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Chapter 569 It really exposed too much Hill

 Hill laughed softly and waved his hand to disperse the illusion on his cloud house.

He almost forgot how restrictive the gods in this world were.

As the goddess of war, the Red Knight will of course be more keen on strategy, planning, and tactics during her priesthood.

She actually showed it very clearly. Although she was standing behind a few strong and tall barbarians with a big sword on her back, the red armor was enough to prove her identity.

Although she is good at using strategies, she still has no intention of completely hiding her existence in front of other gods.

Unfortunately, Vol'jin only focused on the thinner adventurer.

Hill's cloud house had appeared, and she was still looking at the path to the north over and over again.

It wasn't until Amberli in the sea couldn't bear it and threw a shell on her head that she looked up and saw Hill, who had been sitting on the bow of the boat for a long time and smiled with his head down.

"As expected, you are here! Corellon's lackey!" Vol'jin pinched his waist and shouted, "What? Are you afraid knowing that my followers have discovered your traces? I knew you would definitely run away!"

Hill was stunned for a few seconds before asking softly: "Did Sirik show you the Book of Sirik?"

The red knight couldn't hold it back and laughed crazily.

Umberlee surfaced and shouted: "Take your other half back! Vol'jin!"

Hill suddenly realized that no wonder Woking acted so stupidly. It seemed that she thought Hill might continue to travel to the north, so she put her greatest strength there.

With Vol'jin's ability, he can probably only control one incarnation, so after splitting it into two parts, did he put the one with the higher IQ in the north?

When Hill talked to the grocery store owner, his words were a bit ambiguous, but he just didn't like anyone judging his whereabouts.

But it looked like Woking really wanted to cause trouble for him! He actually blocked him from both ends.

Hill didn't do anything, he just changed his posture leisurely, smiled at the red knight below and asked: "Dear Ms. Strategy, I wonder if I am lucky enough to invite you to have a cup of coffee?"

As soon as the golden light on Wojin's body dissipated, he heard these words and looked nervously at the bright armor behind a group of barbarians behind the caravan.

What reassured her was that the Red Knight simply rejected Hill's invitation, but what he said made Wo'jin very angry: "Ah! No need for now, I just came to see Wo'jin's fate.

Of course, if you haven't beaten the three of them together, I might have to take over.

I will never forget the hatred of Ferenriel.

Some time ago, Tempus and I's main targets were the five-color Dragon Queen and Bane, so we let go of this loser Wo'jin.

I didn't expect that she would dare to cause trouble in the North. Do you really think that the barbarians would know nothing?

The day after her idiot followers arrived in Icewind Dale, the news spread back to the barbarian kingdom.

It's just that Tempus is currently catching Bane and doesn't bother to pay attention to her.

How dare you use your clone to come to Icewind Valley, haha~"

Her laugh was hoarse, her long black braids fell behind her red armor, and her star-colored gem-like eyes were sparkling.

Wo'jin let out a low curse. She was cursing the priests behind her and Embry. No one noticed that the Red Knight was here!

Her golden eyes were flashing with anger, and with the Red Knight here, the news of how embarrassing she was this time would spread throughout Toril.

But she didn't say anything to the Red Knight, instead she vented her anger on Hill.

Seeing the cloud of coins rushing towards him, Hill smiled.

The current Red Knight has just been promoted from a demigod to a weak divine power. Wojin doesn't dare to attack her, but he dares to attack Hill. It's a bit too contemptuous!

He raised his hand, and twelve tornadoes appeared instantly, blocking the cloud made of gold coins amid the exclamations below.

"If it's just an attack of this level, I really can't understand whether the goddess Wo'jin really hates me." Hill said leisurely, "This is not as good as Embry."

Hill heard the laughter coming from the sea.

Embry is still in the mood to gloat. Is she still proud of being a weak standard unit?

Embry's IQ is always so pitiable.

This alliance... Hill thought about it for a moment, was it created by Bane?

Since the Red Knight said that Tempus is chasing Bane, Bane, who has always wanted to expand his influence in the Northland, must have a headache.

Is this hoping to use these guys to attract the attention of Tempus?

Who knew that only the Red Knight came, not even the War Guard.

Tempus, who never likes to deal with other gods in Faerûn, and who stands in a neutral position most of the time and likes to work with both sides, would pursue Bane so resolutely. It seems that Faerunriel's affairs

It really pissed him off.

Wo'jin screamed angrily, took out her rarely used nunchucks, and rushed into the sky. She really didn't expect that Hill stopped her artifact Coin without even using the Ring of Winter.


She probably doesn't understand what it means to see things in a new light three days later.

Not to mention how many new things Hill has learned since arriving in Toril, and how high the level of the part-time nature mage is, even the magic book hanging on Hill's wrist has a bonus to wind magic!

