Chapter 306 Bucky, the good boy of the three bears

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 Hill opened the door relaxedly and happily: "Hello Orianna! What can I do?"

Orianna didn't intend to go straight to the topic at first. She was still lucky, hoping that Hill would see how cute she was and give her toys to play with.

Then I soon realized that being cute was useless. Although Hill opened the door to chat with her, he didn't intend to speak directly.

Orianna makes up her mind quickly, she is a straightforward little bear.

Hill soon saw a cute bear face: "Can I play with your toys? Brother Hill."

Now that Orianna was subdued, Hill took out the slide.

I also specially asked Grace and Charlene to press the slide deeper together.

The large slide is five meters wide, and the two platforms on it are about 20 square meters. Except for the climbing side, there are six ladders from top to bottom. Hill noticed that the two mother bears couldn't bear it.

I took a few glances.

Charlene thought for a moment, then directly picked up Niels and threw him to the top platform of the slide.

Then he followed behind and knocked Nils all the way down the slide.

After seeing that Charlene could play, Grace went up to play without hesitation.

Orianna was very angry. This was the toy she begged for. Why were others playing with it?

It's a pity that the owner of this toy is Hill.

Since Hill agreed to play with others, she could only accept her fate.

Orianna rushed to Hill: "Brother Hill! Do you know how to alchemy? Is this also the finished product of your alchemy?"

"Of course. This slide is actually quite difficult to make. Do you want Orianna to learn?" Hill replied with a smile. The slide itself is not difficult to make, but making it possible for an adult Earth Bear to play is the most difficult task.

, Hill has been studying the combination of fine gold for a long time.

"I want to learn!" Orianna's eyes widened, "Everything I make belongs to me!"

Hill smiled and agreed.

Unfortunately, if you want to learn alchemy, you have to wait for Orianna to be promoted to legend. Her previous task is to completely integrate the inheritance.

As long as Hill agreed, Orianna turned around and went to fight for the slide with her mother.

As for Nils, he lay there and thought for a while, then suddenly climbed up on his own initiative.

Even Orianna, who was quarreling with her mother, was shocked. She butted her surprisingly lazy brother with her head: "You like this slide very much?"

After Niels climbed up with difficulty, he lay down at the entrance of the slide to rest. He even spoke slowly: "I like it very much. But I still want to sleep. Fortunately, this is also an activity. My mother can't stop giving me food.

Better than running.”

Everyone can understand what this little bear means: Nils still wants to lie down if he can. But compared to not having food, he still has to move. After all, the slide is still better than running.

Grace had just played for a while when she yelled below: "Ula! Don't come up to play before you give birth to the baby!"

Ulla looked at the bears on the slide with an innocent face: "I'm just watching. And I can go hunting, why can't I play?"

Grace sneered: "Because the prey is not as heavy as yourself!"

Ulla went back helplessly and got into her house.

Hill blinked. He really ignored it. Although Ulla was older, she was a bear after all, and there was absolutely nothing honest and steady about her.

He regretted taking out the slide too early.

Hill originally wanted to put the slide away until night, but Ulla didn't give him the chance.

Probably because she was too resentful about going on the slide, Ulla was born a few days early.

It's a little male bear named Bucky.

Bucky, who is currently only breastfeeding, cannot go out. He will have to wait 10 days before he can walk out of the room.

Grace walked in and took a look at Bucky and Ulla. After she felt that there was no problem, she readily announced that she would set off to plant trees in three days.

Hill glanced at Orianna worriedly, but the little female bear didn't feel anything at all.

She really didn't want her mother to have another bear in her arms, but she didn't care if her mother would be gone for a long time.

In the inherited memory of the Earth Bears, there is no common sense that their mother will stay with them for a long time. They know from the moment they are born that their mother will only stay with them until the full moon.

Then the bear cubs will have to live on their own in a safe place, with at most a young bear bringing them food.

Although these puppets in the camp are not bears, they are much better at cooking than those young bears! Those guys have no cooking skills.

Grace left directly through the Adamantine Mountains in the early morning three days later.

Hill gave it to her, although Grace didn't think it was necessary. She even brought a lot of food with her.

But she still liked the water-condensed pearls that Hill gave her.

The shells Aurelio brought back last time were all with the clan leader. She really wanted them, but the clan needed them more.

Hill didn't even know how much he had helped the tribe.

At the end of the world, they are very cautious in everything they do. They would rather walk dozens of kilometers to drink water than build a canal there.

The result of elemental disorder is that the body needs to eat and drink water to replenish nutrients.

