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Chapter 328 Where is the contract of Warcraft going!

 World Tree said simply: "Don't think it's a bad thing that those two want to build a star gate for our world. Our world has been really exposed.

The number of gods in the outside world is completely different from that in this new world like ours. They are too numerous to count.

We did win this war, but our world coordinates were exposed by the defeated enemy.

The human gods may not know much about it, but the elves and dwarves know it very well, and the abyss and hell probably all know it.

Let’s not mention the elves for now, after all, their people still have to survive in this world.

But the dwarves, especially the dwarf gods from the evil camp, will never keep secrets from us, and the abyss is still connected to our world!

If the star gate is not open, most of the people who come in the future may be evil gods, demons and demons from the evil camp.

With the greed of the Abyss, He may not pay much attention to our small world, but it will never give up. It will definitely persist until the end. Don't think that after we defeat the minions once, we can rely on our own strength to fight against the Abyss.

Corellon is so powerful, doesn't it mean he has nothing to do with the Abyss and can only find foreign aid?

And among the people in Trasil, few of them even know the names of the evil gods and which demon king is interested in our world, right?

We need to contact the outside world, and the enemies will not disappear on their own. Even the dwarf evil gods who want to attack this world are still alive!

The ones we killed were just subordinates.

People from other worlds, no matter what they think in their hearts, will not offend Trasil, who is protected by Corellon, the father of elves, and Yggdrasil, the world tree.

Contact with some outside creatures will not do us much harm.

Many worlds that want to build star gates do not have the ability.

The resources needed are all in the stars! If you are not a powerful god, you won't be able to get so many.

Even if the God of Time and Space knew that these resources could be found, would he build this star gate? Does he have such strong divine power?

This is our best chance!

We have lost the opportunity to completely close ourselves, we can't just watch others come in, right?"

The God of Time and Space was moved. Hill understood that compared to other gods, this one knew better the consequences of seclusion in the Congress.

Sometimes, you can't protect yourself without looking around.

Moreover, can Trasil, who rejected those two gods, still be protected by the World Tree?

Corilona will only keep the elves alive from now on.

No matter whether it is an evil god or a demon who harms the world, he will not be so kind to protect him. Gods are not so kind. Even those from the good camp, most of them only care about their believers.

Even if the Elf God King and the others pay a price, it is not really impossible for them to leave this world.

World Tree's tone was not serious, but there were no fools here, so of course they all understood what he meant.

There is nothing much to say about the Star Gate.

Trasil could only accept it happily, and the two gods might still think that this was a sign of goodwill.

The legendary mages who were originally very happy gradually became silent.

This is the consequence of insufficient strength. No matter whether the other choice is stupid or not, when there is no chance to choose, no one will feel happy.

Not to mention that the people sitting here are all arrogant beings.

That's why World Tree first mentioned the matter of the undead. Only this matter can allow the gods to make a choice.

Those two people just didn't want to go to so much trouble. Of course they wanted to use what was ready-made. Otherwise, they would have to carefully observe these undead and learn to refine these elemental bodies.

And, most importantly, many gods hate the demon-free world and absolutely do not want to deal with them.

The world will of the demon-free world is as powerful as the powerful gods. Without their permission, the crystal wall cannot be broken at all.

Everyone knows that there are many people there, but the gods who want to go in and recruit believers just turn into legends in the end.

But if the gods of Trasil reject this request, they can't spend the energy and time to make their own one.

No matter how difficult it is to deal with the will of the world, it is not completely impossible, otherwise there would be no legendary stories.

William said calmly: "Does the Star Gate have to be built in the world? Can't we find a place outside? We can transport materials to build a platform.

At worst, let the God of Time and Space create a teleportation array to fly from the world to the stars.

If you can walk through the star gate, how can you persist in the starry sky for a few minutes?

Or simply seal the transmission place, as long as the concentration of elements there is enough?

To be honest, those who dare to walk through the Star Gate must be the worst in this world, right?

The others are only the undead, and they don’t need much protection, so that’s pretty much it.”

"The Sun God and I will choose a few places for you to see." The Silver Moon Goddess, with bright eyes, made a fist with her left hand and tapped the palm of her right hand. "We are relatively familiar with the starry sky. There are several places that I remember are very suitable and have enough

The space allows us to set up a defensive array."

