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Chapter 814 One of the uses of alleys

After seeing these strong men fighting against the 'Old Sanda King', Hill instantly understood why Shar paid so much attention to this area.

Although the main purpose may be to make the "old Sanda King" feel her depression, Shar must have found something worthy of making a capable person like the female priest suffer.

These people are not evil, but they are obviously very organized and have abundant food sources.

People who grow up eating black taro will not be able to develop muscles.

That kind of thing can only meet daily needs and keep people from starving to death.

No matter how much they eat, they are only a little stronger than grass... Even cattle and horses cannot increase much in strength and weight if they can only eat the most common grass.

Building muscle is inseparable from meat and protein.

Of course, there are still strong people.

Not everyone in this refugee camp can only rely on Jos's help to survive...but it is impossible for such a person to appear in this alley.

Even if they formed a small organization like a gang, that wouldn't be possible.

After all, the people living in this alley are mainly poor people.

Under Jos' control, one of the most basic requirements is that there should be no murders or people starving to death.

No matter how much he leaves this camp, he will also set up some of the basic settings.

And the reason why he dared to be so careless was naturally because he put these basic requirements into the basic magic circle of the camp.

Even if the archmage who helped him build the defense tower for this camp had some selfish motives and made some small moves, some treaties in principle cannot be changed.

Therefore, these people must be raised by someone.

In fact, it is unlikely that the big families in the Defense Tower are the masterminds behind these strong men.

Even if these families have reached a tacit understanding secretly and adopted a concealed and enthusiastic attitude towards Joss, but they are secretly defensive, there are some things and some bottom lines that they dare not touch.

After all, if anyone goes too far, those who are bullied will never uphold their secret agreements.

Even though everyone has ghosts in their hearts, this 'ghost' is always in the embryonic stage and just cannot come out.

That is to say, Joss really doesn't like the people in this refugee camp. Otherwise, as long as he leans slightly towards which family, these families will never be able to maintain the balance for so many years.

There is no room for improvement for everyone, so everyone can use the same attitude to deal with Jos.

But if there are people, why are they so arrogant... There is no absolutely secret information in the world.

The prerequisite for being unknown is that no one is interested in them.

Between big families, for their broken agreement, they must monitor each other the most closely.

Therefore, these big men...the people who raise them are probably from a middle or even lower-middle power or family.

The image angle on the giant screen is obviously condescending, so although it is only a corner of the town, if you look carefully, two-thirds of the campground is basically in the image.

Hill knew where the magic garden that Jos controlled was used as a farm.

But Jos is very persistent.

In his mind, the main function of this three-story farm is to provide everyone with a chance to survive. Therefore, in addition to setting aside a small portion on the third floor to grow wheat for three-year-old children and their mothers,

, other places are all black taro.

This plant has the lowest nutritional requirements on the land, so as long as it is controlled properly, it can definitely provide food for the entire camp for thousands of years.

Because this refugee camp is completely isolated from the outside world, and even the ground beneath its feet is hidden using special methods. Although the outside world has obviously become completely barren, the land in the camp still has a little bit of vitality.

In the camp, black taro is almost everywhere planted in front and behind the houses, and even on the small shelves outside the windows.

It can be said that it is not difficult for the people in this camp to live, but their lives are not good enough... But they live much more like human beings than the ordinary people in Heimi Town.

Although the clothes he wore were also very rough, they were only patched at worst.

Only the person hiding in the alley was dressed in rags, but it wasn't to the point of being half-clothed.

Moreover, everyone still has flesh on their face.

You must be thin, but you can tell what your face looks like... It is completely different from the image of the real poor in the outside world who are skin and bones, and at first glance, men, women, old and young, look the same.

The real suffering person will not have a messy head of hair or a shaggy beard... all of it has long since fallen out due to lack of nutrition.

But in this refugee camp, no one has reached that point, including the real poor people hiding in the alley and peeping in the dark.

Hill suddenly curled his lips... He understood why Lansander had no intention of stopping Shar's attack on the refugee camp.

These people can live with such dignity only because of Jos's protection.

