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Chapter 361 The Appearance of the Lord of the Eighth Floor of Hell

 Hill glanced at William.

Although he was smiling all the time, the king was actually not happy at all.

For William, who had already written justice into his priesthood, everything ahead was evil that he could not bear.

In fact, Hill didn't think at first that William would bear such a troublesome priesthood of justice on him, but later he figured out that if justice was in the hands of others, sooner or later he would have to fight for justice from him.

And justice is indeed a very powerful priesthood, as long as his goal is truly evil.

But on the contrary, when faced with the scene in the capital that was too cruel for human beings, William's anger also deepened a lot. He just couldn't tolerate such vicious things before, but he would never have this kind of empathy for grief.

When he first became King of Salar, William was more like a detached and irrelevant person.

His style of doing things has always been very out-of-the-box, but because he still retains a soldier's sense of justice, he appears to be a very responsible king.

But in fact, Hill always felt that William at that time was more undead than the Salar people.

He does things as he pleases, and the attack on the Salar nobles seems normal to Hill, but to ordinary people, it is too harsh.

It's just because of William's identity as a future god that all of this is blocked by the god's indestructible veil.

If it weren't for this nature of a god, even a legend would be defeated by continuous rebellion.

People in fantasy worlds can understand that gods do all kinds of incredible things for their faith, but they cannot tolerate any kind of revolution by the same kind.

Hill turned his head and glanced at King Salar. He was now looking more and more like a real god.

His nature may still be so lively, but he has begun to abide by his priestly duties, and even his emotions have been affected a lot.

For William, this kind of influence is nothing. After all, he just didn't have a high sense of identity with the world before. As time goes by, with the seriousness he cultivated in the army, he will reach this day sooner or later.

But for Hill, who has never had a high level of control, this is something to be wary of. He remembers it so firmly that even the subconscious nature can almost turn him into a spirit of nature.

Hill turned his head quietly, so becoming a god is really troublesome.

Hill endured his nausea and used his mental power to sense the capital in front of him.

There is no human touch at all.

Hill didn't know whether it was because of their attack that all humans were killed, or whether all the humans in this capital had been completely transformed into devils a long time ago.

But Hill knows very well that people who are not extremely sinful are not qualified to be transformed into devils.

There are always people who cannot completely sink. As long as there is still a little hope in their hearts, they cannot become devils.

For this kind of people, becoming a devil is more difficult than becoming a devil of the abyss.

That must be done with all their heart and soul. If there is even a hint of hesitation, they can only turn their souls into the devil's collection.

But in the capital, there wasn't even a light red circle of light. They were all crimson devils whose crimes were so heinous that there was no need to hesitate at all.

The attack of the undead was stopped by William.

King Salar took Hill and stood on the high platform again, rising into the air.

William half-closed his eyes and swung down the long sword held in his right hand, thousands of colorless and transparent space-time dragons drew streaks of silver light in the air.

With almost just two flashes in the air, these dragons rushed directly towards the gray-black defense cover of the capital.

The powerful space power shattered the defensive formation almost instantly and rushed directly into the royal capital.

Hill watched in amazement as buildings throughout the city were smashed to pieces by these space dragons traveling around.

Even the tall temple with shining black light in the middle of the city couldn't hold on for long.

Hill frowned. The true foundation of the God of Magic was not in this temple, so William's power could defeat the main temple so easily.

He looked around, but still didn't see anything strange.

The true place of worship to the God of Magic must still be here, but I don’t know where it is hidden.

Is it underground?

Speaking of which, the devil's magic network is more like the shadow magic network than the real magic network! It has a great influence on people's character, and the more they are used, the more they become corrupted.

However, it also has the function of a formal magic net, otherwise it would be impossible for the magicians in this country to use elemental magic.

What a devilish king with great ideas! He actually wants to control both the Magic Network and the Shadow Magic Network in his own hands.

However, this prince is really fearless when it comes to competing with the goddess of night for authority!

This is a big boss who can rush into the Nine Hells and kill everyone.

Hill thought hesitantly, the devil has always been able to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, who is this stubborn person?

Don't think that the goddess of magic will not leave her world easily, but if she really encounters such a major event that affects her life, she will definitely not mind cooperating with her enemy, the goddess of the night.

Moreover, I don’t know who the current goddess of magic is?

As for Mystra, no matter how deep the hatred between her and Shar, the goddess of the night, is, it doesn’t affect her being Shar’s daughter!

