Chapter 1002 Styx’s idea is a bit weird

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The corner of Hill's mouth twitched suddenly.

In fact, his expression has always been relatively shallow. Even if he twitches the corner of his mouth, due to his personality, he will retract it almost instantly.

Therefore, one can imagine how speechless he is now.

Sure enough, the longer an old guy lives, the more he looks like an old naughty boy.

Styx diverted his attention to prevent him from seeing the city of death that he had rebuilt again!

But how could Hill not notice such a big movement?

He is not deaf.

It is conceivable that Styx just wanted not to see him the moment he made a move... The rest was just a matter of concealment.

Anyway, given Hill's usual character, he would not expose his shortcomings in person.

Hill silently looked at the new city of death... and deeply suspected that Styx had just gone to William to ask for the blueprints.

This short time shouldn't be enough for him to go find the undead and issue a mission, right?

Moreover, he was really familiar with this map. It was also the place where he had lost his way, lost his life, and committed suicide... a city of the dead called the Undercity.

On the middle ring is a tall and mysterious bone tower covered with patterns.

Four arch bridges protrude from this circular area, leading to a circular passage filled with light doors.

Under the arch bridge is a deep pit.

On the outside of the circular passage, there are walls covered with arches... both above and below the bridge.

The undead walked out of these light doors leading to all parts of the world, and were initially judged by the magic circle on the passage under their feet.

The evil ones were thrown into the pit below, and then were sucked into an arch for a second sorting.

The outer ring below leads to the punishment areas of the Mountain of Swords and the Sea of ​​Fire.

The upper outer ring is a residential area where souls who want to stay in the city of death and become residents can settle in the neutrality.

There are even trading areas marked.

However, it seems that there is also a part of the area above that is aimed at those souls in the neutral camp who are in debt.

However, the punishment is relatively light, more like confinement.

But the pale cubic rooms looked quite uncomfortable.

Staying in a dark room for too long can make people go crazy.

Even if the soul has a weak sense of the passage of time,... it will still be very uncomfortable to stay in that place for a long time.

Hill recalled Styx's simple and crude punishment measures before, and then looked at the mature building in front of him... He didn't believe that Styx had done it himself.

If he was really capable of doing this, even if he planned to make a simplified mode first, he would not play like that.

Hill pondered for a moment... If the alternative drawings of the City of Death prepared by William actually include the type of Undercity, then how does he plan to build Trasil's?

He vaguely thought of something, and felt that it was not... Even if he became a god and could dig out all the memories of his birth from his mind, then William wouldn't remember that much, right?

Did he build Ironforge before... Well, this fits William's character very well.

Just remembering Undercity and Ironforge, Hill can actually understand.

After all, no matter which side you are on, these two cities are in great pain... If you are on your side, you will get lost and fall into the river and be poisoned or burned to death. Then, if you go to the opposite side to sneak attack, the end result will be the same.

Tsk, forget it... Hill still thinks William is not normal.

As a civil engineering student, he didn’t even memorize the game’s city map!

‘There seems to be some ceremony going on over there at the Black Mystery Tower.’

Although I know that Hill has understood everything, as long as Hill doesn't say anything, Styx can pretend that the episode just now didn't happen.

He happily told Hill: 'They wanted to hand over control of the Soul Tower to a mortal, but that mortal didn't have enough mental strength.

So, they seem to want to weaken the tower spirit... It's very interesting. It's rare to find a tower spirit with self-awareness. Why do they want to demolish it?

Humans are really weird.

I’ve only seen massacres done before to create a mage who can make soul crystals from tower spirits.’

Hill could only smile in response to Styx's sigh.

What could he say?

Maybe for other mages, it is a good thing for the Soul Tower to have a tower spirit who is intelligent enough and knows how to find work for himself.

But for Root, that was just cruelty.

His teacher would probably rather fall asleep completely.

Moreover, didn’t Styx already know that the tower spirit almost had a mental breakdown?

Even if he still plans to be this tower spirit, he will have to sleep for a long time to recover himself.

The controllers of the Soul Tower are all his disciples and grandsons. How could he let his master's soul disappear just for the sake of convenience?

It is estimated that their current ritual is more to pass on the memory of soul spells in Teacher Root's mind to Felice.

This practice consumes a lot of soul power.

Even for Felice, it is estimated that it will be very hard... Although this knowledge will definitely be locked layer by layer and will not be unlocked until his spiritual sea can bear it, but just receiving it is estimated to reach the limit of his mental power. .

