Chapter 398 Hill, who made a little money

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Hill had no interest in playing guessing games with this group of people.

Knowing that Hill is a very high-level mage, but still sending a booklet that exudes such strong fluctuations in divine power, the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce probably guessed Hill's identity.

Of course, the one who is a Santos student.

Then the earl should also know that Hill followed Hogan?

Hilton stopped. He wanted to do an experiment: "I have a few things I want to sell. I wonder if your chamber of commerce will buy them?"

"Please wait in the room for a moment. I'll call for the appraiser right now." The maid quickly bowed her head, faced Hill, stepped back more than ten steps, then turned around and walked away quickly.

Hill thought for a moment, closed the door and sat back.

He turned over the space ring. The materials here were all obtained from the tower of Santos. There were many accompanying gems for the spell gems.

Although these gems cannot help cast spells, it is really easy to instill a level 0 spell like radiance into the gems.

Hill found three long golden threads, twisted them into a braid, and then woven together the gems imbued with the cleansing spell and the glorious hair-changing spell.

He suddenly understood why the necklace was arranged in three layers.

After different spells are instilled into gems, if you don't know how to eliminate the repulsive force between the spells, the two spells will be offset together and completely lose their effect.

It will be no problem if you switch to three layers, and there is a layer of ordinary gemstones in the middle for isolation!

Hill stopped. He was doing it so smoothly that the two gems had already been woven into it.

He quickly removed the cleansing gemstone, pulled out a twist thread, and knitted the cleansing gemstone to the second layer.

Hill's movements were very quick. When the maid and the appraiser pushed the door in, he had already arranged the two layers of necklaces and placed them on the table.

He took out another pair of magic gloves, which he modeled after Santos' original ones. In addition to increasing the intensity of the spells released, he could also instantly cast three of his own stored spells and speed up the recovery of mana.

Lawson just auctioned a glove similar to this one, and after the first two rounds of bidding, it became a gold crystal card.

In fact, he had brought a few sets with him. When he encountered something new for the first time, Hill couldn't resist the urge to make a few more to see what effect they had.

However, alchemy products in this world are rarer than Hill thought, so Hill only took the worst one. However, he also wanted a lower-level currency, so he made the necklace.

He can't just buy a piece of bread with a gold crystal card!

Hill was a little skeptical. In mainstream society where gold coins can only be used for transactions, mages are probably more accustomed to bartering.

Occasionally, if you don’t have money to buy raw materials, selling some small things in exchange for gold coins is a normal choice, right?

"Dear Mr. Mage, Randall Wells would like to say hello to you." The old mage wearing a white robe slowly walked in.

"Hello." Hill nodded, "Please sit down!"

The old mage sat respectfully on the left side of Hill's coffee table, and the maid very smartly brought a chair to him.

"Mr. Master, these two treasures of yours are indeed valuable and can even be put up for auction." The old Master said in an old voice, "It stands to reason that your jewelry is much more valuable than the sapphire necklace just now, but we really

I dare not promise that it will be more expensive than the one sold.

The same method will be useless the second time. Only surprise can bring about a sensation.

As for the magic gloves, their value should be a little higher than the pair sold earlier. After all, your pair is much more beautiful.

The mithril thread used to weave the gloves is also thin enough. This is the first time I have seen mithril thread that is only half as thin as a human hair!

The conductivity must be very strong. Unfortunately, it is more suitable for young people who want to go out to fight, otherwise I would definitely buy it myself."

"In this case, I wonder if your Chamber of Commerce will buy them at the same price." Hill said nonchalantly, "I think the value of my pair of gloves should be enough to make up for the price difference of the necklace."

"Of course." The old appraiser said without blinking, "If you don't care about getting more in your golden years, of course we would prefer to purchase it directly.

The price you gave us is very favorable and the transaction can be completed directly.”

Hill waved his hand, indicating that it was okay.

This old appraiser, even if he is not the branch president of the Golden Age Chamber of Commerce in Reyes City, must be one of the top people.

After all, he is already level 19.

But his body has begun to enter the aging stage, and it is difficult for such a person to reach level 20 on his own.

A level 19 knight may still receive divine grace and become a legend, but for a level 19 mage, it will be very difficult.

Although the mages in the temple are promoted very quickly in the early stage, level 19 is almost their limit.

No god would let a mage control his laws.

Even if they don't have the ability to control the entire law, just seeing a little bit is enough for them to figure out a lot of things. No god will cultivate his own enemies.

