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Chapter 159 Where is the world tree of the elves hidden?

 Hill shook his head, no longer thinking about these things that only gods need to consider.

Either it is an unforeseen disaster, and the enemy is so powerful that they can only accept it as unlucky.

Or maybe even though the enemy was eliminated, the three gods were seriously injured and could only fall asleep.

Compared to the Sun and Silver Moon, who were just seriously injured and could just recover, the Earth Goddess, who also had to repair the planet, didn't know when she would wake up.

Hill's thoughts turned to the dwarves and elves. Their planet was very close to this world, otherwise Silver Moon would not have been able to take a peek.

He believed in the hidden ability of the Moon God. Judging from how powerful he was in defeating the King of Elf Gods, there was absolutely no way that his existence would be discovered in that world.

So this was a war that affected all the nearby planets, but this world sustained it, but the world of dwarves and elves was destroyed?

But how did they escape?

The new world is actually very difficult to discover.

Then he helplessly remembered that the Silver Moon Goddess had stolen the World Tree seeds.

Maybe the Sun God and Silver Moon have indeed suppressed these seeds very tightly, but when facing a powerful enemy and the world is shattered, it is impossible to focus on these seeds anymore.

When the elves are fleeing, they cannot give up the World Tree that meets them.

It's normal for World Tree to be able to feel the existence of these seeds.

Crossing the universe is not an easy task. Having a place to escape, even a ruined world, is a life-saving place for these two races.

And if the enemy was really killed by the three gods, it would be normal for these elves and dwarves to defect to him.

They were very honest at first, but it wasn't until many years later, when there was no movement from the earth, the sun, or the silver moon, that they started to think about taking over the world, right?

The Elf God King secretly shattered the halo on the moon. They thought it was the body of the Silver Moon Artifact. Since it was shattered so easily, the Silver Moon Goddess may have really perished. Even if she still exists, she may have to die.

It will take millions of years to recover.

As long as you are an elf, it is normal for you to want to reach out to the moon. There are moon elves around you who don't know what they are thinking. You can take advantage of them.

Of course the dwarves will attack the earth.

No dwarf will give up his pursuit of the earth.

After the elves extracted the wood element from the earth, except for the druids, they paid little attention to the land.

They are not afraid of dwarves and think that these guys are only interested in the Earth Priesthood and will never harm the basic survival of the wood element.

They believed that the most direct opponents of the dwarves were humans and monsters. Before their success, the relationship with the elves was just that of keeping in harmony with each other. Unexpectedly, the dwarves had already counted the elves among the people they had to deal with.

The elves probably didn't expect that these dwarves were so closely colluding with the abyss, right?

If the dwarves are really allowed to pollute the earth like this, what will happen even if the elven pantheon can defeat the dwarf pantheon? It’s not like they have to leave their homes again and leave this demonized world.

It's a pity that they underestimated the resistance of the world's will.

Unexpectedly, the failed Wolf King and Lake Goddess actually awakened Silver Moon.

Hill was lying on the window of the Cloud House, looking in the direction of the Elf Forest.

Although the trees are all very tall, there are no giant trees that reach into the sky.

Where is the Elf World Tree hidden?

Hill was depressed for a while and then took out the seed bag again.

The elves have many secrets, and it’s normal that he can’t discover them. I believe William will have some confidence, otherwise why would he fight?

He now wanted to count the seeds of the giant moss.

What he gave to William was only the ones with the best effects.

But if the dwarf really wants to pollute the earth with evil power, maybe he will need more seeds.

Hill grabbed a few packets of seeds and flew in the direction of Spencer.

He had noticed earlier that William had given poor Spencer the task of dealing with the undead again.

The people who came in this time were not from the same country as the original group, so they probably had the same idea.

William could barely understand the original batch, but not the new ones.

But he can throw the pot! Spencer is about to become the pot king.

Hill didn't want to deal with this group of foreigners, so he quickly handed over the matter to Spencer while he was still there.

Spencer listened to Hill's suspicion with a cautious expression.

He took the small bag given by Hill, nodded and said, "I will arrange for people to set up underground locations near the dwarf kingdom to avoid being attacked by demons one day."

Although Spencer's understanding of this matter was completely different from what Hill thought, Hill could not tell others about the incompleteness of the earth.

In fact, Spencer's idea is correct. If the underground of the dwarf kingdom is full of filthy demonic energy, then I really don't know how many demons there will be!

And after hundreds of thousands of years, there’s no telling what level these demons are!

However, Hill thinks that dwarves are not that stupid. They are evil and not stupid. What kind of demons are they raising under their own roof?

Only humans who don't understand anything would do such stupid things.

I just saw that demons have a long lifespan and can be transformed directly without even needing a professional.

If it was really that good, why would the dwarves give you an isolation formation and then stay far away themselves?

Hill remembered that, regardless of whether they were dwarves or elves, they all lived on the outskirts of the city, although it looked like they could reach the center of the city very quickly.

They are all places where you can run away at any time.

It's just that because the elves' side is isolated by a large number of vines and trees, it seems to be around the city lord's palace.

Not to mention the dwarves on the other side. The long shop and slaughterhouse are next to the city lord's palace, but their living quarters are at the very back, and they are still separated by woods.

Maybe there are good people among the elves and dwarves, but there must be no good people living here.

Hill flew to the sunflowers again and took a look. Although the undead took away many seeds, the sunflowers were still covering the entire hut.

The undead are building an oval stadium a little further away.

Hill put on a hidden hairpin and blended in.

William felt that the previous hut was deeper, and even if the ground was covered with sunflowers, it would be slower to purify the deep soil, so he asked the undead to build a stadium-like building.

Try to spread the dirty soil over a larger area, and when the soil is completely clean, turn the area into a sunflower park.

It just so happens that these newly arrived undead people also have the task of building a house.

Hill listened carefully for a while. Compared with when the undead first came in, he could hear the real conversations of the undead as long as he concentrated. Now, he could only hear the translated and adapted version of the artifact called the God of Time and Space.

This artifact, I don't know when, became so powerful.

This chapter has been completed!
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