Four hundred and twentieth chapters identical eyes

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 Hill was too lazy to pay attention to the pretentious Martha. Among his tower spirits, she was the only one who was most deeply affected by the undead.

Sri is relatively cold and never chats with the undead.

Many undead female mages in Martha's city lord's palace are very idle, and even if they work, they can't stop their mouths.

In other words, chatting while doing handicrafts is the reason why they can stay there for 2 hours.

So Martha is indeed very knowledgeable about women's needs, but she is also much better at putting on airs.

Hill dug out two more unused life puppets, changed their intelligence cores to female consciousness, awakened them, and handed these two puppets over to Martha's control.

Although he doesn't know much about this aspect, these puppets were originally designed to do housework, and most of the knowledge can be used universally. Hill just needs to set up a female voice and female consciousness now, and Martha will train the rest by herself.

Although the puppet he made is not as strong as Flan, it is still somewhat intelligent and can learn new knowledge on its own.

Hill glanced at the expressive Martha and asked her to take the puppet to find Alice.

After receiving the task, Martha finally became serious. She floated in the air and materialized a small notebook, and wrote a list in it seriously: "Sir, do you have suitable clothes? No need for a long skirt.

I don’t think Miss Alice is suitable for wearing a skirt now.”

"Where are the mage robes?" Hill asked expressionlessly, "I have a lot of them that I haven't worn yet."

"I want something that is particularly lightweight, preferably with trousers. Miss Alice may not be used to having bare legs. Besides, isn't sir's preference all about black and white?"

Are there any other colors?" Martha continued.

Hill frowned: "I also have green and blue clothes!"

"Dark green? Blue-black?" Martha muttered, "They are all colors that people with no aesthetic taste like."

"Martha! Don't make trouble.

Do you think I'm not doing things well?

You don’t have to wear them, sir, but of course I can make them in all kinds of fabrics.

There are some light blue and lavender robes in the clothing store, plus white ones, which will be enough for a short time.

Of course the rest is your business, otherwise why would I wake you up? Just to practice talking?

I'll find it right away." Liszt floated directly into Hill's bedroom, and he had already summoned that particularly intelligent life puppet.

Martha sneered at Liszt. She had been under Liszt's jurisdiction since she was born, and she was more afraid of this boss in the tower spirit.

"Is it necessary to set up a space in the magic tower for Miss Alice?" Martha thought for a while and then asked, "I think we can put those books away first, sir, have you read most of them?

You won’t stay in this world for a long time, so there is no need to build a library.”

Hill could only nod. After Liszt and Martha handed over the clothes, they directed the ordinary puppets to collect the books.

"Sir, should I put all the books belonging to the original tower owner on the third floor? The big library there can be replaced with special bookshelves so that the books will not be damaged.

I will reorganize most of the places in the Magic Tower again. Martha is right, we are probably leaving soon, right?" Liszt said thoughtfully.

After all, he also knew that Hill had always felt that there was still a glimmer of hope for the original Mage Santos to survive, and he had decided not to take Santos' belongings with him when he left Ferenriel.

And even if this mage is no longer alive, maybe a descendant of Santos will come looking for this tower in a few decades!

He had read some of Santos's essays written in magic books, and had a feeling that the mage had secretly left his bloodline outside.

Just after his illegitimate brother suddenly became the head of the northern diocese.

Hill, who was also born into a noble family, could understand this choice of having a backup plan.

Hill modified most of the magic circles, and the only one left was the bloodline sensing magic circle.

When Hill planned to leave, he only closed the floor-to-ceiling windows and completely sealed the magic tower with obsidian.

The nearby farm and various ancillary buildings are also preserved with magic circles, leaving enough crystals to last for more than 100 years.

Then he put back Master Santos' things. Although some things had been destroyed by Hill, this magic tower that could last for five hundred years was enough to compensate for all the consumption.

Hill nodded and watched Liszt work in a hurry. Then he fell back on the sofa with a sigh. What is going on!

How should he introduce Alice in the future? Hello everyone, this is my eldest daughter Alice. She doesn't want to continue being a cat and has turned into a human!

Hill felt that many people would think that he had some special hobby and had no time to use the permanent transformation spell on the cat.

Moreover, Hill thought with a headache that Alice would probably not be willing to stay in the pendant when something happened in the future.

