Chapter 818 Why are you looking for an old man?

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Chapter 2133 Why are you looking for an old man?

This is what ‘Xueyunfeng’ wants to know.

Although the relationship between them and the dragon is reasonable, to be honest, except for the black rose, most of the undead are friendly with dragons from the neutral or good camp.

There's not much to say about stance to the undead.

Dragons, even evil dragons, as long as they have never eaten people, no one will have any bad feelings about their past robberies.

After all, although the metal dragons are not as showy as the five-color dragons, they will squat in the middle and prepare to do a favor for someone, such as moving a big tree, moving a boulder, etc... Of course, the giant dragon never does anything for nothing.


Sometimes, merchants would rather meet a five-color dragon who knows how to be restrained... As long as they negotiate the tolls with them and be careful not to expose their most precious goods, these five-color dragons can still move through their territory.

But metal dragons, especially those with more changeable temperaments... you've already come to block the road to collect money, why are you so shameless?

If you say something wrong, it will become a provocation to Lord Dragon.

That's a worse outcome than being robbed on the road.

Therefore, the Toril people's dislike of dragons will never change because of their different attributes.

Of course, they also know that there are some truly kind-hearted dragons who are willing to go among humans and hide their work to make money... But, these are the minority!

Who can and who dares to bet on whether his luck is enough?

Therefore, the undead actually have a very good attitude towards all the dragons who come to cooperate with them.

However, the giant dragon has its own little ideas.

The metal dragon is a little better. Although Terry is no longer in Toril, his biological parents are still there... Moreover, when the Platinum Dragon King was in the Year of the Dragon, he had a slight friendship with Lord Aglaia.

It is precisely because of this that even if some of the metal dragons had some thoughts during the spell plague, they were too embarrassed to take the initiative to attack Aglaia.

They just squatted nearby, waiting for the group of five-color dragons to start working first.

If those five-color dragons with evil intentions were victorious...we would naturally see those metal dragons who went out to take advantage of others.

Although Lord Aglaia may not be unaware of their little thoughts, but if they don't take action, they don't take action.

With the thickness of the metal dragon's skin, they can still chat with the undead openly and establish a friendly relationship... and earn some money at the same time.

Therefore, the undead are very accustomed to encountering a metal dragon that suddenly falls from the sky... This is a random encounter.

Neutral dragons such as gem dragons and mist dragons don't actually do much in groups. They really like to be alone.

Therefore, even if they go to the undead, they will observe them for a long time, find the one they like the most, and then establish a stable and long-term relationship.

The only one with a bigger head is the five-color dragon.

They are crazy about making money, but Aglaia is also a really scary place.

They themselves can't guarantee that they won't go crazy due to temporary greed... The rationality of five-color dragons has always declined with the increase of wealth.

Aglaia's wealth is world-famous.

Of course, although the Lord Aglaia who tore up the giant dragon with his hands was terrifying, the five-color dragon had always been stubborn... After all, the ancient dragon hadn't sent it to him yet!

However, the reality is that even the five-color dragon queen is walking around Aglaia when she knows everything. How can the five-color dragons test their willpower?

But money must be earned.

If they could only watch other dragons make money...the five-color dragons felt that they might become a chaotic camp.

Then, they finally found the most suitable family: Black Rose.

Although other undead tribes are not without white dragon friends, only Black Rose has enough friends to form a legion.

Furthermore, when those ownerless white dragons hiding near the town come out to make extra money, they will basically look for black roses.

The most important thing is the "elderly Sanda King" of Black Rose whom Edna Mystra calls her sister.

The five-color dragons were convinced that as long as she was there, they could definitely wake them up before they were overwhelmed by desire.

Of course, they still have a little bit of caution... With Edna here, even if the five-colored dragons make a little mistake, Lord Aglaia should be able to understand it a little bit.

The five-color dragon is not afraid of anything else, but that Lord Aglaia will suddenly be interested in dragon skin and dragon scales.

And they happen to be the easiest type to give people reasonable excuses.

After observing the undead for a long time, the dragons actually understood... Edna Mystra did not have a good relationship with all the undead.

Her focus is entirely on the Black Rose family, and her attitude towards other undead can only be considered friendly, but definitely not friendly.

Of course the undead also know this.

But everyone knows what happened back then. Who would have thought that the "old Sanda King" could seduce a magical goddess back to his family just because of a game of changing clothes?

When they took Edna away from Luskan, there were still many undead making sarcastic remarks!

That's an underage child!

