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Chapter Five Hundred and Twelve Another Visitor from Terry's House

 Hill flew directly to Terry's dragon lair.

Although the building's triangular point was already quite capable of attracting thunder, he still wanted to add some extra flair.

It is best if all the thunder in the territory can be attracted. What his territory needs now is stability.

Of course, it would be better if we could also attract the thunder from the south.

He took the assembled 'lightning pole' and installed it on the top of the triangular roof. The material used was an alloy of metals that are most likely to attract lightning mixed with thunder crystal powder.

When building this metal building, Hill had already set up a grounding device for the down-conductor box, but he didn't expect it would be so useful under special circumstances like this year.

Unless it is the kind of endless thunder, otherwise, basically all the thunder near the swamp will be attracted by this highest peak.

But as a miracle caused by the nine-faced dragon god Io, there will only be more such super thunder and lightning days this year.

Hill didn't want a battle between egg hunters and dragons to appear in his territory. For Terry, it would be a pain if such a thing happened.

Even if the five-color dragon comes, it will be the same.

Hill couldn't understand at all what those people were thinking, why they thought the golden dragon would not protect the eggs of the five-color dragon, and were even willing to watch them be sold.

Do humans still think it’s normal just because the children being sold by other races are from other races?

Even a heinous person might show mercy because of a cub, let alone someone who is inherently kind.

Hill looked at the long metal poles he had assembled on the triangular roof, and then at the tall man who appeared behind him.

"Mr. Hill, it's our first time meeting you. Hello!

I am Terry's father, Diszedroden Silverwing.

I've always wanted to meet you, but it's a pity that Terry thinks I'm invisible." The handsome man wearing metal armor and dressed as a swordsman said with a smile, "He actually has fun every day, but it's a pity that I can only stay here.

Help him tidy up his room here."

Hill had always known that there was a dragon staying in Terry's house, but he didn't expect that Silver Wing would come in person.

"Hello, Mr. Silver Wing, I have long admired my name. If it is you, of course you can move freely in the territory." Hill laughed, "Terry is probably worried..."

"I'm worried that I will find out how much money he can make in a day!" Yinlong's stern face showed a sneer with a bit of disdain, "If you can make me tempted, Terry will probably have to save hundreds of years of money from selling wine."

Hill would not be serious with the dragon in this regard, and did not want to say a word. After all, the tone of Silver Wing's biological father said that if Terry really saved money, he would not be unmoved.

"Mr. Hill, I think you also know the reason why I ran out." Silver Wing quickly got down to business, "Terry informed me and his mother that his house was very attractive to Thunder and he got several dragon eggs at one time.

So Vera and I both came to visit.

It must be the spire made of pure metal that attracted Thunder, right?

Vera has informed our kindred that we are going to put a metal spire on our lair.

Here in the Swamp of the Dead, even in an ordinary year, there are actually quite a lot of thunders.

It happens to be between Neverwinter and Waterdeep.

If so many dragon eggs appear next time, Terry won't be able to save them.

You can't leave the responsibility of guarding the dragon eggs to Mr. Hill, it would also be a shame for the dragon."

Hill found that although Silver Wings was smiling, his expression was full of seriousness.

The giant dragons have probably finally woken up from their initial invincibility. They finally understand why the Platinum Dragon God went to find some gods from the justice camp to compromise.

Although it is true that some newborn dragons will become the future mounts of those paladins, at least the metal dragon's babies are still safe.

No matter how greedy humans are, at least the eggs of metal dragons will not appear in the auction house. This is a provocation to the good gods of the pantheon who have issued oracles to protect the descendants of the alliance.

No matter what the temple is, no one wants to face those fanatics who fight for the dignity of the gods.

Judging from the dragon's lifespan, if the paladin he follows is not powerful enough, he will be free in a few hundred years.

If the strong man you follow can really become a being above a demigod, then what if it takes thousands of years? How many giant dragons are eager to do so!

It's better than the five-color dragon.

They can easily cause problems with their own dragon eggs, let alone protect them from falling from the sky.

Even if it feels shameful, it's because the five-color dragon here in Waterdeep City has no shame to see anyone.

The five-color dragons in other places will laugh at them.

After all, except for the powerful Lord of the Black Staff in Waterdeep City, there would be no such strong man in other places who would not give face to the dragon.

Auctioning it privately is another matter.

Just like the blue dragon and the green dragon who had no choice but to leave quietly at the beginning, they were both ancient dragons, but didn't they also have to watch helplessly?

I don't even have the courage to take action.

