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Chapter 110: Newcomer, New Look, Change of Boss in the End Times

 "One more thing." Liszt glanced at Hill, "People from the Mage Association have been officially notified to arrive in three days to congratulate Mr. Glory Legend and also send him some information."

"Three days?" Hill laughed, "Go and ask Xueyunfeng if you can hunt until three days later. If so, each of them can take one of the colorful mid-level rabbits in my territory."

"Sir? It seems that the number of mid-level rabbits is less than 30,000?"

"The number of people they can enter into the valley every day is only a few hundred or 3,000 rabbits. How many rabbits will they be able to give birth to in a month? It scares me to think about it."

Liszt calculated it himself and felt horrified.

No matter how many rabbits there were in the past, they were food for monsters.

But in the valley of Hill, harming intelligent creatures is not allowed.

Those gigantic rabbits are hunted and killed by the Warcraft every day, but they are able to maintain a stable situation and supply more and more Warcraft families.

But if this mid-level rabbit has no natural enemies and stays in the valley, then probably all the plants except the magic tree planter will be eaten up.

Liszt soon made a solemn statement that he would pay great attention to the rabbit's affairs.

"The third floor of the Lord's Mansion has been converted into a reception hall. Just receive them there." Hill smiled, "Remember to activate the magic array for camp detection."

"A workshop of the undead?"

"What does it have to do with them?" Hill sneered, "If you want to stay, aren't there hotels?"

Liszt thought for a while: "Should the fourth floor of the Lord's Mansion be turned into a guest room first? What if the Mage Association sends someone who understands?"

Although it was unlikely, Liszt was still more considerate than him, so Hill nodded in agreement.

Liszt quickly asked the undead if they could continue the battle until three days later.

Xueyunfeng expressed his position quickly and firmly: It is impossible.

Although he really wants this rabbit that everyone can have, he really can't do it.

So Xueyunfeng tentatively asked Liszt, if Hill just wanted to show off his power, they could fake the match.

He briefly explained that since the opponent's purpose could not be achieved, it would be wise to escape as soon as possible. Even though they were fighting so fiercely now, they were actually preparing to withdraw.

After receiving Lister's reply, Hill had no choice but to give up the idea.

It seems that this is a tentative attack by the new commander from the Doomsday side.

Xueyunfeng responded so actively because he wanted to understand the opponent's command style.

As expected, the old opponents all knew it well.

But after asking Liszt and Hill why he suddenly had this idea, Xueyunfeng patted his chest and promised that as long as Hill is willing, they will definitely give the people of the Mage Association a unique welcome ceremony.

It will definitely be something they will never forget forever.

Hill thought about it and reluctantly refused.

After all, what Liszt said was right. Hill should not show hostility before the Mages Association took action.

After all, before they did anything, they came with good intentions.

There is no need to take the initiative to give people a reason to talk.

But he asked Liszt to tell Xueyunfeng that if necessary, he would immediately send a task to them.

Although it was a bit regretful, Hill also knew that he couldn't do much.

To feel happier, he contacted Adrian.

William was really struggling.

He felt that the natural blessing for the Ginkgo Tree Man was for the Salar Palace, and the money should not be paid by him alone.

Adrian happily ate melon all day long.

The minister of state appointed by William flatly rejected the king's request.

His Majesty, the King, would be satisfied with digging the mines for a day, so don't worry about it.

Salar's treasury has no money!

Some time ago, William issued a king's decree to formally unify the three territories of Salar, which must be politically and economically unified.

The first step is the recycling and recycling of gold, silver and copper coins.

Even if William had someone build a special coinage factory and leave it all to the alchemy puppets, there would be no need to worry about problems such as losing molds. However, just the exchange ratio with the original currency would almost exhaust everyone in the Ministry of Finance.


Because it is related to the economic lifeline of the entire Salar, except for the Ministry of Finance, who is busy calculating money, everyone else has been put to use.

William also did not allow the Time and Space Church to be used to exchange currency, and had to let them open a gold bank in every city.

The Prime Minister is so busy that he has no time to take care of the affairs of the palace.

William didn't hesitate, and soon went to mine by himself. It seemed that he still planned to invite Hill.

William has never broken the promise he made, but Hill has not worried about this.

But after saying goodbye to the gloating Adrian, Hill sighed.

William seemed to be torn between wanting the government to restrain the king, but not wanting to start with himself.

If the prime minister took William's advice and gave him half of the money, but asked that the government also have the right to manage the future affairs of the palace, maybe William would be happier.

But he was reluctant to explain clearly.

