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Chapter 786 Actually everyone knows

Chapter 2101 Actually everyone knows

Although Hill is a great mage who needs space.

However, as a rich man who carries around all kinds of huge spaces, even demi-planes, and can even eat fruits picked on the same day, Hill's only need for the magic tower is a study and an alchemy laboratory.


Then there are the residences and guest rooms for family members and students, plus a layer of maintenance workshop and storage space for puppets... Based on the degree of space folding of Hill Magic Tower, this is only three floors.

Even though Hill set up a magic garden in his magic tower, except for some plants that only needed magic energy, and others who preferred blue sky, white clouds and fresh air, Hill basically sent them to the demiplane.

Therefore, although his magic garden looks very luxurious, ordinary people cannot live in it... Although these intelligent magic plants are quite gentle because of Hill's attitude towards people, after all, they cannot understand what it means.

Mortal body.

A cheerful greeting from those thorn vines can make a tenth-level professional burst into pieces... How could there be any low-level magic plants in the place where Hill has lived for a long time?

These magical plants even know how to move freely between the magic tower and the demiplane.

Just think about it, you can pull out your own roots and find the plants at the entrance to the demiplane... The two talents of plant wisdom and survival outside the soil can only be understood by level 16.

Therefore, the lower floors of Hill's magic tower are really useless.

Hill created a complex space based on the people and hustle and bustle he had imagined. In the end, it just gave the puppets some work to do every day.

Therefore, he really doesn't mind Lansendre using it at all.

At most, Liszt would have to work harder and need to keep an eye on Lansander at all times to prevent him from overdoing it.

However, to be honest, because of Hill's otaku attributes, most of Lister's intelligence, which is comparable to the urban core of the world where the undead live, is wasted.

Although he needs to communicate with the sub-tower spirits in several worlds...but Hill's sub-tower spirits basically just complete some daily tasks and collect the latest information.

If those sub-tower spirits are using the most advanced computers to complete Baidu's work every day, then Hill's use of Lister is basically playing minesweeper with Tianhe-2.

Therefore, Lansondel's small job is nothing to Liszt.

His biggest trouble is how to organize his words so that Ransander can understand the consequences of his actions... rather than whether he can stop it in time.

Liszt's language skills have always been very rich, and he is extremely comfortable when dealing with the undead.

Just a Lansondel, absolutely nothing to worry about.

Of course, the most important thing is that although Lansendre is willful, he still respects his friends... just like Hill will never go around Hill and tell Liszt to do things.

Here in Hill, he has never shown off his powerful divine power... That kind of condescending attitude of a god who uses your things to give you face is not something Lansendre doesn't have.

He has always been very good at using his identity and power.

But Lansendre would never use those so-called divine powers on his friends... Even his chosen ones and believers rarely get to see that side of him.

Therefore, Hill was not worried that Liszt would not be able to control the field in the end.


Joss covered his head and stood up, with a clear sense of stupidity in his eyes... This kind of behavior was a bit like teaching a naughty child who disobeyed, and he was actually very familiar with it.

Therefore, Joss fell into thinking about what he had done wrong.

His hard-thinking expression proved how adept he was at this little lesson.

Hill couldn't help but turn his head and look at Lansander.

Lansendre didn't wait for Hill to ask, and spoke with an indifferent expression: "The young master taught me how to describe Jos and the others: they have suffered repeated defeats and failed to change despite repeated admonitions.

When you turn back, you will reach the shore, and you will never look back.”

Hill couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Therefore, the reason why the Dawn Chosen are ostracized by most of the official forces in Toril is not just because the boss is so devilish!

"The young master seems to be coming up soon." Hill was determined not to discuss such an unanswerable issue with Lansander, "He is indeed the first."

"Of course!" Lansander puffed up his chest, "Oh~ it's dawn now!

Under the morning light, he can get the most bonuses. How can a mere icy grassland hold him back... Ah, Hill, you still want to deal with the young master?"

Ransander asked hesitantly: "With his character of always being first, isn't this already a cruel punishment?"

Hill glanced at him: "I basically don't want to find fault."

Luck is also a kind of ability.

The area where the 'Master' fell was already the most troublesome of the mountain mazes prepared by Hill.

According to Hill's understanding of him... the 'young master' who can't figure out the east, west, south, west, up, down, left, and only knows how to follow a path to the end, can probably toss around for a while.

‘Young Master’ has a very interesting characteristic.

