Chapter 495: Hill, who tests his luck

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 Terry leaned against the bar, holding his chin with one hand.

After observing for a while, he discovered that Hill might have been too gentle during this period, and some people were indeed a bit ready to make a move.

It's just that these guys probably don't understand what the power of mages is. Although many mages are accustomed to not taking action first because of their spell slots, this also means that they are killers as long as they take action.

There is no legendary mage who does not have a bunch of status spells in his body.

They are probably using ordinary mages who are only around level 10 to measure Hill's strength.

I still received too few beatings.

Terry breathed a sigh of relief. Just like his mother, the dragon that had ruled the Northland for many years often had these reckless provocateurs. It was actually quite normal for some people to want to cause trouble here in Hill.

With Hill's keenness and the magic circles everywhere, he must have noticed this unrest long ago, so he simply let the Paladin of Tire in.

It's not that he can't handle it, it's just that he doesn't want to bother with these messy things.

Although Hill often doesn't look like a mage, when it comes to making some decisions, he is actually no different from those top mages.

Your own time and your own wisdom are the most precious, and they are never worth spending on these insignificant people.

No wonder his mother said that Alustriel was the Lord of Silvermoon City and the chosen one of the Goddess of Magic before he was a mage.

The fact that Hill is so powerful at such a young age is probably related to the fact that he does not waste energy on such small things. Terry picked up the bottle opener in his hand and knocked it, thinking that he should be more diligent?

Terry threw away the things in his hands and threw himself on the counter. He still thought it would be better to find some time to sleep.

Moreover, these guys in the tavern don't seem to be as interesting as they were a few days ago. He seems to like his dragon's lair more now.

Hill didn't know about Terry's rapid change of attitude, but he had known for a long time that this dragon might not last long. After all, he was still a golden dragon who had just entered his youth, and it was normal for his preferences to change quickly.

He was standing on the terrace of his study with Aglaia, looking at the moving Silver Shield.

It only took five days for them to move here with their family, and even taking a carriage from Neverwinter took two days.

Martha could now appear in every corner of the town. She quickly met Captain Thorn and took them to the alley.

Thorne looked up at the floating castle in the southeast corner and raised his hand to say hello.

The people of Silver Shield, whether they are just ordinary people's followers or their family members, seem to have good relations with each other, and the place to live has been allocated after discussion.

At the entrance of their alley is the residential management center. As long as you drop the corresponding gold coins into the small drawer box with the same number as their house, the lower part of the drawer will pop up, and there are three magic keys inside that can open the door.

After a year, the magic key will lose its effectiveness, and you must put in coins to exchange for another one.

In other words, the real key is actually still in the drawer, and what they got is the clone of the key.

It is impossible for Thorne to live in a residential area, but he was still a little surprised when he heard the report from his subordinates. He had come into contact with many mages, but there were really few like Hill.

Mages are either extremely indifferent, don't want to deal with anyone, and don't regard ordinary people as the same kind. Or they are very good at dancing and become leaders of major forces.

But their eyes rarely look down. Sometimes the mage's territory makes people angry, not because the mage himself has done any serious evil, but because they don't care about anything.

They don't understand how these ordinary people can cause so much trouble just because of a copper coin. The way many mages deal with this kind of thing is to just ignore it and let them go.

In the end, of course, it was the result of the riots. Although the people need goodwill, they must first know what the rules are.

If it is a law or the lord does not have a definite crime, it is not a crime among the people.

Although Hill also doesn't like to take care of things, he really understands it.

No matter how many people rent his house, it is impossible for them to default on their debts. It is managed by magic and there is no human touch.

Thorne has also seen the house. It looks like a simple stone house, but half of the bed cabinets, furniture, kitchen pipes, and even the toilet in the bathroom are complete.

This shows that Hill really welcomes Tire believers to settle in. Otherwise, there is no need for mages to have such complete infrastructure.

But he didn't choose to come out to meet the Silver Shield Paladins.

Everything behaves very normally.

Thorne glanced at the family members and entourage who were very satisfied with the house, and the pride they always had on their faces had all been put down.

It's completely different from the aura of thinking he was stronger than everyone else when he was in Neverwinter.

Thorne smiled with satisfaction: This is good, otherwise he would have planned to find a guy who didn't know who he was to warn these family members and followers.

He called to the group members and led the horned Pegasus and the large cart to the selected corner.

Thorne originally planned to use the power of his blood to sweep all the way to find a path that could be walked on, but as soon as they reached the roadside, an ice and snow road appeared in front of them.