No one wants to put a rein on themselves.

It's just that in this world, there has never been anyone who wants to restrain the king.

Let alone a king of earthly gods.

William really thinks too much. Only when more and more high-level professionals appear will slowly appear people with more free-spirited thoughts, right?

At this time, the princes and ministers would never easily disobey a king who was more than a legend. This would really cost lives, and there was no need to send an army.

Who has no time to think about how to restrain a guy who can wipe out all resistance with just a wave of his hand?

Unless the progress of thought exceeds the limit of force, it is possible for someone to sacrifice his life for justice.

The prime minister dared to categorically reject William's request, all because William was a neutral and kind-hearted man!

Not because William was a good king.

Hill thought for a while and found the gold coins used by the undead in the ring.

On the back of this gold coin is the royal emblem surrounded by the words "Salar Kingdom", and on the front is the miniature of Obastian or Keslot.

Hill didn't have silver coins or copper coins in his hand. He planned to ask Liszt to get some.

I thought I was just waiting for someone to come in 3 days. Hill was planning to recharge his batteries and prepare to attack people.

However, the old cat suddenly came to Liszt.

The old cat who never likes to meddle in other people's business, who spends every day lying on the chaise lounge watching the giant screen, and who is rarely seen even in small towns, is really a strange existence.

Unless there are temptations such as world quests or food amusement parks, he really never leaves the town.

There are indeed many casual undead players, but the focus is still on playing. Many undead think that this guy who comes to the game to watch live broadcasts is weird.

So he would suddenly show up. Liszt was surprised and simply notified Hill directly.

"There is a person with a relatively special status." Old Mao was a little embarrassed, lowering his head, not wanting to look into Liszt's eyes, "In our world, there is a relatively wealthy person. He just bought Apocalyptic Love. Please also ask

I met a relatively famous commander over there. He asked me to ask the lord if they could open up the territory for missions if they sincerely apologized.

He doesn’t ask for the same as Xueyunfeng and others. He just wants our territory to release a task chain that can increase our reputation.”

"How did they find your head?" Hill asked through Liszt's mouth, "Don't you always like to be nosy and don't interact with people other than your original friends?"

"He recognized me in the video. Although the friendship is not very deep, we are all familiar with each other and have contact information.

So you have to deal with it and not refuse outright.

Since he begged me, I have to ask."

So, Lao Mao is just a decadent rich second generation.

"What does he mean by sincerity?" Hill suddenly thought about why this guy who had just acquired Doomsday came to his door at this time.

"He said, didn't Mr. Hill want Xueyunfeng and the others to fight the Doomsday Alliance until three days later?

He would be happy to oblige. And all those who had participated in the original attack on Mr. Hill.

This time, they will actively attack the town, turn into a red name, and then be killed directly. They will be resurrected six hours later.

Moreover, if you die this way, even if you are resurrected, you will still have to do an atonement task. These people will have to spend at least seven days on this task.

Although it may be difficult for Mr. Hill to bear the threats he received.

But the person who originally ordered it will no longer come to this world.

He hopes Mr. Hill can give him a chance."

Hill shook his head helplessly. Has the new boss in the apocalypse already arranged spies to the top of the alliance in Xueyun Peak?

Xueyunfeng will never tell ordinary family members about this matter. At most, the old Sanda King said it last time and the management channel said it.

For it to reach the ears of Doomsday Boss so quickly, it was obvious that he was the one who could directly receive the first-hand news.

Hill remained calm and asked Liszt to say to the old cat: "Tell him. I must discuss this matter with my allies. After all, it has a greater relationship with them."

"Mr. Hill, are you talking about Xueyunfeng and the others?" Old Cat quickly replied, "He said it when he asked me to pass on the message. If Mr. Hill agrees, he will go to Xueyunfeng to discuss it himself. He will definitely discuss this matter.

Do everything to perfection.”

Hill motioned to Liszt to tell Xueyunfeng about this matter.

Since the new boss didn't care that Hill informed Xueyunfeng that he had a high-level spy on the enemy side.

Then Hill won't be polite.

Hill pondered for a while. All the boss asked was for Hill to release a task chain. He did not put forward any expectations for the task chain. In other words, his main purpose was to tell the individual players that he and the original

s difference.

He will never harm the interests of most players for his own selfish reasons.

And he is willing to wipe his ass for his predecessor's stupidity.

But why can he be sure that Xueyunfeng will definitely give him this face?

Are they going to have a common enemy enter this world?

Has William already released the next information piece?

Update on time~

I want to play offense and defense~(TT)

This chapter has been completed!
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