He will not commit suicide casually just because his experience bar will not suffer any loss due to death.

In some battles in the Aotian League, if he really had to rely on death to return to the city, this guy would try his best to stay at the end, hoping to avoid this result.

If he really can't escape, he will try his best to take the enemy with him instead of just stabbing himself.

He is not even willing to jump off a mountain.

Therefore, it is even less likely to be like other people who just kill themselves when they can't find the exit.

However, in Hill's opinion, there is a cave in the center of the mountain that is very difficult for anyone to fall into... The reason why there are those small openings leading to the hillside is because there are larger caves above, below, left and right of this cave.

In order to allow the 'young master' to safely fall into this central hole, Hill arranged several long and thin lanes.

However, the result surprised him... Although as he expected, there would not be more than 10 people in this small cave, the composition of the people was very incredible.

The fact that the 'perfect bald head' could fall into it is already very strange... He just sat on the hillside watching the fun and did not participate in the drama on the Rainbow Bridge.

Normally, he should have fallen into the outer cave with 'Xiao Yoyo'... However, he happened to encounter a gust of wind.

Moreover, this gust of wind only hit him, leaving 'Xiao Yoyo' beside him unscathed.

Then, there are the male-shaped ‘Demon Sword’ and ‘Lu Huayu’.

Hill always thought that only Loli Shota could fall through such a slender hole...and she must be a member of the Rainbow Choir.

But what's going on with those two tall guys?

‘Demon Sword’, ah, forget it, whatever happens is normal.

What happened to ‘Lu Huayu’?

Speaking of which, the 'young master' is not someone who admits his mistakes easily.

Even if he understands that the words of 'perfect bald head' are right, he still has to try to find another way on his own.

Therefore, Hill was not surprised that Lansander would discuss certain issues with the 'Master'... In terms of attributes in this area, the 'Master' was definitely not inferior.

However, although he likes to act mean occasionally, he will not do it in front of his enemies.

With 'Lu Huayu' here, the 'young master' will definitely become more serious.

Although it was a kind of punishment to make the young master have to swallow his anger, it was really far from Hill's original idea.

If we hadn't known that the elemental bodies of the undead couldn't apply real lucky blessings... As a fate spell, that thing could only be used on souls... This time, the 'young master' really looked like he had just danced with Tymora.

A dance.

The reason why Hill couldn't help but look at Ransander was because he was wondering how many layers of BUFF Taiji had stacked on him so that he could always meet people who were naturally lucky.


In the hall, Joss, who deeply understood Ransander's will, finally added a loudspeaker spell to himself and began to read a gleaming golden manual in his hand in the still noisy hall.

Not many people among the undead were listening, and most of them were muttering the nickname "Rooster Joes".

Then everyone quickly reached a consensus.

Dawnbringer...Dawn Caller...Rooster Joes...Red Tail Big Rooster: Joes's hair was dark red shawl long, which was tied into a bunch on his chest.

Because of his open and closed speech style, the tail of his hair is also bouncing slightly...it does look a bit like a rooster's tail.

Hill didn't know if Joss heard it clearly, but he did.

In the end, before the 'Perfect Bald Head' arrived at the Magic Tower, Joss quickly finished his long speech... Although he praised the greatness of Lansander and expressed his gratitude to the undead for their willingness to help, all of this was '

The word "red-tailed rooster" covers it up.

So, the moment those mission puppets lit up and the undead's attention was diverted, Joss, who finally realized what stupid thing he had done, left the scene sadly.

"Ah?" The 'perfect bald man' who stepped into the hall asked the 'young master' standing in front of him, "What happened? Why did the mission just start?

Do we all need to come in before we can start?

No! The magic sword is still crawling down there!

Tsk, Eunuch Lu is quite fast... Where are the others?"

"Standing in that row over there." The 'Master' pointed to the right, "Whose family is that? Do you recognize it?"

Why do I feel like I’m not a person of the last days?”

"I don't know." The 'Perfect Baldhead' thought for a moment, "Is she Zhu Meili?

The two of them have gotten very close recently."

"Is Eunuch Lu crazy? Do you like crazy maggots in the dung sea so much?" The 'young master' couldn't help but hugged his little shoulders and jumped twice, as if he wanted to shake off the goosebumps all over his body.

"Night Butterfly should be quite a deterrent to Umberli's new allies." 'Perfect Bald Head' replied without changing his expression.


This chapter has been completed!
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