Chapter five hundred and eighty-ninth the powerful Admiral Gar

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 Hill is not very concerned about the grudges and grudges in the House of Shade Tree. After all, even if the queen is angry that Oberon has left her sphere of influence, she does not dare to spread her resentment to Hill.

She is indeed very powerful, but this power only lies in the Royal Court of Joy. Once she leaves the throne of the Queen of the Fairy Realm, her power is only about the same as that of Vol'jin.

Just like the Queen of Sky and Darkness in the Court of Wrath, the artifacts she and Rose created together caused more damage than she herself.

The Court of Wrath is indeed more terrifying, but as long as they do not enter her sphere of influence, this queen cannot cause any harm to ordinary people.

In fact, the story of Alice in Wonderland can show the abilities of these fairies. Even little girls, as long as they can escape, they will not be able to stretch out their hands at all.

The goblins will all follow the gods and move away from Toril, originally because they are too weak.

Even without Oberon and the unicorn and Pegasus god, the goblins staying in the outer courtyard might be hurt by the large creatures that intruded.

It can be seen from Hill's indulgence of the little fairies that he never worries that he will not be able to solve the troubles caused by these little fairies.

Hill was more concerned about another thing. He couldn't help but ask Vera: "Does Oberon hope that the Royal Court of Joy can have your official status as a god?

Was it rejected?

As the queen's youngest daughter, you do have this status, and you also have your own people, why not?"

Oberon did often have conflicts with Queen Titania in the past, but even though Vera had fallen in their minds, he did not make such a move to completely move out of the House of Shade.

Although this royal husband is gloomy and silent, he is still very serious and responsible in nature. As the patron saint of goblins, he patrols and defends the forest in the inner and outer courtyards for almost all his life.

Hill felt that the reason why he was so angry suddenly was probably because of Vera's status as a god.

He is so responsible for his people, and he pays even more attention to his own children.

"Although my mother loves my father very much, it doesn't change that she has other little fairies that she loves. Moreover, those fairies are very good-looking, and they obey her words and flatter her in every possible way.

On the contrary, my father, after she officially became the queen, not only didn't like to pay attention to her, but occasionally fell in love with other beautiful fairies.

My brothers and sisters and I actually think there is nothing wrong with my father, but my mother is very unhappy.

I have a very strong regard for my father.

This time, she also hopes to use me to restrain my father, hoping that he will completely move back to live in the inner palace instead of staying in the forest all year round.

I don’t care about that! To put it bluntly, she has already given some of her divine positions to her favorites, and is not willing to give me those important divine positions in her body!

I don’t need those priests who give me money! I have my little flower fairy.

It's just that the number of little flower fairies has not increased much in the past thousand years because I am not in the royal court. It still takes time to cultivate them slowly.

That doesn't matter, the gardens and forests here in Hill are enough for me.

I am already a demigod. Time is never a problem. Although I am impatient, I am not in a hurry either!

I told all the goblins who asked me that I was only going back for temporary refuge this time.

This is the power of every goblin. Even if she is a queen, she cannot refuse me to stay in the outer court with my followers. And with my status, I can also enter the inner court at any time, but I just want to protect the flower fairies who follow me!

But she seemed to think that I had fled back and could only rely on her to live a better life.

My mother has become really scary since she became the queen!

Why would you use your once-sorry daughter to threaten your husband?

Fortunately, I still had a place to go back to, and my father left with me in a fit of anger.

My brothers and sisters have officially become gods and do not live in the royal court, so my mother cannot control them."

When Hill heard the words 'I was sorry', he understood that Queen Titania, who left Toril with the Royal Court of Joy, had indeed never looked for Vera.

Only in this way, no one can blame her when she gives up the little goblins who did not return to the fairy forest in time. As a queen, she even gave up her own children!

Just like when she was sent to the Fairy Court with the dark gem full of evil power, she suddenly went out to be a guest before she became the Lord of the Happy Court.

Her sister finally accepted the gift on her behalf and couldn't help but love the huge gem.

Then she became the Queen of Sky and Darkness in the Court of Wrath.

There has always been a rumor that the Fairy Queen left on purpose so that her sister, the only one who could compete with her for the throne, would naturally be eliminated.

So she often pretended not to know about the harm done to the goblins by the Queen of Sky and Darkness, because she did not expect that although her sister had fallen, she had directly become the Lord of the Wrath Court with the same power as herself.

