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Chapter 1060 The multiverse also has cause and effect

Chapter 2375 The multiverse also has cause and effect

Hill didn't know if he was thinking too much.

But he still felt that in this fantasy world, there seemed to be no such thing as karma. Those powerful evil ones had indeed risen from the beginning to the present, but he could still feel some vague lines of cause and effect.

The story about Toril is actually a little bit interesting...the truly good camp, or in other words, the existence that does not do much harm to the world, even a character like Lansendre's 'White Devil',

They are actually very easy to rescue.

Whether he or Azus, they all did something to hurt someone. Note that it was specific people, not all living things... Therefore, they might be involved in some troubles, but if

If they persevere, or if someone unexpectedly helps them, their future destiny will be obviously much brighter.

Of course, the more obvious example would be Tyr, a righteous Lord who is unlikely to subjectively owe others, but may have sacrificed some people in certain decisions.

Even though AO calculated so carefully, Tyr, who did not take the bait, showed absolute wisdom and martial prowess.

As long as he doesn't raise any objections, the bad things that happened after Toril will have nothing to do with him.

Of course, AO was not unprepared to lose Tyr...the three Athena brothers and sisters really made up for Toril's shortcomings in all aspects.

Moreover, my mind is still very clear.

These three people who were able to prosper under the hands of Zeus and Hera were definitely much more difficult to deal with than Tyr.

Otherwise, AO would not still prefer Tyr to stay.

But his reaction also proved one thing: even the evil AO, Calculating Tyr, cannot take action many times.

Although he was able to slightly change the destiny thread related to Tire, it was obviously a one-time thing.

But if it's the evil camp, especially those of Bane, AO can do whatever they want.

Hill doesn't think that by acknowledging that evil exists in the multiverse, AO will be able to touch the fate of evil gods a few more times.

This only proves that the causal threads tangled in a guy like Bane are too many and too dense.

Moreover, the causal threads on other people's bodies are probably made up of single threads, but those evil camps that are willing to add human lives to them are those who can be split into dozens of threads, or even dozens of threads by skilled hands.

of silk thread...and then dexterously select a certain one to use.

A strong man like AO who can rely on the stone of destiny to weave silk threads must have very dexterous hands. He can even avoid touching any silk thread except the monofilament he splits.

Therefore, the gods, especially the evil gods, who are already entangled in countless threads, will become running dogs led by the stone of destiny.

So, Shar and Selune are always not easily involved. It all depends on their own thoughts. Is it because AO really loves their relationship?

Hill had doubted it before, but later felt it was absolutely impossible.

For AO, just ensuring that getting Shar and Selune involved will not affect their strength and safety is his most powerful fatherly love.

As it is now, Shar and Selune will be fine if they take the bait. If they ignore them, they will definitely not be led into the ditch due to the fate of some strange changes. The old man is definitely not merciful.

That's a ruthless character who can even count himself in!

Hill thought about it, and there was only one possibility for this situation to occur... Shar and Selune had accumulated too much in the past.

No matter what the Twin Moons of Creation have become now, they are still the same twin goddesses who fought for half a million years to protect the world of Toril.

Without their efforts, Toril would never have the complete crystal wall system it has now... That is the bloody Great Wall built by Shar and Selune using the flesh and blood of the Aragami.

Otherwise, Thom wouldn't be able to build the Wanderer Wall.

Don't other worlds envy the crystal wall that has extremely strong defense and can use the souls of evil people as fuel?

But no one can do it.

It's not because of the level gap in the world, but because no other world can accumulate so many terrifyingly powerful raw materials on the periphery.

At first, Shar and Selune chose to pile up the bodies of the Aragami outside Toril, just to warn some sensible Aragami to take a detour... Maybe it was because their sense of defense and warning was too strong, so

Those bodies slowly turned into walls.

Thom just had an idea and received some inspiration to complete the Wanderer's Wall.

But the foundation of all this is the bloody battle between Shar and Selune.

Similarly, it was also because of the feats of the Twin Moons in the creation that the most terrifying group of wild gods in the multiverse no longer existed.

For the Aragami that will appear sporadically in the future, it would be nice to have a team of a few people.

