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Chapter 828 William’s negligence

Creatures like slaadi are basically in the neutral camp. Logically speaking, William, who upholds the priesthood of fairness and justice, should not exclude their existence.

But they are chaos within chaos.

A complete anarchist who becomes very dissatisfied when he sees an orderly government and directly starts to cause trouble.

Zhu Meili will introduce this group of toads to 'Ji Lanyuan' and the others... This guy is worthy of being recognized by the undead as a more sinister and wicked person than Manager Lu.

Hill could feel what he was mocking.

In addition to being anarchists, slaadi also have a recognized problem, which is that they like to lay eggs everywhere.

Don't look at their boss, the mother of the slaadi, Sendam, is the self-proclaimed guardian of the spawning stones. She is responsible for most of the eggs thrown into the multiverse.

But she is a famous creature with 0 perception and 0 intelligence.

Even others dare not touch her easily.

Of course, Sundam's intelligence of 0 does not mean that she has no thinking ability at all... The so-called 0 here means that it cannot be calculated.

In other words, the intelligence of this big yellow female toad has been fluctuating.

She is a thoughtful being when she is needed.

But most of the time, Sendam is a madman who acts recklessly and does whatever he wants with '0'.

And she has a talent that no one knows how she possesses... that is, she can connect and communicate with the minds of mortals on other planes from those chaotic thoughts that she doesn't even know what they are, and drive them crazy.


To put it another way, you teach fools random things they don’t even know what they are, and then let these fools deal with the opinion leaders of a stable society.

If you don't know these characteristics of Sendam and Slaadi, just look at those big toads, their combat effectiveness is quite good.

Unmistakable teleportation is a skill that these toads have been able to master since childhood... After all, as the root of chaos, they cannot jump if they want to go home.

Even if their home wasn't a place like the Sea of ​​Chaos that changes every minute, it would be difficult for the slaad to find its way around on its own.

They have no sense of direction at all and basically just go wherever they go.

However, slaadi are not invincible creatures, they are just very good at causing chaos...and this kind of chaos is the biggest test for the local government. Those who cannot survive will naturally be over.

But if there is a capable government, this short-term chaos will not seriously damage their vitality.

However, in the end, the real unlucky ones are the so-called resisters who were seduced by the slaadi.

Regardless of whether their resistance succeeds or fails, a certain order will inevitably be formed in the end... Then, those guys who think that they can live happily as long as they smash, smash, loot, burn, kill, and loot, will definitely be targeted.

In the multiverse, people with real brains, once they hear that there are traces of slaadi in the chaos in their side, they will immediately join forces to find these things and kill them first.

Of course, there will be so-called "smart people" who want to use these toads to overthrow the existing powerful government, and then come forward to end it themselves, but their results will definitely not be good.

After all, anyone the slaadi is willing to cooperate with is a true anarchist.

To communicate with them, you need to act crazy and act stupid.

Human beings will be driven crazy if they are in a mentally abnormal environment for a long time, let alone pretending to be crazy all the time?

In the later stage, even if he had a brain, he would have to lose it.

Therefore, if you are a villain who knows these giant toads well, once you find traces of these giant toads in your area, your first reaction will definitely be to join forces with the original enemy, the existing regime, to get rid of these giant toads first.


This is the point of the multiverse that is not bad. All the lessons have been learned... It just depends on whether you can know it and whether you are willing to learn it.

However, the existence of Sendam is actually quite secret... Zhu Meili will know it, it must be because of the encounter in Oasis.

But this also proves that this guy's current collaborator is a guy who is very familiar with these ancient rumors.

Moreover, they are not from the pure evil camp... William's judgment of evil is actually not that strict. If he only opposes the good camp and does not engage in any cults or massacres in the mortal world, he will not actually prevent the undead from communicating with them.


Shar also understood his thoughts, so after the undead appeared in Toril, even the lady of the night took action, but she mainly targeted those who played politics, as well as the gods and the church.

William doesn't care about these at all...it is his basic understanding not to interfere in other countries' internal affairs.

Those little toads of the slaad are very concealed, so it is possible to be negligent for a while, but Zhu Meili's collaborator, William, must be well aware of it.

He just didn't interfere.

