Chapter 801 The feared undead

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The overall relocation of the Knights of Justice to Amn also affected another group of people.

The Moon Elf Royal Family of Mulan.

Mulan is a good place, surrounded by forests, and has a harbor that is very suitable for a large fleet.

If Amn hadn't raised a stupid prince that even Embry could despise, how could that place take advantage of those elves?

The three nearby countries were all eyeing Mulan. It was only because Amn's navy was stronger that the other side had a slight upper hand.

The elves' plan is also very obvious... If there is turmoil in Amn, or they take the initiative to attack them, then they will naturally press their long swords on the necks of the Amn royal family.

However, the sudden turn of fate caught the elves who had chosen to temporarily recuperate completely unprepared. When they wanted to march to Amn, they suddenly discovered... The Amn Night Temple in the Snowfall Island Alliance expanded its power to the entire Amn.


Although the main purpose of the opponent was to dig out the roots of the twin towers of the Amn royal family, they did block all the routes for the elves to enter Amn.

If they wanted to go to Amn, they could only go by sea.

However, although the relationship between the Sun Elf Empire Fleet and the current Mulan Elf King is good, they will not help them in this regard.

Don’t forget, the first person in the Snowfall Island Alliance is Lord Aglaia.

And the elf escorts in the city of Aglaia are basically all descendants of the fleet's top brass.

In other words, being able to remain neutral and not help each other between the Moon Elf royal family and Aglaia is the most fair performance of the Sun Elf naval admirals.

Even the Elf King of Mulan could not say this...especially since the governor of Aglaia was still Linn, his childhood playmate, but also a half-elf whose biological mother had sacrificed for his sister.

Although no one mentions those past events anymore, no one will forget them.

Before the elves could think of a better way to enter Amn... the Knights of Justice, together with the Legion of Tempus, migrated leisurely from all directions in Faerûn, dragging their families with them.

The reason why this happened was because the Knights of Justice gave up the territory near the Supreme Forest to the elves... without asking for any compensation at all, they returned the home that the elves had abandoned.

Tyr even borne the relocation costs of all the family apprentices affiliated with the Knights himself, and did not care about the elves at all.

At this time, if the Mulan elves reach out to Amn again... then they will be completely shameless.

King Mulan was able to gain so much support, and even after he led his people to occupy Mulan, no one cared about them. In fact, it all depended on the lingering influence of his mother, the Queen of Sorrow.

It can even be said that the tragic fate of their royal family and the queen's unyielding character of sticking to the bottom line are the reasons why the Moonflower royal family can live so easily after abandoning Everjum Island... Everyone knows that Corellon did it for Yue.

What happened to the Flower Princess chased the Lady of Pain for a long time.

Everyone knows what this means.

Although Corellon and the elven pantheon gave up on the elves of Evermeet and no longer protected them, the Moonflower royal family was still under their wings.

Sometimes, it makes a big difference whether there is a powerful god above you or not.

As for the area of ​​Mulan, after the entire Amn navy was annihilated, and at this moment when the entire Toril ocean was filled with giant undead ships, there was absolutely nothing that the conspirators could do without risking offending the powerful divine power.


So, as the hometown of the elves, Corellon returned to the hands of the elves in the High Forest, which was originally and is still a rare place where gods appear in Toril. For the Moonflower royal family who is protected by Corellon,

It's very important.

Even if they will not abandon the Mulan they just built and return to the Supreme Forest across thousands of mountains and rivers... With their strength, without the help of the Sun Elf naval fleet, they will not be able to grab a better territory than Mulan when they go back...

Then they can't do bad things that will affect this important event.

Therefore, when the Knights of Justice declared that they would turn the original Amn into a place where the believers of the gods of the Snowfall Island Alliance gathered, and then voluntarily left the Supreme Forest, all the plans of the Mulan elves for Amn could be ended.


Without a legitimate reason, let alone those who want to play dirty tricks... Who dares to play dirty tricks with the Snowfall Island Alliance!

The Mulan elves can only really be determined to become the "Mulan Elf Kingdom".

But they didn't gain anything.

The three giant forests that originally surrounded Mulan have essentially become their territory.

After all, the Snowfall Island Alliance almost uses the power of the Dark Night Temple as its boundary line.

Tessel, the only one separated from Mulan by a forest, has basically been pretending to be dead in the past few years, locking his power firmly within his own recognized territory.

After all, in the past, they could still have both sides of Calimshan and Amn, and they could still rely on abundant food to do some fancy work between the two countries.

Now it is absolutely impossible.

