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Chapter 1051: Neutral fighting from both sides

Chapter 2366: Neutral fighting from both sides

It is true that no one in Toril dares to provoke Selune, but not provoking does not mean that they will respect her.

Most people ignore and ignore it, and just walk around when they see it.

Although Selune did deserve this retribution.

But the Moon of Light in the Twin Moons of Creation ended up looking like this... Even if AO did take action to reduce the importance and existence of the Twin Moons, it at least proved that the fantasy world didn't care about the 'past' at all.

The reason why Shar has the strongest sense of existence among the evil gods is not just because she always plays the trick of destroying the world... Toril has experienced too many such disasters.

It's because, not only can she really restart the world, but she can also reach out and pull people into AO's destiny at any time... Even if what she does is not within the scope of AO's initial expectations, the old man will still open his eyes.

He closed one eye and allowed the unlucky guy to be implicated.

The tablet of destiny will not let him go just because he is not in it originally, but will quickly compile him into a new trace of destiny.

Selune, on the other hand, can't.

There are rules for who Sha pulls into the path of destiny. The destiny stone can at most add something to a certain plot, or simply change it for someone else.

Selune was different. If he could calculate her movements, the Tablet of Destiny would not be on the verge of collapse now... He had absolutely no way to include the undead in the traces of his destiny.

Therefore, Amaunata's fate this time is the most dangerous.

The Slate of Destiny is just a beginning, AO has no idea where it will go from here.

Even though he has found a way to minimize the influence of the undead.

However, Ben's attitude proved everything.

Can you ask the undead commanders not to go to certain places to cause trouble? Can you ask the undead not to kill even goblins?

This kind of request cannot be expressed even by AO.

However, once the undead get involved in the possible chaos in the Goblin Kingdom, no one knows what will happen in the future.

Just like the current goblin kingdom.

The former queen has indeed not been replaced, and even her Shade Royal Court has recovered a lot due to the departure of a large number of goblins.

After all, the reason why the Fairy Queen got rid of so many of the little fairies she hated without any protest from the nobles was because the capacity of the Shade Royal Court, especially the inner court, was limited!

This limitation does not refer to the volume of the royal court, but to the energy.

Vera's brother and sister finally chose to leave the royal court to find their own place. In fact, it had something to do with the fact that they were getting stronger and stronger, but they still had so little natural power from the inner court.

However, the little queen's life was not easy at all.

There were only aristocratic fairies left in the Shade Palace who matched her gender and had their noses turned upward, and commoner fairies who were groveling but unwilling to do anything.

Even the mischievous lost elves have almost disappeared... They can play freely at the edges of Calimshan Forest and Aglaia Forest.

The undead have even memorized their names, and will shout loudly when they can't find their way.

What the lost goblin wants is this 'so-and-so, I surrender, please show me the way!'.

Therefore, they get along really well with the undead.

Not to mention the rest, even the shyest household brown spirit who rarely talks to other people knows that if you want candy, you can go to the undead and ask if you need someone to clean the house... The undead basically

He would not refuse without saying anything, but would also thank them for their help with eyes that were so touched and sparkling.

The goblins have never enjoyed this kind of good life where they can play pranks and be respected at the same time. One can imagine how much they will love Vera who brought them such a life.

Not only did Vera's power increase greatly because of this, but her biological father Oberon, who had been nesting in the Aglaia Forest and dared not step out, became much stronger.

So much so that the goblins who were born in the past two years have directly regarded Vera as the real queen and have no impression of the Shade Royal Court at all... Even the common goblins who have no inherited memories will know the goblin queen.

existence, the forest will tell them the moment they are born.

However, it may be because Vera has indeed made great contributions to Calimshan, and the other one has long been far away from Toril, so the forests directly regard Vera as the goblin queen.

If that person doesn't find a solution within a thousand years, the crown on her head will disappear naturally... She can indeed still live on the Ice Dragon Throne, but she is still alive.

There is no longer a possibility for the Shade Palace to expand, and it may even shrink due to the departure of the fairy spirits who are good at planting trees and taking care of plants, and the flower spirits who are good at raising flowers and making nectar.

Although all this seems to be because Lord Aglaia protected Vera and Oberon, in reality, it is still because of the existence of the undead.