Just like he didn't care about the friendship between Black Rose and Edna and White Dragon, nor did he stop the stories between Manager Lu and Amberli, no matter how weird Zhu Meili's thoughts are, as long as this guy still acts within the bottom line

, William will not stop it.

Now, he already knows how to accomplish what he wants to do without affecting his priesthood.

He will no longer be easily swayed by the priesthood, nor will he behave in such a way that he pays too much attention to himself.

Hill can still feel William's maturity.

Therefore, he really didn't understand why the God of Time and Space didn't care about the Slaad.

These things, when their strength is not enough, will indeed not cause any big trouble...especially when they still exist in the companion space of the undead, but are actually completely controlled by the God of Time and Space.

But that doesn't mean they won't cause minor disturbances.

In particular, if those little toads' exclusive talents of unmistakable teleportation and fear aura are linked to the undead's pervasive attributes and dare to go anywhere... the slaad's fear aura, in a certain sense,

But there is no solution!

It must have mental and intellectual attribute points, both reaching 15 or above to be able to fully resist, and it cannot be assisted by external force.

Mage and priest are fine, but there are no physical attack professions that can increase spirit and intelligence!

Even for a Paladin, it would be difficult to do this.

It's still possible with mental points, intelligence points... If he increases intelligence, what kind of knight can he be?

When Hill thought of this, he couldn't help but get upset.

Those toads, before they absorbed enough energy and flesh and blood and fully awakened into slaadi, were no different from normal toads!

In other words, this thing also has a breeding season.

Otherwise, every world that a slaad enters wouldn't be so painful... As long as that thing comes in and really allows them to grow to the breeding stage, then the only solution is to wipe out all the toads in this world.

, cut the grass and roots.

Otherwise, no one knows when a big toad will suddenly awaken into a slaad, and then immediately inherit the will of the ancestors and start their anarchic revolution.

Of course, allowing these giant toads to go to the world where they are breeding... is really stupid to the extreme.

The biggest weakness of that thing is that it is not easy to absorb enough energy to awaken into a serious slaadi with intelligence and provocation.

However, if it were raised by the undead... Hill couldn't help but tremble at the thought of this.

Even if ‘Xue Yunfeng’ has the ability to attack the leading undead until they leave the game completely, what about the other giant toads?

How many children will you have to give birth to?

So, what did William do that the God of Time and Space would want to teach him a lesson?

Hill didn't even need to think about it, he knew that this matter belonged to an area where the God of Time and Space could still control it, but William would definitely be in a hurry and at a loss.

After all, if slaad wants to thrive, it must stay in the companion space.

And all space is in the hands of the God of Time and Space... Only he can throw these toads back to the Sea of ​​Chaos in time when the slaad truly threatens the undead, or even Trasil.

William can't do it, nor can the time and space artifact... Only his old man can use this back door.

Hill glanced at the 'Xueyun Peak' on the giant screen: This guy's information is too well-informed. Isn't it a patch made by William?

"Actually, it's not my fault." Shar thought for a moment and then spoke slowly, "It's just that when William and I were playing, I didn't notice there was a modron next to me, and I said some bad words.


Hill couldn't help but press his forehead.

He suddenly understood what William was bragging to Shar to attract the attention of the modron controlled by Lord Singularity.

The Alchemy of the God of Time and Space.

Unlike Fran and Hill, although he also likes alchemy, the God of Time and Space is actually more inclined towards machinery.

Those huge factories have always been his hobby.

As for the Singularity, the source of all modrons and the hive consciousness that guides their every action, he is the one who best understands the beauty of mechanical operation.

Although many times, he may not listen to other people's bragging.

But, that was Shar and Shar’s boyfriend!

Even though he has never been interested in the world of flesh and blood, as the "god" of modrons and machines, Singularity has never stopped absorbing information from the outside world.

No matter how uneducated he is, there is no way he doesn't know who the goddess of the night is in Toril.

The fun machine realm of the multiverse may not necessarily participate, but they will definitely pay attention.

After all, the slaad representing chaos is their eternal enemy... Whenever such a thing appears in the world, the Machinery Realm will lend a helping hand.

Although their help is also troublesome, after all, the energy consumption of modrons is very powerful.

But they are indeed the best at driving away these toads.

Hmm... Presumably, after communicating with a certain Lord Singularity who came uninvited, the God of Time and Space recalled these 'beautiful' knowledge.

This chapter has been completed!
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