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Chapter 612: The Undead Priest Who Learned Resurrection

 The temple guards watched inexplicably as these strange elves rushed from the other side of the battlefield to the invisible army of demons in front of the Gate of Hell. They raised their hands stiffly in the air, not knowing how to greet them.

Fortunately, the people of the Knights of Justice still know what these undead are about, and the colleagues of the Silver Shield told them many novel experiences when they returned from Ferenriel.

Although they were very grateful to the undead for saving their lives, the unspeakable absurdity actually said a lot.

The most critical point is that because the undead cannot die, they have an almost crazy fighting style. The Knights of the Silver Shield are really envious of them, and they often mention them when they are recuperating in Neverwinter City.

For these holy knights who are dedicated to justice, they can fight against demons without any hesitation, without having to consider casualties at all. This is so perfect!

Although the Knights of Justice are never afraid of death, living and killing a few more evil camps is a perfect life.

There is a slight difference between the Knights of Justice and the other clergy of Tire. Most of the paladins who can become one of them are sworn to fight the devil to the end.

Otherwise, the Knights of Justice would not be the organization with the largest number of people at Hell Gate.

With a trace of regret, they popularized common sense about the undead with the people in other temples, completely unaware that many people had completely different concerns than theirs.

Not everyone who is willing to fight the demons to the end does so for justice and revenge, and there are also people who come here to gain merit. Most of the good and even neutral camps in Faerun will look down upon those who come here to fight the demons.

Although there is a sense of offering a reward, smarter rulers understand that it is not that easy to make people sacrifice their lives based only on blood.

The Knights of Justice are indeed very useful, but they also die a lot! The angels of Tyr are the most numerous among all the gods in the entire star world.

Thanks to them, the Gate of Hell cannot be defended at all. Even though many forces dislike the Paladins of Tire, they will never dare to let the Knights of Justice perish.

If something big happens, only these knights of justice will be willing to stay behind and use their lives to leave a glimmer of hope for the mainland.

Therefore, most kingdoms provide this easiest way for professionals in their own country who want to obtain titles and official positions.

As long as you can insist on staying here for two years, your status will be higher than those of people with similar professional levels when you return. There will always be people willing to take risks for such a good thing.

Especially those who think they are smart and capable and definitely know how to keep themselves safe in chaos.

For these people, no matter how many elves from another world there are, they are nothing to worry about, but the word immortality can arouse all their thoughts.

It is not the kind of immortality that turns into an undead spirit. It is a great temptation for people who have reached a certain level of strength but cannot see the way forward and can only start fighting for power and profit!

The Knights of Justice were already preparing to mount their horses. They saw the undead knights summoning their own magic horses.

Although they didn't understand why the undead didn't use real horses but had to summon this kind of magic horse that could only exist for eight hours. In order to save time, they killed some of the leading demons before summoning them, but they always charged after them.

That's right.

Hill, who was rummaging around in the sky, knew why the undead did this. Real horses are so expensive!

Damn William, he actually set that all animals have only one life! And he refused to change it no matter how much he scolded him.

Besides, many knights ride on their animal companions to fight. If something happens to someone accidentally, it will be heartbreaking!

Although their system will take back their animal companions in time when they are seriously injured, there are still times when they can be killed instantly!

Although such unlucky things rarely happen, it is not impossible. The base of the undead is so large that there are dozens of them.

Looking at the unlucky souls who cried bitterly on the forum about losing their companions, many undead people just wanted to hold their beloved animal friends and tremble.

Now the undead know very well that in large-scale battles involving large waves of SS, try not to summon your animal companions to join the battle. Even if you bring them out, you should stay far away from the center of the battlefield, otherwise you may really suffer a critical hit.

For example, in the Battle of the Gods, the unlucky guys were stupid enough to bring their animal companions into the middle of the battlefield, right under the feet of those wave SS who love to make big moves. They really looked for abuse on their own.

Of course, the safest thing is to use those thick-skinned monsters, like black roses. Although they smell bad, they are safe! If it weren't for the fact that the abyss breath can also affect wild boars, they would dare to bring them out even in this kind of regional war.

Hill finally found the oil painting at the bottom of his box at the very back of the pendant warehouse. Since the oil painting was promoted to an artifact, he had very few legendary editions in his hands.

Although the skill level released by the semi-artifact should not reach 30, Hill was still a little worried and planned to try it with the legendary one first.

As soon as Hill took out the oil painting, Oberon floated over lightly and looked at it carefully.

