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Chapter 447 Hill, who has settled down temporarily

 Hill didn't understand why Linn looked like he was having trouble breathing.

He seriously felt that this pearl was suitable for Lin En.

In such a long winter in the Silver Moon Alliance, it would be very useful for places like taverns to have water that can be drunk without thawing.

Hill specifically asked Liszt not to get the top one!

Medium-sized pearls like this should be common in so many port cities in Faerûn, right?

“Do you know how much a pearl of this size is worth in gold coins?

One is 500 gold!

And this is just a quotation, it is not that easy to buy at this price.

This kind of pearl that can condense the purest water is not something you can just buy if you want!" Lin En pinched the bridge of his nose and said feebly, "You still took out so many at once!"

Hill blinked and realized that Faerûn was full of demons, and there might be a follower of the evil god looking for trouble somewhere.

Anyone with a little money will regard pure water as the most important resource reserve.

"Isn't this place very close to a deep-water port?" Hill was a little curious, "Are these pearls not considered treasures?"

Lin En sighed: "So you have also seen treasure-level pearls? That kind of thing may only be available to the top few in Silver Moon City.

Although I don’t know whose child you are, even if you are a level 14 archmage, don’t show off your wealth like this.”

Hill thought about it for a while, why did Linn think he was a level 14 mage? Are there any activities in Silvermoon City?

He didn't continue the topic, since he would definitely know it when he got to Silvermoon City.

Hill said seriously: "I have a lot of pearls, and their value in my heart is indeed similar to the things I bought from you.

The saying that there is a price but no market can only be made by businessmen.

Otherwise, the price of pearls will definitely rise instead of being fixed at 500."

Lin crossed her arms and thought for a while, then accepted it readily: "This thing is indeed what I want. We are close to the desert and the Nether Mountains, so there are always inexplicable troubles.

A somewhat pure water source might be able to save the lives of everyone in Cuelva.

Then let me take advantage! There will be no charge for my services while you are in Cuelva."

Hill said "Ah" and asked dully, "Who are you?"

"Cuelva doesn't have a mayor, it just has a five-person council. Except for me, who runs a tavern and takes care of public security, everyone else is around here." Linn laughed, "They might as well come out if I am willing to do so.

Do something!

Except for Cuelva who would come forward when he was attacked, at other times he would stay in his own territory and not care about anything."

Hill understood without thinking that the person in charge of the church shared by Ogma, the God of Knowledge, and Miriel, the God of Singing, must be Ogma's priest.

It's not interesting for Linn to stay there, not to mention that his level 3 priest profession is actually meaningless.

Although he is said to be the Sheriff, Lin En is probably in charge of all the miscellaneous things in this small town.

"Bring me some more gold and silver, and I'll exchange them for Faerûn's common currency. I'll get you some of all five."

Hill took out another silk bag and asked, "How much can I exchange for?"

"There are many places in Silvermoon City where you can change money!" Linn said angrily, "Do you think Cuelva is a place with so much spare money? Just get some and you can use it in Silvermoon City."

Hill said "Oh" and took out two fist-sized gold nuggets. He hesitated and then took out a brick-sized silver nugget.

Seeing that Hill still wanted to rummage through the bag, Linn growled: "That's enough!"

Hill laughed sheepishly, watching Lin En take the gold and silver from his hand, and walked directly to the library.

He knew that the mage responsible for managing the library must have some money.

For a mage, it is normal to have some gold and silver at all times, otherwise, some spells may not be used.

Those who directly use gold coins as casting materials are either forced to run out of materials, or they are believers in the Temple of Wealth.

No matter how rich the mage is, he will not do such wasteful things casually.

Hill didn't mean to show off his wealth, but he just felt a little restless when the gold coins in his hand fell short.

When Lin En came out again, he was followed by an old mage wearing a white robe.

"Good day, Mr. Mage who has come from afar, I am Wan George Hughes, a level 10 mage, from Silver Moon City." The old mage wore a stiff smile and spoke to Hill as kindly as possible.

Hill nodded: "Good day, sorry for bothering me."

Lin En, who was following behind, showed a confused expression again. This way of talking seemed to be a lower mage talking to a higher mage?

"Did you refine your gold and silver yourself? It's really very pure!" Master Hughes said sincerely, "I could tell at a glance that it was made by a powerful alchemist! I had to come and say hello."

Hill didn't say anything, just nodded slightly to him.

Hughes quickly said goodbye and left.

