Chapter 894 Hill’s Tree

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William shook his head: "Those people are not yet able to stand alone, but they are already very good at bringing together various things in the new world.

Including the captain of the guard, they don't like to use their brains very much and they still need to practice.

Speaking of which, Hill's moon elves are quite useful, smart and capable, but... Hill seems to have given them a lot of restrictions before leaving, such as not being able to leave Trasil.

I can only use the guards as messengers.

It is actually better to use angels as creatures like messengers, but I don’t really want to create such creatures in my own kingdom of God.

I am willing to accept the natural birth, and let me take the souls of believers to make it... I always feel uncomfortable.

Let’s wait for time to resolve these issues…

By then, Naven should be able to take a rest.”

Shar sighed softly.

William is too human sometimes.

But the person she fell in love with at the beginning was a young man who liked to compare his feelings with others and think from other people's standpoints.

Besides, although his stance and starting point were different, William accidentally embarked on the right path.

"Actually, it is rare for a born god to use his own divine power to create angels." She said softly, "Anyway, if the Kingdom of God has that attribute, that would be the best.

The angels born will obey your will because they have absorbed the divine power from your kingdom.

Otherwise, those angels who were born on the positive energy plane and are willing to follow a certain god are also good.

Angels' personalities are said to be simple, but in reality they are quite paranoid. It is difficult for them to change their first impression.

However, an accident occasionally is enough to shake the Kingdom of God.

You also know the story of Corellon...but isn't that guy famous because it's so rare?

Moreover, it was Corellon himself who was responsible.

It's easy for an angel's thinking to go into a dead end. If you ask him to protect others, in his heart, he may end up being given away.

Therefore, once they cannot figure it out, they will fall directly.

However, angels that appear due to external forces must not be used.

The flaws are too great.”

The most famous person who undermines the growth of others is Asmodeus!

But if it is the kind of angel who has had all his sanity wiped out and can only operate mechanically... To be honest, besides supporting the scene, what is the use of it?

Do gods need that stuff?

Shar still can't understand how there are gods who need tools to support themselves!

Even Amberli can get herself a clone projection, right?

They are all your believers...

The Daughter of the Night has always been pragmatic. She came out as a shadow demon just to kill people, and it was definitely not to convey some message that she could convey with just a thought.

The real messenger god must be like the Seraph beside Corellon. Rather than sending messages, it is better to help Corellon observe some important things that are not worth his own trouble.

Moreover, those two can make decisions directly when they observe abnormal things.

Can those tools do the job?

Even the trash that professionals above level 10 may not be able to kill deserve to be called angels.

Shar, who is always full of nostalgia for the past, dislikes many things in the present.

William nodded slightly: "Don't worry, I will definitely listen to you in this regard."

Although he said a qualifier first, Shar still felt very happy when he heard it.

For the first time, Shar understood that her previous hatred was not because the other party had reservations about her, but because the other party thought she would be unhappy and did it directly without telling her.

During her time with William, Shar felt that her biggest gain was not only that she finally felt love, but that her understanding of herself suddenly seemed to have cleared up a layer of fog.

In the past, although she felt that the curses from mortals and gods were very annoying to her, she really felt that some of the words were indeed her.

Shar even felt that those people's curses were the source of motivation for her to walk on the most correct path.

She really regarded herself as the embodiment of evil.

Shar's love came suddenly, but after she accepted it, the net over her head was torn apart.

This was the reason why she was sure that she would never have a conflict with Edna... Before she figured out whether her past paranoia was related to the Shadow Demon Network, Shar would never work hard for that network again.

She even tolerated an ugly dog ​​barking outside her shadow realm.

However, Shar would not become even more resentful of AO for not reminding her... Although the old guy always used her and played with his mystery, he would not really step her into the mud.

When things go smoothly, I will still give her a hand.

Of course, Shar knew that what she wanted was preference, but now that she had gained a certain degree of satisfaction in her heart, she could rationally consider those who would not pay for her. She originally thought they were her relatives.

Then she asked curiously: "Sir, do you know why you don't let those moon elves leave Trasil?"

William smiled and pulled her into his arms, slowly combing her long, silky hair with one hand: "We didn't quite understand his thoughts at first. We just thought he was worried that the moon elves were naive in nature and too easy to believe.

