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Chapter 341 It is indeed a fake magic net

 Hill knew that the Radiant Knights had nothing to ask, so he said goodbye to William directly and planned to go back to study the magic book.

William has now probably confirmed that this group of glorious knights are powerful enough, but they only have a partial understanding of many things in this world.

But it was just right for him to get a preliminary understanding of this weird world.

So I have invited these knights to sit down, even given them a lot of drinks and snacks, and chatted with them happily, no, chatted.

Although he was somewhat interested, Hill wanted to go back and read the magic book more than these things.

I can just ask Spencer about this later.

When Hill walked out of the palace gate, Xueyunfeng stopped him with a smile: "Mr. Hill, could you please clear up the confusion for your poor ignorant undead friends?

Although we watched it from beginning to end, we didn’t understand anything!”

"In exchange, can you tell me the devils and the legends about the devils on your side?" Hill asked quietly, "Many things require me to understand these two races before I can see them more clearly.

Now, I only know a lot about a lot of things, so I can't talk about them casually."

Xueyunfeng scratched his head and took a tablet to copy a few pages of paper: "These are the only things we can write. There are many things related to them that we couldn't write down even if we knew it before, and we couldn't talk about it.


William said that the will of the world does not allow us to discuss these races in his place, which will draw the attention of more powerful demons or devils to Trasil.

But in this new world it's no problem, he doesn't react at all."

Hill took the pieces of paper seriously: "That only means that this world has long been under the eyes of the abyss and hell, and there is no way to hide it.

I will study it carefully and let you know the results tomorrow morning.

You can bring people here, or you can use your live broadcast."

Xueyunfeng nodded cheerfully: "That's the best! Just in time, I went to see what the fighting was like outside! I don't know what kind of monster they are making! It's just a few demons, and I've been fighting until now!"

"It's not a demon! There are succubi again." A voice came over, and the mage with the word 'Junqi' on his head slowly walked over, "Two succubus ladies, very enchanting and beautiful.

, much better than the one I saw in Salar before!

Those fools' legs are weak.

He actually didn't care about irritating the nanny ancestors. They stayed away from each other in the snowstorm. The two stood far away and could not be poured down by the sacred rain.

I think they wanted to die, so they ran away.

But before I left, I saw the old Sanda King and Nian Weiwei taking names in rows. They had short legs, so the fools didn't notice.

In future positional battles, they will know what it feels like to be ignored by a nanny."

"You can actually hold it back? Is sexual orientation okay?" Xueyunfeng stepped restlessly on the ground a few times. From the corner of his eye, he saw Hill looking at him with a smile, and immediately changed his tone, "But

Also, the most important thing is not to make the priests angry! Isn't Yuluo here? I'll tell him right now."

Hill almost laughed out loud. He had no intention of staying here to torture Xueyunfeng's nerves, so he turned around and left happily.

Before he even got around to the back of the palace, he saw the old snow dog running straight towards the city wall anxiously.

Only the 'Junqi' mage who was completely unresponsive was left on the spot, staring blankly at his disappearing figure.

After the small episode that made people smile, Hill began to immerse himself in studying the magic book.

The descriptions of the 0-level spells, 1-level spells and 2-level spells allowed him to instantly find his past memories.

Hill couldn't help but communicate the rules he had mastered, and the response he got was quick and swift.

This is a broken magic network whose control is not that strong.

Although it exists in the entire world, it can be broken at the first glance.

Moreover, the spells that mages can use every day are also discounted.

Level 0 spells can be used casually, and level 1 spells. A newly promoted mage still has 4 spell slots, but starting from level 2, there are only 2.

Yes, add 2 per level.

Even if Hill didn't look at the magic network in this world, he could estimate that it couldn't accommodate a mage above level 20.

If it were really that powerful, Corellon and Yggdrasil wouldn't struggle at all.

If there are a lot of such false legends, they are probably equivalent to level 14 mages in the Magic Network world. At this level, Hill can defeat ten of them.

A mage from the elemental world like Hill, in a horizontal comparison, feels that he can probably match the ability of a 9th-level mage, which is equivalent to an 18th-level mage over there. But he himself is a little unsure about the legend over there.

Although Hill has also thought about traveling to that world, the Magic Network is really a bit scary to him.

He didn't think his strength could resist the goddess of magic, so he might have to follow the local customs.

Hill looked at the magic book and gave up regretfully.

He doesn't keep track of the devil's spells.

