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Chapter 943 Demogorgon Wants Luck

Chapter 2258 Demogorgon wants luck

"What else?" The 'Old Sanda King' has always been very perceptive, "If it were only William, you wouldn't say that."

"Hill." 'Yuluo Fanchen' sighed.

"Who?" the voice of the 'Old Sanda King' raised an octave.

"Sil seems to want to find someone to take care of that tree, but I don't know why he found me." 'Yuluo Fanchen' said casually.

"As for Hill, why don't you go?" the 'Old Sanda King' said very seriously, "Aren't you just worried that your copy here will become an NPC with a single attribute, so that people who come after you will only have an impression of you as a selfless person?

The inspector?

It certainly won't happen with Hill.

He likes to enjoy life most. Those who work for him live so freely!

Look Purvi...what is that little whale doing?

You're sneaky, if you want to fight, fight... Why do you keep going in circles?"

"Don't you know that the tree suddenly disappeared?" 'Yuluo Fanchen' looked helpless, "Although Hill's invitation is still there, but... that is my clone!

In my old age, I really don’t want my clone to spend most of his life in the star realm of Trasil after spending most of his life on the spaceship.”

He put down the tablet in his hand, pinched the bridge of his nose, and fell down on the sofa: "What Hill wanted to worry about was never the tree, but the group of moon elves.

He just wanted someone with strict rules to stay there and be on guard against the whims of these chaotic demigods.

Moon Elf, now you are not just working in the kingdom of the Earth Goddess and Aglaia!

They can be found in the goddesses of agriculture."

"Hill, you're pretty good at choosing." The tone of the 'Perfect Bald Head' was extremely strange.

It was obvious that he had put himself on the side of the moon elves who were about to be supervised.

'Xueyunfeng' glanced at him and suddenly laughed: "Anyway, we still have time to make a choice slowly. This game should not be over before we die."

"Definitely not!" the 'Old Sanda King' sat up, "Our little girls from the Cunlu family have already figured out what career they want to play!"

"Oh?" 'Xue Yunfeng' was curious, "Looking at your tone, it seems that she has no intention of taking the road of Cunlu!"

"Hmm~" The 'Old Sanda King' clapped his hands happily, "She wants to be a boxing fighter like me!"

Several men looked at her together.

Doesn’t ‘Cunlu’ want to cultivate an elegant girl who loves art?

Didn't "Nanfeng" say that his little princess must be a piano master in the future?

A virtuous little piano princess like the "Old Sanda King"?

'Xueyunfeng' trembled violently... He suddenly thought of some stories about the piano string murder case.


"Hill, why do you like such serious undead people?" Lansander found it incredible, "The undead people are obviously so interesting!"

For example, the 'young master' he likes.

Hill looked back at the big peacock: "Moon elves are all chaos type. I want to find them a life mentor who can give accurate advice at critical moments, not find them a partner who can help them play crazier.

Such people are much harder to find than interesting people.”

In a career like 'Rain falls on the mortal world', if he can go to the end steadily, retire regularly, and live a perfect life... then no matter what he encounters, he probably will not change his bottom line.

Of course, by extending the invitation so early, Hill knew one thing: if Yuluo Fanchen failed to stick to his bottom line in the end, he would definitely have to go in.

On the undead side, alliance law stipulates that criminals cannot become exclusive NPCs in any game.

No matter what crime he committed, whether he was forced to do so or if he had something to hide.

After all, as long as it is a game, there will inevitably be new young people entering it.

No matter how famous this person was in this game, how popular he was, how much he paid, or how many people were willing to forgive him for the mistakes he made... the alliance would not accept it.

The explanation for this by the person who originally set up this law is: Young people must not be allowed to think that as long as they have merit and are forgiven by others, they are above the law.

After Hill knew this, he immediately understood why William, when many gods mentioned his favor to a certain undead tribe to him, replied that he could send invitations for them, but whether he could come in the end depended on whether these people could come.

With permission from the will of the world.

The world will of a world without demons is very accustomed to treating the laws of this world as its own.

So, even if William didn't care about those rules... of course, he actually had no intention of breaking them... it would be useless.

In this case, as the weakest person and god who can issue invitations, Hill will definitely send his sincerity as soon as possible.

Just in case, there is someone who thinks that the living environment provided by Hill is better and allows his descendants to see him living among the birds and flowers, so he gives up the invitation of powerful divine power and chooses him!

