attention to him. Lansander had been distracted, and he probably had something on his mind... Of course, it was more likely that he was just pretending.

He didn't want to discuss this kind of issue with Selune.

And Hill...Selene wouldn't go so far as to question a child who didn't know anything about the God of Order and hadn't even lived five hundred years.

Even though Hill is very smart and has inherited memories, in the world of gods, he is just a child who does not need to worry about so many things.

"Aikbal, your identity among the Gods of Order doesn't seem important, but it is very important." In the end, AO helped her out... After confirming the result, Shar was obviously too lazy to pay attention to her.

Only the old father, although cold-blooded and ruthless, still had a little care for his daughter.

He could only go out on his own to explain what the others already knew... The child from the World Tree family sitting next to him, although he was young, clearly understood the impact of Aikbal's death on the order.

From God's perspective, where is the real fatal point?

However, that child has never been willing to over-express himself. Although he is not very young, he is extremely stable.

In a scene like this that exposes Selune's intelligence, he can safely serve as his decoration.

But in the quiet moments, Hill can also bring up a suitable topic and be a very competent host.

Although AO occasionally feels that his two girls are too extreme, and sometimes hopes that they can be combined, he really values ​​Shar and Selûne.

You have raised me for so many years, how can you not have any feelings at all?

Moreover, although these two children are both rebellious, they are actually very innocent in their hearts. As long as he persists, they will not fight him to the end... they still respect him very much.

Therefore, AO never thought about changing girls... The world can be changed at any time, but he still has to have his own girl.

Even if he finished his troubles in Toril, he would not leave his two daughters without a trace, but...he would not say it at this time.

Forget about Shar, Selune...if the eldest daughter didn't have a little fear, I really don't know what she could do.

Although AO's heart is not big, it is still enough to accommodate his two daughters.

But occasionally when I see other people's good children, the great God can't help but look at them with envy.

I don't think about changing my children, but if I can learn a little bit... ugh... forget it.

After glancing at Hill twice, AO continued: "His joking way of speaking is actually very useful for the God of Order who never wants to tell the truth and always uses superficial words to deal with his colleagues.

Many Gods of Order will reveal a little bit of their sincerity to him.

Especially those Gods of Order who are in relatively remote locations and don't have many opportunities to speak and can only vote.

Their objections were useful, but why they objected was not clear to many of the Gods of Order standing at the front of the hall.

Moreover, it is difficult to ask.

So, Aikbal is really important.

He is so powerful, but he is willing to make jokes about himself with every God of Order... Although those jokes are terrible, at least it proves that he really treats every God of Order equally.

In fact, you can see from Asmodeus's farce this time that these gods of order are not the real gods.

If Tianshan Mountain had not been misled, they would not be suitable to be the masters of the positive energy plane at all.

Only a neutral plane and space is suitable for them to live in.

However, neutrality is a more difficult alignment to maintain than kindness."

Selune felt incredible: "Why? Aren't there many neutral camps?"

"Kindness can be maintained by some means." AO replied meaningfully, "Neutrality is difficult.

That can only be achieved by not caring about anything, anyone, or anyone, and not being affected by it.

Don't think that the indifference of the God of Order can accomplish this... They just don't care about outsiders, but that doesn't mean they won't be affected.

Selfish thoughts will always make any existence lose its ability to control itself.

Greed... not only greed for material wealth, but also spiritual honor... will naturally make people give up their reserve.

Do you and Shar ever care about anyone?

But aren’t you two able to maintain neutrality?

Therefore, Selune, neutrality is the most difficult camp to stick to.

The place where the Gods of Order lived in the beginning was the true neutral plane... However, they were unable to survive there in the end.

That's too difficult.

Of course, the most important thing is that the core of that plane is not as easy to deal with as the life pool.

Don't be so surprised.

You see, even if the Pool of Life returned to Heavenly Mountain with the help of Asmodeus, he could not expel the God of Order who had become one with Heavenly Mountain.

He has only regained his freedom and will no longer provide any benefits to the God of Order.

