Chapter 1013 Gilbert’s Request

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No one paid attention to the 'Devil Sword', including his former good partner 'a idle man'.

For the undead, what to choose between experience and money is something they themselves don’t know how to choose until something happens.

But when I can only earn daily experience, and my only entertainment is to fight with the family next door that I can't deal with, family members and old friends in the past are actually given the task of making extra money, a lot of extra money... I just ignore it. He was already thinking that the people squatting here were really good friends.

The first reaction of the rest of their family when they saw the 'Devil Sword' was to kill him and delay his time to start work, let alone other families.

During this period, half of the fights they fought were because someone blocked the 'Magic Sword'.

This made everyone even more unhappy...they actually had to help him!

I just ignored him because these people have a stable mentality.

"Tsk... By the way, this guy named Lute is Gilbert's teacher in Styx, right?" Sui Chen, who had been watching the fun, suddenly asked.

"Yes, what's wrong?" 'Yuluo Fanchen' turned to look at his partner... 'Suichen' usually doesn't take the initiative to say anything, and doesn't get involved in their usual trouble-making games, but he did. He has always been the battlefield commander of Black Rose, the kind who can convince the crowd very well.

Therefore, once 'Suichen' speaks, a more serious person like 'Yuluo Fanchen' will immediately reply.

Generally speaking, it's only him, unless Sui Chen asks someone by name.

Although Black Rose has a good relationship with each other, they don't have much sense of responsibility... and they will definitely not take the initiative to stand up and take care of things.

It's just that once the responsibilities are assigned to someone, they will still be very attentive when doing their work, but they will never take the initiative to find work.

This may be related to the fact that most people in this family are social animals.

Even if it is not as miserable as our predecessors in the past, social animals are social animals. Fewer working hours does not mean that the work is not tiring... There will be no job that is not tiring physically, mentally, and has a promising future in ten thousand years.

Moreover, the interstellar society is even more miserable than in the past, that is, the jobs that can be used to dawdle are gone.

After all, unemployment benefits are enough to guarantee people's living needs, and even enough for people to play games comfortably for a lifetime. Many people can also earn some extra money in games!

Therefore, even jobs that appear to be nothing special are not easy to obtain.

This is actually not a good thing, especially for people who still want a career.

Now, if you want to stand out among the crowd, it is not about standing tall in the mud, but about doing better among a group of strivers.

In fact, in such a social atmosphere, more efforts will be put in... After all, even if he rises to the top, those below him will not be completely convinced.

If you are not careful, you will fall again.

Of course, it's not that there's no competitiveness or that terrifying profession... But then you have to have a technical advantage.

Just like people like Black Rose, although their main business is civil engineering, under the influence of the advanced technology of interstellar society, new materials are emerging every year... If you relax a little, you will definitely not be able to keep up with the situation.

It can be said that there is a reason why the 'Perfect Bald Man' is a bald man.

Even among the powerful medical services in the interstellar world, being extremely intelligent is an unsolvable problem.

But for them, if someone is willing to deceive themselves, they can choose a hard job in science and technology.

But any kind of technical work will definitely take time to maintain.

‘Perfect Bald’ used to be a man who squatted in the wilderness all year round, how could he have that kind of time?

Fighting is definitely a rare joy in life for these social animals, so they are generally very positive.

But if there are other troublesome tasks, such as analyzing the meaning of the full text in conjunction with the context, absolutely few are willing to take on it.

Therefore, although the Black Rose family has a bad temper and is very good at fighting, their daily style is relatively loose.

Everyone is silent when they can, and lazy when they can be lazy.

These guys who came from Black Rose are obviously not bad in strength, but they are all second-line commanders for this reason... They can perform on the spot, but let others prepare before the battle~

Therefore, even if 'Sui Chen' suddenly has any thoughts, only 'Yu Luofan Chen' will respond to him.

For others, the "Magic Sword" that was cheap and behaved was more worthy of attention than the conversation between the two.

At least I can scold him and relieve some of my hatred!

‘Yuluo Fanchen’ and ‘Suichen’ had no choice but to get together amidst a group of shouts.

"Did you read what William sent before Lute came?" Sui Chen asked softly.

‘Yuluo Morchen’ blinked... Every time a new NPC appeared on the scene and started a battle, William would send a reminder to the undead, mainly to prevent them from rushing into the battlefield and dying on their own.

Usually this is the game company's disclaimer.