Because of people.

It was later discovered that Hill had integrated a divine fire into their birth tree.

That tree, originally... was supposed to be a pure birth tree, you know, right? The kind that doesn't give birth to spiritual intelligence."

Shar nodded in surprise: "Is that so? The divine fire... He gave the ownerless divine fire to a fertility tree?

What do you think?

This kid... doesn't seem to be much like you.

You wouldn't do something so crazy."

Compared to a tree, William definitely pays more attention to the people around him... It's not something snatched from, so what's wrong with using it for his own people?

William smiled helplessly: "Hill is the son of the World Tree. In his heart, maybe that tree has that value."

This was one of the reasons why he and the God of Time and Space completely gave up their doubts about Hill.

Although the old saying goes, do as the Romans do, and fully integrate yourself into the environment so that you can live a better life... But the fact that this sentence comes out proves that there are always some things in people that cannot be changed as the environment changes.

Even if William and the God of Time and Space respected nature, they would not put trees above humans.

Although he has long known that Hill attaches great importance to animals and plants and is full of love for nature, but... this act of lighting a tree with sacred fire is still a bit too magical.

No matter what kind of tree it is.

William's first reaction when he learned about this was that Hill was indeed the child of a tree!

Shar seemed to have thought of the same point and laughed: "Hill always looks human, and it is easy for people to ignore his origin.

How's that tree doing?"

"Some time ago, I was still on the moon ring." William frowned slightly, "When the divine power broke out, the moon elves that would have taken a long time to be born were suddenly raised in one breath, and then disappeared.


By the way, you can help me ask Hill where he got the divine fire."

Shar was a little surprised: "You can't feel it? How is it possible?

Trasil’s law will tell you!”

William smiled bitterly: "That seems to be the law of new life... She hasn't stabilized the path she wants to take, otherwise she wouldn't be able to run so fast.

I'm probably worried that someone will want to devour her, and Trasil is not without evil powers."

Shar buried his head in her arms and rolled his eyes secretly... Trasil's evil powers probably did not cause as many evils as Corellon's stupid son.

From Embry to Trasil, he can probably sweep them all away... Of course, I'm just talking about the level of evil.

In terms of combat effectiveness, those of Trasil are actually quite strong.

There are almost no gods in Trasil who have been promoted through crooked ways. Even the few gods of faith have fought for mankind... This is the most fundamental birth pattern of the gods of faith, and the only one among the gods of faith who can

The existence of breaking arms with the innate gods.

According to Shar's observation, when Trasil stabilizes its powerful divine power, their world will definitely not be worse than Toril.

Of course, this is just about combat effectiveness.

Forget the rest.

However, Trasil probably didn't expect to have the same sense of existence as Toril.


When Hill was asked a question by Shar, his face went blank at first, and then he realized what the other person was asking.

He had long forgotten about the sacred fire on the tree.

In his heart, when the divine fire comes to fruition, he will probably live like a new world tree... rooted in a certain place, without even wanting to move.

Why is it so early?

Lansander, who was shocked by Shar's words, asked blankly: "Although I know that you have no interest in becoming a god, and if you want to do it, you don't need to use something that may not be suitable, but... you haven't thought about leaving.

To your own men?

Don't tell me that your group of moon elves have also benefited, please... If those demigod creatures can really be completely controlled by you, how can the gods of Trasil dare to really bring them into their own kingdom for reuse?


Even if I don't think about it carefully, I can figure it out... You can only ask them not to do something, but you can't ask them to do something, right?"

Hill nodded blankly: "What's wrong? Isn't that the child I trained?"

"That tree gave away all your children in one breath." Shar looked at him without blinking, "The children born after that may not be the children you raised."

Hill raised his head and thought for a moment, then tilted his head again: "What does that have to do with it?

The underlying convention I set for that tree is not so easy to erase.

Even if the children born after him will no longer pay attention to me, it will not violate..."

Shar raised her hand slightly: "Forget it, stop talking for now and let me take a moment."

She had lived for so long and never thought that there would be a day when she heard such a kind speech without feeling sick.

This chapter has been completed!
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