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Chapter 456 The neighbor next door is a little wrong

Lin En forked a piece of roast duck leg and took a bite happily before saying with a smile: "These guys still don't understand elves too much.

Hey, no one in the Elf Forest dares to provoke an Elf Mage who can summon a forest formation.

This is a rush to death."

Hill smiled helplessly: "I didn't expect them to be so anxious and dare to rush in when the night is still light.

Although in the Elf Forest, you won't encounter any thieves.

But how to deal with assassins in the shadows is something every elf must learn seriously from an early age."

Both of them looked up at a few brave and skilled thieves who were carefully squeezing through the gap into the woods.

Hill did not seal off the perimeter, and there was a distance of at least 20 centimeters between trees.

If he planned to fix the labyrinth forest array in a certain place, Hill would seal the gaps with thorns and let the killing vine, lily of the valley and windmill jasmine branch outside.

But in Cuelva, he doesn't need to be so meticulous. Anyone who dares to come in is just a thief.

Ranger, even if there is some problem secretly, he will not take action now.

Otherwise, if Hill catches it and throws it next door, the daughter of the forest will probably clean up the door.

A few thieves first entered the maze invisibly, but after walking for half an hour and unable to find a way out, they no longer wasted any effort to enter the shadows.

They already knew that their invisibility skills were completely ineffective against the maze, but it seemed that everyone was mentally prepared.

Not to mention those plants, even the maze array cannot be effective against invisible people.

In fact, they also understood that it was difficult to attack a mage who could obviously use nature. If it were not to test Hill's reaction, the thieves would not be so eager to die.

When they moved to the same location for the second time, random spikes suddenly began to appear on the ground.

The 2-meter-long spikes kept protruding, and a thief was impaled without being able to dodge.

His level is too low, his reaction is a bit slow, his jump height is not high enough, and he directly reaches GAME OVER.

Even level 5 thieves dared to enter the mage's labyrinth. Hill felt that these guys didn't understand how lethal a level 14 or above mage could be.

"They didn't expect that you would dare to kill people right after you came out of the forest." Lin En said with an evil expression while holding a knife and fork.

"But in the forest, the killing never stops!" Hill asked inexplicably, "Especially in the Supreme Forest, there are never fewer enemies.

How could the elf who came out to practice be a cookie that even a killer would not dare to kill?"

Just like Hill, not wanting to take action and not being able to take action are completely different concepts.

"It's my fault." Linn admitted calmly, "These first group of people should be created by some guys behind the scenes in Cuerva.

It is true that Cuelva has the final say among us councillors, but there are some secret dealings everywhere.

In fact, I, the police officer, am also a trouble in their eyes, but no one dares to frame the singer's priest under his nose.

Other gods may have too many things to do to pay attention to every priest, but the singer is different.

As long as I pray sincerely and confirm that I have been framed, he will run down directly to save people. There is a church here!

That one hates conspiracy and assassination very much.

And if he really encounters big trouble, he will directly ask the King of Knowledge for help. As long as he is not the one who is wrong, the King of Knowledge will of course protect his own people.

We can also learn the magic of the Temple of Knowledge. Singers don't care about their followers serving the Lord God at all.

So in a way, the Singers' Priests have no one to pull us into when we're plotting.

Once something is wrong, a priest will pray directly to the singer. Even if it is a false alarm, the singer will not be angry and will praise us for our sense of crisis.

Unless we go out and take risks to find our own death, then death is normal.

So my level 3 priest is, in some ways, more powerful than the level 7 bard.

Having said that, when I first came to this town, Cuelva was not so prosperous and stable, and there were a lot of things going on.

I had just become a priest at that time, my bard was only level 5, and my hands were relatively weak.

In fact, not many golden elves come out of the forest, and people outside don't know much about them.

So they probably think you are similar to me."

Hill couldn't help but glance at Lin En. As a bard, he would be sent out for training. It was absolutely impossible for Lin En to dare not kill people.

An elf like that is not qualified to leave the forest and travel.

The most important thing is that the bloodline of the golden elf has an initial level. Even if it is never counted when talking about it, Lin En at level 10 is actually about the same as a human at level 14.

Many elves even choose careers after they reach adulthood because they can live an easy life even as civilians.

Lin En sighed and laughed: "It's not because I don't dare to kill people, but because I owe a favor to a girl in a small town, so I spared the people in her hometown that she misses so much.