But... as the landlord, he should not have paid the rent and living expenses for the God of Order in the first place, do you understand?

I remember you talking about this kind of topic with the undead."

Hill had no idea what kind of situation would cause Selune to go to the undead to learn about these lease contracts, so he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Then he caught sight of the big peacock that was secretly squinting... It seemed that Ransander knew about it.

That's good, he doesn't necessarily need to know right away.

Selune understood it and made a comment: "Old man, you are so cruel!

The life pool can last until today before self-exploding. It's really... quite bearable.

Sure enough, those who are afraid of death are easier to deal with than those who are not afraid of death..."

"Strength is the foundation!" AO said decisively, cutting off Selune's free expression, "Why are your ideas always so crooked?

You can't think about it, if the life pool can be as powerful as the previous neutral space, how can it be so powerless even for revenge?

Just two dead gods of order, what if there is a strong person among them who can coordinate the relationship between the gods of order?

Those gods of order have spent so many years together and have long known what method is more suitable for their system.

Therefore, if there is no more Axel, another Axel will inevitably appear..."

"But this takes time, doesn't it?" Shar couldn't hold it back after hearing this, "With the God of Order, everything must be ranked according to seniority, and everything must be ranked up and down. Just find a suitable one.

I don’t know how many years have passed since the middleman.

Aikbal is one of the five controllers, so his style makes other gods of order feel that he is sincere in getting along with them.

Haha~ If you change it to someone else, such as that nagging old man, it will only cause resentment.

You...AO, it seems that you still have feelings for the God of Order.

So biased toward them."

"I just don't want Selene to get involved." AO paused for a few seconds before replying, "Telling her the result is the best way.

Once you tell her how many twists and turns there will be in the process, do you think she will be able to resist trying and see what she can do when encountering related things?"

"Huh?" Shar sat upright sharply, "What do you mean?

AO, Selune does not interfere easily in the affairs of other worlds.

Not to mention that Heaven Mountain is so far away and requires her to waste a lot of divine power to open the dimensional gate!

Just like this time, it was because Ransander made some noise first that she followed him.

Moreover, it was the stupid hell princess who had been summoned for many years, giving her a little impression of this world.

You, when you played Path of Destiny last time, you kicked out the dark ones from Mulhorand and Amn... So, what do you want to play this time?

Do you think that if you succeed once, you will succeed the second time?

You don’t even know who the owner is twice!

What Edna can do, you don't think Amaunata can do it too, do you?

That girl combines almost all the advantages of Midnight and Black Eyes, plus the wholehearted teachings of the elves and the undead to get where she is today!

Haha~ How can the elf pay attention to Amaunata? No matter what benefits he offers, he will not pay attention to it.

How could he possibly handle the undead!

The undead have no problem with shrews, but not bitches."

Then the daughter of the night suddenly thought of something and immediately became furious: "AO! You don't expect me to help, do you?

Absolutely impossible!

If you dare to plot against me to help Amaunata, I will directly bring the Aragami over and swallow that damn sun!"

AO is silent.

Selune looked left and right, and finally said something: "AO, are you thinking too much? I think between the devil and Amauna Tower, most smart people will choose the devil.

Anyway, as long as the contract is customized completely, the devil will still complete it.

Amaunata is not good, he is even meaner than the meanest God of Order.

If Tyr hadn't already taken away the priesthood of Law, otherwise the resurrection of Amaunata would have caused so many gods and powerful men to suffer day and night!"

In the end, AO just sighed softly and responded gently to the two rebellious women: "No need to test, I won't tell you anything before.

All I can tell you is that none of what you are talking about will happen."

Expertly making people feel distressed.

Hill couldn't help but think of this sentence... He almost thought Shar and Selune were angry just now.

It's a pity that Shar's side didn't even have any emotional fluctuations even though he said fierce words.

Forget it about Selûne. How false her words were, Hill could hear it without the natural will to remind her.

Hill blinked: AO, has left his magic tower. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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