Thorne took a breath of air: This sea god actually has the priesthood of ice and snow!

Moreover, I don’t care about letting that ice girl know at all!

This guy Hill and the Furious camp will probably fight to the death.

He showed the most sincere smile and made a respectful knight salute to Poseidon Temple: "Thank you Goddess Aglaia for your help."

His members quickly jumped out of the car and saluted with him.

A breeze blew by, and a little bit of sacred water was sprinkled on them. The paladins who had been walking for two days suddenly felt their physical strength recover.

Thorne smiled and led his men to the selected location and began to unload the goods and fill the soil.

He didn't expect that Hill really didn't care about this matter at all.

A normal lord, if he encounters a designated place to build a temple like this, he will first investigate whether there is anything worthy of attention.

Thorne sighed and took out a legendary scroll of turning mud into stone. He thought he could save it!

To be honest, as a natural mage with such strong construction ability, if Hill wants to check this place, the easiest way is to help build a large enough foundation.

It's a pity that that person really doesn't want to take care of things, so he can't save anything.

Thorne smiled as he thought about the news he received on the road yesterday: the Harpers will also establish a stronghold here, and the elf priests of Melikai will also come to build a temple.

Hill agreed to all of them, but whether it was a temple or a stronghold, they were only allowed to appear in the swamp.

That's pretty good, Thorn thought happily. The more good camp people come, the better. When the temple is built, if Baal really dares to choose this place to resurrect, he probably won't be able to walk more than one meter away.

It turned gray again.

The Harpers arrived a week later than the Paladins of Tire, and the first snow of winter had already begun to fall. However, as a multi-faith organization, they only planned to build a building of about the same height opposite the hotel.

The big houses have more spellcasters, so this simple construction is quite fast.

Both Tartar and the Harpers almost finished their work before the extreme winter arrived.

The legendary wood elf did not appear, and it is said that it will not come until spring. Aglaia was a little pity, she also wanted to get a closer look at the difference between unicorns and unicorns!

Hill thought she might not be able to come.

He remembered that the thunder and lightning was going to strike for a year, and dragon eggs accompanying the thunder appeared everywhere. She didn't have the time to come over and build the temple.

Although it seems like he is scolding himself, this is definitely a second-generation elf who is greedy for enjoyment.

Winter was originally the best opportunity to prepare, but it was given to rangers and warriors who were not afraid of hard work, and even a few bards.

The first batch of dragon eggs brought by the first thunder in early spring are the most powerful and easiest for humans to obtain.

Others, do you really think that the dragon, the former lord of the world, was given for nothing?

Only this first group is the easiest for humans to intervene.

Bahamut could only know from the prophecy that the dragon egg would appear, but he had no idea how it would appear. Because he was worried about the safety of the dragon egg, he notified these gods who had a friendly relationship.

Once we know how dragon eggs appear in the world, how many humans or elves can fly faster than these dragons?

There are many things. If you don't get the first sip of soup, you will have to watch others drink it from now on.

Unless you are the kind of lucky person, a thunder can strike directly in front of you while walking on the road.

Wait, Hill was stunned for a moment. He quickly walked back to his room and solemnly found his fortune-telling magic weapon: an exquisite small box containing twelve dice.

After tossing ten times in a row, Hill breathed a sigh of relief when he found that most of the numbers were not sixes like in Trahill. Although the numbers were relatively large, at least they were not twelve sixes.

It seems that Trasil has a special bonus.

"Sir." Liszt appeared behind him, "There have been more and more guests staying in the hotel recently. Although it is said to be a place where you can survive the cold winter, it seems there are some problems."

"What? Are they coming for us?" Hill asked disapprovingly. Tyr's Paladins and Harpers should have attracted most of the attention, right?

"Mr. Terry said that some of them are planning to wait and see the war we have here in the spring. Another part of us thinks that we may have a war in the winter.

Miss Aglaia used ice and snow magic some time ago, and her abilities were very strong.

The last part, probably to keep an eye on the Temple of Tyr and the Harpers."

"Oluel won't come, at least he won't be the first." Hill touched the Ring of Winter on his hand.

Although this great goblin goddess is also very cruel, she can handle things much better than Umberli. It can be seen from the fact that the girls in the North just risk their lives to believe in her just to be able to make money as messengers, and she accepts it without caring.


She would not use her own life to help Talos weaken Hill's power.

This chapter has been completed!
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