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Chapter 823 Shar’s Resentment

The communication between them was very rapid.

Hill could see that after a brief confrontation, the two of them reached a tentative consensus on reconciliation.

He was not surprised that Lansendre would take this opportunity to seize Shar's handle... After all, it was Hill himself who gave the hint that Shar was plotting against Lansendre.

Lansendre was able to figure out the reason for Hill's attitude and seize the opportunity as quickly as possible. Hill was quite happy.

But what he was a little confused about was... what was the point of Lansander's words.

Originally, gods used the entanglement of divine power to give birth to children!

It seems that the Stone Goat God and a certain dwarf goddess gave birth to children in this way...in order to fulfill their so-called sacred duties.

Therefore, even if some gods inexplicably gave birth to children together, it does not mean that they have really been together.

Of course, the son of God born in this way depends on the mentality of both parents... If they are just coping, the strength of the son of God will naturally be very limited.

Even the magical skills inherited are not very good.

Doesn't Toril have the most striking example?

Ma La, it is the result of neither party having good intentions.

So the child he created... his combat ability cannot be said to be too bad, but he has almost no IQ, let alone emotions.

So, isn't this normal?

As a spiritual body and a soul body, Shadow Phantom has no emotions, but it is not without intelligence.

Shar has always been dissatisfied with her shadow charm... but the shadow charm became like this because she was too greedy!

It is necessary to be invisible, but also to have the intelligence to keep up with her rhythm, to be able to respond quickly to her orders, and to be able to retain the talent of psychic killing in the end. It is already a perfect result, okay!

That's Ying Mei, who was born and started at level 12! It's higher than the elves with the purest blood.

Among the races that were born entirely by the will of the gods, Ying Mei is already the strongest.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Shar does not need Shadow Charm to form its own race...races created by other gods, including Amberli's Shark Head, can reproduce on their own.

Shar, the shadow charm, needs her shadow pool to reserve a certain amount of energy before she can activate the magic circle to be born.

However, this is also in line with her character... Shar only wants derivative races under her absolute control.

However, even those wax demons in Rose who were brainwashed to death by her will fall in love... There are so many shadow demons, and one or two mutate, so what's wrong?

Both Shar and Lansander noticed the confusion on the little bear's face.

This child must only consider issues based on reality, ignoring the sinister nature of people's hearts, and even more neglecting the problem of the transformation of faith power caused by the desires of people's hearts.

If too many people regard Yingmei as a race that understands emotions and can really fall in love and have children, then it is possible that this race created by Shar using divine power will become materialized.

What the power of faith can do is definitely not something that a mage who is full of laws and only has a sense of reality can understand.

Although Hill often behaves like a god, his way of thinking is still that of a mage.

Therefore, he must not have thought of what Lansendre threatened Shar.

Shar shook his head gently... Besides, the power of faith in Trasil is still in a very rough stage, and is regarded as a harmful gas by all the gods.

God Toril didn’t want to take this path at the beginning!

They really moved towards the power of faith, but only after seeing the power of those foreign gods.

Especially, after discovering that they will not really die...as long as there is faith, they can reappear.

However, Lansander and Shar are not short-sighted people who will turn the power of faith into their own strength. They will not even use the power of faith to create incarnations.

Indeed, once you use the power of faith to create incarnations, the number will naturally increase a lot.

There are also so-called incarnations of gods, which can help gods better safeguard their beliefs and rule their churches.

But, isn’t that putting the cart before the horse?

When the time comes, the incarnations are created and they all go to work for the church... Thanks to the existence of Tyr, it really brings a lot of lessons to the gods with some brains in Toril.

Of course, there will be gods who are willing to learn from him. After all, it is really convenient, and as the strength of the church increases, their own strength will also increase accordingly.

As for whether it is worthwhile or not, it all depends on what the gods themselves think.

Anyway, Shar has no such interest. She can do as many tasks as she wants with her divine power. For her, this thing of faith can only be used for the church itself.

She didn't know what Ransander was thinking. Anyway, the big peacock didn't really like to take the path of faith incarnation.

Generally speaking, if there are gods like her and Lansander in a world, there will naturally be gods like Tire... Although it is more difficult to believe in gods, if you can hold on like Tire, in the end

, in fact, we reach the same goal through different paths.