The black rod can really kill them.

Metal dragons can work together and sacrifice their lives to protect their offspring, but it is basically impossible to do this to protect the eggs of five-color dragons.

Therefore, Silver Moon Dragon Queen could only take a peek secretly.

There are too many lunatics in the world of Toril.

People who are reasonable tend to suffer losses easily.

Of course, if you are strong enough and knock the other person down first and then reason with him, then there will be no problem.

Hill could feel the suppressed anger in Yinyi's heart.

In fact, he is really one of the dragons that is most friendly to humans. Valamalandis asked him to stay here in Hill, probably to prevent him from taking the same path of the silver dragon who despaired of friendship with humans.

There was a strange prophecy very early on, saying that the "Mercy Dragon" of the North would eventually bring him bad luck because of his selfless loyalty to his Dragon Queen and the friendship he forged with humans in the North.


Of course, this is what Elminster said.

But after hearing the prophecy, Silver Wing felt that it was a proud fate to perish for fighting evil and defending his most precious existence.

But he probably didn't expect that before that, he needed to examine his friendship with his human friends.

Hill smiled at this powerful silver dragon: "Mr. Silver Wings."

"Actually, I am also Terry." Silver Wing interjected, "It's a pity that this name was given to that silly kid. When he grows up and discovers his real name, this name can still be used by his son."

Hill was silent for a second. He couldn't call him Silver Wing Old Terry, could he? He didn't want friendship to turn into enemy.

"So, Silver Wing." It seems that the silver dragon doesn't like others to call him sir, "This is what I learned from some outsiders in the original world. At first, they had some disharmony with a thunder god, so they specially made

Come out to avoid lightning."

"Avoid... lightning?" Yinyi was confused for a moment, then suddenly realized, and soon understood why lightning protection became lightning triggering.

"I have also found a more suitable material. Although it is a bit more expensive, it can at least prevent any trouble in my territory. If it is too troublesome, pure steel is also very useful.

If you like, you can make it yourself, the structure is actually very simple." Hill explained.

This thing is easy to learn, but it depends on who is willing to give up the materials and who is not.

But even if it is composed of pure iron rods, it is enough for these giant dragons if the space is not too big.

Silver Wing's eyes were shining.

He apologized to Hill and jumped up to the roof to observe the long metal pole.

Hill could tell this from Terry's daily behavior. If the dragons were allowed to chase Thunder every day, they would probably go crazy in a few months.

Hill said hello to Yinyi, whose face was almost pressed against the 'catching rod', and told him not to step on the roof when Thunder was lured down, and then went home.

The structure of the lightning rod is very simple. Silver Wing is also a master of making magic items. It is easy to understand and does not require Hill to explain.

What he is paying attention to now is the mages who have flown in from Neverwinter City.

Mages of various levels kept coming to Neverwinter City, but not even a caravan showed up in Waterdeep City.

News travels so fast!

Hill stood on the terrace and looked at the harpist's station.

This group of guys is truly the most responsive group in the North. They spread the word very quickly.

Of course they could see who Hill's target was, so they simply informed the mages of Neverwinter City first.

When Blackstaff Kel wanted to break away from the Harpers and threw dirty water on the leaders of the Harpers, saying that they were even more unfair, he probably didn't expect that one day he would suffer such revenge, right?

Indeed, everyone has to look at the face of the goddess of magic, the face of the past struggle together, and even the face of Alustriel. I won’t care about you Kelben.

But if it’s just a few words to cause you some trouble, who wouldn’t be tempted?

Before Kelben left, these Harper scouts, who were mainly bards and rangers, had always hidden their identities. They were originally one of the most outstanding espionage organizations in Toril.

It wasn't until the Archmage established his own 'Moon Star' organization, and even cooperated with Ben's church, that these Harpers who had exposed their identities became half an organization on the surface.

Especially many master harpists, all they learned was to gather news, but now they can only use their old skills to make newspapers.

Sometimes, Hill could understand why the current Mystra was so unlucky in the end.

Even a black rod was enough to make her betray her relatives.

The other gods of the Harper Alliance were also a little dissatisfied with her because of this ambitious mage lord.

But she didn't feel it at all.

It seems that as long as he is still in the good camp, he will not be considered as the mastermind behind all the actions of the Black Stick.

Hill thought her innocence was terrifying.

The children of Black Rod and Laila are naturally her followers, but they are considered to be the future Lords of the North. Who would think that she is really that innocent?

Of course, only when she really died did everyone realize that this person was really stupid.

This chapter has been completed!
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