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Chapter 462 The Northern Continent, a little bit of reality

 Hill thought about the catalog of gods he had seen recently. The singers indeed made their main job of inquiring about information and spreading some stories, such as the past and present life of Cyric, the Prince of Lies.

Otherwise, since he is obviously a thief, normally the first reaction would be that Mask's people are coming.

Only the singer's men would think of Cyric first.

The Prince of Lies, who is always unpredictable, will always give generous rewards to his subordinates who cause trouble for the singer.

If he could catch the singer himself who likes to incarnate into the human world and sing everywhere for fun, Anri would even give up his plot for a short time and find a problem first.

Hill quite agrees with the introduction of the singers in this catalogue.

He still remembered the performance of the God of Singing during the time of Gens.

In fact, it can be seen that the main purpose of the singer is not to fight the devil, but to know what happened, and to inquire about the movements of the devil and even Shar.

If it weren't for a few friends who wanted revenge, the singer would probably have left without even showing up.

The goddess of magic would ask him to come forward, probably because he is very good at inquiring about information and hiding his existence from the devil's eyes.

The God of Singing has been hanging around in Gernes for so many years, but the notoriously suspicious Devil King really didn't find him.

If Linn really followed the will of his master god, he really wouldn't have to worry about him being impulsive and confronting the dragon directly.

"So is it safe now?" Hill asked calmly.

"Of course, the coldest period in the northern continent is coming soon." Lin En laughed, "At this time, except for the sacrifice of the Frost Maiden, who would want to go out?

Even if you are not afraid of the cold, you will not like the nasty weather."

Hill looked at Linn curiously. It seemed that people from the Silver Moon Alliance would use the Frost Maiden's sacrifice to deliver messages!

"Don't be surprised." Lin En told Hill with a smile, "Many human women in the northern continent kill livestock instead of the evil requirements of the Frost Maiden.

Therefore, many of her sacrifices are from the neutral camp, and no one will have any harsh demands on the lady who kills a chicken every month."

"She is also willing?" Hill was extremely surprised, "She is from the evil camp!"

"There are almost no believers. The evil god can only rely on making the north get colder and colder to maintain his power. It doesn't have such high requirements. It would be good if someone is willing to believe." Lin En showed a strange smile, "Such a sacrifice is simply not possible.

It might just be a promotion with her favor, but no girl in the North would care.

Those who can become her sacrifices have no other way to survive. Delivering letters in the ice and snow is the best way they can find.

Even though the girl didn't care much about those people who believed in her because they were working as postmen, but if someone really did something to them, the girl would still be furious.

Her sacrificial inauguration ceremony, now that her faith is increasingly lacking, how could so many people risk their lives to take office.

Only these girls who can't survive will choose the Frost Maiden.

There are so many girls, some of them will go astray, she just needs to choose the one she wants.

In fact, many forces in the northern continent already have a tacit understanding with the Frost Maiden.

If she doesn't take action at will, her priests can live a normal life."

Hill was silent for a moment. The Frost Maiden had indeed not caused any massacre for many years, unless someone sought death and ran near her temple.

Hill originally thought she was afraid of the silver dragons Golden Queen and Alustriel in the North, but it turned out that she was trying to protect her divine power from Talos!

"Are ordinary people in the northern continent so miserable?" Hilton paused for a moment before asking, "I remember..."

"The Northland is very good, but only people from the good camp can settle there." Lin En sighed, "The Silver Moon Alliance is far behind, let alone the Sword Coast.

We don’t have so many things going on here, that’s because most people are professionals, and even if there are ordinary people, they also have relatives of professionals.

Moreover, most rangers are followers of Melikai, and even if they do not do good deeds, they will not do evil easily.

Not to mention there are two other temples and a library run by a mage, how many people does Cuelva have?

Even if there is something secretly going on, I will try to hide it as deeply as possible.

Those beings in the shadows will also try to choose other places, usually just leaving some eyes here.

But that's it, problems will happen next door, and no one knows which day trouble and disaster will come.

As for Silvermoon City and Waterdeep City, ordinary people are never the ones who live happily.

The more prosperous a place is, the more likely it is for ordinary people to run into trouble.

Life may be okay, but the pain will always be there.

There are always people who don't want to live without dignity.

Especially for many women in the north, they have heard so many great stories about women, but their own lives are so humble, and some are as miserable as mud in the sewer.

The sacrifice of the Frost Maiden is the easiest path they can touch.