They just cooperated to deal with a devil king. They should still have this kind of tacit understanding.

"Hill." William put his hand gently on Hill's shoulder, "Do it!"

Hill raised the hand with the Ring of Winter and used his mental power to activate the weather-changing spell.

A ray of silver-blue light rushed directly to the sky above the capital, and the situation changed in an instant.

In the freezing cold wind, heavy snowflakes flew down quickly.

The weather is getting cold.

Hill whispered: "Aglaia!"

The Ring of Winter flashed with a blue light, and a huge hole suddenly opened above the capital, and endless seawater poured down.

Hill's eyes widened in surprise: This is directly connected to the elemental world! It's not the sea water in this world!

He always thought that it was summoned from the ocean of this world, and he was still worried about what to do if it hurt the sea monster.

Unexpectedly, this summons is the ocean of the elemental world!

It's really endless. Even if Hill submerged all the planets of Gerns, he had no sense of the elemental world at all.

"Aglaia's power has surpassed that of the Poseidon in the small world! I didn't expect that she was the first born god to walk out of Trasil." William's hand was still half-pressed on Hill.

Hill couldn't help but smile, and gently waved the hand with the crystal flower ring, and the tranquil water rose above the palace along with the water mist.

I also used Chaowu Yueying.

In this place where the weather has been changed and filled with the atmosphere of the Sea of ​​Elements, although these three recovery skills are not that effective in restoring divine power, they can restore physical strength quite well.

"Maybe it's my relationship." Hill quietly admitted, "The relationship between the Elemental Realm and Aglaia is good, she can go directly to the Elemental Realm and play with my water element lord.

I heard her chatting with the water element lord before. Aglaea also has a good relationship with the water elementals who do not belong to our world. They taught Aglaia a lot of things.

Moreover, Aglaia can indeed use the water energy of the elemental world easily."

"The elemental world has always been very exclusive. I didn't expect that those elements not only have a good relationship with you, but even your daughter likes them so much." William smiled and put down his hand, and the platform slowly fell down.

"Elemental elves, it's impossible for them to look at Aglaia differently just because they like me." Hill denied, "At most they would turn a blind eye to her actions in the elemental world, but the relationship can be so good.

, it can only be because they really like Aglaia’s temper.

Moreover, Aglaia is very cute!

Isn’t it normal to be liked?”

William smiled and sat back on the throne, secretly exhaling.

Hill could only pretend not to notice.

However, even if he gave up the battle with the God of Magic, William did not intend to make people think that he was weaker than the god who took the stand!

But he trusted Hill too much! He actually didn’t leave any power behind.

Hill was so nervous just now that he almost put the protective armor of the Ring of Winter on William.

But William's hand on his shoulder stopped Hill.

It seems that even with the alliance, William still retains most of his vigilance towards the gods of this world.

Hill also sat down quietly, and what happened next had little to do with them.

The water in the Sea of ​​Elements does not have a great impact on the ordinary world. At most, the water elemental aura is a little stronger.

But it hurts the devil.

Originally, the devil didn't like pure salt.

A large number of devils desperately escaped from the ocean, and were happily killed by the undead surrounding them.

Soon, angry roars came from above the capital. A huge figure appeared there, trying to close the crack in the Sea of ​​Elements.

This devil has dark red skin, huge and tough red wings, twisted sharp horns, white eyes and long black hair. Surrounded by blazing black flames, a name lingers on Hill's lips, and again

Swallowed it back silently.

"Mephistopheles!" William exclaimed in surprise, but he quickly calmed down, "No wonder, I thought that any devil king would be so brave and not worry at all about the goddess of magic and the night.

The goddesses join forces to kill him."

He looked at Spencer, who was looking at him with doubts on his face, and knew that he still wanted to spread common sense to the undead. He explained before he could ask: "The lords of the eighth level of hell, except Asmodil, the lord of hell.

Si, he is the most powerful devil. And his lifelong goal is to bring down Asmodeus and become the master of hell.

Speaking of which, this sea of ​​elements really did the most damage to him. He is the controller of the hell devil fire.

The purest water in the Sea of ​​Elements happens to be his enemy."

William smiled happily: "Hill, you are really a lucky spokesperson! If he hadn't been in a hurry to deal with the elemental sea, most of the undead would have died."

This chapter has been completed!
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