A mage can either rely on himself to reach level 20 to perceive the world, or he can only become a level 19 high-level mage in the embrace of the gods.

The old appraiser first took out 1,000 gold crystal cards, and then tremblingly counted out 1,000 blue crystal cards and piled them on the coffee table: "Then I would like to thank the respected mage for his love for Golden Years.

Please collect the payment.

We are short of these high-end goods. If we still have them, please give Golden Age a chance for the sake of money."

Hill waved his hand and put all the crystal cards into the space ring: "Of course, if there are good things, I will definitely consider Golden Years."

Without the old appraiser who hesitated to speak, no matter how nice his words were, Hill, who was not from this world at all, could not be tempted.

Hill left the auction hall happily.

It seems that what happened to Santos was mainly caused by Tevalan's people.

He probably just said something he shouldn't have said, violated the bottom line set by the will of the world, and was cursed with bad luck, so he was punished.

Other countries, including the Gold Coin Church, which has subordinates all over the world, have no ill intentions towards Santos' students.

For Hill, this is enough.

He was a little confused about the Gold Coin Goddess and it was impossible for him to have much contact with her people.

Although it is just a false divine power in this world, if we follow the normal rules, how could the Goddess of Gold Coin be only a medium divine power?

People all over the world are using the currency she invented!

Hill stood at the door of the auction hall and looked at it.

It was still noon when he entered Reyes.

After coming out of the golden age, it has already reached dusk.

He slowly walked to the bustling street without paying attention. Hill suddenly felt that there was no need to stay in this city to explore any news.

The progress of the undead is really fast. Maybe in less than a month, he, the legend of Frank, will be able to receive the visiting undead in the magic tower.

Hill turned directly into the magic bookstore next to it. In the hundred years since Santos left, many new books should have been published.

Hill summoned a large box to float behind him and began a sweeping sweep.

As long as it was a book he hadn't read, Hill threw it into the box without hesitation, no matter what the content was.

The bookstore owner looked at Hill in surprise, but he soon discovered that he was a very high-level powerful magician, and immediately followed Hill.

Hill spent about half an hour in the bookstore and bought all the books he had not read.

If there weren't some new biographies of gods, he might have picked through the real magic books in ten minutes. Santos's collection of books is really comprehensive.

"Dear Mr. Wizard, do you want to collect magic books?" The bookstore owner said respectfully, "We also sell used books. There are many books that are unique to wizards and cannot be copied.

But these books are not necessarily valuable, but they are very expensive.

Do you need it?"

"Take it and take a look." Hill said simply.

Among the old books, one-third of which Hill had not read, he directly acquired them.

Although these books were very expensive, they only used Hill's two blue crystal cards and got back just shy of 10,000 gold coins.

Hill went out and visited the raw material store. After spending 2 gold crystal cards there, he was satisfied and went directly to Reyes.

Several mages who had been following him all night followed him outside the city gate in a panic, watching as Hill spread out a team of transparent wings surrounded by wind and thunder, and flew several thousand meters away in an instant.

No one could have imagined that this French legend would just leave like that! Didn’t he plan to stay in Reyes to find the man behind the death of Master Santos?

Count Reyes has thought of many ways to recruit this legendary mage, and even thought of finding someone from the Bawudong family to take the blame, but why did he leave like this?

There are many things that are completely different to do in Reyes than at the Magic Tower!

Count Reyes can deal with a small nobleman privately, but he must not lead him out of Reyes City in a big way!

To please a mage and sacrifice a believer of the main god, you can only do something that must not be publicized!

Even the king of Tevaran would not dare to do such a thing blatantly.

Hill left behind all the miscellaneous things behind him and flew quickly and happily.

He didn't really go to avenge Santos.

When there is a chance, he is willing to take advantage of it, but forget it if he causes trouble for himself.

When Hill walked out of his golden years without seeing anyone from the Earl's Palace, he knew he was in big trouble.

He had no interest in becoming a guest of some earl.

Hill dove into his magic tower and strengthened the magic array a little more.

After taking out the land deed and looking at it, Hill expanded the magic circle to a piece of land that Santos was not using, and built a large grocery store at the same time.

There are so many crystals in Hill's hand, so there is no need to use them at this time.

Liszt looked at Hill's movements curiously: "Sir, it seems that you think there is significance for construction here?"

"We can continue to be grocers, Lister." Hill replied, "The undead probably won't have long to reach the door.

It just depends on whether the God of Travel wants to be beaten or dragged down by others."

This chapter has been completed!
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