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Chapter 51: Returning to the Territory, Sorting Out the Affairs

Salar is probably the safest place in the human world now.

There were approximately 1 million undead people participating in the battle to defend the city, and the remaining people were the so-called map sweepers.

They used the teleportation array to visit almost every corner of Salar.

As long as it is a task issued by people from the good and neutral camp, they have done almost all of it.

The so-called missions are actually the tentative calls made by ordinary people who are oppressed by gangs, hurt by degenerate professionals, bullied by corrupt nobles, and test out when they meet high-level professionals passing by.

However, the tablet of the God of Time and Space regarded these as tasks impartially.

The result is that these players who love to find every side mission in the game have almost wiped out the entire Salar. There are hundreds of thousands of heavenly knights and magicians, and no force in Salar can escape from them.


Except for legend, no one can make waves in Salar.

What's more, now that the teleportation array has been activated, Hill simply returned to his territory.

Fran and Adrian still planned to fly back by themselves, as they were unwilling to use the teleportation array.

Hill didn't feel there was anything uncomfortable about it. He didn't even want to fly by himself.

After entering the teleportation array, a tablet with a small box underneath floated in front of him, and all the teleportable low points appeared on the tablet.

After Hill clicked on Baron Bolaño, the words "Two standard crystals are charged" appeared on the tablet. He threw two crystals in with a smile, and the tablet emitted light that surrounded him and the person in his arms.

Alice is indeed slightly uncomfortable. It feels like a big pendulum game in an amusement park. The pressure is quite high, and she is a bit weightless and overweight. If you are not physically strong enough, you will not be able to stand it.

He lowered his head and checked Alice. The kitten didn't feel anything, but was still very energetic.

Hill, who returned to his territory, said hello to Olivia and flew back to the valley. He was very confused when he saw several players back in the air and wandering around the village.

Aren’t the players all running to Kerslot now? William has just sent out the task of building the capital.

Forget it, don't think about it. Hill hasn't been away from his territory for so long, and he wants to go home.

Hill had already seen Liszt waving to him outside the Magic Tower.

Before landing on the ground, Alice in Hill's arms struggled and jumped out. She meowed and went straight to Merkel, who was waiting next to her.

The black leopard sat there elegantly, licking his right paw while looking at Alice running toward him.

All the small animals that were around quietly found a tree to hide in, quietly preparing to watch. Only Alice was still meowing silly.

Hill covered his eyes and pretended not to see the violently beaten Alice, then turned around and walked into the tower door with Liszt.

"Didn't Merkel know that Alice left with us?"

"She probably did it on the spur of the moment, and no one knew about it. Merkel found that her breath disappeared in the territory, and she came to me anxiously.

I told him that Alice jumped on the boat and ran away with you, and he was so angry that he squatted on a tree and howled for a long time."

Hill smiled and said: "She deserves to be beaten, so that she can't act like a fool!"

Even if she goes out with me, she can only look outside on the boat. Who dares to let her go out?"

He asked Liszt what happened over there?

"There are a few undead people who came back last night. The villagers are asking them about the news of the gods being enthroned. It is said to be very lively?"

Ever since the God of Time and Space connected the magic circle of the outside village with the defense system of the magic tower, Liszt's control area has expanded to the village.

So Hill never worried about what would happen to the village when he was away. Before leaving, he also directly told the villagers that the entire village was monitored by his magic tower in the valley.

Hill has never had the intention to test human nature. He is more convinced that drawing clear boundaries and not giving people the opportunity to betray is fair to everyone.

"Are the undead who came back the ones who want to settle down? Have they met the conditions?"

Hill has only three requirements for players who settle down: to have a close relationship with the residents, and to have a level three contribution to the village. The lawful neutral and lawful good alignments cannot be shaken. If these three points are met, then go to the Church of Time and Space to swear an oath not to cause harm.

The interests of the territory must not harm the residents of the territory. You can settle down by strictly abiding by the laws of Salar.

"Xiao Chenhuan, Lao Mao, Yue Xiaoluo, Yun Che and Ye Yu Qingyu. These five people are all back. They have already made a request to settle down."

Hill has handed over the tablet for handling matters to Liszt. Rather than appointing a village chief and having to supervise the assessment, he feels that it is more interesting for the magic tower spirit to handle daily affairs in the mage's village.

"They went to the Lord's Mansion? What did they do when they saw you?"

"I'm very excited. I keep talking about masterminds and the like. It seems that their world also has tower spirits like me, but most people can't afford them."

What a world with very advanced technology!

"You handle it! As long as it complies with the rules."

"They want to buy a house."

"House or land? There are so many places in the village. Is it better to separate the villagers and the undead?"

"On the left side of the lord's house is the church, and on the right side are the hotel and shop. The villagers live behind the shop.