Of course, his artifact oil painting had been put away long ago, otherwise, the goblins might not be able to live there for a day, and they would have to be punished justly for confessing how many pranks they had committed on their companions.

Including the little flower fairies and their leader.

There is no conflict between Vera being a good kid and Vera liking to tell little lies.

"This painting is really suitable to be placed in the Court of Joy." Oberon is a god after all, and he quickly understood the effect of the oil painting. "This is not the original version. Do you have a higher level one? I can share it with you.

Exchange. I have collected a lot of good things over the past ten thousand years."

Hill hesitated for a few seconds, thought about the consequences, and stubbornly refused, although he was also curious.

"Don't worry about the safety of the oil painting! No goblin will find out what went wrong." Oberon said persistently, "I dug many secret rooms in the Joyous Palace. The oil paintings are placed in them, and I guarantee that even if you are sitting on the throne

Even Titania can’t find it.”

Hill sighed and shook his head: "The paintings are of the three powerful gods of Trahill. It is an honor for me that they are willing to bless me because of their love for the oil painting.

But I can’t use their power to do this kind of thing in other worlds, I can only use it to save others and myself.”

Of course, those three people didn't care what Hill did with the oil paintings, and it was fine to deceive people. But Hill was worried that doing so would attract the attention of the Stone of Destiny.

That damn slate of Toril, whenever he thinks of him, Hill's mental state desperately calls the police.

But this is enough to deal with Oberon, who is used to the power and majesty of the god Toril.

Oberon nodded regretfully, glanced at the oil painting reluctantly, and then resolutely turned around and sat back down where he was.

Hill decided to try not to use the artifact oil painting while in Toril. Even if he had to use it, he had to keep it in his own hands and put it back into the pendant at any time.

Just because Lansendre couldn't get the oil painting doesn't mean the goblins couldn't get it. They have too many weird talents.

Hill lowered his head and glanced. Although the undead were very brave, they were only a vanguard force of less than 100,000 people, and they had already begun to suffer casualties.

The demons just didn't realize that the number of resisters would suddenly increase sharply at first. After the group at the front were all killed by the undead, the demons appeared at the Gate of Hell significantly faster, and they were no longer the cannon fodder.

Demons and big demons also jumped out in groups.

Hill tilted his head, flicked his fingers, and the oil painting was hung directly above the battlefield with his magic rope.

"Hill!" The undead quickly discovered where the buff magic appearing on their bodies came from.

After the buff spell on the oil painting was released, Hill activated the scorching light, leaving a positive energy position for the undead.

While the undead were cheering, some priests who had been staying in the middle of the group doing nothing took action.

Hill finally discovered why the undead dared to travel thousands of miles without fear of death in battle. Their high-level priests had learned the resurrection technique. Although it required the use of a golden drop-shaped crystal, it could indeed bring people back to life.

It's just that these priests seem to have to chant for a very long time, and the crystal in their hands must be pressed on the forehead of the corpse to succeed.

Moreover, it seems that at the expense of other abilities, they may only be able to use this spell once a day. After using this spell, they can only be sent to the defensive wall of the temple guard to stay.

It is estimated that apart from these big families, who can support hundreds of such troublesome resurrection priests, no one else would choose this kind of profession that can only make contributions.

But priests who can resurrect are very worthy of respect here in Toril, even if they can only resurrect their own people, they are the priests closest to gods.

Every undead priest who was sent to the defensive position received a very warm reception.

Hill was thinking about the origin of the drop crystal, and kept several other oil paintings in his hand. Fortunately, all the legendary oil paintings were used before Oberon exclaimed, "A devil is coming."

After receiving Hill's instructions, Purvi quickly swung her tail and rushed out of the sky of the Supreme Forest at the fastest speed.

However, what disappointed him was that these demons seemed to have received strict orders and turned back when they reached the edge. Only one of them rushed too fast and was shot directly by Hill's sword.

It seems that the level of these demons is less than level 20.

No wonder Oberon said that this place has become a profound training ground for new recruits.

It is even possible that the Abyss Demon and the gods of Toril have formed a tacit understanding. As long as they do not leave the confines of the forest, neither party will send out more power than the limit.

After all, the Supreme Forest is only the home of the elves. Even if the entire forest cannot be saved, as long as the demons do not enter and wreak havoc on the entire continent, many gods will not care at all.

But this kind of tacit understanding can only be done, not said.

Hill raised his head and glanced in the direction of Aglaia City. Is Corellon waiting for the warlike undead, and he took the initiative to stop in the Supreme Forest?

This chapter has been completed!
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