This also allows many new small worlds in the multiverse to be preserved and no longer be eaten up by the swarming Aragami just after they are born.

You know, before Shar and Selune achieved this feat, even the protoss had perished under the siege of the Desolate Gods... and even directly destroyed several worlds in the center of the multiverse.


Although the protoss can indeed hide and walk in their own dimension, for these naturally kind creatures, they cannot watch the world they created be swallowed up and destroyed.

However, the result of that star spirit's desperate effort was to blow up several new worlds he had created before that were not targeted by Aragami.

Since then, the protoss have been more careful not to appear in front of people... except for those walkers who have just grown up.

In fact, we can see from these past events what great feats Shar and Selune have accomplished.

The twin goddesses were also based on Toril back then, relying on the original power transformed from the cycle of original darkness and original light to succeed... The way they fought back then was actually quite consistent with the concept of Tai Chi.

As for AO, although he is very powerful, the combat power of the God of Order is only that much.

Crouching in a corner was the only thing he could do to avoid being captured and beaten to death.

He couldn't even direct the Primes to fight, and had to let Shar and Selune spend their energy after the battle to lead the Primes to complete the logistical support work.

Otherwise, those originals wouldn't have been overwhelmed by the war between Shar and Selûne, and it would have been painful for anyone to follow them... Although they still followed, they would beat up Shantia if they had anything to do.

, and the Prime tried to extinguish the sun and kill the newborn Amaunata.

Otherwise, these primitives would not have been stuffed into Abel by AO.

Although they can't help Shar and Selune, they can still give AO a headache.

Of course, because of this feat, Shar and Selune became beings respected by all the worlds and pantheons in the multiverse.

Therefore, no matter whether these two are evil or kind, smart or absurd, they are still famous in the multiverse.

Otherwise, just because these two ladies stay at home all year round, their reputation would not be as widespread as those old guys in Tiantian Mountain who are looking for trouble everywhere.

If Hill was just aware of it before, but now, having traveled through so many worlds and seen so many stories, he is really in awe of fate and cause and effect.

But he won't be so afraid that he won't dare to do anything.

Hill just thinks that sometimes there is nothing wrong with saying, "Do good things and don't worry about your future."

Although he was once full of doubts about such words.

However, now he finally understands some truth... In the world he once lived in, in the time period that matched these words, those who could understand those maxims and proverbs were not ordinary people.

Therefore, all of this requires people to do it when they have enough strength to protect themselves, instead of sacrificing themselves when you have enough food and clothing, and it is difficult to even protect yourself... He once felt out of place.

, because he, and those around him, can barely protect themselves, and are simply not qualified to consider so many things.

Compared to the Hill who had just left Trasil and covered up all the marks of the past, now he began to slowly take out the things in his memory and carefully ponder them again.

Therefore, what he was considering this time was his ancestor's crystal flower.

Hill could tell that what Uniflora called a water elemental plane with which she had a very good relationship was not a 'friendly' form like Hill had a water elemental lord as an ally.

She definitely didn't do anything good.

If you think about Trasil's water magician, you will know what level Uniflora's bottom line is.

Hill, I never believed it from the beginning. Those water warlocks all went to the Great Trench to seek death.

The reason why Uniflora has always been relatively neutral is really because the existence of the Earth Goddess kept her from being too presumptuous.

And those water elements that she drove away probably weren't really dead... When he first sent the little water balloons over, he was really worried about it, for fear that the little water balloons would shout "It's too scary" and run away crying.


Fortunately, the little water polo just doesn't like Uniflora very much, but after getting along for a long time, it's okay. After getting the benefits, the slight dislike in the past has been forgotten.

Hill was relieved and determined that Uniflora was just a little bit evil and was not crazy enough to kill everyone on the element interface... But she definitely made many water elements return to the elemental ball stage: just with the little ones.

He looks similar to a water polo. Although his strength has returned to zero, it has not completely fallen like the elemental core. Even if the elemental creatures are condensed again, he will still be a brand new person.

But Hill can be sure that there must be many threads of fate entangled in Uniflora.

But now Trasil, Styx and Divine Realm are all complete...then some causal reincarnation will inevitably follow.


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