Lin Sen frowned and asked: "Did he have any bad ideas? I told him that you are my brother!"

"It's nothing, I just want to lower the price and collect some of my gold and silver." Hill shook his head and said, "I just want to make some money and ignore him."

"Did I change the compensation?" Lin En threw the small leather bag in his hand to Hill unhappily, "There are only 10 platinum coins, and the rest are gold and silver coins. I gave you 100 copper coins to make up the number. I guess you

There's nothing useful about it either.

As for the gold and silver coins, I took one for you to see what it looks like now.

You mages can still distinguish the gold content of that thing, but we can't and can easily be deceived.

Most people use it as silver coins."

Hill took away his pendant without even counting it: "If I lose, he won't come out to find me."

Lin En then smiled at him with satisfaction: "Compared to other temples, I guess you still like the forest more."

Linn, who made a pun, took Hill to a forest clearing near Melikai Temple: "I have already agreed with everyone else that you can live here wherever you want.

Go there when you want to go to Silvermoon City. Even if you feel uncomfortable staying there, you can still come back.

You are always welcome to stay here in Cuerva.”

It seemed that Lin En had indeed vouched for him.

Hill had guessed it when the bard led him here, otherwise he wouldn't have taken out the pearl.

Hill stretched out his hand and first released a three-dimensional defense array with illusions that was close to a mystery lock on the open space, and then released a mansion spell directly.

He said goodbye to Linn politely and watched him leave before entering this dimension.

When Hill used this dimensional spell, in addition to gold and silver, he also deliberately used some water-based materials, so he was not surprised to see a villa full of fountains.

Hill first took out the small box containing Martha's core and asked her to command the summoned servants.

As for Liszt, his level is too high and he cannot come out easily. Unless Hill plans to settle there for more than a year, otherwise, even he cannot afford to burn so many crystal stones.

After Aglaia was released, she happily walked around the three-story villa.

The vapor-filled dimensional space made her feel very comfortable. She held up her long skirt and asked Hill happily: "Can I follow my father before this clone dissipates?"

If I don’t take action, I can still hold on for ten years!”

"After I have learned a little bit in Silver Moon City, after 75 years, we will go to the beach." Hill touched the top of her head, "Try to see if you can spread your divine name here."

Aglaia's large, exquisite blue eyes lit up instantly: "Is that okay? Didn't you say that there is also a sea goddess in this world?"

"She only cares about the offshore area, and she is in the evil camp." Hill said lightly, "Her strength is relatively weak. We may not be able to destroy her, but it should be no problem just to occupy one territory."

Aglaia said happily: "Once you stand firm, try to kill him again!"

Hill remained noncommittal and remained silent. If he had the ability, of course he would fight.

There are many foreign gods in Faerûn, and they have long been accustomed to having new gods every once in a while.

It's just that a weak sea god from the good camp appears, and they don't have any ambitions to destroy the world, so few of them will mind their own business.

"Have the people in Trahill been notified of our safety?" Hill asked Aglaia.

His pendant can be directly connected to the elemental world. Even if Faerun is far away from Trasil and is just contacting the body, Aglaia can still do it. After all, there is still the ice crystal communicator in her god.


"I told Hewelson directly." Aglaia blinked and said, "We can't let grandpa worry!"

Hill smiled helplessly: "Remember to tell him that we are in Faerun and I want to learn the knowledge of the mage and will not leave in a short time."

Aglaia nodded happily and looked around this dimension again.

"Dad Hill!" she asked curiously, "With this spell, dad Hill doesn't have to rush to find a demiplane, right?"

"This spell can only last for 15 days once used." Hill shook his head and said, "This is only possible because the materials I use are better and the mage level is high enough.

Moreover, the demiplane really depends on chance. I have just left Trasil just now, so I don’t have much hope yet.

Let’s wait until we go to the starry sky later! There is basically no hope here in Faerun, the outer planes have probably been searched by these mages.”

Aglaia nodded and said, "It's just a demiplane. Dad will get it sooner or later."

Hill laughed: "I think so too. But let's rest first! Aglaia can choose a room by herself. These water villas all have underwater rooms. Go and see if you like it."

Aglaia turned around lightly and rushed directly into the villa to pick a room. Although no one competed with her, it was fun.

Hill followed her with a smile. He also needed a good rest.

Although it was only two days, Hill really felt that it had been a long time, probably because it was rare for him to be so tired!

This chapter has been completed!
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