However... there may be some secret conspiracy, there may be some unavoidable pressure... none of it can hide the fact that they really have no conscience.

After all, everyone knows that Jos is the strongest person in this refugee camp.

It's just that in the eyes of these people, Jos can't affect their daily lives, but those big families can... Although Jos keeps them from going hungry, the big families can give them more treatment.

Even though these are certainly not as much as the food provided by Joes, a little more is a little more.

This is indeed a very practical reason, and no one can say anything... They are just selfish and not hurting others, right?

However, since you have chosen the most realistic reason, you must also accept the most realistic result.

The agreement between Jos and the Defense Tower has been completed, so Lansondel naturally has no obligation to protect these humans from other worlds.

Whatever Shar seeks to find in this refugee camp has nothing to do with the Lord of the Dawn.

He just needs to watch.

Although he did not deprive the people of this world and move towards a future of true professionals, Ransendall did not do even a little more.

"What do you see? Hill." Shar asked softly, "Are you looking for their private farm?"

"Yeah." Hill nodded, "Those who can raise private armed forces in slums must have a huge storage space filled with food.

Or, just have your own farm."

"Doesn't that require a lot of land nutrients?" Lansander came over, "Otherwise, it would be impossible to grow wheat every year!"

Hill turned around and had no intention of paying attention to him.

Lansendre raised one wing, scratched his bird's head with the tip of the wing, and tilted his head in confusion.

He didn't think Hill was really angry with him.

He felt a little strange just now... Hill was never the kind of person who couldn't take a joke.

But isn’t this Hill’s magic tower?

Who is he guarding against?

It can’t be Shar, right?

Although Lansander didn't like Shar very much... her personality, temper and character were not the type that he could appreciate, but he still knew that the Night Girl was actually quite principled.

Especially when it comes to protecting shortcomings.

Given the relationship between Hill and William, Shar would not easily plot against Hill.

Unless there is any special interest.


Lansander suddenly realized something.

It is true that Shar will not plot against Hill.

But she will plot against him, Ransander!

It may not necessarily cost his life, but it may cost his face.

Although...he often doesn't want face, but he doesn't want to be exposed by others!

The big peacock seemed to have walked to the corner and lay down, but it was in a huge turmoil inside... What could Shar think of him?

No, why can Hill see it but he can't?

Although Hill was very smart, Ransander never felt that his friend was very good at seeing through conspiracies.

It must have been something Shar said that caught Hill's attention, and that's why he acted like this.

Shar, since entering this magic tower, you haven’t spoken a few times in total, right?

But she did seem to have long speeches several times.

Lansendre fell into deep confusion.

Shar laughed and asked the same question: "So, Hill, which one do you think is more likely?

Can things like land nutrients be refined by other means?"

Hill blinked slightly.

Throughout the ages, there has been only one kind of land fertilizer that is the cheapest and easiest to obtain.

Even though it's a bit disgusting to think about it, Hill will not deny the existence of such a thing.

Although in the fantasy world, due to the abundance of land, few people would use that method to raise soil... but it does not mean that no one will ever think of this.

Hill puffed up his cheeks and then spoke softly: "Rose's new priesthood is very suitable for being the most basic land nutrient."

Shar was stunned. She thought there might be something wrong with her ears... But after thinking about it, she realized that the only new priesthood that appeared in Rose recently was the one inherited from the rotten sludge, which was called "shit" by the undead.

God's stuff.

Shar pushed the vines in front of her face away, her whole face a little pale: "Hill, are you talking about the priest who appeared in front of your Aglaia?"

Hill nodded: "Yes, in fact, everyone on the earth knows that this stuff is very nutritious, but we can use magic to create better and more suitable nutrients, so... But, if there is really no way, it is still a way, no


It’s better than being full without food.”

Shar suddenly raised his head and looked at the alley: "The secret room hidden in there...could it be used to make that thing?

I never wanted to check it out myself because the people who came out there were so stinky."

Hill nodded suddenly... If you really want to hide the fertilizer base, this alley is indeed very suitable.

After all, it is a smelly place to begin with.


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