However, as long as he persists, this will also expand his spiritual sea to the greatest extent.

Just in time, Ta Ling's soul power has dropped to the lowest level, and Felice's spiritual sea has grown to the highest level... maybe there will be a balance point for them to sign a contract.

Of course, this premise is that at that moment, Root directly terminated his connection with the Soul Tower.

But Hill never doubted this.

Root is still sober now, and Hill admires him very much.

Over the past many years, he has paid a huge price to get to where he is today. He has even brought huge losses to the Tower of Theia, causing the other party to fall completely off the altar.

Even though he was able to win in part because he was lucky enough to meet Hill.

However, if Root had not persisted and had a bottom line, he would not have been able to touch Hill.

Moreover, according to the direction of the world, even without Hill's arrival, Root should still be able to cause some damage to the Tower of Theia... Of course, the Tower of Black Mystery will not be as complete as it is now.

Root's students probably had to lose more than half of their money.

Hmm... maybe the conspirators at the Tower of Despair can really take over the inheritance of the Tower of Souls.

Hill sighed: "There are probably people coming from the Tower of Black Mystery again."

This time, Root will probably come in person.

But this time, he is definitely on the same side as the undead.

"I don't know what's going on over there at the Tower of Despair." Hill murmured.

Styx didn't answer this time... He didn't care about these mortal matters at all.

In fact, he only had a partial knowledge of what was happening at the Tower of Black Mystery. This was because the Tower of Black Mystery originally belonged to him, otherwise Styx would not have taken over the magic tower from a mortal.


"Hill? Hill!"

William's call brought the absent-minded Hill back to the hall.

Hill shook his head and looked at William curiously with his big lake-green eyes: "What's wrong?"

"Styx..." William said ambiguously.

"He built a ring city, and there is no problem in the preliminary test." Hill smiled and answered seriously, "However, no undead from outside the evil camp have entered, so I don't know if it is completely fine."

William showed a satisfied smile: "Hehe~ I actually repaired it!"

Hill blinked: "Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Nothing~" William's tone was a little excited, "I just want to see the city of death in this world.

It's a pity that Styx doesn't want to invite me in."

Hill was stunned for a moment, then slowly explained: "Gilbert is not strong enough. Once a powerful god like you enters the newly built City of Death, you can snatch part of the sovereignty from him, and Styx will definitely not agree. "

I really thought that if Jergo could completely control the Styx, he would still be afraid of AO!

Although he was born quite early, unfortunately, he was still not as early as Shar and Selune.

And how could AO not know the rules of Styx after living for so long?

Therefore, with the power of Shar and Selûne, AO even let the moonlight shine into the River Styx... Otherwise, how could the three gods of death created by Jergo come into contact with AO without even knowing it? Woolen cloth?

Isn't it because the River Styx actually has shadows under the moonlight?

Of course, it is precisely because of these shadows that whether it is the Abyss or the Nine Hells, they can open dimensional gates in the Styx River Basin in Toril that the City of Death cannot control... and then use these gates to rush directly into Toril. .

Jergal would not help guard these gates, let alone kill the demons and demons that came out of these gates.

The City of Death only allows devils to enter to tempt souls, and does not allow devils to appear. This is obviously after the God of Death came to power.

These are all things that complement each other.

Styx himself would not make such a mistake.

Hill was able to go because he was incompatible with the City of Death, but also because the underworld tree in Trasil was related to the River Styx.

Hill figured this out the moment he could clearly see the specific structure of the City of Death.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful he is and how good his eyes are, he will not be able to directly jump over the bone tower and clearly see the structure of the entire city.

When others, including gods, look there from the outside, they usually only see the Bone Tower in black shadow.

Unless you enter the City of Death, you cannot clearly see the scene in the black shadow.

But Hill can.

Then, not only did Styx know that he could, but he was not surprised at all.

After Hill thought about it for a moment, he knew what had happened... The Trasil Underworld Tree should be blamed on him.

Hill, actually doesn't want this to happen.

As cool as it sounds... the city of death was built out of trees that belonged to him.

But, as a son of nature who focuses on life, what is the significance of being related to the River Styx?

There’s no benefit either!

And, is this really good?

What kind of thinking did Styx think it was appropriate to build the City of Death on someone else's big tree?

After all, he summoned this tree himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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