The tornado used by Hill now is three times as powerful as it was in Faerenriel.

Hill looked at the golden gift bag rushing towards him and couldn't help but curl his lips. Did Woking think that he was a mage, so he wanted to fight in close combat?

The silver ball of light surrounding his body flew out and hit Wojin directly on the head.

Hill pressed his fingers and decided not to expose his strength for the time being.

The small fan on his right hand quickly enlarged, and the twelve long swords quickly stabbed Wojin.

Hill has always felt that since Vol'jin walked around the Abyss, her luck has been eaten away by Graz'zt.

The twelve long swords were all equipped with special effects, and they struck the Goddess of Wealth with lightning and thunder.

Wo'jin resisted those long swords with difficulty, and thunder-type attacks had always done great damage to her. She was so angry that she shouted: "Embry! What's the use of you?"

The clone was destroyed in his hands, and you can't even fully explain what he is capable of!

If you don’t take action yet, are you waiting for me to die first?”

"Don't I think that the owner of wealth with weak divine power doesn't need the humble Amboli to take action?" Amboli explained in her hoarse voice as if the wind was leaking as the waves rose into the sky.

Hill moved his left hand, and the golden Ring of Winter flashed with silver light, directly blocking all Amboli's attack routes.

He had a feeling that these guys just wanted to force him to take out the Ring of Winter.

Hill thought a little sadly, it seemed that Maura was really here, and she probably was carrying a sub-artifact-level demon-breaking dagger in her claws.

He wasn't afraid of this, but Ma La in human form was notoriously ugly, and Hill didn't want to look at it.

As the Ring of Winter took off, the tornado summoned by Hill turned into an ice storm. The snow and wind in the sky made all the onlookers unable to help but evacuate further away.

The only ones who can still stand are the goddess of strategy and her big red horse that has spread its wings. The red knight has taken off the heavy sword behind him and is waiting for the outcome.

Although she didn't take action, Wojin was obviously affected, and she didn't dare to fight Hill at all.

Probably because he was worried that he wouldn't have enough strength to escape later.

Hill smiled coldly, and the Ring of Winter continued to shine. Countless ice and snow puppets appeared in mid-air, and Wo Jin, who was resisting the twelve long swords that kept flying, and Amberli, who was frozen in the sea,

Surrounded together.

The temperature is dropping rapidly, and the extreme winter has arrived in advance within a kilometer radius centered on Yunwu.

All the abilities of the Ring of Winter, except for the Waterfall Sea, have been used, and a blue and transparent cloak has appeared on Hill's body.

As a figure as fast as lightning rushed directly towards Hill, Wojin laughed wildly.

Even when the guy rushed directly into the protective barrier of the cloud house, Hill was still a little leisurely, paying attention to Embry who took a moment to laugh.

There is also the red knight who has urged his mount to spread its wings and fly.

It seems that her most important mission here is to prevent Hill from being killed in the God of Battle's territory.

Tempus is indeed eternally neutral. Both good and evil can fight at will, as long as they don't drag him into the water.

It has nothing to do with him chasing Bane and other people or things, it's just that they have a grudge.

Hill smiled and opened the crystal fan in his hand, and suddenly slapped the paw holding the dagger: "You are moving too slowly! Maura, you are worse than a gray dwarf."

The dagger fell directly to the ground and was swept into the cloud house by a vine with keen reaction.

Maura no longer cared about the dagger. He screamed miserably: "Ouch! It hurts!" His claws were broken.

The Ring of Mythryn on Hill's right hand shone with a strange light, and the ugly humanoid creature that fell to the ground holding its hands and wailing suddenly burst into flames.

Hill raised his right hand and took a look. These protoss are really interesting! Did they even follow the curse on the God of Hunting?

It's just that they seemed to have failed to control the extent of the curse. The damage was much greater than that of Mythryn himself.

Wojin screamed, and her belt quickly flew up into the air and exploded, setting up a shield between the long swords. Hers was enlarged to a cloud of gold coins hundreds of meters under the attack of the ice storm.

It also directly exploded into countless gold coins.

No wonder this is Wojin's most powerful artifact. Hill watched the gold coins shining with the power of faith split the ice storm into countless small whirlwinds. He walked over and picked up the demon-breaking dagger on the ground.

Maura, who was trying to escape, had already been rolled up by the demigod vines.

Hill thought about it and stepped on it hard as he passed by. The monkey-like creature's big antlers suddenly appeared on its head and tried to cut off the vines surrounding him, but they were broken off immediately.

Not to mention Ambori, who was still struggling in the ice, Wo Jin, who summoned the dimensional gate and wanted to rush in, was directly kicked into the sky by two horse hooves.

This chapter has been completed!
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