Although there aren't that many people from the Snowfall Island Alliance in Calimshan... but in a place where almost half of the country has turned into a desert, Tethyr, who is based on agriculture, is not originally interested.

Besides, does he dare?

That is to say, the relationship between the leaders of the two Night Temples of Amn and Calimshan is very cold, and can even be said to be antagonistic. Otherwise, the royal family of Tethyr would have to worry about their own heads.

The most important thing is that the Tethyr royal family is in chaos now.

Originally, one of their princesses would ascend to the position of queen because of the teachings of Kelben, the Black War, allowing Tethyr to reach its peak in the Sword Coast, which had suffered heavy losses due to its path of destiny.

Then, when the goddess of agriculture appeared, she quickly hugged her thigh and stabilized her own strength.

He even swallowed the chaotic Calimshan into his own pocket, and began to compete with Amn next to him as a powerful nation.

But, now, regardless of whether Heizhan wakes up or not...even if he wakes up, he probably doesn't have the heart to think about Tessel anymore.

Therefore, Tesir could only shrink himself as much as possible and never dare to affect the traffic of Amn and Calimshan on the road... This place used to be full of thieves.

Otherwise, emerging countries like Amn would not have become a powerful country on the Sword Coast so easily.

Only sea transport can circumvent the main road occupied by hundreds of bandits that Tethyr created to prevent Amn and Calimshan from joining forces to deal with him.

Amn's strength sounds strong, but it's only strong because they dug up the remains of the mechanic.

Therefore, their sea ships are very strong.

There is no need to mention the battle on land.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy for the undead to sweep away the entire country.

However, these thieves are nothing but rich meat to the undead.

That's a rush to fight.

Tethyr was not as good as Amn in the first place, and then lost most of its combat effectiveness because the thieves group was too clean... To be honest, many people felt that they were about to be doomed.

The two from the Temple of Amn Night and the Temple of Calimshan Night have always liked to show their loyalty in ways that Shar appreciated.

Infighting in the palace is a mode that both of them are good at.

It's just that one likes to bring the queen or princess to the throne, and the other likes to annihilate the royal family.

In the past, one played the royal family of Amn, and the other played the royal family of Calimshan, and then they laughed at each other for not being enough.

Now... isn't there only one Tessel they can use?

It's not like there's no way to stop these two crazy voters... But do the royal family and nobles of Tethyr dare to introduce the undead into their country?

The Imbutu Kingdom, which was the first to do this, felt very satisfied at first, but what happened later?

Umberric lives just outside the cliff closest to their palace!

Moreover, the undead can really activate the camp detection aura!

Which nobleman dares to say that his family will definitely have no problems?

King Yinbutu didn't even dare.

Speaking of which, the undead are not unruly...the giant valley on the other side of the cliff is their main target, so they almost never enter the inner area of ​​​​Imbutu.

But the nobles did not dare to go to the big river they often used!

Civilians are just cowards, not fools.

They know where to live.

Nowadays, the banks of the river in Yinbutu are almost dominated by civilians.

They live there and only need to pay the minimum royal tax to own their own houses and fields.

No matter how greedy or greedy they were, the nobles did not dare to claim that the river belonged to them.

The undead would really come to ask them who gave them the power.

Although King Imbutu is not so clear-headed, he will not be stupid enough to support these nobles!

His wife and son, who are capable and have good relations with the undead, live in the new palace under the cliff, waiting for his death to take over the throne!

However, how many civilians can there be in a small country like Imbutu?

If the nobles hadn't reacted in the end, there would probably be no farmers left to plant their own fields!

Although slaves can be purchased... but with Amn gone, the source of slaves is naturally much less.

The price of slaves has increased so much that the nobles are completely afraid to use them as consumables.

Now the slaves of Yinbutu live a better life than the common people in the past.

The most terrifying thing is that they cannot use illegal slaves... If the undead find out that they are taking civilians as slaves, they will really be killed.

Barely legal...Haim's slave ships are all gone!

Because of the Butu nobles, they had to improve their treatment of civilians and lower their taxes.

Many small nobles who can only live by exploiting common people and slaves have no choice but to sell their properties, leaving only one title... Because Butu is too small, most of them are manor nobles, and the territorial nobles must be earls.


Because of what happened to the Butu nobles, it can be said that most of the kingdoms in Toril have developed a deep fear of the undead.

But they can't blame the undead.

They did not interfere in the internal affairs of the Imbutu Kingdom at all, and they did not even coerce the royal family to let a prince with a better relationship with them take the throne!

Everything is done within the rules, but everything is not within the rules.

This chapter has been completed!
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