All the mages in this world have reached level 10 or above, but they have not discovered the fragility of the magic net, which proves that these spells are poisonous.

Hill gently picked up a few pages of paper given by Xueyunfeng. As expected, there was no detailed introduction to the abyss and hell, but the devil and the devil's nature were all written down.

There are two camps of chaotic evil and lawful evil. The most important part of a chaotic devil is the heart, while the most important part of a lawful devil is the brain. Demons like to see the destruction of beauty, and devils prefer to see the degradation of beauty.

Therefore, a world invaded by demons will always arouse the strongest resistance. After all, no matter whether you surrender grovelingly or not, the final outcome will be the same.

And if the devil says it, just like Gernes now, he will die slowly to such an extent.

If the devil hadn't rushed into the world smelling the devil's scent and destroyed the world to the brink of collapse, maybe Yggdrasil and the others wouldn't even know what happened.

All Hill needs is common sense. He doesn't want William to discover his differences one day.

Now, of course, he would no longer be so worried and scared about William discovering his origins. He had some trust in William. With his character, it was impossible to kill him.

However, Hill felt that if William knew his identity, his attitude towards him would not be the friendly and respectful attitude he has now, but would be a direct and rude treatment of him.

This is actually a small matter.

The last thing Hill wants is for Hewelson and Frank, who know that half of his soul is an outsider, to no longer regard him as a relative.

He didn't want to just admit that he was a member of the Bears of the Earth and become a wandering wild bear without a home.

If one day he faces such a result, Hill, who has just found his inner belonging in this fantasy world, really doesn't know what he will become.

Maybe with Aglaia and Alice by his side, he could recover, but sadness and pain are inevitable.

The mentality may even become extreme.

Hill felt that he could keep his nostalgia for the original world in his heart and help William as much as he could, but it must not be at the expense of everything he had.

It's best for everyone to be careful.

Hill had already made up his mind that unless his biological father and mother from that world suddenly appeared in front of him, he would hide it to the end.

Hill wrote a concise summary, then stood up and looked at the sky outside.

A ray of sunshine appeared on the bright sky, and the blizzard outside the entrance wall had stopped. Only the wisps of sacred rain had not stopped, and the undead seemed to have ended the battle.

Hill solemnly washed himself with water, put on the strict mage robes, combed his long hair neatly, and looked around in the mirror.

The undead will definitely record it, and Hill is definitely not willing to expose any more stupid images.

Sometimes, he didn't even know how he was photographed in so many photos with strange expressions.

In this world, there is no old cat who likes to share any new photos with him, so Hill himself had better be cautious.

After finishing sorting, Hill walked from his mushroom house to the store, leaving the door wide open and waiting for the undead to come.

Hill was originally only going to collect things here, so the store was very spacious. Apart from the long desk and sofa located at the innermost side of the house, there were only a few puppets.

Hill looked at the group of people approaching from a distance and smiled helplessly. He knew that a person as versatile as Xueyunfeng could not come alone.

Fortunately, the store was opened, and this place is more suitable. However, the 'Perfect Bald Head' was disappointed and could not keep this advantage.

Xueyunfeng brought all his allies, and Hill had seen most of their faces.

They also knew Hill well. After saying hello to him and seeing the empty room, they all found a chair and sat down in a satisfactory place.

"First of all, you should know what a devil is, right?" Hill asked quietly, looking at the nodding undead, he said directly, "Devils are creatures with very strong disguise ability, and can even hide in the bodies of gods.

The god of magic in this world should be the incarnation of a devil king."

"Incarnation?" Xueyunfeng asked in surprise, "So powerful, is it just an avatar?"

"The Devil Lord's eyes are still looking down on this small world. For them, Gerns is just a testing ground. The Devil Lord's power is also different, and the powerful one will not be much smaller than the original Corellon.

Moreover, in this world, it is obvious that there are at least four devils and evil gods."

"None of them are good?" 'Perfect Bald Head' asked in surprise, "Then how do you survive in this world?"

"The former Sun God and the one in the Silver Moon probably struggled for a long time, but failed. The Sun God completely fell, and the Silver Moon was also seriously injured. If you pay attention at night, you will see that there is something on the silver moon in the ring.

A huge crack.

And the devil invaded, and the devil's attention was taken away by them."

Seeing the surprised eyes of the undead, Hill smiled helplessly: "The devil is the enemy that the devil values."

Human beings are just playthings in their hearts.


This chapter has been completed!
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