As long as she walks in the snow wearing single clothes and holds out until the dawn of the sun, so that she does not freeze to death in the coldest night in the north, the Frost Girl will accept her. Although she has to kill once a month, that person will not

The requirement is to kill some creature."

Hill turned his head and glanced at Lynn. His face was expressionless when he spoke, and he had become numb to these things in human society.

As a half-elf, Lin En would at most help the poor people he met. He had a little admiration for those women who survived relying on their own will, but he would never have the stupid idea of ​​changing human society.

And humans who have become accustomed to this kind of life will not.

To a certain extent, people at the bottom of society are not completely blocked from making progress. As long as they struggle desperately, some people will always be able to get out of the quagmire.

There will be no anger that burns the whole world.

Therefore, a world like Faerûn will only continue like this.

Hill sighed softly in his heart and used his own reason to suppress the useless emotions.

This is a problem that William, even with his huge undead army, cannot solve.

Moreover, Hill didn't think William would work so hard for Faerun.

He regards Trasil as half of his hometown, so he works so hard to build his country, but other worlds are not his responsibility.

Whether it is the war between Gernes or Ferenriel, it can be seen that William has become more and more like a god, and he only focuses on his own world.

"Will your tavern still be open? If it's so cold?" Hill asked curiously.

"Of course we have to open it! In winter, my tavern is the only place they can communicate." Linn opened his eyes and said, "How much interesting news is spread out by the winter taverns in the North. Usually these adventurers

Most of them are wandering outside, so how can they go to the pub to chat and brag for a long time!

Otherwise, why would I save so much wine and meat!"

He couldn't help but glance at Hill: "Fortunately, we still have time to replenish most of the meat into the warehouse, but there is still a little less bacon and smoked sausage. This year's winter has come early and the temperature is not enough."

"Do you need me to help you renovate an ice cellar?" Hill asked without changing his expression, "It can help fresh meat be preserved longer.

They've been eating bacon for so long, maybe they prefer fresh food."

Lin En waved his hand: "Forget it! Who doesn't have an ice cellar in this place! As long as you don't buy anymore, my tavern can last until spring."

"Can I hunt in spring?" Hill frowned.

"Of course not, but the cultured meat will be sent from Silvermoon City." Lin En said with a smile, "There is a temple of Melikai here. Who dares to hunt in spring!"

"However, it's been a long time since I've eaten fresh vegetables." He looked at Hill suggestively, "It's so uncomfortable to be able to eat only potatoes and radishes for so long."

Hill laughed: "Of course, I will serve a big meal to entertain my dear friends, mainly fruit, okay?"

"That's great! I feel so uncomfortable after eating meat for a month." Linn ignored his last sentence.

"It's not like you don't have money, why are you so frugal?" Hill asked confused. As Lynn said, there was a large ice cellar under his tavern, and before winter officially came, Lynn filled it with ice.

Various foods.

Of course there are fruits and vegetables, but Linn never eats them by himself. He always eats the same signature set meal as the ranger warriors in the tavern.

Although there is a lot of meat, it is not an easy way for half-elves to adapt to eating.

Lin En was stunned for a moment, then sighed and said: "You probably don't have the chance to deal with these ordinary adventurers, so you don't need to learn what I do.

But I still want to tell you a little bit. You have to know what to do when I meet you in the future.

In the eyes of these rangers, warriors, and even some thieves, I am just a tavern owner. The position of the Sheriff is not that conspicuous. Only when something goes wrong will they find me.

They dare to come to our house every day to drink, eat, bet and brag because they think I'm the same kind as them.

Winter fruits and vegetables are so expensive that only an adventurer who suddenly makes a fortune would dare to order one!

If I eat it every day, in their eyes, I will no longer be a tavern owner, but a peace officer who is similar to a noble!

Hill, it’s impossible for a bard to exist independently of an adventurer, and I don’t want to become a saint who can only sing praises to the gods.”

Hill could only nod silently and took Linn to the big restaurant.

These things are far away from him now, but it's not like he doesn't understand them.

Just like in the past world, those colleagues who pursue progress, in order to understand the relationship between superiors and subordinates, gave up the aloofness brought by school, ate, drank and had fun with anyone who could hang out, and finally drank themselves up in just a few years.

Became alcoholic liver disease.

Hill glanced at Linn's agile figure. Human beings in this world have high enough physiques, not to mention that Linn is an elf. He probably won't have any high physical fitness, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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