Chapter 1106 Hill didn’t understand

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Chapter 2421 Hill didn’t understand

Especially after the collapse of the Kingdom of Warcraft.

Although some ethnic groups who were indeed innocent and did not dare to interfere in anything were still let go by Merkel, these guys who were not very courageous in the first place immediately moved into the mountains as a whole after that.

Some who felt that they could not bear it took many of their tribesmen to find their undead companions from the past... mainly those who were young, beautiful, and had smooth hair.

Anyone who has been with the undead for a long time knows the nature of these guys: animal companions may not be strong, but they cannot be ordinary.

Either it must be uniquely ugly, or it must be as beautiful as a fairy, or at least it must have long and smooth hair.

Otherwise, they would not be able to compete with the big rabbits in Hill... This group of Warcraft does not intend to let the powerful and above-legendary kin follow the undead, but those who have just come of age and have a promising future, but are the easiest to follow.

The middle path collapses.

However, this is only a small part of it.

To put it bluntly, Merkel was actually in the most terrifying state of madness of World of Warcraft at that time. However, because of Alice's departure and a little clarity brought about by those past experiences, even if she guessed that there must be a secret hand of the human god system,

Merkel still hasn't gone crazy against mankind like her ancestors.

But before venting his anger, there was indeed something wrong with his sanity.

Therefore, even though they went on a killing spree and almost wiped out the aristocratic system of the Kingdom of Warcraft to extinction, there must still be some who reacted quickly enough and ran away.

With all the masterminds eradicated, Merkel's main targets are the tigers and leopards who betrayed him... It's not incomprehensible for other monsters to do these things.

The Silver Wolf King back then was also betrayed by some monsters from other races!

What drives Merkel crazy is that the tigers and leopards whom she trusts so much and who have fought for so much power and interests for them are the ones who do the best.

In fact, Merkel did not feel that she had given those of her own race the illusion that he would give up Alice's interests in his relationship with Alice.

Whenever he did anything, he always put Alice first.

Moreover, these monsters are always reminded of how powerful and terrifying Alice's adoptive father, Hill, the Son of the Earth, is.

Their little Warcraft Kingdom could collapse with just one backhand from Hill.

However, what Merkel did not expect was that those tigers and leopards did not want to live in glory under her leadership... What these guys wanted was everything Merkel had.

, will all be sacrificed for the benefit of the race.

Even Merkel herself can be put on the altar, but her wife, what does it matter?

As for Hill...didn't he leave Trasil?

When he comes back, even if he wants to settle accounts with the Kingdom of Warcraft, he has to go to Merkel first!

Although I don't know if their evil thoughts were instilled by the dead fox... But after Hill learned about the thoughts of these animals, his first reaction was that Gruumsh's kind of hatred towards orcs and the orc pantheon, including

There may be nothing wrong with the fact that his wife and children are incredibly high-pressure.

Of course, Hill will not forgive Merkel because of those so-called misunderstandings... He doesn't even understand the nature of his subordinates, and he is the one who is wrong.

But Hill also admitted that he also made quite a few mistakes.

Although some of the monsters he has come into contact with are cruel and cunning, they all know who not to mess with.

However, those monsters that survived the long invasion of monsters and did not even commit any sins turned into completely different creatures after taking power.

Because they understand human nature, they think they really have human nature... This is Hill's biggest mistake.

But it was precisely because of this understanding that Hill did not make similar mistakes after going to Toril.

No matter how friendly the half-orcs were or how normal the lycanthropes were, Hill chose to turn a blind eye.

Although I hope I grew up eating cute things, normal people do grow up learning lessons!

In short, because Merkel's killing was ruthless enough, but not thorough enough, some scattered groups of wild beasts began to appear in the originally peaceful area of ​​the dwarf kingdom.

They are all ordinary animals led by these escaped monsters. They are nothing to the undead, but they are still quite troublesome for ordinary people to encounter.

