Chapter 267 Departure! Beyond the Dwarf Capital

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After William confirmed that Hill planned to go to the Dwarf Kingdom with the army, he left directly.

Hill felt that William wanted to borrow the semi-artifact oil painting from him more than letting him follow.

But Hill could now protect his own safety and no longer had to worry about assassinations by dwarves. William was too embarrassed to borrow the painting directly, but first asked Hill if he wanted to participate in this war.

Although William acted calmly, Hill could still feel that he was in a hurry.

Is there any emergency in the dwarf kingdom?

Hill hid the cloud ship again, activated the law of wind, and quickly reached the ground.

Although it is different from William's teleportation method, the speed of the wind can also allow him to avoid most eyes.

He blended into the undead team and went directly to the teleportation array.

William must have issued a mobilization order, as there are many undead going to Hill Territory.

They went to replenish medicines and various necessities.

When Hill returned to the Magic Tower to take down the oil painting, he found that the painting could only be placed in the pendant, but not in the storage ring.

He touched the pendant hanging on the crystal necklace. To a certain extent, after incorporating the demi-plane residue, the pendant had exceeded the limit of storage.

Liszt stood aside and talked about the recent situation in the territory.

Basically no big deal.

Liszt's current headache is the wind element Kes.

He refused to live in the elemental world, but he also wanted to see the elemental world. He went in and out of the elemental rift on the earth elemental lord's side every day. If he continued like this, he would be beaten by a group of people.

Hill shook his head: "Don't worry about them. Even if Case gets beaten, it will be fine. The elements have their own solutions. They will be beaten sooner or later anyway."

In the Hill territory, the reason why the three elemental elves of earth, wood, and water can maintain peace is because the earth elemental lord is the strongest, and there are two more.

Although they themselves have to fight, if other elemental elves provoke trouble, they will definitely deal with it externally.

Case has been staying away because the earth elemental lord is not sure about the wind elemental's ability. Once they get familiar with it, they will inevitably compete with each other.

When they are done fighting, no matter who wins or loses, at least in the elemental world, Case will have familiar elements to rely on.

There is no need to be wary of the elemental world like the elements of time and space.

Hill knew that when he left this world, most of the elemental elves would not be able to leave with him.

Even if the elemental elves like to be alone, they should find a quiet place among the group.

A single elemental spirit will join a group after wandering for a period of time.

The elemental realm is where they belong.

Hill doesn't plan to think about what will happen in who knows how many years for the time being. After all, even if he leaves this world, he can directly summon his own elemental spirits through the elemental world.

He left the territory directly and returned to Central City, bringing enough supplies with him.

Liszt was very considerate. If the undead ran out of ammunition and food, Hill could reopen his old business and sell some groceries.

Hill thought for a while and went directly to the City Lord's Mansion to find Adrian.

Although it stands to reason that Adrian, as the lord of the central city, would not go to the dwarf kingdom, he was still a little worried and wanted to make sure.

"Hill?" Adrian, who was buried in a pile of official documents, raised his head and said hello, "What's the matter? I don't have time in a short time."

"No, I just wanted to ask you if you want to go to the Dwarf Kingdom." Hill felt that there was no need for him to come. Adrian would probably be chained to death in the city lord's mansion.

"Haha." Adrian sneered, "His Majesty the King, just issued an order, he is going to take away all the King's Guards, not to mention Spencer. I just handed over some affairs with him. It was too sudden.

I can’t go anywhere within a month.”

Hill nodded slightly: "Then I'll leave first. Don't you give some work to Bert?"

Adrian pointed to his left side, and Hill was horrified to see a white face staring at him: "Mr. Hill, do you think your Uncle Adrian is a good man who is willing to sacrifice himself for others?"

Hill smiled awkwardly.

He thought that the group of people over there were all secretaries and the like, but he didn't expect that Bert was actually hiding there, probably for the convenience of arranging people to do things.

Seeing Adrian and Bert continuing to work hard with unhappy expressions, Hill turned around and ran away quickly.

It seems that Spencer and the captain of the guard are going to follow William to the dwarf kingdom, and everything here will be left to Adrian and Bert.

But the great nobles who came from Salar would not leave with William. Their related affairs had always been shared by Spencer and the others.

Now they have two people to do the work of four people, and they must be crazy busy. He'd better not make trouble here.

Hill returned to Yunzhou, cleared out the top floor of the small building, turned it into a hall again, opened all the windows, and hung up the semi-artifact oil painting.

The warm power of the sun swept over the vicinity of the cloud ship in an instant.