Martha ignored her master, who was on the verge of collapse, and knocked on the bathroom door with her puppet: "Miss Alice, I'm Martha, I'm coming in~"

She walked in with the puppet, and the bathroom door closed tightly again.

Hill was half lying on his sofa, his mind completely empty, and he didn't want to listen to the various sounds coming from over there.

Martha probably wanted to start with the most basic knowledge of washing. Although Alice knew what was going on, there were many things she had never done before, so she couldn't do it.

Hill sighed. He really couldn't understand why there were natural spirits that turned into humans.

He always thought that only after becoming a god could Alice have a human form, and then the laws would tell her what to do.

Is it because Alice is too eager to become Hill's real daughter?

Although I haven't seen her appearance yet, Hill is very familiar with her long blond hair.

He reached out and held his waist-length hair to his chest, looking at it carefully.

Surrounded by nature, every strand of his hair is glowing with golden light and cannot be trimmed at all, as if there is a shield on each hair.

Hill has always been worried that it was because of the inheritance of the Earth Bear, but now he thinks it may be the power of nature.

Hair represents growth at all times.

If Alice just wanted to turn into a human form, her hair should be white.

Only when she thought that blond hair was the most beautiful and desired did she become what she is now.

Hill helplessly covered his forehead with his hands, feeling that his future was slim. He was still single!

The sound of light footsteps sounded, and Hill quickly sat up and looked at the bedroom door.

"Miss Alice, move your left foot first, which is the left side where I'm standing. Then your right foot, very good.

Just walk with your normal walking feeling, the cat walk is a very elegant step~"

A figure wearing a loose white mage robe slowly walked out of the door.

She was an extremely cute girl, with a pair of cat-like green eyes on her round face, long golden eyelashes that were curled and thick, and fair and flawless skin. When she looked at Hill with a smile, she revealed a pair of shallow lips.

Small dimples.

At first glance, she looks like a sweet little girl, about the same age as Aglaia now.

At least Hill couldn't tell the difference.

"Hill~" Alice shouted happily, "Martha said I look like you~"

Hill almost reached out and touched his sharp chin, but controlled himself under the warning eyes of Martha behind Alice.

"Yes, Alice has a pair of green eyes exactly like mine~the outline is the same." Hill replied with a smile.

Alice happily walked faster. Although Martha praised her as walking like a cat, it was actually more like a duck.

Hill could only turn his eyes away, he must not laugh.

What Alice needs now is encouragement.

"Sir, you and Miss Alice have a nice chat for a while. I'm going to clean up the room downstairs with Liszt." Martha left happily with the puppet.

It leaves space for two people to be alone together.

"Hill, it turns out that natural spirits can also turn into human forms!" Alice didn't care about that. She just wanted to tell Hill about her feelings quickly, "I was really shocked when I found out that I could choose human form.

But nature tells me that all natural spirits can do it~

But most natural spirits don't know how to change themselves and can only follow the natural changes of their subconscious mind.

We actually become the animal that impressed us most among the animal images around us when we were born. Of course, it has to be the kind of creature that doesn't like killing.

It was strange that I would turn into a cat. I don’t remember the reason, but the most profound memory in my mind at that time was a lazy white cat.

It stands to reason that we would all choose creatures in the forest. After all, only in spiritual forests can natural spirits be born!

Unless you are an unlucky guy like me, most natural spirits will not change their image, they will be whatever they are when they are born.

Moreover, it also requires sufficient strength to support such a complex transformation of the human body.

Most of the natural spirits who can become legends or even demi-gods feel that their lives are good and there is no way they can change.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a me until now~

I’m so happy~”

Alice was a little over-excited and her words were a little confused.

Hill also understood what she meant from these somewhat confusing words.

Determination to change and strong strength are the keys for natural spirits to transform into human form, but in fact, most natural spirits do not think there is anything good about human appearance.

Only Alice, who was raised by Hill, would truly turn into a human form because of her desire to become Hill's real daughter.

Hill looked at the dancing Alice tenderly, and suddenly remembered that a long time ago, Adrian once said that he and Alice had the same eyes.

At that time, he was just joking, making fun of Hill's bear eyes that looked like cat eyes.

But now, his and Alice's eyes are really exactly the same.

This chapter has been completed!
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