There is no way, there are always people who feel that they are innocent when they rush into the battlefield and die at the hands of NPCs, so why should their experience points be deducted.

This kind of thing happens often in other games, but many companies will not just issue a statement like Time and Space Company and let it go.

Time and Space Company will never allow players to become invincible on the NPC battlefield.

Therefore, people like them who like immersive games think this can provide them with retirement benefits.

At least, they will feel that the interpersonal relationships they have established in the game will not be ruined due to sudden code changes.

My dear, there will be more after this chapter, please click on the next page to continue, there will be more exciting things to come!

But also because these words seem to be updated from time to time and are essentially the same, many people only look to see which unlucky NPC has to turn it on, and basically do not study the others.

He scratched his hair and asked a little puzzled: "Are you still reading this? Are you busy at work recently?"

'Suichen' sighed helplessly: "Between reading the information and being harassed by Ji Wai Wai Wai Wai, I choose to read the information."

‘Yuluo Fanchen’’s eyes suddenly widened: “Hasn’t he been supplying Hill recently? How come he still has time to research new things?”

"Then you have to ask the Demon Sword." Sui Chen's face was crooked, "Why did he dig some soil and make some bricks for Jos, and provide inspiration for Ji Wai Wai Wai Wai?

He doesn’t even care about making money.”

'Yuluo Fanchen' laughed awkwardly... He would never ask the 'Demon Sword'.

Serious people should not discuss serious issues with mentally ill people, as that will only make them crazy.

He changed the subject very quickly: "So, what did you find that made you pay so much attention to this Archmage Lute?"

"William said in the information that Gilbert is building a city of death and is looking for people who can work for him among the undead that have recently entered the River Styx." Sui Chen said slowly, "He also said something about this person.

Archmage Root and Gilbert’s past.”

'Yuluo Fanchen' said blankly: "What's the matter?"

"So, does Gilbert want his teacher to die...or does he want Lute to live for a few more years?" Sui Chen sincerely asked the doubts in his heart.

The angle at which he thought about the problem was so tricky that the usually thoughtful Yuluo Fanchen was unable to think for a while.

In fact, several Black Rose managers who were secretly listening to their chat were also lost in thought... This question doesn't seem to be important, but it seems to be quite important?


Whether the undead can figure this out or not is actually not important anymore, some people are more anxious.

Hill couldn't control his shocked expression after hearing Gilbert's incoherent tirade that suddenly contacted him.

Fortunately, in the current Magic Tower, the only ones who can see his somewhat strange expression are our own people.

But Hill felt that his behavior was excusable.

Anyone who hears Gilbert repeatedly emphasizing the reasons why Root must not be allowed to die will agree with him.

In fact, he was not too surprised because according to Styx's judgment, Root was a character who could be retained by the City of Death.

After all, when the laws of the multiverse determine good and evil, good and evil, they will definitely not be the same as the real eighteen levels of hell.

Even in Trasil, Root is judged to be neutral to evil at best.

In Toril, this guy can be regarded as a kind mage... This is a great mage who only kills people to compete for resources, and will not kill someone just because he is unhappy.

But Gilbert, who came to Hill for help just because he didn't want his teacher to become his manager, shocked Hill.

You know, this guy has so few resources that even Hill is embarrassed to look at them.

Therefore, he didn't have much leverage to ask Hill for help.

It can’t be said in terms of Russell and Carpenter’s posthumous glory!

Therefore, Gilbert pushed himself up very hard.

The Lord of Death, even the Lord of Death appointed by Styx himself, must be somewhat capable.

For example, Gilbert, a god of death who was born as a mage, is very good at purifying a material called Nether Crystal from the water of the Styx.

It sounds like an evil material, but it is actually a water material without attributes... It is relatively pure and can even help water professionals understand the negative laws of the water system.

Although it was Hill himself who chose to give up the Law of Destruction, few people knew this.

Therefore, Gilbert probably thought that Hill would start to understand these laws in the future.

The mage understands the greed of the mage best.

Even though Hill played the positive laws of the water system so well that he almost became one with himself, when he had the opportunity to deeply understand the negative laws, normally he would not give up.

Even doing so would cause a rift in his intimate connection with water.

But which mage wouldn’t wish he had more laws?

Hill thought about it and still felt that there was no need to explain his choice to others.

But, are all the Nether Crystals that Gilbert has refined in the past 50 years worth his money?

This chapter has been completed!
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