Since they had the pearl in that shell, they have become much more relaxed, as long as they can go hunting every once in a while.

It's not like they didn't have this kind of pearls in the past, but the quantity was too small and they could only be used in emergencies and not for daily use.

This thing is in the deep sea in the wilderness. It is difficult for low-level people to survive, and it is eaten by high-level people. It is so rare to see it.

Grace left happily.

Hill discovered that water-condensing pearls were very important to the Earth Bear, so he prepared another full shell and planned to have Charlene bring it to the clan leader when she left.

After he found out that he was poor, he took all the pearls that Caspian Sea Monster stuffed into a box for him in the warehouse with him. He originally thought of selling them to the nobles at worst. This stuff can enhance the atmosphere and show his strength. The nobles have always

like very much.

It's just that you can't sell many at a time, and it's quite troublesome. When Hill found out that he had a big customer, he stopped thinking about these pearls.

I didn't expect it to be used here.

Bucky is a good boy.

This was the judgment made by Hill who was watching with Orianna and Nils ten days later.

He is really normal. Although he also likes to play and make noise, he is within normal limits.

The amount of exercise is also enough.

Ulla's prayers were not in vain.

The only problem is that it can be eaten, which has never been a problem for the Earth Bear.

Although the bear cubs will be fed regularly, there is absolutely no limit.

When Charlene came back from hunting, she was a little crazy with envy. Nils was unlucky for a few more days.

Fortunately, it was time for Charlene to set off soon.

Niels was almost dancing and sitting on the high platform of the slide, sincerely congratulating his mother for leaving. He was much happier than Orianna's reaction.

Charlene didn't care at all, her mission was over.

She quickly left the crater with the pearl box and the shell filled with condensed water beads that Hill gave her.

Ulla is very happy raising children.

When Hill saw that Orianna, who still liked the slides, was already spending half of the day walking around, he knew that her interest in the slides was slowly fading.

Hill erected a swing and a climbing frame near the slide and combined them together. He used up all the fine gold in his hand and asked Ulla to help him get it twice more before it was enough.

Hill suspected that Ulla would also want to play, so he made the climbing frame large and complicated.

Not to Hill's surprise, Ulla took her bear son Bucky and played with Orianna on the climbing frame and swings.

As for Nils, he is almost living on a swing. If Orianna remembers to give him a push when she passes by, he will be happier.

Hill specially made the swing so that it could not fly halfway, thinking of the strength of the Earth Bear.

Orianna's slap was enough to shake Nils for half an hour.

Unfortunately, Niels' happy life ended with the arrival of his father.

When Hill heard his painful screams, he rushed out and found a huge earth bear slapping his claws: "You let me have no rest and can only run back hard, so I'll bear it honestly."

Beat him! If you don’t want me to beat you harder next time, just exercise well during this period!"

Hill knew that this was probably Niels' father, the former lazy man Valery.

But Nils screamed so miserably that Hill wanted to stop him.

"Don't worry, Valery knows it well." Ulla watched lazily, "He knows best how hard a slap can make the bear hurt but not hurt! After all, he has been beaten for so many years."

Hill twitched the corners of his mouth stiffly. He was really not used to this method of managing children.

"This is for Nils's good. In the days of the Earth Bear, there is no way to be lazy. If the patriarch takes action, Nils will probably be thrown out to live on his own." Ulla shook her head and said, taking him away and hiding him in the corner.

, Orianna stared at him eagerly. The little girl felt that this guy was bullying her younger brother, and she wanted to take action.

Hill watched silently, hoping to find a way to make Niels willing to move. It would be terrible to continue fighting like this.

After Valerie beat his son, he ran over to say hello to Hill: "Welcome, Hill. The patriarch likes the pearls you gave him very much. We don't need to limit the time we can drink water now."

He was really happy, but what he said made Hill very sad: "Hello, Valerie. I'm very happy to be able to do something for the tribe."

Valery grinned widely, but patted Hill's shoulder lightly.

"Are you coming back now on your days off?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Now, all the hunting tasks belong to me." Valery said with a strange expression, "Everyone said that after Nils becomes more diligent, other bears will take over."

Ulla glanced at Valery sympathetically. Although this guy had improved, he still didn't like to do things outside of his duties.

He came back for his own business. Not only did he have no rest days, but he also wanted all the hunting days. No wonder Valery was so irritable.

Bucky and Oriana were surrounding Nils who was lying on the ground crying. It was the first time for the two little bears to face such a ferocious big bear, and they were both a little worried about Nils' future.

This chapter has been completed!
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