Chapter 529 The heroes who entered the underwater temple

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 The paladins of Tire were actually feeling a little uncomfortable. They could only watch helplessly, waiting for the final result, which made them very uncomfortable.

After all, they knew that Barr's remnant soul was still there, but they could only watch these young people go to the bottom of the sea to hunt for treasure. Not only did they want to send some fresh soul power to Barr to devour, but it was more likely that their Silver Shield Paladins would soon

There may also be a huge price to pay.

Captain Thorn put his left hand on the giant shield in front of him and his right hand on the long sword, feeling depressed.

What makes them even more uncomfortable is that they can only watch these young people die, and it is very likely that even their own members will die.

But Tyr told him that if it hadn't been for the fact that they, the Knights of Justice, were in this town and the mage Hill was an outsider, there would have been no such trouble.

They were originally here to help their benefactor gain a foothold in Toril, but now they have become a source of trouble.

Even though Tyr repeatedly said he would compensate Hill, and even if Hill didn't know the reason, Thorne felt very embarrassed.

And in today's incident, anyone with a little bit of intelligence can see that the unlucky destiny slate has begun to act like a monster again.

The performance of the Knights of Justice today is a bit too different from their usual character. Normally, the Paladins of Tire would just overturn these demented young men, tie them up, and send them home.

Especially the gloomy-looking warrior inside.

His unwillingness proved that he was just a tool who had no choice but to follow.

Thorne looked around, asking the more experienced knights to keep an eye on the newbies and to be vigilant at all times.

This can really kill you!

When they start the game, even if half of them die, the rest can still gain a large amount of property.

In the end, the Silver Knights had to finish it off and even pay a huge price. Why is it so unpleasant?

However, the Knights of Justice are born to fight evil, and even the dead cannot seek compensation from those guys!

Tsk! Fortunately, these guys all have hometowns.

Thorne raised his chin high, thinking about how to protest with the leaders of these cities.

Hill looked at the Paladins with some sympathy and allowed the Son of Baal to enter the temple he was guarding. No wonder the Silver Shield, from the captain to the members, all put down the masks on their helmets, leaving only a pair of unknown meanings.

Keep your eyes on the group of future heroes.

I don’t know how many of them will come out of the temple alive.

Tyr must have given them a very clear oracle, otherwise the Silver Shield would never have waited for the outcome so quietly.

Therefore, each of Toril's heroic epic stories has a strange flavor.

Even if these gods cannot interfere much due to the power of AO and the Stone of Destiny, they will still inform their followers who are closer to them.

No god wants his subordinates to return to the Kingdom of God for such inexplicable reasons, as they may die for some extremely stupid reasons.

The gods of Toril have always been selfish, and now most of them behave very responsibly. This is because they are really afraid that AO will have another turbulent year, and no one wants to become the next unlucky guy.

The same goes for evil gods.

Hill thought calmly, no wonder all the trouble happened next year.

This year everyone is waiting for this big show to be over!

Hill didn't know that Tire had already taken the blame for it. For some reason, Tier thought that it was because of his meddlesomeness that the town of Aglaia was put on the stone of destiny.

Maybe it's because Ciel acted so silent? He looked like he was immersed in magic and had nothing to do with it.

But Hill actually knows how many things have changed because of him.

If Hill had not come to Toril, the Swamp of the Dead should be the territory of the black dragon brothers. The black dragon has always easily controlled the swamp and the undead. Baal's ruined soul would not dare to fight these two dragons, and he must have run away long ago.

The metal dragons in the North will not be as leisurely as they are now, and the Silver Moon Dragon Queen who lost her child will not be as peaceful as she is now, and she is still willing to find dragon eggs and send them to Bahamut.

Although it doesn't look like it, in the Sword Coast, the Silver Moon Dragon Queen is the only dragon force that can speak out. The other dragons, no matter how powerful they are, only have influence, but no authority.

It was Hill's participation that turned the Sword Coast, which should have been more chaotic, into the harmonious one it is now.

However, according to the calculations of the Tablet of Destiny, the entire Faerûn will be in chaos within these ten years.

Hill glanced diagonally upward. A golden peacock with a strange big flower on its head was leaning against the attic window, and its two golden eyes were staring at those people intently.

Lansendre seems to pay special attention to these people. Is there any plot behind him?

No, it should be said that he needs to do some auxiliary work in the middle. When a hero who is panicking escapes to his temple, he can show the existence of the Lord of the Dawn and save his life?

Hill was silent. Was Lansander planning to remember the faces of these people so that he would not recognize the wrong person when he showed up?