Otherwise, even if Vera wanted to be recognized by Toriel's natural consciousness, it would not be possible so quickly... so quickly that the little elf queen Titania had not even thought of a way to trick people, so she had no choice but to

Get as far away from Toril as possible, lest the few remaining Acolytes escape too.

However, Hill had already heard from Talling who stayed in Aglaia that there was a man hiding in his floating castle, working hard to clean the house every day, and making all the living puppets in the castle useless.

The story of the doable home brown spirit.

His castle could not be opened to the public due to various reasons, and those little goblins either left with Vera or moved into the forest with Oberon.

Therefore, there must be only one household brown spirit who can move directly into the floating castle without telling Ta Ling and Lin En... the master of the household brown spirit, Keven.

This is the most timid and shy god who only dares to leave the Shade Palace with his only incarnation when accompanied by a strong person.

Hill did grant permission to Keven because of Oberon and Vera's request, but he never thought that this person would dare to run out on his own.

No wonder, Vera once said that Keven would only muster up courage when it was related to the future of the household brown spirit.

But his arrival also proved the most serious problem: the Royal Court of Shades is no longer suitable for the survival of goblins like Brown Spirit, who are kind-hearted but weak in nature.

Otherwise, Keven would not be able to make this determination.

Unaccompanied, he never even went 20 centimeters away from the royal court under the shade of trees.

If you think about it, you will know how determined he must be to rush to Aglaia with tears in his eyes and gritted teeth.

Hill actually wants to know what is going on with Titania now.

Has she been completely devoured by the first goblin queen... Otherwise, although she always makes fun of Keven, she still pays great attention to the master of the household brown elf.

Although it may be mainly because only this race would willingly do all the cleaning work in her royal court, Titania at that time understood that although music and praise are wonderful, it is also important to have someone to do the work.


However, even Keven was forced out... The opposite of the Happy Palace is the Wrath Palace.

The law seems to be very tolerant to the goblins, but in reality, it still sets a very cruel balance line... The two ends of the line are seesaws.

Once the negative factors in the goblins' emotions are so heavy that the seesaw becomes unbalanced, they will directly degenerate into sad and angry goblins.

If Titania really reaches this point, the Queen of Sky and Darkness might be kicked out of the Court of Sorrow and Wrath for being too happy... just in time to make way for her sister.

This is really...

Hill believed that Titania at that time would also regard the current goblin queen Vera as her life-long goal of destruction.

However, even if the goblin can finally reach balance, everything before that is due to the existence of the undead.

If the undead hadn't given the little goblins absolute confidence and freedom, no matter how much protection Aglaia gave them, they wouldn't have deviated so quickly.

As a result, Vera was protected and cherished by Toriel's natural consciousness... Now she is not something Amaunata can plot against.

The Sun God didn't even have a chance to mention the little friendship from the past.

The power change of the Goblin Court, even though it only had a relatively small impact on Toril, still caused many of AO's plans to completely fail and had to be reorganized.

What if it were Bane instead?

Even though what Ben wants is just to keep his own way out, but...

Hill can be sure that William has definitely thought of what he thought of.

It is impossible for William to deal with these little thoughts of Ben, and even the undead will not have direct contact with them.

However, in the friendly camp of the undead, there are Shar, and Embry, who has changed a lot, but is still chaotic and evil.

Hill believed that Embry would definitely follow Shar 'voluntarily' and would not reach out randomly on his own.

But Bane is an indispensable link on the road to destiny.

Even without the hints and biases of AO, Shar is still the goddess of the night who does nothing but has a strong sense of presence.

No one can ignore her.

This is the best way for William to have no contact with Toril at all and still affect the path of destiny... What Ben wants is just a glimmer of hope that will not be destroyed by the undead.

As for the undead, the reputation of the Green Forest camp, like Zhentarim, who although they are evil, can still be justified, is quite good.

During this time, Hill also considered the position of the undead in the next road to destiny.

There is also a difference between neutrality and neutrality.

The so-called kindness led by Amaunata can really make people so extreme that they might as well just follow Sel.

However, if you choose not to help each other, and...you know, it is already difficult to make the undead not owe anything, but you also have to ask them not to fight back when the other party provokes them?

It would be useless even if William controlled their firing rights.

Therefore, the most likely neutral mode for the undead is to fight both sides together.


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