The consequences of being indebted to a god are completely different from being indebted to a fallen relative. Titania did not dare to fight her sister directly.

Although her methods are a bit cruel, Hill also knows one thing. The Fairy Queen's competition is originally at the expense of all losers. She is fighting not only for power, but also for her own life.

However, it is quite normal for a queen who ascends to the throne in this way to not have much affection for her children.

Hill smiled and let Vera play by herself.

As soon as the ash tree appeared, many little flower fairies couldn't help but want to sing, dance, party and have fun inside. It was the safest and most reliable existence in their innate memories.

Hill watched Vera flapping her wings happily and holding hands with other little flower fairies around a huge ash tree, stepping on the air with her little feet, and dancing together with a strange rhythm in the air. She couldn't help but smile, and then

He sighed again. The two news he received on the same day actually made him feel a little emotional.

Also a mother of the Chaos camp, Queen Amratnu of Evergather Island gave up her path to becoming a god for the sake of her children, while Queen Titania of the Happy Court made the opposite decision.

Then, the children of the Elf Queen would protect their mother at all costs, but the three children of the Little Elf Queen only liked their father.

Vera didn't care at all that she couldn't become a real god. For her, the lifespan of a demigod was also permanent. It was more comfortable to be attached to Hill than to stay in the royal court, so she didn't care about her mother's attitude at all.

But he is willing to share his territory with Oberon.

Sometimes, the lack of heart that is characteristic of the Chaos camp is actually quite good, like Vera who has left Shade House behind.

She is really happy every day, but there is one more thing in the morning: flying to the ash forest to say hello to her dear father.

For Hill, Oberon's appearance made no sense.

Apart from raising a lot of elk in the yard and gnawing a lot of lawns, this master of beasts spends most of his time quietly in his ash forest admiring the scenery.

He also seemed to be a little interested in the human world below, and kept sitting on the branches looking down, but his curiosity seemed to be satisfied by just looking at it, and he had no urge to go out at all.

Even if many little flower fairies and brown elves have appeared in the small forest below the floating castle.

Since most of the people moved into Aglaia City, Hill turned the shopping street and the entire area except the large residential area that was intended to be a shelter into a forest garden.

Even for little goblins, this place is safe enough.

Those humans and elves, even if they saw them flying in the air, could not do anything except shouting.

Of course, he is not a guy who is greedy for profit, but the secret lock has firmly protected the safety of every little goblin, and no one who dared to take action has appeared again.

Whether it is the city of Aglaia or the port town here in Hill, the same magic circle as the underground of the central city of Trahill is actually arranged below the city, such as the treatment methods for sewage and garbage.

That kind of high-temperature cutting array, which is comparable to the most powerful volcanic furnace, can handle all small troubles. It doesn't even need Hill to take action himself. Liszt and Martha can solve it.

Hill felt that it was time for him to consider the issue of demiplanes.

It was obvious to the Valar that they planned to drag their entire family with him, even if he left Toril.

Hill flipped through the things in his hands. He needed to make a star map that could record the road by himself. To find the demiplane, it would be easier on Toril, after all, there were broken stars everywhere.

The formation of demiplanes is generally the result of the shattering of these stars and the encounter with the laws of space, but other universes are generally formed naturally and are very small inside.

Although Hill can also use a large number of space crystals in it, he still hopes to get the bigger the better.

Therefore, Toril, whose gods are constantly fighting in the star realm, is really the most suitable. Although there are many competitors here, Hill is not afraid of being robbed. Secondly, what he worries about is just not having it, not finding it himself.

Less than.

Moreover, although the demiplane is very precious, it is not a good thing in the calculation of Toril's laws, because if the mages had not spent a lot of expensive materials to repair the damaged demiplane, these broken star spaces would also

Gradually turned into ashes as time passed.

In the calculation of the laws of the universe, demiplanes can only be regarded as high-grade materials, rather than precious artifacts that cannot be discarded.

While Hill was immersed in the calculations of various star maps, he ushered in an elf fleet with more than a hundred ships.

He was a little surprised this time. He had seen some introductions to the elf navy. There were probably only 200 ships in total, and the admiral with the little prince actually brought out more than half of them!

And the top ones are probably all here. He seems to understand why his dear friend Lin En is so capable!

Sure enough, no matter which camp there are powerful characters.

This chapter has been completed!
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