Let’s arrange for the undead to live next to the church! Some of them want to build their own, while others ask if there are any house styles to choose from. They think the two-story houses that the villagers live in are too small.”

Hill understood. He didn't know what kind of house the undead could build, so he should not embarrass his villagers.

"Make it clear to the undead that there is a magic circle in the territory. They can only build it in the place assigned to them. The water supply and sewers are fixed and cannot be modified randomly."

"Yes. What is the style of the house?"

"You can do it yourself. Aren't all the houses in my memory shared with you? Tell them, either live far away, or live close, and please negotiate a harmonious style. As long as it complies with the rules, I can

No matter how they build it, they must report it. It is too unrealistic and I hope they understand the reason why it is banned.”

He murmured again: "I hope there won't be five people on five streets."

Liszt said seriously: "No, at most four. Yun Che and Ye Yu Qingyu are a young couple and plan to live together."

Hill couldn't help but roll his eyes at him.

As he spoke, he reached the top floor. Hill stretched his waist and yawned: "I went to rest. I'm really nervous during this period." He glanced at Liszt who wanted to say something: "Before going to bed, I

I will pass what I saw when I went out this time into the crystal ball, and you can take your time and see for yourself."

Liszt smiled and nodded: "Okay, sir. Thank you, sir."

After storing memories, washing up and changing clothes, Hill was lying on the bed, but he couldn't sleep.

Fran and Adrian should have already started making the floating boat.

Of course, he also wanted to learn how to make floating boats from Flan.

However, he is no longer qualified. Except for Adrian, no one is qualified to learn this core alchemical technique in Fran's hands. This will be a secret passed down from generation to generation in Fran's Magic Tower.

Beyond that, what Hill can learn from, Fran and Adrian have already taught him.

In this world, the inheritance of mages is very strict and demanding. Heirs who are not magic towers or academic blood will never have the opportunity to learn the most core knowledge, including their own children.

Generally speaking, if a mage's child has sufficient magic qualifications, he will establish the child as the heir. However, the mage pays more attention to the magic qualifications. If his children cannot reach his own height, he can only give up and recruit another student.

Many mages can only leave enough money and resources to their children, but they will not hand over their magic towers or academic inheritance to them.

What Melanie gave up easily is what countless people can't get even if they risk their lives.

Fran liked Hill very much, but never mentioned his stupid daughter. From his revenge on the royal family, it can be seen that he can do it casually, but he is not willing to pay a huge price.

As for Hill, who was the result of her rebellion, no matter how much Fran loved him, he would never surpass Adrian and regard Hill as his heir.

Hill has known this for a long time, and he doesn't care. For Hill, he really can't feel at ease to regard himself as Fran's heir and compete with Adrian. He knows in his heart that he does not have that qualification.


He hates Count Perast, but he also doesn't like Melanie.

They respect Fran and Adrian because of their character, and they treat Hill very well. But this kindness is because he is Fran's blood relative, but there is Mei Lan in the middle who they don't want to mention.


It's like sugar mixed with a few small pebbles. It's sweet, but it's always a bit unpleasant.

He couldn't sleep, not because he was sad about the things he couldn't get. It was just that everyone who had a relationship with him had things and people that were more important than him.

I still feel a little lonely when I think about it.

When people are idle, they like to think wildly. Hill patted his forehead and went to sleep!

Waking up is another beautiful day.

When he woke up in the morning, Hill felt refreshed and decided to visit the territory. Players who would decide to settle in a remote place like his must have a lot of stories to tell.

As soon as he arrived at the Lord's Mansion, he was discovered by the players.

Soon someone came in. Hill noticed that the old cat who asked him if he could settle down was also there.

It has been more than a month, but my original intention has not changed.

After he sat down, Liszt appeared next to him.

The players are more interested in Liszt. These are the more polite types. Although they have been observing Liszt, they are all typing and discussing on their tablets without speaking directly.

Hill became more fond of them and said directly: "You can settle down if you meet the conditions. You can just ask Liszt to handle it. But I hope you can pay attention to the living environment and atmosphere."

Liszt displayed a map of the village in the air: "On the left side of the church, you can choose. The houses on each street should have a unified atmosphere."

The old cat said: "The three of us are friends and want to live on the same street. Can we build it ourselves?"

"The construction blueprint must be reviewed by Liszt first," Hill said.

"Sure, no problem. How big of a place can we choose?"

"200 square meters per person."

Yun Che asked: "I live with Ye Yu, can it be bigger?"

“If we live together, we can stack them.”

Ye Yu Qingyu jumped up and patted Yun Che on the back: "Great, we have to build a beautiful big house!"

Hill looked at the couple of the lolita and the adult and couldn't help but smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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