Hill knew very well that if he could like someone, other gods would also like him.

Not everyone is like Ransendall, who only cares about their temperament.

For example, Tyr has targeted several undead people who have bottom lines and understand the law well.

It's just that William basically values ​​the people he likes.

Lansendre raised his head and thought for a while, he still couldn't understand Hill's choice.

"The Silver Moon Goddess of Trasil is very like Selune." Shar said quietly, "It's just that she's a little better than Selune. At least when she finds out that she's made a mistake, her first reaction is to take responsibility.

Apologize well.

Then the person who works hard to fix the mistake he made, rather than the one who discovered her mistake."

Selune tilted her head and thought for a while before saying, "But, I didn't make a mistake, at least I don't feel like I made a mistake."

She raised her head proudly: "I know what you are talking about, Shar.

But, do you really think those who accuse me face to face are qualified?

In other words, do their accusations against me really have anything to do with me?

All I care about is the Toril universe.

What happens to the dust in the universe, and does it have anything to do with me?"

After discovering Shar's transformation, Selune seemed to give up some of her pretense.

Her tone was a bit sharp: "I will show mercy to those who deserve mercy, but giving my mercy does not mean that I have any responsibility towards them.

Their lives, good or bad, have nothing to do with me, so why should I be asked to pay attention to what happens to them?

Just because I saved them once does not mean that I will keep saving them."

Shar smiled lazily: "Don't be evasive.

However, this is your nature.

No matter what you say at any time, you will naturally choose the side that is most beneficial to you.

as long as you are happy."

What Shar said was actually quite normal, but it was just too normal.

The Silver Moon Girl gave up her usual act of pretending to be crazy but still didn't see the results she wanted. Her face looked really ugly.

Fortunately, two loud noises sounded at the same time to cover up all this.

Shar stood up and flashed directly over the shattered Russell Magic Tower.

Hill blinked, and the two giant screens rose again... and they were on the same frequency as the undead downstairs.

Although he could actually see what was happening next to him, Hill still wanted to see the undead's perspective.

This is the benefit of being a landlord.

When Demogorgon appeared on the stage, he couldn't help but turn his head and look at the nearby mountain top that was also exploding.

How do those undead people calculate time?

He knew very well that before he appeared and smashed the building in front of him, although there had been riots there, there really was no explosion.

The devil prince was really not used to the smooth and trouble-free battle.

When the abyss lords do bad things, there is no time when a group of people don't jump out to block the way one after another!

There may even be some kind-hearted Archmage who appears on the scene inexplicably.

However, until he dug three feet into the ground and killed all the mages in front of him... there were actually two high-level mages who could use nine-ring spells. They grabbed the two-headed soul body and flew into the sky and jumped into the sea.

For dozens of minutes, not a single accident occurred!

Although Demogorgon also saw Shar who was killing everyone, but... although the goddess of the night was also unlucky, she was still better than them.

Why did the accident happen there this time?

The fat two-headed fish gliding rapidly on the sea had a pensive expression on its face, not even caring about the two-headed woman in its hand who had a dull face, but suddenly became agile in a moment... With the undead joining in, could there be more?

Does luck add?

Although there seems to be a problem on Shar's side, according to Demogorgon's understanding, this is the problem waiting there.

Demogorgon's two heads looked at each other, with serious expressions on each other's faces... If the undead really have this characteristic, do they still need to stand against the undead?

After all, it is impossible for the undead to provide any benefits to their demons... What can a soulless guy do with how many evil thoughts he has?

The devil can't eat it anyway.

The presence of the undead in Toril is troublesome, but not inevitable.

That is to say, the Sword Coast area of ​​Faerûn cannot be touched from south to north.

Even Silvermoon City in central and northern Faerûn has no impact.

Especially for him, Demogorgon.

The enemies of Isei Ray are the fishmen, and their battlefield is on the huge sea, on the side of the Sakura Empire and the Japanese Kingdom, which have a very bad relationship with the undead.

Just avoid the passage that the undead take to the Dragon Empire.

Demogorgon really didn't care who the enemy was, but he cared about his own luck.

After so many years, he has never experienced the meaning of luck, only luck.

Although this will be troublesome, every brain in Demogorgon wants to give it a try!

In an instant, Demogorgon, who was full of fighting spirit, accelerated his water gliding speed again... The two-headed beauty he was holding in his hand just wanted to speak, and her two rosy little mouths took a big gulp of air together.


This chapter has been completed!
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