Moreover, the early stage of belief in God is much easier, but the middle stage requires stronger willpower and control.

In the later stages, beings like Tyr can naturally exclude the bad part of the power of faith from their bodies and use the power of the Kingdom of God to transform it into something else.

All in all, as long as you get through it, life won't be bad.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many gods who still want to take this path in the end... If they can't find the way forward, and are unwilling to stay at the bottom, they can only believe that their souls are strong enough to stay awake.

But Trasil obviously doesn't want anyone to take the path of faith.

Therefore, their faith power will always be maintained at the most primitive stage... which means that a being like a son of God like Hill has no idea of ​​what the power of faith can achieve.

Shar is a little bit sad... Lansander is actually not such a sensitive guy!

He usually waits until something starts to happen before he realizes that it might have something to do with him.

Shar didn't plan to do anything to Lansander. After all, she had no intention of breaking the Snowfall Island Alliance Agreement for the time being.

That is, she didn't want Apollo to stand up so easily.

However, she carefully observed the sun god for a long time...Amaunata was a thing that would be defeated if it came face to face with Apollo.

Not to mention that Artemis, the goddess of hunting, and Athena, the goddess of wisdom, will definitely help their biological brothers!

Those two could play Amaunata to death... Before the fool died, he probably thought that the other party was not here to bury him, but to give him gifts.

Of course Shar will not go against the old man on this matter... Shar himself agrees with the fate of this time and the people the old man wants to deal with.

However, this does not mean that she does not plan to profit from it!

Amaunata lost too quickly, so what else could she do?

As for the other Shantia and Vol'jin... Hehe~ You can tell from the fact that Shar would rather find Lanson Della Amaunata. How much she wants those two to die!

Originally, although Shar didn't like Vol'jin, he didn't dislike her that much... Idiots weren't worth caring about, but there was no need to care about her life or death.

Being deceived by the devil only proves that she is not very clear-headed, and being humiliated by the devil is the price she pays for her stupidity... Although it is terrible, and it even makes the goddess Toril lose face because of it, it is nothing.

Isn’t it enough just to kill Six Fingers from now on?

Even if she couldn't do it, she was chasing him all the time, pursuing every plan of Six Fingers, and getting to the bottom of it... She even cooperated with the devil and hooked up with Demogorgon.

No god rushed out to accuse, wasn't it all to give her a chance to take revenge?

Even Tyr chose to turn a blind eye.

However, it was obviously everyone's goodwill that actually allowed that idiot to become what he is now.

Although Hill and William all concluded that Wo'jin became like this because he was contaminated when he was in the Abyss.

But Shar actually knew very well that it wasn't.

She was rescued from the bottomless abyss, who could be so easily convinced that she is Wo'jin himself!

Even Vol'jin's former good friend Liela didn't dare to draw that conclusion.

In Talos, no one knew that he had been replaced. How could it be possible that no one in Vol'jin would check?

Therefore, when Wo'jin returned, he underwent countless rounds of investigations... including her, Selûne, and even AO.

Woking at that time was Woking.

How interesting that she endured so many sins in the abyss, but after becoming the goddess of wealth again, she was corrupted!

Wo'jin, reaching that point was definitely not because she couldn't accept her past self, but because she was pursuing stronger power... The last thing she resented was AO.

However, even if Ferenriel is not destroyed, she can finally achieve her goal: as long as there is one gold coin in the multiverse, Vol'jin will last forever, so can she fight against AO?

Thinking too much.

Moreover, he is another white-eyed wolf.

None of the gods in Toril owed Vol'jin, and even the goddess of the evil camp reached out to help her... What was the result?

Once in Farenriel and once in the High Forest.

No one can figure out what she is!

Shar really looked down on Vol'jin's resentful womanhood who felt that the whole world owed her.

Therefore, being completely devoured by the devil is not a good outcome.

She shouldn't have come out from there. At least Toril's only impression of her was stupidity.

Not to mention Shantia... A lot of the reasons why Shar hates Vol'jin come from her!

She was the original white-eyed wolf.

But asking Shar to completely give up the idea of ​​getting something out of this fateful road, she still couldn't do it.

Therefore, only Amauna Tower can move a little bit.

Shar never thought that one day, when she had to choose one of the three, she would choose Amaunata... She was so miserable, why did Lansander live so freely? ()

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