Hill looked at the water that had calmed down, and turned to look at Aglaia, who had fallen beside him. She had been hiding in her room admiring Suellen's gift, and now she finally ran out.

For Aglaia, these strange underwater patterns are not interesting. They are valuable only when they are underwater.

Aglaia showed a bright smile to Hill. It had been a long time since she had watched a good show on the giant screen with Hill's father.

She waved her hand and raised a wall of water, and everything under the sea immediately appeared in front of them. The viewing angle was very good. It seemed that Aglaia had been monitoring the Temple of Baal from all directions.

A chair was left for Ransander, who had already noticed this place, Hill and Aglaia sat on the sofa floating in mid-air.

They can move to any part of the water curtain to watch at any time. After all, Baal can be possessed, so they must watch carefully.

The sun peacock over there actually slipped down: "The people below can't actually see here, right? Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

He finally figured out why Hill and Aglaia entertained him and Suellen in the rooftop garden.

It turns out that no one outside can see anything that happens here.

Then why has he been hiding and sleeping these days?

Lansendre paced angrily.

"Yes, the fog will obscure all sights looking here." Hill replied softly, "It's just the eyes of the gods that can penetrate the fog.

I thought you were trying to avoid the sight of some god."

To put it bluntly, Hill's strength is not as high as theirs, and he can't stop him even if he wants to.

If it is a weak divine power like Amberli and Maura, most of the weak divine powers, and even some medium divine powers, actually cannot see through the reality of Hill.

But as long as he can find anyone here, Hill can't afford to offend him, and he must be at least 10 levels higher than him.

So Su Lun can also be called a medium divine power?

Her current power has actually returned to the top of medium divine power, and the silver spark ring she casually gave to Aglaia has reached the level of a secondary artifact.

Hill had no intention of asking about the efficacy of Aglaia's headband. It was a small gift exchanged by girls, and smart parents should know to let them keep that little joy to themselves.

However, the simplest and most direct special effect of Su Lun's silver fire is to save lives.

No matter how injured he is, as long as the silver fire is there, Aglaia can be saved.

Just like Selun himself, if he wanted to kill Mystra, the goddess of magic, AO might not be able to do it.

As long as the silver moon over Toril lasts forever, she will not be killed directly.

With Shar's strength, she can only weaken her by killing Suellen's clone, but only Shar can do that. She can restrain the vitality of the silver fire to a little extent.

The clone's divine power is insufficient, so there is a natural possibility of destruction.

But if it were Su Lun herself, she could drag most of the enemies to death, but she would only be seriously injured.

It's just that Su Lun doesn't like fighting and likes to avoid things.

Otherwise, she would be really troublesome, and her abundant curiosity would be enough to ruin the plans of many conspirators.

Although Baal's temple is underwater, it is an independent space separated by a magic circle. In the upside-down bowl-shaped defensive array, except for the puddles at the feet of the adventurers, the rest of the place is dry.

Those young people have already fallen into the magic circle.

The son of Baal, the tool man, is indeed very useful, and the magic circle will be opened for them as soon as they pass by.

Hill watched speechlessly as the group of people arranged their clothes carelessly, completely unprepared.

There is indeed no one around, but there are ghosts!

Did they all drink the holy water in the Aglaia Temple? I don’t know how many days I’ve been carrying it with me!

"Ah! Didn't they bring holy water?" Aglaia suddenly exclaimed softly.

Someone has been possessed by a ghost.

If you drank the holy water in the Aglaia Temple before going into the water, you would never be so fast.

It was a man dressed as a ranger. A priest next to him seemed to have noticed something was wrong. He swam to him with a stern expression, took out a small bottle from the leather bag on his waist, grabbed the ranger's throat with force, and pointed it at the

The mouth that couldn't reach it poured the water in.

"Morrison! Are you crazy?" the priest yelled, "Why don't you save the holy water? If I hadn't seen it, were you going to leave the holy water for the ghosts to play with?"

"Occupational disease! Occupational disease!" Morrison replied with a playful smile, "Erian, thank you for helping me!"

"If this territory only allowed the good camp to stay, I would never have brought a miser like you out with me." The little princess of Neverwinter City came over, "You can get a bottle of this holy water every day! 15

It will lose its effect after a few days, so why are you keeping it and not using it?

If you cause problems again just to save money, I will never let Erin save you next time."

"Of course, great Aribes, you have the final say." Morrison bowed and saluted.

People in other cities just looked at it with smiles and had no intention of interrupting. It seemed that they were not very familiar with it.

This chapter has been completed!
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