"You can't be too far away from Trasil." The God of Time and Space said lightly, "We must consider the distance of the teleportation array."

"I know that those places can lead to other worlds. If something goes wrong, the worst case scenario is to seal it up and throw it out!"

Hill couldn't help but glance at the Silver Moon Goddess. He remembered that this goddess used to like to observe other worlds, and it was she who brought the elves and dwarves here.

Then she does know some suitable places.

You must have visited this world enough to be so interested in other worlds.

Seeing that the gods had made a decision, the mages were happy and started discussing among themselves.

Yggdrasil gave these gods and humans some time to calm down, and then continued: "You decide where to build the star gate.

This has nothing to do with me. It has to be after the world is promoted, the power of the world is increased, and the nearby starry sky is included.

Once you have chosen a place, just let me know.

Residents of this world who want to pass through the Star Gate must understand it in detail.

I'm not worried about the believers of gods. Even if they go out to preach, you can't just ignore everything. They will definitely inform them in detail.

But mages and warlocks! Need to pay attention to something.

Especially mages! No matter how much you, Delacruz, don't like to meddle in other people's business, the mages who are informed about the Star Gate by you must know what situation they are facing.

The will of the world will set restrictions at the star gate, and mages who know nothing will increase your sinfulness.

I summon you here not because of your strength, but because you owe this world, and this is the price you have to pay.

So that Frank legend can leave easily, but you can only be trapped in this world by shackles, and you can't even see or touch the road to the stars.

The will of the world always looks at the results. No matter how you say that the matter of the Mage Association has nothing to do with you, so many lives have been lost because of the existence of the Mage Association, and you must make compensation.

Just killing the culprit is not worth that much."

Delacruz's face was ugly. He insisted on an absolutely neutral position. He originally didn't want to be involved with anyone or anything, but he didn't expect that the Mage Association, which gave him the greatest help, was his biggest shackles.

Hill lowered his head, not wanting his gloating face to be too obvious.

After all, the legendary mages were all sitting right in front of him.

At this time, William, who was sitting at the front, was very enviable. Even if he smiled so happily with his big mouth showing his white teeth, the mage behind him could pretend not to see it as long as he didn't hear the sound.

The same cannot be said for Hill. It's still a bit rude to provoke someone in person. After all, as a host, he can't laugh at his guests so obviously.

But to see such a pleasant thing, even if he was the only unlucky guy standing in this hall, he would admit it.

Hill glanced at Aurelio, who was squatting happily, out of the corner of his eye. Looking at his little tail that swayed from time to time, he felt really envious.

Why can the Earth Bear turn into a human, but he, a warlock, can't turn into an Earth Bear?

What is the principle of Druid's transformation spell? He wanted to study it.

After World Tree finished speaking, he waited for a while and saw that no one was planning to speak again, so he immediately announced that the meeting was over.

If there is anything else, please visit at the same time next month. The rest of His time will be used to help the will of the world sort out the law lines.

Aglaia's eyes lit up and she sat there motionless.

The legendary mages and warlocks left directly. For both of them, the Star Gate was the only focus.

As for the various spells that must be changed after the rules are changed, that is just a little troublesome for the legend.

The gods seem to be planning to hold a meeting directly here. They are not in a hurry about the star gate. They want to discuss matters related to the undead's job change before then.

When Hill found out, he called Aglaia directly outside the hall.

Merkel and Alice quickly followed. They could only come here to bear witness. As subordinates of the Earth Goddess and leaders of the Earth Monsters, they could just remain silent and listen to the end.

"Merkel." Hill thought of something and spoke to the Black Panther first: "Most of the monsters carried by the undead are of the earth type. Whether they will follow them to other worlds or not, I need you.

Think it through."

Merkel looked at Hill in surprise. In fact, he no longer regarded those earth monsters as his own citizens. Can the monsters that signed a contract with humans still return to the world of warcraft?

"I didn't sign such a binding contract with them." Hill said funny, "I'm a natural warlock!

If they don't want to leave this world, of course they can stay.

The future of Warcraft is, of course, decided by Warcraft itself."

This chapter has been completed!
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