As for the Dwarf Kingdom, anyone with a bit of business acumen will not let it go, and there is an endless stream of caravans and mining teams from various countries.

Before that, this trade road could be passed at will as long as you provided some good things to the Kingdom of Warcraft.

The undead are very capable, but the mining business has become less cost-effective because of the existence of the undead... Although the miners are still very miserable, at least they are now fully equipped and the mines will not be without any support.

, digging randomly to the point where it may collapse.

In other words, labor costs have reached the highest point that businessmen can bear... If they give missions to the undead again, they will really lose money.

However, the more troublesome problem is that because of the existence of a certain god of fairness and justice, the compensation payments of the mineral merchants have also been pushed to an unbearable weight.

If one dies, you will be unlucky, if two die, you will lose money, and if one more dies, you will go bankrupt.

Although the cries from these businessmen were a bit exaggerated, the difference was actually not too outrageous.

The most important thing is that they have already paid the cost to dig these mines... those supports, those tools, those rare objects, everything is money!

What can be done?

Between bankruptcy and loss, businessmen chose to cry to the God of Nobles... Those who can play this kind of human cost game are basically nobles.

And thanks to the undead, everyone in Trasil knows that the noble god played a large role in the collapse of the Kingdom of Warcraft.

What can the god of nobility do?

With his original temper, he would just regard these bad things as necessary losses and let the unlucky ones endure it on their own.

But after going through that terrible poison of faith, the noble god was still able to appreciate the warmth and warmth of the world a little bit... If he really did that, the miners would definitely be the unlucky ones in the end.

Then, the more bottom-line and kind-hearted the nobles are, the more serious their losses will be.

The God of Nobility, who did not want to make the same mistake again, finally simply issued a Noble Calling Order, allowing those noble children who were still willing to follow him to go to the dwarf kingdom to open up wasteland with the Noble Order recognized by the Lord of the Contract and the God of Justice and Fairness.

The Salar nobles are actually not that enthusiastic about this matter. After all, their descendants with that ability have basically been solved in their own country, and there is even enough room for development.

Even though a long time has passed, the traces of the war from that year are still there, and the emerging nobles cannot fill so many gaps.

But, how should I put it... After discovering that William was quite interested in this matter and had made a little effort, a certain new king planned to flatter his boss.

Finally, the group of servants who had the hope of advancement were pulled out from the Knight Academy.

With enough energy replenishment, more than half of these knight attendants successfully advanced.

As for the students in the Knight Academy, they actually have some problems with their backgrounds...either the family's assets can no longer be distributed to him, so they can only spend a sum of money to send him to the Knight Academy to try his best.

Or, he is a person like Edgar, whose status is embarrassing and no one is willing to accept him even if someone offers money.

Many of them were caused by their ambiguous relationship with the aristocratic church.

Therefore, facing the passionate call of King Salar and a large resource subsidy, these graduated students followed.

Of course, Edgar is not a student, but a graduated teacher.

After experiencing a lot of turmoil, and under the influence of his own mother who had a strong presence outside, Edgar silently returned to the Knight Academy and became a good teacher.

However, his silence was worthless in front of his mother who had already put on a red robe.

It is really difficult for him to continue to stay in Salar since both of his parents are red robes from the aristocratic church.

"Edgar, what's going on?" Hill was really curious, "Can he still be used by others?"

Although no one here in Salar cares about the red-robed archbishop of the Noble Church, they will not let anyone attack Edgar easily.

"Didn't he make a cool move before, claiming that he was the son of Perast's neighbor?" Liszt said helplessly, "Although everyone knows what's going on, it can't help but that there are really two sides.

combination of.

Presumably, he inherited all the shortcomings of both parties, so he claimed that after Edgar left Salar and gave up all power here, he was the most qualified person to inherit Edgar's property."

Hill, for the first time, he felt that his brain was not used enough. He didn't understand a bit.


This chapter has been completed!
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