They may have made a mistake, thinking that the elves who have just emerged will be merciful."

Hill had no intention of asking the girl. It was obvious that Lynn did this because of her so-called last wish.

Probably an old friend who went on an adventure with Lin En.

Hill turned to look at the light screen, leaving space for Linn, who was holding the duck leg and meditating.

He didn't remind Linn that there was oil on his clothes.

The thieves in the picture seemed to have differences and had a dispute.

After entering the maze for an hour and not making any progress but giving away a life, some people want to turn back and some want to continue.

At this time, someone else had quietly entered the maze.

Lin En observed it for a while and then said: "This is the subordinate of the herbal medicine merchant. He has something to do with the dwarf."

Hill looked at the short and thin figures and said noncommittally: "I guess there will be dwarves."

"That's true. Dwarves are never what humans call rude and upright." Linn laughed and continued to chew on his duck legs.

He still didn't see the oil spots on his clothes.

"What is that?" Lin En finished eating the duck leg and then stretched out his fork to take out the steak. When the light screen passed through the corner of his eye, he was so surprised that the steak fell halfway.

Hill knew that it wasn't that he couldn't recognize who it was on the screen, but he just couldn't believe that a blue dragon hobgoblin could swagger directly into the center of the small town of Cuelva.

Even though the town is located in the forest, the view is not good.

But the defense here never relies on human eyes.

"What is the guy next door doing?" Lin En was indeed furious. "Can even the evil camp pass through the forest he fortified?"

"The tree spirit that protected him has gone." Hill explained calmly.

He had long discovered that the branch next door was obviously very interested in his forest formation, but suddenly left the town at dusk.

Hill actually received the help signal sent through the forest, but he didn't think those tree spirits could defeat a few hobgoblins, so he didn't plan to take action.

He originally didn't understand why these dryads were so useless. The first thing he learned about these creatures that could simulate beautiful elves or eladrin was that the dryads would fiercely defend their forests and other woodland life.

There are only a few hobgoblins, even if they have some blue dragon blood, there are dozens of tree elves, enough for them to tear apart any enemy.

But they actually sent a distress signal!

But the behavior next door made him understand who had raised these low-IQ tree spirits as pets.

"Tsk." Linn couldn't help rolling his eyes, "This person from the Forest Temple came here three years ago. Since he came, there have been no more tree people near Cuerva.

I have heard that he was too kind to the tree spirit, but did he give up his job to save the powerful tree spirit? What kind of enemy came here? Which blue dragon came by himself?

And those tree spirits haven’t been promoted even after three years?

Logically speaking, there should be tree spirits with high intelligence who can lead the tribe! I also thought about establishing an offensive and defensive alliance with them!"

Hill gave a stiff smile: "There are only a few blue dragon hobgoblins, estimated to be level 14."

And there are dozens of dryads that are at least level 9.

Linn glanced at Hill in surprise: "Did he send the dryads to other places? It's been three years! That's one every month!"

"No, a group of dryads." Hill told the scene he saw calmly, "They were jumping back and forth around that place, and no one took action against the hobgoblin."

Lin En lowered his head and thought: "There is something wrong with this guy. I will ask the singer. Whether it is a tree spirit or a tree man, they are never weak people who are afraid of fighting."

Hill didn't say anything else. Just how chaotic Faerûn is. You can tell from the fact that even the chief priest of a church may have problems.

Moreover, Linn showed no signs of panic at all and was very used to it.

"Do you have better control over the forest than that guy?" Linn suddenly raised his head. He had just realized what Hill's words meant.

The guy next door is not weak. They all considered finding the tree spirit he awakened, but they were never able to track it down.

The forest will help him stop some stalking and snooping people.

However, Hill could directly see what was happening!

"I am a natural mage." Hill smiled lightly, "The forest is also an important part of nature."

Linn pouted: "Just say you are nature's darling, your family didn't let you become a druid?

Are we planning to let you work part-time as a mage after you reach the top? Isn’t this quite difficult?”

"No." Hill said slowly, "My mage talent is better, and I grew up in the human world to the age of 16."

Lin En immediately understood that what a druid needs is to become one with nature, while Hill, who had learned how to become a mage since childhood, learned how to control nature.

Basically, he was cut off from becoming a druid from the beginning.

The thieves in the light screen had been separated. Only then did they realize that the maze would change on its own, and the attack method was no longer just a sudden appearance of thorns.

This chapter has been completed!
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