That kind of vigorous vitality almost exceeds that of the Sun Temple outside the central city.

Hill no longer needs to hide the cloud ship. The most notable feature of the Sun God is that he never conceals his existence.

So is his power.

Of course, he is not worried that someone will come to Hill's Cloud Ship as a guest at this time.

There are many people who know that Hill has a semi-artifact oil painting. After all, everyone here has felt the power of those legendary oil paintings.

When Hill was lying on the side of the boat looking at the scenery below, he found that the crowd that usually appeared under his cloud boat had completely disappeared.

Probably because it was impossible to judge how far the semi-artifact's radiation was, it simply didn't appear within a kilometer of Hill.

The power of the sun was so enthusiastic that Hill was very satisfied.

This time William marched towards the dwarf kingdom, not only dispatching one royal ship, but also chose to set off at night.

It may be because most of the undead have already arrived in the dwarf kingdom, and William has no interest in calling them back before regrouping and setting off.

Although it looked more majestic that way, he didn't have the vanity to take off his pants and fart.

Hill's cloud boat followed quietly, a little further away.

But even so, the people standing on the deck of King William's ship quietly left the stern, and most of them even concentrated on the front half of the King's ship.

This was the first time that Hill felt that he was so unwelcome.

Then he blinked and saw two people walking toward the stern of the boat while chatting.

One is from the Church of Knowledge, and the other is from the Church of Agriculture.

They didn't look at Hill's cloud boat, but Hill had a feeling that they were here to bask in the sun.

He thought for a while and moved the cloud boat forward a little, letting the power of the sun envelope the two people.

Then there were two grateful smiling faces and a gentle salute.

Hill set up the core and asked Yun Chuan to follow Wang Chuan at this distance, then went to rest.

His last thought before he completely fell asleep was: Did the Sun God wake up earlier than Silver Moon?

These two guys look a bit similar.

Hill had a good sleep under the combined illumination of the sun and moon. When he woke up in the morning, his spirit felt a little more relaxed and lively.

He got up to wash up, tidy up his clothes, and walked onto the deck.

The dwarf kingdom below is indeed mostly in ruins.

The only creatures that move in large numbers are the undead.

He sat on the side of the ship and could see a large group of undead pointing at the two ships in the sky. They were also setting off towards the dwarf royal city.

Hill saw the long-awaited horseback riding. Except for the leader who was not squinting and leading the way, the people behind were chatting and talking, looking left, right, up and down, but not looking forward.

But from the perspective of the Salar nobles in the air, the long queues were still worthy of admiration. The middle and front part of the deck of the king's ship was almost full of people.

Hill glanced sideways. The two men from the Agricultural Church and the Knowledge Church still insisted on sitting at the stern of the boat and had no intention of moving.

It was obvious that some mages and nobles were curious about them, but they just watched from a distance and no one came forward to strike up a conversation.

In fact, if you are not in the good camp, you can still guarantee to stay within the range of the oil painting for ten minutes, and you will not expose your lies so quickly. You don't have to be so afraid of the power of the sun of the semi-artifact.

These people probably don’t even know what lies they have told, so they dare not touch them.

Hill no longer paid attention to these timid people and set his sights on the distance.

The capital of the dwarf kingdom is coming soon.

Although this is due to the relatively fast speed of the ship, it can also be seen that the area of ​​​​the dwarf kingdom is not large.

Although the dwarf pantheon said it abandoned a large number of civilians, in fact, the number of dwarves was very small, and they were not as good as the elves.

It is not easy to thrive in a world that does not welcome them, and dwarves have no native race with whom they can intermarry.

Hill took a look and saw that the dwarves seemed to have retreated back to the royal capital, and not many people were left struggling outside.

Even so close to the royal capital, there was no resistance. The undead army below moved forward unimpeded, and the vanguard seemed to have arrived outside the royal capital.

Hill pursed his lips. This was probably his fault?

The dwarf settlement must be a place with minerals, and the undead completed Hill's mission very well.

Even some inconspicuous small mines have been closed.

Originally, these small mines were not on his task list, but Hill generously rewarded them all.

The result was that even the mines that the dwarves had not planned to open were found and sealed by some undead.

The dwarves couldn't find a way to deal with the green butterfly, so they all returned to the capital to wait for the dwarf god's solution?

Whether to leave or stay, to fight or to flee, the dwarf pantheon that has remained silent should have made a decision.

But it seems that no matter which path they choose, the dwarves intend to fight the undead led by King Salal.

This chapter has been completed!
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