Even if Hill is kind-hearted, and even if the elves are always friendly to cubs, the effort required to bring up a child well can be described as huge.

Moreover, everyone knows that when the 'Old Sanda King' and her friends do this, the only people who can help her are Black Rose or some of her friends in the Aotian League, but they will just watch and wait to see if she can't survive it.

There are so many people.

This also includes some ‘friends’ in the Aotian Alliance.

Although he won't help her, he will definitely despise her on the day she abandons Edna.

But the ‘Old Sanda King’ managed to survive.

Even if calculated in terms of the time of the undead, that period of time cannot be considered short.

Moreover, she even taught that little girl very well.

‘Xueyunfeng’ and Edna have quite a lot of dealings with each other. After all, in order to train Edna’s combat effectiveness, ‘Old Sanda King’ and ‘Cunlu’ often take the little girl to participate in undead battles.

They even grabbed him and asked him to explain the battle intentions and command ideas of some small battles to Edna in detail.

At first, many people thought that one of the reasons why she couldn't survive was the famous bad temper of the 'Old Sanda King' and her unwillingness to have children at this stage... She believed that she was completely unsuitable for her current situation.

Living in diapers and pads.

In fact, 'Xueyunfeng' can understand her mentality.

The family of the 'Old Sanda King'... is talking about her husband, who is obviously not an ordinary person.

The reason why she can still live so freely now actually has something to do with the absolute support of the men in her family... Occasionally listening to her exchanges with 'Cunlu' and 'Susu', one can actually hear that they are both husband and wife.

Her elders actually still hope that she will take the path of being a 'good wife and loving mother'.

Does the ‘Old Sanda King’ really think that he is not suitable to have children?


She is just still fighting against this traditional concept.

Although she spends a lot of time in the game, her job is not easy.

Although the time is short, the workload is definitely not light.

The ‘Old Sanda King’ is not willing to give up his life for the expectations of others.

That's why she fights in this way... Fortunately, she has a husband who is willing to stand with her.

‘Xueyunfeng’ is actually quite envious.

It's not that he doesn't want a beautiful love, but what he wants is a lover who accepts everything about him and won't say "I thought you would change after you get married" later.

Love is beautiful, but there is no need to sacrifice your own values ​​and lifestyle for love.

'Xue Yunfeng' was actually quite glad that he knew the 'Old Sanda King'... That's why he didn't think like others that Edna would leave the world of the undead sooner or later, and he had always been very gentle and friendly to the little girl.


Only his Demon Cult and the Aotian Alliance can obtain benefits second only to the Black Rose in the end.

But like the 'old Sanda King', if he wants to practice with dragons, he can fight from white dragons to black dragons, from brass dragons to platinum dragons... It's really a dream.

You know, these dragon people are not found everywhere.

Without the acquiescence of the Five-Colored Dragon Queen and the Platinum Dragon King, how could those giant dragons have so easily recruited dragon people of their own race to practice with her?

‘Xueyunfeng’ has no feeling about the other benefits of ‘Old Sanda King’, after all, that is what she deserves.

But this incident really made him feel itchy in his heart.

Although his own fighting ability is not enough, 'Xueyunfeng' really likes to collect this information.

It is a pity that the 'old Sanda King' and the 'perfect bald head' have always been shrewd and will definitely not share their secrets with their allies.

Therefore, if you want a clear answer to a warlock who obviously has strong defensive power and even makes people think he has the blood of a dragon, you can only go to these two people.

'Xue Yunfeng' whispered softly: "Shar chose to ask the Sanda King to take over this task. Do you want to confirm this?"

"Probably not?" 'Perfect Baldhead' replied seriously, "I think she just wants to be unlucky in her old age, and she doesn't necessarily think that much."

"how do you know?"

“The shithole doesn’t stink as much as there.” ‘Perfect Bald Head’ replied frankly, “I passed by it and it was so eerie there. I knew there was something to look for at a glance.

But it smelled so bad that I decided to give up.

Given Shar’s temperament that she doesn’t even want to put a feces-stained artifact in her own home, it’s strange that she would go and see what the people inside are doing.”

"Then, Shar, why are you causing trouble for the elderly?" 'Xueyunfeng' asked with great interest.

"Edna, when we were weaving the magic web some time ago, all the power of Shar was squeezed out of the shadow magic web." The 'Perfect Bald Head' lowered his head.

"What are you hiding? It's so obvious. It would be a bit too insulting for me to pretend not to see it." 'Xueyunfeng' couldn't help but ask.


This chapter has been completed!
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